Media and entertainment industry have various fields involving tv serials ,
films and small segments such as radio ,gaming, internet advertising , music
make significance to Indian media and entertainment sector. Future of Indian
media and entertainment largely depend on growth of Indian economy. Indian
television is the most consistently performing sector of media and entertainment
industry which is 4 times the size of Indian Film industry. The media and
entertainment industry in India is plausible to grow at a compound annual growth
rate 14.3% to touch Rs. 2.26 trillion by the year 2020.
Media law and entertainment law creates challenges for cooperate finance
,intellectual property , publicity, privacy . Practice of law includes
employment laws, labour law, contract law, security law, right to privacy ,
international laws and insurance laws. With the more use of popular media , the
field of media has become very important.
Media and entertainment laws deals with ground realities of Indian industry and
live industry issues , so the strategy of laws includes handling defamation
claims, status, reputation and other sponsorship deals. The major concern of law
is Right to free speech and censorship. Legal issues can arise while creation of
original work of entertainment and while licensing and distribution stage.
One of the most important aspect is Freedom of speech. In India Freedom of
speech substituted with the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression in the
Article 19 of Indian Constitution, presumed that Freedom of press includes
Article 19. Suppressing of press is one of the sensitive issue in any democracy.
But the mass media system of the world varies from each other to economy,
polity, religion and culture of different society.
Societies which followed communism and totalitarianism like former USSR and USA
, there were limitations on the media on what they could speak about the
government and their personal matters. Almost everything said against the
government was censored for the fear of revolutions and fights among people and
protest too. On the other hand countries like USA it has Bourgeois democracy so
everything was allowed. Shifting our view to Indian perspective and
parliamentary democracy gives freedom but there are certain restriction on
reasonable matters.
Acts such as Right to Information act,2005 has been implemented which
extended freedom of media in India, The Press Council Act,1978 was
enacted to establish a press council for preserving the freedom of the press and
maintain the standards of newspaper and news agencies, Press and Registration
Books Act,1867 was an important act which contains rules for registration of
books, declaration by keepers of press and publishers of newspaper , delivery of
books, penalties.
So there are many acts and rights to protect the core foundation of media at
different levels and entertainment at different fields. In 1914 enactment of
Defence India Act added to restrictions imposed on press. The government
publicized Indian Press ordinance 1930 to provide better control to press. In
1931, Indian press (emergency powers) Act was passed . The interim government
appointed the Press laws Enquiry Committee in 1947 with the reports of which the
Act of 1931 was replaced by Press (Objectionable Matters) Act 1951.
Mr. Narendra Modi , has given approval for entering into an Auto-visual
Co-Production Agreement between India republic of Korea and to complete internal
ratification procedure. Cooperation between the film industries of two countries
will not only promote export of Indian films but would also act as a catalyst
towards creating awareness about India and its culture .
Indian media and entertainment is the fastest growing sector in the worlds with
largest output by media. Increasing investments in film industry and production
encouraging regulatory environment, reducing shelf life of movies making
multiplex are some of the growth drivers of media and entertainment industries.
India’s expansion fantasy cannot curtail . Hence in order to maintain peace in
media and entertainment that is to avoid violation of intellectual properties,
copyrights, freedom of speech and expressions etc. various acts have been
enacted in the industries.
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