In Criminal Justice System from the initial stage of investigation some time it
happens that those who are actually committed the offence easily escape the
boundaries of Penal Law, by one way or the other. Most commonly it happens so
during the investigative stage of the offence which results in filling of
improper charge-sheet, due to laxity in investigation.
But their names are deleted before filing of charge-sheet under Section 173 (2)
of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, and then the victim or the Complainant left
with no option except to record his or her evidence before the Court and then
move an application under Section 319 of Cr. P. C for summoning of accused
involved in crime, named in First Information Report but not charge-sheeted
before the Court or the Victim or Complainant have to opt for filing of a
separate Complaint otherwise then of Police report, against the remaining
accused who were not charge-sheeted.
If the Victim or the Complainant does not opt either way then also Court is
empowered to precede Suo - Muto, if a Magistrate hearing a case against certain
accused finds from the evidence that some person, other than the accused before
him, is also concerned in that very offence or in a connected offence. So there
comes an issue that, if the Complainant has stated the person's name in the
Police report and such person is the main root cause of the crime has not been
summoned before the Court Of Law due to lack of evidence then he cannot be
questioned. Where the investigating agency for any reason does not array one of
the real culprits as an accused, the court is not powerless in calling the said
accused to face trial.
The legislature cannot be presumed to have imagined all the circumstances and,
therefore, it is the duty of the Court to give full effect to the words used by
the legislature so as to encompass any situation which the Court may have to
tackle while proceeding to try an offence and not allow a person who deserves to
be tried to go scot-free by being not arraigned in the trial in spite of the
possibility of his complicity which can be gathered from the documents presented
by the prosecution.
The Court is the sole repository of Justice and a duty is cast upon it to
uphold the Rule Of Law and, therefore, it will be inappropriate to deny the
existence of such powers with the Courts in our Criminal Justice System where it
is not uncommon that the real accused, at times, get away by manipulating the
investigating and/or the prosecuting agency. The desire to avoid trial is so
strong that an accused makes efforts at times to get himself absolved even at
the stage of investigation or inquiry even though he may be connected with the
commission of the offence.
Section 319 of Cr. P. C & Its Objective
The Section reads as:
319. Power to proceed against other persons appearing to be guilty of
Section 319 Cr. P. C. springs out of the doctrine Judex Damnatur Cum Nocens
Absolvitur meaning thereby that:
Judge is condemned when guilty is acquitted
and this doctrine must be used as a beacon light while explaining the ambit and
the spirit underlying the enactment of Section 319 Cr. P. C. In Criminal Justice
System, there are always chances that the real culprit or accomplice may be
rescued either by the collusion of Police or due to poor and incompetent
investigation. In order to bring such culprits under the hammer of Justice, the
power of summoning the additional accused is provided to Courts trying the case.
This power under Section 319 Cr. P. C may be used by Court suo-moto or on an
application by the Complainant. The person who is summoned may be arrested or
taken into custody if the Court deems fit.
The legislative policy behind framing of this Section in the Criminal Procedure
Code, 1973 is multi-fold. The Constitutional mandate under Articles 20 & 21 of
the Constitution of India provides a protective umbrella for the smooth
Administration of Justice making adequate provisions to ensure a fair and
efficacious trial so that the accused does not get prejudiced after the law has
been put into motion to try him for the offence but at the same time also gives
equal protection to victims and to the society at large to ensure that the
guilty does not get away from the clutches of law. For the empowerment of the
Courts to ensure that the Criminal Administration of Justice works properly, the
law was appropriately codified and modified by the legislature under the Cr. P.
This is indicative of how the Courts should proceed in order to ultimately find
out the truth so that an innocent does not get punished but at the same time,
the guilty are brought to book under the law. It is these ideals as enshrined
under the Constitution of India and our laws that have led to addition of
Sections like 319 in Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 to find out the real truth
and to ensure that the guilty does not go unpunished.
Necessity & Object Of Power To Summon Additional Accused
It happens sometimes that a Court which includes a Magistrate or a Judge,
hearing a case against certain accused finds from the evidence that some person
other the accused before him, is also concerned in that very offence or in a
connected offence.
