To Constitute Civil Contempt, It Must Be Established That Disobedience Is Wilful, Deliberate And With Full Knowledge Of Consequences: SC
Section 2 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971
Section 2 (a) of the Contempt of Court Act, 1971 states Civil Contempt as wilful
disobedience to the Order, Decree, Direction, any Judgment or Writ of the Court
by any person or willfully breach of undertakings by a person given to a Court.
Since Civil Contempt deprives a party of the benefit for which the
Order/Judgment was made so these are the offences essential of private nature.
In other words, a person who is entitled to get the benefit of the Court Order,
this wrong is generally done to this person.
Contempt of Court also has certain essentials and these are as follows:
These essentials should be fulfilled while making someone accused of Contempt of
Defences to Civil Contempt
A person who is accused of Civil Contempt of case can take the following
On a common understanding Contempt means disgrace, scorn or disobedience. In
law, it is an offence against dignity of a Court. The basic philosophy behind
Contempt power is the authority to deal with any act or omission which obstructs
or impedes the performance of important functions. To ensure this, Judiciary is
vested with contempt powers.
Wilful disobedience to any Judgment, Decree, Direction, Order, Writ or other
process of Court.
The term wilful as per the New Oxford illustrated Dictionary (1980 Ed.)
means asserting or disposed to assert one's own will against instruction, persuasion
etc., obstinately self-willed; deliberate, intentional showing perversity or
According to Black's Law Dictionary (8th Ed.) wilful means voluntarily and intentional, but necessarily malicious and wilfulness
Civil Contempt invloves wilful disobedience to the Order/Judgment of the Court.
The meaning of wilful is explained by Bramwell, LJ, in [Lewis Vs The Great
Western Railway Company, (1877) 3 QBD 195] as follows;
{Wilful misconduct means misconduct to which the will is a party, something
opposed to accident or negligence.}
The same view was expressed by Lord Russel, L. J, in [R Vs Senior, (1895) All ER
511], when he observes
Wilfully means done deliberately.
Bowen, L. J, expains more elaborately in [Re, Young and Harston's Contract,
(1885) 31 Ch. D 168] as follows:
The other word which it is sought to define is 'wilful'. That is a word of
familiar use in every branch of law and although in some branches of the law, it
may have a special meaning, it generally, as used in Courts of Law, implies
nothing blameable, but merely that the person of whose action or default the
expression is used is a free agent, and that what has been done arises from the
spontaneous action of his will. It amounts to nothing more than this, that he
knows what he is doing, and intends to do what he is doing, and is a free agent.
It is sometimes supposed that the will being a party to the disobedience is no
more enough and that there should further be an element of obstinancy, rebellion
or defiance. In [Worthington Vs Ad-lib Club Ltd., (1964) 3 All. ER 674] Stirling J, was construing the words
wilfully disobeyed in Order 42, Rule 31
of the Rules of the Supreme Court in England.
The Rule provides mode of
enforcing 'any judgment or order' against a corporation, which, it has 'wilfully
disobeyed'. Stirling, J, held that to come within the Rule it was necessary to
establish a 'continumacious disregard' of an Order/Judgment. He reached that
conclusion because he felt himself bound by, what he thought was the ration of
the decision of the Court of Appeal in [Fairclough & Sons Vs Manchester Ship
Canal Co., (1897) WN 7].
For the same reason he did not follow the judgment of Chitty, J, in [A. G Vs Walthamstow Urban District Council, (1895) 11 TLR
533] and that of Warrington, J., in [Stancomb Vs Trawbridge Urban District Council,
(1910) 2 Ch. 190]. However, the Judgment of Stirling, J. has been dissented
from, and his understanding of the decision of the Court of Appeal in [Fairclough
& Sons Vs Manchester Ship Canal Co. (supra) has been held to be wrong.
In [Steiner Product Ltd. Vs Willy Steiner Ltd., (1966) 2 All. ER 387] Stamp, J,
I do not think that the Court of Appeal intended to use the word
contumaciously as meaning something different from 'wilfully', for to will
not, in my judgment, tolerate. Chitty, J., took the view that disobedience which
was worse than casual, accidental or unintentional must be regarded as wilful,
in A. G Vs Walthamstow Urban District Council (supra), took a similar
The ordinary meaning of wilful, as defined in the Concise Oxford Dictionary,
is 'that for which complusion or ignorance or accident cannot be pleaded as an
excuse, intentional, deliberate'.
