Law is the order of the Sovereign. Law is a lot of tenets. Law must spill out of
a determinate individual or gathering of people with the risk of dismay, on the
off chance that it isn't complied. As we probably am aware, Sovereignty is an
exclusive piece of the state. In this way, we can say that Law is utilized to
signify guidelines of direct exuded from and implemented by the state. Law is a
term which does not have an all around acknowledged definition, however one
definition is that law is an arrangement of standards and rules which are
implemented through social organizations to oversee conduct.
Laws can be made by
councils through enactment, the official through announcements and guidelines,
or judges through restricting points of reference.
Holland says, Law is:
a standard of outside human activity authorized by the sovereign political
Salmond says:
Law is the collection of standards perceived and connected by the State in the
organization of equity[2]
As indicated by
Woodrow Wilson:
Law is that segment of the built up propensity and thought of humankind which
has increased particular and formal acknowledgment in the state of uniform
principles sponsored by the specialist and intensity of the administration.[3]
As per
The objects of Law is Order, and the consequence of Order is that
men are empowers to look forward with a type of security with regards to what's
to come. Albeit human activity can't
Be decreased to the consistencies of nature, men tried to recreate by Law
something drawing closer to this consistency.
So we can say that law must have three attributes which are given beneath.[4]
- Law has its sovereign authority,
- Law is accompanied by sanctions,
- The command of law should compel a course of conduct. Being a command
the law must flow from a determinate person or group of persons with the
threat of displeasure, if it is not obeyed.
Introduction About Law
Law is established in social organizations, in financial system. These social
variables impact the course of law or the heading of legitimate change. This is
the result of individual and social associations which are variable and
frequently eccentric. In the meantime, law may itself change social standards in
different ways.
For instance, in free India, lawful cancelation of distance is
an endeavor to change a long-standing social standard. However it has not
succeeded much because of lacking social help. the standards and guidelines
built up in a network by some specialist and pertinent to its kin, regardless of
whether as enactment or of custom and approaches perceived and upheld by legal
choice. Along these lines there is a proportional connection among law and
society 5.
This undertaking will examine about the law and its effect in social
change with exceptional reference from Indian culture. Any composed or
constructive principle or accumulation of guidelines recommended under the
expert of the state or country, as by the general population in its constitution.
Lawrence Friedman and Jack Ladinsky, in any case, with regards to a discourse of
the social impacts of law embrace a meaning of social change as
any non-dull
adjustment in the set up methods of conduct in the public arena.
The capability
'non-redundant' is essential here for the definition perceive that couple of
social orders, assuming any, is entirely state. The term 'social change' is
additionally used to demonstrate the progressions that occur in human
collaborations and between relations.
Society is a '
web-relationship' and social change clearly implies an adjustment
in the arrangement of social relationship where a social relationship is
comprehended n terms of social procedures and social cooperation and social
associations. Therefore, the term, 'social change' is utilized to show alluring
varieties in social foundation, social procedures and social association. It
incorporates adjustments in the structure and the elements of the general
What is Society?
A people group or a gathering of people, living in any district, who are joined
by some normal bond, is known as society. A general public is a gathering of
individuals identified with one another through industrious relations, for
example, societal position, jobs and interpersonal organizations. They
additionally share the equivalent topographical region and subject to the
equivalent political specialist and prevailing social desires.
Normal bond is
some sort of consistency of variables like nature of the general population,
propensity, custom, convictions, culture, and so on. This regular bond helps the
individuals from the general public to frame the standards of social conduct.
The discipline of resisting the social tenets is originated from as social
dissatisfaction. The disciplines are for the most part banning or shunning. A
general public, or a human culture, is a gathering of individuals required with
one another through tireless relations, or a substantial social gathering having
the equivalent topographical or social domain, subject to the equivalent
political expert and prevailing social desires.
Human social orders are
portrayed by examples of connections (social relations) between people who share
an unmistakable culture and organizations; a given society might be depicted as
the entirety of such connections among its constituent individuals. In the
sociologies, a bigger society regularly shows stratification as well as
predominance designs in subgroup.
Relationship Between Law And Society:
Law and society are identified with one another. Nothing can clarify with no of
them. Society turns into the wilderness without the law. Law likewise should be
changed by the progressions the general public countenances, in light of the
fact that without the vital changes law can't keep pace with society. Without
the control of the law, the general public turned into the wilderness or
possibly primitive. Along these lines, to keep the general public tranquil, we
have to make an amicable connection among law and society.
