According to Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963, any appeal or application
may be accepted even after the limitation period for the same is over, if the
appellant/applicant assures the court that he had a
sufficient cause for not
being able to file the appeal/application during the limitation period. If the
court is satisfied, such delay in filing the appeal/application can be condoned
irrespective of the party being a state or a private party.
However in the case
v. Subrata Borah Chowlek[1], the court did clarify that even though the section
does not create any distinction between the state and the citizens, a stricter
standard of proof is adopted in the case of the Government being the defaulting
The term
sufficient cause has nowhere been defined in the act; however, it
seems that the courts have construed it quite liberally in order to meet the
ends of justice, so much so that meritorious matters are not disregarded solely
on the basis of a slight delay (
Collector, Land Acquisition, Anantnag v. Mst.
Katiji[2]). It should also be kept in mind that the law of limitation in itself
was founded on the principles on public policy in order to ensure that the
parties approach the court for vindication of their rights without causing
unreasonable delay.
The term seems to have a wide and comprehensive import. Whether or not the
furnished reason would constitute a
sufficient cause will depend on facts of
each case. There is no prescribed formula which can be applied for accepting or
rejecting the explanation provided for proving the delay. In a case where a
party has been negligent, the approach cannot be the same and liberal
interpretation of the term will be discouraged. In normal circumstances,
acceptance of the reason furnished should be the rule and refusal an exception,
more so when no negligence can be attributed to the defaulting party (
State of
West Bengal v. Administrator, Howrah Municipality[3]).
On the other hand, while
considering the matter the courts should not disregard the fact that by not
taking steps within the stipulated time, a valuable right has accrued to the
other party which should not be undermined by condoning delay in a routine like
However, by taking an over scrupulous approach to the matter, the
explanation furnished should not be dismissed especially when stakes are high,
causing considerable harm and irreparable damage to the party against whom the
suit terminates and defeating valuable right of such a party to have the
decisions on merits. Ideally, the courts should strike a balance between the
subsequent impact of the order it was going to pass upon the parties either way.
This approach was taken by the court in the case
Ram Nath Sao v. Gobardhan
In the case
State (NCT of Delhi) v. Ahmed Jaan[5], the court further
clarified that the term '
sufficient cause has to be considered with pragmatism in a
justice oriented approach rather than looking at the detection of a reasonable
cause for justifying every day's delay.
The Supreme Court in the case
Ramlal v. Rewa Coalfields Ltd[6] while
interpreting Section 5 laid down a few propositions. There are two important
considerations which have to be kept in mind while construing the section.
Firstly, the right established in favour of the decree holder to treat the
decree as binding between the parties after the period of limitation for making
an appeal is over, should not be normally hampered. Secondly, the discretion to
condone delay and admit the appeal is given to the court, which cannot be
undermined. This is done with an aim to advance substantial justice.
In another case
N. Balakrishnan v. M. Krishnamurthy[7], the court elaborated on
the point that in the cases of condonation of delay, the acceptability of the
explanation is the sole criterion; the duration of delay does not matter. There
have been cases where a slight delay in filing the application has not been
condoned due to unacceptable reasons; whereas on the other hand, the court has
neglected years of delay as the reason provided was satisfactory. This was
reiterated by the court in
State of Nagaland v. Lipok AO[8].
Hence, it can be concluded that the remedy provided under the Limitations Act to
condone the delay where a sufficient cause has been provided for the same should
be construed liberally in order to meet the ends of justice.
- IOCL v. Subrata Borah Chowlek CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 9726-9727 OF 2010
- Collector, Land Acquisition, Anantnag v. Mst. Katiji (1987) 2 SCC 107
- State of West Bengal v. Administrator, Howrah Municipality (1972) 1 SCC
- Ram Nath Sao v. Gobardhan Sao (2002) 3 SCC 195
- State (NCT of Delhi) v. Ahmed Jaan 2008 (10) JT 179
- Ramlal v. Rewa Coalfields Ltd AIR 1962 SC 361
- N. Balakrishnan v. M. Krishnamurthy 1998 7 SCC 123
- State of Nagaland v. Lipok AO 2007 CriLJ 3395