In [Knight Vs Clifton, (1971) 2 All. ER 378], the Court of Appeal has
disapproved the view of Stirling J. and endorsed that of Megaw, J., impliedly,
if not expressesly.
The Judgment of Stirling. J., has been overruled by Sachs,
L. J., agreeing with Russel, L. J, that 'contumacity need not be proved' in
order to establish 'wilfulness'. This has been confirmed by the decision of the
House of Lrds in [Heatons Transport Vs T. G, W. U, (1973) AC 15].
In Contempt Petition (Civil) No. 404/2019 in Civil Appeal No. 105/2011 titled
The Workmen Through The Convenor FCI Labour Federation Vs Ravuthar Dawood
Naseem, the Supreme Court declined to initiate Civil Contempt proceedings
against the Food Corporation of India, observing that the alleged disobedience
was neither wilful nor deliberate.
The Petitioners had initiated industrial disputes bearing I. D. No. 39/1992 and
I.D. No. 55/1993 before the Industrial Tribunal, Tamil Nadu, Chennai,
under Section 10 (1)(d) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 seeking directions
to the Respondent - Food Corporation of India to regularise and
departmentalise the concerned workers.
The Industrial Tribunal, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Vide its Award dated 29.07.1998
passed the following directions;
… Therefore, the services of workmen employed in different food storage depots
of the Food Corporation of India in South India where notification have been
issued prohibiting engagement of contract labour u/s 10 (1) of the Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, are entitled to be regularised, from the
date of notification concerning each depot.
Feeling aggrieved, the Food Corporation of India carried the matter before the
Division Bench of the Madras High Court by way of Writ Appeal Nos. 3382/2003 and
3383/2003. The Division Bench dismissed the said Writ Appeals Vide Judgment &
Order dated 13.12.2006 having agreed with the conclusion arrived at by the
Tribunal in passing Awards and the reasoning of the Learned Single Judge in
confirming the same.
The Food Corporation of India filed Special Leave Petitions
before Supreme Court of India, which were converted into Civil Appeal Nos.
10499/2011 and 10511/2011. Both appeals were dismissed by a common Judgment &
Order dated 20.08.2018 upholding the view taken by the Tribunal and the Madras
High Court.
The Contempt Petitions were filed by several groups of Workmen who sought
regularization and departmentalization in the Food Corporation of India. They
alleged that the Food Corporation of India had had failed to regularize and
departmentalize them as per the terms of the orders of the Industrial Tribunal,
which were affirmed by the Supreme Court in 2018.
The Food Corporation of India contended that it has already regularised the
eligible employees under Direct Payment System (DPS) and nothing further was
required to be done. It was urged that in the References before the Industrial
Tribunal, the claim was restricted to regularisation of the concerned employees
after abolition of the Contract Labour System. There was no prayer for absorbing
the concerned employees under any specific system of regular labour prevailing
in the Food Corporation of India.
The Food Corporation of India has four systems
of labour engagement, namely:
The Food Corporation of India submitted that there was no specific direction to
regularize the employees in any particular system, and hence their engagement
under Direct Payment System was sufficient compliance of the Court directions.
Bench comprising Justices A. M. Khanwilkar & Dinesh Maheshwari agreed with
the stand of Food Corporation of India. The Supreme Court referred to the
decision in [Ram Kishan Vs. Tarun Bajaj & Ors, (2014) 16 SCC 204],
wherein, the contours for initiating Civil Contempt action were delineated.
In paragraphs 11, 12 and 15 of the reported decision, the Court
observed thus:
11. Contempt jurisdiction conferred onto the law Courts power to punish an
offender for his wilful disobedience/contumacious conduct or obstruction to the
majesty of law, for the reason that respect and authority commanded by the
Courts of Law are the greatest guarantee to an ordinary citizens that his rights
shall be protected and the entire democratic fabric of the society will crumble
down if the respect of the Judiciary is undermined.