Scholars have customarily kept up that there are sure wide on the substantive
criminal law. One lot of such limitations concerns the sorts of conduct that may
genuinely be denied. Is it appropriate, for instance, to condemn a specific sort
of activity in light of the fact that a great many people in a single's general
public view it as unethical? The other arrangement of imperatives which concern
what is required so as to build up criminal duty that is risk, autonomously of
the substance of the specific resolution whose infringement is being referred
to. Legitimate framework mirrors all the vitality of life inside in any general
Law has the mind boggling essentialness of a living being. We can say
that law is a sociology described by development and adjustment. Guidelines are
neither made nor connected in a vacuum, then again they made and utilized on
numerous occasions for reason[6].
Tenets are proposed to move us in a specific heading that we expect is great, or
deny development in bearing that we accept is terrible. The social standards are
made by the individuals from the general public.
Rebellion of the social tenets
is trailed by discipline of social dissatisfaction. There is no positive
punishment related with the infringement of tenets aside from banishment or
alienation. Then again, Law is authorized by the state. The target of law is to
acquire request the general public so the individuals from society can advance
and create with a type of security in regards to what's to come. The state makes
laws. Defiance of state laws causes punishment, which is implemented by the
Government by the intensity of the state. Which isn't enforceable isn't Law.
Change Of Law And Change Of Social Roles
The lawful arrangement of a nation mirrors the tenets of society. In the event
that there is a change social tenets, at that point we can say that an
adjustment in social law just happens. Law can be changed because of social
state of any nation. Numerous individuals know the transformation 1990 of
Bangladesh, which is happen because of political distress of the nation. At the
point when Bangladesh Nationalist Party frames the administration they change
the law and under the new law lead to the parliamentary majority rule government
in the nation.
As of late corrosive viciousness, eve prodding, aggressive behavior at home
occurred due lacking laws. The punishment of eve prodding is light that numerous
individuals did not pay attention to the punishment.
The punishment of eve
prodding is given in Article 76 of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance
1976[7]and Article 509 of the Penal Code of 1860[8] attest that any
demonstrations, conducts, or verbal maltreatment that are utilized to disfavor
ladies are deserving of law. Article number 10(2) of the Prevention of Women and
Children Repression Act 2000 somewhat tended to eve-prodding.
Be that as it may,
that segment of the law was wiped out in 2003, through alteration and supported
it on the ground of control of the law. In its place, another arrangement has
been included under Article 9 of the present law that says that if a lady is
compelled to end it all as an immediate outcome of someone's adamant
Dishonor/lewd behavior/strike, at that point the liable individual will be
obligated to a limit of ten years and at least five years of detainment.
law is so light regarding passing of a guiltless young lady. The criminal dare
break the law this no solid law, on the off chance that the law is capital
punishment, to compel a suicide then criminal would reconsider to rupture law.
As we probably am aware, the corrosive brutality is serious issue I our nation.
Scarcely any years back it winds up like scourge. Presently corrosive
viciousness is going down because of the solid law which is capital punishment.
Segment 4 of the Acid Crime Act, 2002[9]
recommends capital punishment or thorough detainment forever including fine taka
not more than one hundred thousand If anyone causes passing or makes an endeavor
to make demise any youngster or lady by utilizing any consuming substance, e.g.,
corrosive. The law additionally expresses that, import, generation, stockpiling,
deal or use of corrosive without a permit is a culpable offense.
However, the
instruments predominant to direct importation, arrangement and closeout of the
corrosive utilized in these assaults are lacking. Nonetheless, the Acid control
Act, 2002, accommodates the arrangement of a national gathering to control the
selling use, creation, import, transportation and putting away of corrosive. The
law is hard that everybody comply with the law in regards to the corrosive
viciousness which causes less corrosive related wrongdoing. Each individual
cherishes their own life.
Correlation Between Law And Social Change
Closer investigation of the job of law opposite social change drives us to
recognize the direct and the aberrant parts of the job of law. Law assumes an
essential circuitous job with respect to social change by forming directly
affect society. For instance: A law setting up a necessary instructive
framework. Then again, law connects as a rule by implication with fundamental
social organizations in a way comprising an immediate connection among law and
social change.
For instance:
A law intended to forbid polygamy. Law plays an
operator of modernization and social change. It is additionally as a pointer of
the idea of societal unpredictability and its orderly Problems of joining.