Once cognizance has been taken by the Magistrate, he takes cognizance of an
offence and not the offenders; it is his duty to find out who the offenders,
really are and once he comes to the conclusion that apart from the persons sent
up by the police, some other persons are involved, it is his duty to proceed
against those persons. The summoning of the additional accused is part of the
proceedings initiated by him taking cognizance of an offence. [Raghubans Dubey
Vs State of Bihar, 1967 Cri. L. J 1081; Hareram Satpathy Vs Tikaram
Agarwal & Ors, AIR 1978 SC 1568; S. K. Latifur Rehman & Ors. Vs State of Bihar, 1985 Cri. L. J 1238 (FB)].
Power under Section 319 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 is conferred on the
Court to ensure that Justice is done to the society by bringing to book all
those guilty of an offence. One of the aims and purpose of the criminal justice
system is to maintain social order. It is necessary in that context to ensure
that no one who appears to be guilty escapes a proper trial in relation to that
guilt. There is also duty upon the Court to render Justice to the victim of an
It is in recognition of this that Cr. P. C as specifically conferred power on
the Court to proceed against others not arrayed as accused in the circumstances
set out by Section 319 Cr. P. C. It is a salutary power enabling the discharge
of a Court's obligation to the society to bring to book all those guilty of a
crime. [Rajendera Singh Vs State of U. P, 2007 Cri. L. J 4281 (SC)
followed in Hardeep Singh Vs State of Punjab & Ors, (2014) 3 SCC 92].
Twin Requirements For Summoning An Additional Accused Under Section 319 Cr. P.
As regards the satisfaction of the Court before it exercises the power under
Section 319, the Constitution Bench in [Hardeep Singh Vs State of Punjab &
Ors, (2014) 3 SCC 92] held:
“105. Power under Section 319 Cr. P. C is a discretionary and an extraordinary
power. It is to be exercised sparingly and only in those cases where the
circumstances of the case so warrant. It is not to be exercised because the
Magistrate or the Sessions Judge is of the opinion that some other person may
also be guilty of committing that offence. Only where strong and cogent evidence
occurs against a person from the evidence led before the court that such power
should be exercised and not in a casual and cavalier manner.
106. Thus, we hold that though only a prima facie case is to be established from
the evidence led before the court, not necessarily tested on the anvil of
cross-examination, it requires much stronger evidence than mere probability of
his complicity. The test that has to be applied is one which is more than prima
facie case as exercised at the time of framing of charge, but short of
satisfaction to an extent that the evidence, if goes unrebutted, would lead to
conviction. In the absence of such satisfaction, the court should refrain from
exercising power under Section 319 Cr. P. C. In Section 319 Cr. P. C the purpose
of providing if:
“it appears from the evidence that any person not being the
accused has committed any offence” is clear from the words “for which such
person could be tried together with the accused.” The words used are not “for
which such person could be convicted”. There is, therefore, no scope for the
Court acting under Section 319 Cr. P. C to form any opinion as to the guilt of
the accused.”
Twin requirements for summoning an additional accused under Section 319 Cr. P. C
are as under:
Who Can Use Section 319 Of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
The Constitution Bench of Supreme Court in [Hardeep Singh Vs State of Punjab &
Ors, (2014) 3 SCC 92] held;
It is at this stage the comparison of the words used under Section 319 Cr. P.
C. has to be understood distinctively from the word used under Section 2 (g)
defining an inquiry other than the trial by a Magistrate or a Court. Here the
legislature has used two words, namely the Magistrate or Court, whereas, under
Section 319 Cr. P. C, as indicated above, only the word Court has been recited.
This has been done by the legislature to emphasize that the power under Section
319 Cr. P. C. is exercisable only by the Court and not by any Officer not acting
as a Court. Thus, a Magistrate not functioning or exercising powers as a Court
can make an inquiry in a particular proceeding other than a trial but the
material so collected would not be by a Court during the course of an inquiry or
a trial. The conclusion, therefore, in short, is, that in order to invoke the
power under Section 319 Cr. P. C, it is only a Court of Sessions or a Court of
Magistrate performing the duties as a Court under the Cr. P. C. that can utilize
the material before it for the purpose of the said Section.
Therefore, from the Para quoted above it can be safely concluded that only the
Court is empowered to summon the additional accused under this Section and not
any other Magistrate who doesn't act as Court thereof.
Can Session Court Summon An Additional Person To Try Without Committal
Proceedings Under Section 319 of Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973?