Undoubtedly, the Contempt
jurisdiction is a powerful weapon in the hands of the Courts of law but that by
itself operates as a string of caution and unless, thus, otherwise satisfied
beyond reasonable doubt, it would neither fair nor reasonable for the Law Courts
to exercise jurisdiction under the Act. The proceedings are quasi-criminal in
nature, and therefore, standard of proof required in these proceedings is beyond
all reasonable doubt. It would rather be hazardous to impose sentence for
Contempt on the authorities in exercise of Contempt jurisdiction on mere
12. Thus, in order to punish a contemnor, it has to be established that
disobedience of the order is Wilful . The word Wilful
introduces a mental element and hence, requires looking into the mind of
person/contemnor by gauging his actions, which is an indication of one's state
of mind. Wilful means
knowingly intentional, conscious, calculated and deliberate with full knowledge
of consequences flowing therefrom. It excludes casual, accidental, bonafide or
unintentional acts or genuine inability. Wilful acts does not encompass
involuntarily or negligent actions. The act has to be done with a bad purpose
or without justifiable excuse or stubbornly, obstinately or perversely.
act is to be distinguished from an act done carelessly, thoughtlessly,
heedlessly or inadvertently. It does not include any act done negligently or
involuntarily. The deliberate conduct of a person means that he knows what he is
doing and intends to do the same. Therefore, there has to be a calculated action
with evil motive on his part. Even if there is a disobedience of an order, but
such disobedience is the result of some compelling circumstances under which it
was not possible for the contemnor to comply with the order, the contemnor
cannot be punished.
Committal or sequestration will not be ordered unless Contempt involves a
degree of default or misconduct.
15. It is well settled principle of law that if two interpretations are
possible, and if the action is not contumacious, a contempt proceeding would not
be maintainable. The effect and purport of the order is to be taken into
consideration and the same must be read in its entirety. Therefore, the element
of willingness is an indispensable requirement to bring home the charge within
the meaning of the Act. (See: Sushila Raje Holkar Vs Anil Kak (Retd.),
AIR 2008 (Supp-2) SC 1837; and Three Cheers Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. Vs
C. E. S. C Ltd., AIR 2009 SC 735).
It was observed in that Judgment: order to punish a contemnor, it has to be established that
disobedience of the order is wilful. The word wilful introduces a mental
element and hence, requires looking into the mind of a person/contemnor by
gauging his actions, which is an indication of one's state of mind. Wilful
means knowingly intentional, conscious, calculated and deliberate with full
knowledge of consequences flowing therefrom.
It was also observed in that precedent:
It is well-settled principle of law that if two interpretations are possible,
and if the action is not contumacious, a Contempt proceeding would not be
In the light of the settled principles, the Bench observed in the instant case:
Suffice it to observe that to constitute Civil Contempt, it must be established
that disobedience of the order is wilful, deliberate and with full knowledge of
consequences flowing therefrom.
The Bench noted that there was no specific direction by the Tribunal to
regularize the employees in any particular stream. The High Court and the
Supreme Court merely affirmed the directions of the Tribunal;
.............the issue as to regularisation of the concerned workmen under
particular labour system had not been put in issue before the Tribunal and upto
this Court. A general direction came to be issued to regularise and
departmentalise them. Resultantly, the Respondents were left with the only
option to regularise the concerned workmen as per the extant applicable Policy
of the Organisation, under the Direct Payment System, the Court noted.
The Court dismissed the Petitions, observing;
Suffice it to observe that no case for initiating Contempt action against the
Respondent Corporation and its Officers has been made out. We need not,
therefore, analyse any other aspect of the matter, which would require rewriting
of the Judgments on the basis of which this Contempt action has been instituted.
That cannot be countenanced in Contempt proceedings.
Disobedience of the Court's Order/Judgment strikes at the very root of the Rule
of Law on which our system of governance is based. Power to punish for contempt
is necessary for the maintenance of effective legal system. It is exercised to
prevent perversion of the Course of Justice.
Power to punish for contempt is to be resorted to when there is clear violation
of the Court's Order/Judgment. Since notice of contempt and punishment for
contempt is of far reaching consequences, the contempt power should be invoked
only when a clear case of wilful disobedience of the Court's Order/Judgment has
been made out. Every infraction of the Court's Order/Judgment does not amount to
Contempt of Court. It is only a wilful and deliberate violation of the Court's
Order/Judgment and contumacious conduct on the part of the contemnor which is to
be condemned in contempt proceedings.
Mere disobedience of an Order/Judgment may not be sufficient to amount to a
civil contempt within meaning of Section 2 (b) of Contempt of Court Act, 1971
the element of willingness is an indispensable requirement to bring home the
charge within the meaning of the Act.
Though disregard of the Court's Order/Judgment may, by itself, amount to
contempt even in the absence of evidence of disobedience, it would still be
necessary to prove that the disregard was wilful and not bonafide. An action in
contempt is against contumacious conduct which disregards Justice. A mere breach
of the Order/Judgment is not contempt. It must amount to wilful and disdainful
disregard of process of Justice.
Dinesh Singh Chauhan, Advocate, J&K High Court of Judicature, Jammu.,
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