Further, the support of our confidence in the well established panchayat
framework, the abrogation of the abhorables practices of unapproachability,
youngster marriage, sati share, and so forth are regular delineations of social
change being realized in the nation through law.
Law is a powerful medium or
organization, instrumental in realizing social change in the nation or in any
locale specifically. Subsequently, we restore our conviction that law has been
essential in presenting changes in the societal structure and connections and
keep on being so.
Role Of Legislation And Supreme Court Of India
- Legislation
An essential instrument of progress the state utilizes in the authoritative
weapon. To begin with, it offers articulation to the objective towards which the
state is moving. India is an extraordinary case of the work of the
administrative measures to start change. The declaration of Indian Constitution
was the initial phase toward this path.
Standardized disparity was an
acknowledged guideline of Indian station framework; measure up to equity under
equivalent conditions was obscure under the customary Indian set up; balance of
chance was insignificant under a framework where training and occupation was
position based. An assortment of social enactments are being acquainted in
autonomous India with realize change.
They spread enactments for the welfare of
the discouraged in the agrarian part, to free ladies, to annihilate unapproachability, to encourage the social and monetary advancement of the court
populace, and so forth. Every one of these enactments are gradually however
without a doubt having their effect on the Indian social texture.
- Supreme Court
Starting today, the choices of the Court are not simply being tried on the touch
stone of social equity, however without a doubt they are being refered to of as
forerunners to 'social rights'.[10] The Court has genius effectively and
enthusiastically taken up to reason for social equity and has gone to the
degree of articulating fresher social rights, for example, the privilege to
nourishment, ideal to wellbeing, ideal to training.
In this way, the walk of law is obviously for Supreme Court having played
out a star dynamic job in social difference in the mulling masses. It
positively has gone about as an impetus during the time spent social change
of individuals wherein the weakening of standing disparities, defensive
measures for the frail and defenseless areas, accommodating the noble
presence of those living under unwholesome conditions, and so on, are the
celebrated models in this respects.
Law And Social Change In India
Social change includes an adjustment of society; its financial structure,
qualities and convictions, and its monetary, political and social measurements
likewise experience alteration. Be that as it may, social change does not
influence all parts of society in a similar way. While quite a bit of social
change is achieved by material changes, for example, innovation, new examples of
creation, and so forth, different conditions are additionally vital.
instance, similar to we have examined it previously, legitimate restriction of unapproachability in free India has not succeeded in light of lacking social
help. Regardless, when law can't achieve change without social help, despite
everything it can make certain preconditions for social change. Besides, after
freedom, the Constitution of India gave broad rules to change. Its mandate
guideline proposed a blue-print for another country.
The derecognition of
position framework, fairness under the steady gaze of the law, and equivalent
open doors for all in financial, political and social circles were a portion of
the high purposes of the Indian Constitution [11]. A few zones where law has
given the impact for social change are:
- Area of agrarian change arrangement and enactment; [12]
- Area of usage of distance nullification law [13];
- The regulating parts of business and instructive booking for the planned
[14] positions and planned clans under the Constitution;
- The issue of substantive effect of changes in the family law marriage,
break even with privileges of ladies to legacy and share.[15].
The law through authoritative or regulatory reactions to new social conditions
and thoughts, just as through legal re-elucidations of constitutions statues or
points of reference, progressively not.
The law is one of numerous reactions to such change. In specific regards it is
the most critical, since it speaks to the expert of the state, and its
authorizing power. The legitimate reaction to given social or innovative issue
is in this manner in itself a noteworthy social activity which may bother a
given issue or reduce and help to illuminate it.
Society Without Law
The law is critical for a general public for it fills in as a standard of direct
for residents. It was additionally made to accommodate legitimate rules and
request upon the conduct for all natives and to continue the value on the three
parts of the administration. The law is vital in light of the fact that it keeps
the general public running. Without law there would be tumult and it would be
survival of the fittest and everyman for himself.
Not a perfect way of life for
generally part. The law is essential since it goes about as a rule with respect
to what is acknowledged in the public arena. Without it there would be clashes
between social gatherings and networks. It is essential that we tail them.
law takes into consideration simple reception to changes that happen in the
general public. As time changes so will a law. Laws are always being corrected
when required. Individuals may not concur with a specific law but rather that is
only the manner in which society works. Laws are commonly founded on sound
judgment, e.g., don't drive alcoholic, and regard others and their possessions
and such.