As per Section 193 of the Cr. P. C, the Session Court will not take cognizance
of any offence originally and all the cases shall be committed to by Magistrate.
The procedure of committal is discussed under Section 209 of Cr. P. C. Now a
question arises, whether Session Court is competent to summon or to take
cognizance of offence of any additional person (under Section 319) who was not
made the accused initially as there is an express bar under Section 193 of Cr.
P. C for Session Court to take any cognizance.
This issue was answered by the Constitution Bench in the case of [Dharam Pal Vs
State of Haryana, AIR 2013 SC 3018], wherein, it was held that a Court of
Session can with the aid of Section 193 Cr. P. C, proceed to array any other
person and summon him for being tried even if the provisions of Section 319 Cr.
P. C. could not be pressed in service at the stage of committal.
The Court clarified that the opening words of Section 193 Cr. P. C.
categorically recite that the power of the Court of Sessions to take cognizance
would commence only after committal of the case by a Magistrate. The said
provision opens with a non-obstante clause except as otherwise expressly
provided by this code or by any other law for the time being in force.
Section, therefore, is clarified by the said opening words which clearly means
that if there is any other provision under Cr. P. C, expressly making a
provision for exercise of powers by the court to take cognizance, then the same
would apply and the provisions of Section 193 Cr. P. C. would not be applicable.
Hence, session court is competent to summon or take cognizance of the additional
accused even when the case of that particular person was not committed to it.
At What Stage The Power Of Section 319 Cr. P. C Can Be Used?
Two words are used under Section 319 Cr. P. C - enquiry and trial. It says that
Court can summon any additional person to try with accused during the course of
enquiry and trial. It is clear that the power of Court can't be used during
investigation as the Police report has not filed and cognizance or committal is
yet to be taken.
As trial commences after the framing of charge, an inquiry can only be
understood to be a pre-trial inquiry. Inquiries under Sections 200, 201, 202 Cr.
P. C. and under Section 398 Cr. P. C. are species of the inquiry contemplated by
Section 319 Cr. P. C. The Court under this Section can summon at any stage
either during enquiry or trial. Trial generally starts from framing of charge
and lasts upto the Judgment of the case in the form of an acquittal or
conviction . The Court under sec 319 can summon any person appears to be guilty
even when trial has completed but Judgment is reserved.
Now question arises that whether the Court can summon accused under Section 319
when the Judgment has been pronounced or delivered by Court. This question was
raised recently in the case of Sukhpal Singh Khaira vs The State Of Punjab
(2019) that can the Court summon any accused under Section 319 Cr. P. C once the
Judgment against one accused is pronounced. In the case of Sukhpal Singh
(supra), the Judgment against one accused was delivered and another accused was
absconding and hence the trial had bifurcated. The Honourable Supreme Court
referred this matter to a Larger Bench and now it is sub-judice, but as of now
the settled rule is that the stage on which the power of Section 319 Cr. P. C
can be used are from inquiry to trial but before the judgment is passed.
Against Whom The Power Of Section 319 Cr. P. C Can Be Used?
The plain language of Section 319 Cr. P. C says that it can be used against any
person who is not accused but it appears from evidence that he committed the
offence. Such person may or may not be named in the FIR or was named in FIR but
his name was dropped in Police report submitted under Section 173 (2) of Cr. P.
C the power under Section 319 can be used against them.
In [Joginder Singh Vs. State of Punjab, AIR 1979 SC 339], a three-Judge Bench
of Apex Court held that the argument that any person not being the accused
occurring in Section 319 Cr. P. C, excludes from its operation an accused who
has been released by the Police under Section 169 Cr. P. C. and has been shown
in Column 2 of the charge-sheet needs to be rejected outrightly. The said
expression clearly covers any person who has not been tried already by the Court
and the very purpose of enacting such a provision like Section 319 (1) Cr. P. C.
clearly shows that even persons who have been dropped by the Police during
investigation but against whom evidence showing their involvement in the offence
comes before the Criminal Court, are included in the said expression.
Similarly, in [Anju Chaudhary Vs. State of U.P., (2013) 6 SCC 384], a
two-Judge Bench of Supreme Court held that even in the cases where report under
Section 173 (2) Cr. P. C. is filed in the Court and investigation records the
name of a person in Column 2, or even does not name the person as an accused at
all, the Court in exercise of its powers vested under Section 319 Cr. P. C. can
summon the person as an accused and even at that stage of summoning, no hearing
is contemplated under the law.
