Arbitration has become the preferred mode of dispute
resolution for resolution of disputes amongst the business community due to
speedy resolution, confidentiality of proceedings and availability of subject
matter experts. Institutional Arbitration has gained popularity in the world of
arbitration, with institutions like ICC, LCIA, SIAC and JAMS gaining a stellar
reputation across the globe for their expertise in administrating arbitrations.
The concept of an
Emergency Arbitrator is usually provided for in these
institutions and has also gained popularity as a concept. Parties who seek
immediate relief move Emergency applications before a temporarily appointed
arbitrator for adjudication of urgent interim relief.
This article will
endeavour to understand whether a party which has sought interim relief before
the emergency arbitrator, and has been unsuccessful is entitled to move the
National Courts for interim relief under Section 9 of The Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 for the same relief or whether such application will be
barred under the
Doctrine of Election. This article will endeavour to explain
this question through a recent judicial pronouncement of the Hon'ble High Court
of Delhi in the case of
Ashwani Minda vs U-shin.
What Is An Emergency Arbitrator/Tribunal?
The concept of Emergency
arbitrator was first envisaged in the SIAC arbitration rules in 2010. The basic
purpose of an emergency arbitrator or tribunal is to adjudicate on urgent
interim relief which the parties seek, and which cannot wait for the formal
appointment of a sole arbitrator or arbitral tribunal. Emergency applications
have now increasingly become a commonplace feature in all arbitral institutions
and usually the reliefs which are sought through emergency arbitration are in
the nature of preservation orders, freezing orders, Mareva injunctions and
general injunctive relief. Indian Arbitral institutions like the Indian Council
of Arbitration and Delhi International Arbitration centre also have provisions
for emergency arbitrations in their rules.
What Is The Meaning Of Doctrine Of Election?:
The Doctrine of Election is
a branch of the rule of Estoppel, it is essentially an branch of equity
jurisprudence. It means that when several remedies are available to a litigant
arising out of the same transaction the aggrieved party can choose either of
them, but not both. The lectures of Maitland have succinctly described this
position by saying as follows:-election is the obligation imposed by a party by
the courts of equity to choose between 2 inconsistent or alternate rights when
there is clear intention of persons for whom he derives one, that he should not
enjoy both.
Ashwani Minda Vs U-Shin(Omp (I) (Comm.) 90/2020):
- On 14th January 2020 Justice Jyoti Singh of the Hon'ble Delhi
High Court delivered a landmark judgement as to the applicability of the
Doctrine of Election to arbitration proceedings .It explains in a very nuanced
manner the applicability of this doctrine to arbitration proceedings and also
makes interesting observations about the Courts power to grant interim relief
when the arbitral tribunal has adjudicated on the same interim relief. It also
discusses in what circumstances can parties be said to be excluded by conduct
from Part-1 of The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996?
Factual Background Of The Case:
The applicant/petitioner in the said instant
case entered into a joint venture agreement with the respondent, U-shin Ltd. The
Respondent is a Japanese corporation with the business of designing, developing
and sale of control mechanisms for automative machines.
Respondent No.2 is also
a Japanese company. Respondent No.1 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Respondent
No.2 . As per clause 5.1 and 5.2 of the JVA applicant no.1 was to have majority
shareholding in the JV, and thus applicant would have complete control over the
JV through day to day management activities as well as majority voting rights at
directors and shareholders meetings. As per Article 7 of the said JVA-Benefits
and obligations under the agreement shall not be directly or indirectly
transferred by any of the parties hereto without prior consent in writing,
providing herein that nothing shall restrict right to transfer or assign
benefits and obligations hereunder to any parent company or merged or subsidiary
On 10.04.2019 Respondent No.1 informed applicants that business integration
has been duly executed and Respondent 1 has become the group company of
Respondent No.2, which meant that it was a wholly owned subsidiary of
Respondent No 2. Respondent No.1was de-listed from the Tokyo Stock exchange,
which meant that Respondent No.2 was completely under Respondent No1.