For the most part if all individuals consistently pursued presence of
mind, laws would not be fundamental. Different laws are utilized to manage
things, for example, exchange; movement and deals .We all realize that the law
is imperative in the general public. It is an unquestionable requirement all
together for a general public to keep up harmony and remain issue free. Law is
man-made, consequently it is in us on the off chance that we will tail it or
In the event that we don't pursue the law, it doesn't mean we will pass on,
so nature has nothing to do with the laws of man. The law can offer assurance to
the people in question and will rebuff the individuals who have done unlawful
activities. We don't have any alternative, where we can browse, in the event
that we resist; at that point, we need to confront the outcomes. In the event
that a general public won't have an arrangement of law on it that will control
how the general population handles their lives, at that point there would not be
a general public to live in.
Individuals will almost certainly settle on choices that will exclusively be
founded on their standards, at that point they would most likely carry out
wrongdoings on the off chance that they need to, take, murder, harm, menace,
assault, trespass, and even threaten whatever or whoever or at whatever point
they need to, and nothing would be done about it by any means. Subsequently, it
will be a catastrophe if individuals in a general public execute activities
which exclusively dependent on their standards.
On the off chance that there is no law, nothing will prevent the general
population from doing things that they need. With that, they will be allowed to
do anything in vengeance. It will be the other way around for they know that
they could thoroughly escape into anything they do, regardless of whether it is
terrible and unlawful. In the long run, the general public will be loaded with
wrongdoing, murders and unlawful activities. Ought to there be no principles in
a general public, at that point even a basic waste transfer procedure will be a
major issue that could influence the entire world.
If not done appropriately, it might prompt infections that can murder mankind.
The supply of water could likewise be influenced if there were no principles.
Nobody will work to keep up its tidiness since they may transform into doing
things that may effectively pay them all the more despite the fact that it isn't
directly in any way. Nobody will fix us when we are sick and help us stuck in an
unfortunate situation.
At last, every one of us will locate our own particular
manners to live and endure. Basically, it'll resemble a combat area. This simply
demonstrates that it is so imperative to have an arrangement of law in a general
public to control great association with one another, notwithstanding for those
with clashing interests. This is the main system that could guarantee that the
human rights are regarded.
On the off chance that we won't have laws, our
general public would not have the capacity to work adequately. Wrongdoings will
turn out to be such an ordinary event, that kids will grow up and will at that
point think that its typical, which isn't alluring for our who and what is to
come. That is the reason the law is essential, since it guarantees the security
of our whom and what is to come. Law is a type of Social Science. Society and
law are firmly identified with one another.
Law advises the nature to carry on with the public activity and this likewise
increments with the financial, logical and innovative advancement. Law
additionally changes with social changes and assumes a vital job in the
satisfaction of social needs. So for the satisfaction of social need, there is
an arrangement by established change and this is the obligation of legal
executive that the law which damages the protected arrangements, open interests
and principal rights ought to be announced void.
Legitimate changes have been at the focal point of the motivation for
strategizing sexual orientation equity in India. Uniform Civil Code is converged
in the Article 44 by the Indian Constitution[16]because of social change. It
implies a uniform set of accepted rules without segregating over standing,
religion, parentage, network and social acknowledgment for all natives of nation
and furthermore Article 21 in regards to 'Assurance of life and individual
freedom' because of social change. In this article new jail statute, Right to
Speedy Trial, Right to Free Legal Service, Right to Human rights. Law is a
medium through which social items can be accomplished. In this way, change of
law is must with social changes; generally law will be of no esteem. Law is
established in social organizations and in
Financial system. These social elements impact the course of law or the heading
of legitimate change. This is the result of individual and social collaborations
which are variable and regularly capricious. In the meantime, law may itself
change standards in different ways. For instance, in free India, lawful
annulment of untouchability is an endeavor to change a long-standing social
standard. However it has not succeeded much in light of the fact that
insufficient social help. Subsequently there is a corresponding connection among
law and society.
The term 'social change' is likewise used to show the progressions that happen
in human connections and between relations. Society is a 'web-relationship' and
social change clearly implies an adjustment in the arrangement of social
relationship where a social relationship is comprehended as far as social
procedures and social associations and social associations. In this way, the
term, 'social change' is utilized to show attractive varieties in social
establishment, social procedures and social association. It incorporates
adjustments in the structure and elements of the general public. Closer
investigation of the job of law opposite social change drives us to recognize
the direct and the aberrant parts of the job of law.