Again in [Suman Vs. State of Rajasthan, AIR 2010 SC 518], a two- Judge Bench
of Apex Court observed that there is nothing in the language of this sub-section
from which it can be inferred that a person who is named in the FIR or
Complaint, but against whom charge-sheet is not filed by the Police, cannot be
proceeded against even though in the course of any inquiry into or trial of any
offence, the Court finds that such person has committed an offence for which he
could be tried together with the other accused.
However, it is pertinent to note
that there is a great difference with regard to a person who has been
discharged. A person who has been discharged stands on a different footing than
a person who was never subjected to investigation or if subjected to, but was
not charge-sheeted. So while summoning a person who has been discharged by
Court, court needs high degree of evidences against such person to use the power
under section 319 Cr. P. C.
As per Hardeep Singh case (Supra) the power under Section 319 Cr. P. C. can be
exercised against a person not subjected to investigation, or a person placed in
the Column 2 of the Charge-Sheet and against whom cognizance had not been taken,
or a person who has been discharged. However, concerning a person who has been
discharged, no proceedings can be commenced against him directly under Section
319 Cr. P. C. without taking recourse to provisions of Section 300 (5) read with
Section 398 Cr. P. C.
What Should Be Nature Of Evidence To Summon An Additional Person As Accused
Under Section 319 Cr. P. C?
It is true that a prima facie case is to be established from the evidence led
before the Court and not necessarily tested on the anvil of Cross-Examination,
but it requires much stronger evidence than mere probability of his complicity.
The test that has to be applied is that the evidences should be more than prima
facie establishing the guilt as exercised at the time of framing of charge but
short of satisfaction to an extent that the evidence, if goes unrebutted, would
lead to conviction. In the absence of such satisfaction, the court should
refrain from exercising power under Section 319 Cr. P. C.
In [Sarabjit Singh Vs. State of Punjab, AIR 2009 SC 2792] Court held that,
Whereas the test of prima facie case may be sufficient for taking cognizance of
an offence at the stage of framing of charge, the court must be satisfied that
there exists a strong suspicion. While framing charge in terms of Section 227 of
the Code, the court must consider the entire materials on record to form an
opinion that the evidence if unrebutted would lead to a judgment of conviction.
When a higher standard be set up for the purpose of invoking the jurisdiction
under Section 319 of the Code is the question. The answer to these questions
should be rendered in the affirmative.
Hence the nature of evidence to summon any person under Section 319 should be
more than prima facie but less than 'Surety of conviction'. Moreover, the
evidence on the basis of which additional accused is summoned, should be taken
during the trial and not necessarily that witnesses who gave such evidence need
to be cross examined. If by examination in Chief, some material evidences
surfaced against any person who is not tried, then court is competent under
section 319 Cr. P. C to summon such person and to try him jointly.
In the case of [Periyasami Vs. S. Nallasamy, 2019 SCC OnLine SC 379], Court
held that under Section 319 of the Code, additional accused can be summoned only
if there is more than prima facie case as is required at the time of framing of
charge but which is less than the satisfaction required at the time of
conclusion of the trial convicting the accused.
Similarly the Honourable Supreme Court in {Criminal Appeal No. 395 of 2019
(arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 4626 of 2017 titled Sunil Kumar Gupta & Ors. Vs
State of Utter Pardesh & Ors.} found an occasion to conclude, that before the
Court exercises its jurisdiction in terms of Section 319 of Cr. P. C it must
arrive at satisfaction that the evidence adduced by the prosecution, if unrebutted, would lead to conviction of the persons sought to be added as the
accused in the case.
Supreme Court Guidelines For Exercising Powers Under Section 319 Cr. P. C:
In the case of [Sarojben Ashwin Kumar Shah Vs. State of Gujarat, 2011 (74) ACC
951 (SC)(Para 16)], the Hon'ble Supreme Court has drawn following guidelines for
exercising the jurisdiction by Courts under Section 319 Cr. P. C:
Written By: Dinesh Singh Chauhan, Advocate - J&K High Court of
Judicature, Jammu.
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