On 16.12.2019 Respondent informed applicants that Respondent No.2 was obliged to
give an open offer under the provisions of the Takeover Code. The Applicant
considered this as a breach of the JVA and sought interim injunctive relief to
prevent Respondents from purchasing shares via open offer from the Emergency
Arbitrator appointed under Japanese Commercial Arbitration Association rules.
The Emergency Arbitrator heard the submissions of the parties in detail and
declined to grant interim relief in favour of the applicants/petitioners. The
applicants filed a petition under Section 9 of The Arbitration and Conciliation
Act, 1996 seeking inter alia the same relief that was sought from the Emergency
Issues Before The Court-
- Scope of right of party to approach the Court for seeking interim relief
when the arbitral tribunal/arbitrator has already declined to give the same
interim relief:-The Hon'ble Court said that the parties have consciously chosen
to tread on a particular part, and they cannot now turn back because they have
been unsuccessful. The Court said that the Doctrine of Election will bar the
applicant from seeking interim relief as the same issue has been raised before
the Emergency Arbitrator. All the issues have been conclusively dealt by the
arbitrator vide detailed order and applicants cannot be permitted to take a
second bite at the cherry.
- Whether Part 1 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 has been
consciously excluded by the agreement of the parties? The Court considered
the arbitration clause entered into between the parties which provided for
disputes to be resolved by arbitration as per rules of the Japanese
Commercial Arbitration Association with seat in Tokyo.
It is settled Law that when seat of Arbitration is situated in a particular
country, only that particular countries courts can grant interim relief, as
designation of seat is akin to an exclusive jurisdiction clause. The Court
contended that it was conclusively held in the BALCO case that when seat of arbitration is held to be outside India, then
part-1 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996 will stand excluded, and
subsequently petition under Section 9 cannot be made in India.
This position was
somewhat altered by 2015 amendment to the arbitration act by virtue of Section
2(2) was amended and the applicability of certain provisions of the Arbitration
Act like Section 9 was extended even to foreign seated arbitration, unless the
parties have consciously decided to exclude Part 1 of The Arbitration and
Conciliation Act,1996 by express or implied conduct.
The Hon'ble Court after
analysing the facts in the present case held that parties have consciously
decided to conduct arbitration as per the Japanese Commercial Arbitration
Association rules, with arbitration seated in Tokyo. The Hon'ble Court also said
on perusal of Art 77(5) of the Japanese Commercial Arbitration Association
rules it is clear that Emergency measures are deemed to be interim measures
granted by the Tribunal Thus it clear that parties have decided to exclude the
provisions of The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by clear inference.
Arbitration has become the preferred mode of dispute resolution amongst the
business community. International Commercial Arbitration administered by
institutions like SIAC, JAMS, LCIA have gained prominence for their
effectiveness in governing these arbitrations, and giving timely and effective
resolutions. Parties to the arbitration clause or agreement often seek
appointment of Emergency Arbitrator or tribunal for seeking urgent interim
The question which arises is whether the parties can seek interim relief
before the Court under Section 9 of The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
when such relief has already been adjudicated by the Emergency Arbitrator or
will it be barred under the Doctrine of Election?
This question has to some
extent been answered in the above mentioned case of Ashwin Minda where the Court
declined to entertain the application for relief as the Court said the emergency
arbitrator has comprehensively dealt with the relief sought, and the Court
concluded that the subsequent petition under Section 9 would be barred as being
stymied by the Doctrine of Election, and the Petitioner cannot be allowed to
take a second bite at the cherry.
There is another aspect herein which
merits consideration, that is if the arbitral institution has rules which do not
deem the emergency arbitrator or the tribunal to be the permanent tribunal, and
purely deems it to be an
ad-interim mechanism, then a subsequent application
under Section 9 of The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 can be
It can also be put forth that if the emergency arbitrator or
tribunal has adjudicated on interim reliefs which are wholly different from the
one sought before the National Court or if such reliefs cannot be adjudicated
effectively by the emergency arbitrator or tribunal, then despite the parties
already having agitated their rights before the emergency arbitrator, a
subsequent application under Section 9 of The Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996 would be maintainable before the National Courts and the Doctrine of
Election would not be applicable.