- Law assumes a critical backhanded job with respect to social change by
forming an immediate effect on society. For instance: A law setting up a
mandatory instructive framework.
- On the other hand, law communicates as a rule in a roundabout way with
essential social foundations in a way comprising an immediate connection
among law and social change. For instance, a law intended to forbid polygamy
Law plays a specialist of modernization and social change. It is additionally a
pointer of the idea of societal multifaceted nature and its chaperon issues of
mix. Further, the support of our confidence in the deep rooted Panchayat
framework, the nullification of detests capable practices of distance, kid
marriage; sati, endowment and so on are commonplace delineations of social
change being realized in the nation trough laws. Law is a powerful medium or
organization, instrumental in achieving social change in the nation or in any
area specifically. In this way, we revive our conviction that law has been
crucial in presenting changes in the societal structure and connections and keep
on being so.
Law positively has gone about as an impetus during the time spent social change
of individuals wherein the weakening of rank imbalances, defensive measures for
the powerless and helpless segments, accommodating the stately presence of those
living under unwholesome conditions and so on are the celebrated precedents in
such manner. Social change includes an adjustment of society; its monetary
structure, qualities and convictions, and its financial, political and social
measurements likewise experience alteration.
Notwithstanding, social change does
not influence all parts of society in a similar way. While quite a bit of social
change is realized by material changes, for example, innovation, new examples of
creation, and so forth. Different conditions are additionally essential. For
instance, as we have talked about it previously, legitimate forbiddance of
untouchability in free India has not succeeded in light of lacking social help.
In any case, when law can't realize change without social help, despite
everything it can make certain preconditions for social change.
In addition, after freedom, the Constitution of India gave sweeping rules to
change. Its order rule recommended an outline for another country. The
acknowledgment of the standing framework, balance under the watchful eye of the
law and equivalent open doors for all in financial, political and social circles
were a portion of the high purposes of the Indian Constitution
The Relationship Between Law And Society:
Scholars have customarily kept up that there are sure expansive perspectives on
the substantive criminal law. One lot of such requirements concerns the sorts of
conduct that may authentically be disallowed. Is it appropriate, for instance,
to condemn a particular sort of activity because the vast majority in one's
general public see it as indecent?
The other arrangement of limitations which
concern what is required so as to build up criminal duty that is risk,
autonomously of the substance of the specific rule whose infringement is being
referred to. Legitimate framework mirrors all the vitality of life inside in any
general public. Law has the unpredictable essentialness of a living life form.
We can say that law is a sociology portrayed by development and adjustment.
Guidelines are neither made nor connected in a vacuum, then again they made and
utilized consistently for a reason.
Tenets are proposed to move us in a specific
bearing that we expect is great, or preclude development in heading that we
accept is awful. The social standards are made by the individuals from the
general public. Rebellion of the social principles is trailed by discipline of
social dissatisfaction. There is no positive punishment related with the
infringement of standards aside from expulsion or segregation.
Then again, law is implemented by the state. The target of law is to get request
the general public so the individuals from society can advance and create with a
type of security in regards to what's to come. The state makes laws.
Noncompliance of state laws welcomes punishment, which is authorized by the
administration by the intensity of the state. What isn't enforceable isn't Law.
Law is an arrangement of principles and rules which are authorized through
social organizations to oversee conduct, wherever conceivable.
It shapes
legislative issues, financial matters and society from multiple points of view
and fills in as a social middle person of relations between individuals.
Contract law controls everything from purchasing a transport ticket to
exchanging on subsidiaries markets. Property law characterizes rights and
commitments identified with the exchange and title of individual and genuine
property[17]. Trust law applies to resources held for venture and budgetary
security, while tort law permits claims for remuneration if an individual's
rights or property are hurt.
On the off chance that the damage is condemned in enactment, criminal law offers
implies by which the state can indict the culprit. Sacred law gives a structure
to the production of law, the security of human rights and the decision of
political delegates. Regulatory law is utilized to audit the choices of
government organizations, while universal law administers undertakings between
sovereign states in exercises extending from exchange to natural guideline or
military activity. The legitimate reaction to a given social or innovative issue
is accordingly in itself a noteworthy social activity which may irritate a given
issue or ease and help to comprehend it.
