Humanity's true moral test, its fundamental test…..consists of its
attitude towards those who are at its mercy animals-Milan Kundera
This quote is not implementable after the happening of this cruel act, by some
worst people, or I must say, the devils, even the devils are good enough as
compared to these worse people. I hope the readers are aware of the recent news
about the female elephant, who was carrying a precious gift of the almighty
(baby elephant) in her womb. Since, yesterday the instagram stories, whatsapp
statuses, snapchats are full of these stories, depicting that the unborn baby
elephant is asking his mom that mom, these humans are so good and helpful, that
they are giving us fruits. And the female elephant, despite of knowing
everything, replies her child that yes child, these humans are so caring for us.
And after consuming the pineapple, the innocent creature's mouth bursted and the
innocent creature, suddenly rushed towards the nearest water body. As soon as
the elephant reached the water body, while standing only for just a few seconds;
the almighty called both mother and son to their heaven.
Let me tell you a religious fact, that before the commencement of the KALIYUGA,
the almighty lord SHREE VISHNU told that this Kaliyuga, will be the worst ever
period because during this period, most of the humans will not respect women,
children and animals as well. To this, Lord Shree Narad ji asked the almighty
Lord Shree Vishnu, that Lord! By this no one will be able to live on this earth.
Lord Vishnu smiled and replied that Narad, whosoever will do these heinous
crimes to especially these 3 categories, will have to face all the hurdles and
punishments and has to pay for all these crimes in this age itself.
We all are aware of all the heinous acts being done on the women, children; very
commonly, but from yesterday's saddest news we are all aware that these humans
are not leaving the animals also.
What's Left Then After This? Humanity
is not left now in this India.
Let me tell you one more thing, in our India there are numerous Shreemad
Bhagwatacharyas, but there is a well known Shreemad Bhagwatacharya named DEVI
CHITRALEKHAJI. Deviji, at her younger age, started preaching Shreemad Bhagwat
and she is the founder of GAU SEVA DHAM HOSPITAL, on the national highway of
Hodal, Palwal (Haryana). I promise to all the animal lovers, that if you all
love our Fauna, then you must visit gau seva dham hospital, and I assure you all
that after seeing the conditions of the cows and other animals there, you all
will realize that how much pain, these creatures are suffering.
It is my humble request to all the readers that we all must come forward to
punish the offenders and I humbly request our Indian Judiciary to make such laws
that these offenders must be punished with death penalty, so that the young
generations are aware of all this and think atleast thrice before doing these

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