Sociological Aspect Of Law
The sociology of law became clearly established as an academic field of learning
and empirical research after the Second World War. After World War II, the study
of law was not central in sociology, although some well-known sociologists did
write about the role of law in society. In the work of the Talcott Parsons, for
instance, law is conceived as an essential mechanism of social control. In
response to the criticisms that were developed against functionalism, other
sociological perspectives of law emerged.
Critical sociologists developed a
perspective of law as an instrument of power. However, other theorists in the
sociology of law, such as Philip Selznick, argued that modern law became
increasingly responsive to a society's needs and had to be approached morally as
well. Still other scholars, most notably the American sociologist Donald Black,
developed a resolutely scientific theory of law on the basis of a paradigm of
pure sociology.
Equally broad in orientation, but again different, is the autopoietic systems theory of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who sees
law as normatively closed, but cognitively open system. Social philosopher
Jürgen Habermas disagrees with Luhmann and argues that the law can do a better
job as a 'system' institution' by representing more faithfully the interests of
everyday people in the 'life world'.
Yet another sociological theory of law and lawyers is that of Pierre Bourdieu
and his followers, who see law as a social field in which actors struggle for
cultural, symbolic and economic capital and in so doing develop the reproductive
professional habitués of the lawyer. In several continental European countries
empirical research in sociology of law developed strongly from the 1960s and
1970s. In Poland the work of Adam Podgórecki and his associates (often
influenced by Petrazycki's ideas)[18] was especially notable; in Sweden
empirical research in sociology of law in this period was pioneered especially
by Per Stjernquist, and in Norway by Vilhelm Aubert[19].
In more recent years, a very wide range of theories has emerged in the sociology
of law as a result of the proliferation of theories in sociology at large. Among
the recent influences can be mentioned the work of the French philosopher Michel
Foucault, the German social theorist Jürgen Habermas, feminism, postmodernism
and deconstruction, neo-Marxism, and behaviorism. The variety of theoretical
influences in the sociology of law has also marked the broader law and society
field. The multi-disciplinary law and society field remains very popular, while
the disciplinary specialty field of the sociology of law is also better
organized than ever in institutional and professional respects.
Legal system reflects all the energy of life within in any society. Law has the
complex vitality of a living organism. We can say that law is a social science
characterized by movement and adaptation. Rules are neither created nor applied
in a vacuum, on the other hand they created and used time and again for a
purpose. Rules are intended to move us in a certain direction that we assume is
good, or prohibit movement in direction that we believe is bad.
So, we can say that rules had to be change according to the roles of the
society. Law also reflects the society. Such as, in Saudi Arabia law are based
on Quran and Sunni. In Bangladesh property act, marriage act and many other acts
based on the Quran and Sunni. Also when emergency arise, then according to the
social condition the law is also changed by the Government. So, we can say that,
the relationship between law and society are interrelated.
The hypothesis of the researcher is wrong... Initially researcher was thought
that the law is the biggest weapon of the society, no doubt it is, but only for
the politicians, rich people. They make the law as the puppet of their hands;
they can do anything else whatever they want.
Law is that rule which show the equality of everyone not on the basis of race,
sex, caste, social status, not which show biasness towards politicians and the
influencing people.
- 1 Venugopal, T.K, law and society, sociology for law students, 1st ,
1988, p 221
- Ibid 1
- Ibid 1
- Timasheff, Nicholas S., (1939),An Introduction to the Sociology of Law ,Westport, Greenwood Press reprint, 1974.
- Effland, R. 1998, the Cultural Evolution of Civilizations, Mesa
Community, College. p.223
- Ibid 5
- Jenkins, R. 2002. Foundations of Sociology. London: Palgrave MacMillan 10
- Ibid 8
- Jenkins, R. 2002. Foundations of Sociology, London: Palgrave MacMillan,
p. 66
- Jenkins, R. 2002. Foundations of Sociology, London: Palgrave MacMillan,
p. 66
- Venugopal,T.K, law and society, sociology for law students,1st ed, 1988,
p 230 Timasheff, Nicholas S. (1939) An Introduction to the Sociology of Law (Westport, Greenwood Press reprint, 1974).
- Timasheff, Nicholas S. (1939) An Introduction to the Sociology of Law (Westport, Greenwood Press reprint, 1974).
- Ibid 12
- Ibid 12
- Ibid 12
- Ibid 1
- Sociology of law by Georges Gurvitch
- Sociology of law by Georges Gurvitch
- Selznick, P. (1965) The Sociology of Law in Sociology Today edited by Robert Merton
et al. New York: Harper and Row.

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