Right to Strike - A Fundamental Right or not?
The history of labour struggle is nothing but a continuous demand for a fair
return to labour expressed in varied forms i.e. (a ) Increase in wages, (b)
Resistance to decrease in wages, and (c) grant of allowances and benefits etc.
If a labourer wants to achieve these gains individually, he fails because of his
weaker bargaining power, the management with the better economic background
stands in a better position to dictate its terms. Strike is an important weapon
in the hands of the labour used to strengthen his bargaining power.
Though right to strike is a statutory and a legal right however it cannot be
said to be a fundamental right and this view has been reiterated by the Supreme
Court in various decisions.
Right to strike as a legal right:
The working class has indisputably earned the right to strike as an industrial
action after a long struggle, so much so that the relevant industrial
legislation recognizes it as their implied right. Striking work is integral to
the process of wage bargaining in an industrial economy.
A worker has no other means of defending her/his real wage other than seeking an
increased money wage. If a capitalist does not grant such an increase, s/he can
be forced to come to a negotiating table by striking workers. This s/he can do
because the earnings of the capitalist are contingent upon the worker continuing
to work. The right to strike is organically linked with the right to collective
bargaining and will continue to remain an inalienable part of various modes of
response/expression by the working people, wherever the employer-employee
relationship exists, whether recognized or not.
In Gujarat Steel Tubes v. Its Mazdoor Sabha (1980), Justice Bhagwati opined that
right to strike is integral of collective bargaining. He further stated that
this right is a process recognized by industrial jurisprudence and supported by
social justice.
Strike as a statutory right:
The scheme of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 implies a right to strike in
industries. A wide interpretation of the term industry by the courts
includes hospitals, educational institutions, clubs and government departments.
Section 2 (q) of the Act defines strike as "strike means a cessation of work by a body
of persons employed in any industry acting in combination or a concerted
refusal, or a refusal, under; a common understanding of any number of persons
who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment”.
Sections 22, 23, and 24 all recognize the right to strike. Section 24
differentiates between a legal strike and an illegal strike.
It defines
illegal strikes as those which are in contravention to the procedure of going
to strike, as laid down under Sections 22 and 23. The provision thereby implies
that all strikes are not illegal and strikes in conformity with the procedure
laid down, are legally recognized. It is thus beyond doubt that the Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947 contemplates a right to strike. The statutory provisions thus
make a distinction between the legality and illegality of strike. It is for the
judiciary to examine whether it is legal or illegal.
The workers right to strike is complemented by the employers right to
lock-out, thus maintaining a balance of powers between the two. Besides the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the Trade Unions Act, 1926 also recognizes the
right to strike. Sections 18 and 19 of the Act confer immunity upon trade unions
on strike from civil liability.
Right to strike under international conventions:
Article 8 (1) (d) of the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights (ICESCR) provides that the States Parties to the Covenant shall undertake
to ensure: "the right to strike, provided that it is exercised in conformity
with the laws of the particular country. Article 2 (1) of the Covenant provides:
"Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take steps, ... with a
view to achieving progressively the full realization of the rights recognized in
the present Covenant by all appropriate means, including particularly the
adoption of legislative measures".
India is a signatory to the Covenant and is therefore bound under Article 2 (1)
to provide for the right to strike as enshrined in Article 8 (1) (d), through
legislative measures or by other appropriate means. Thus, the aforesaid domestic
laws are the by-products of the international obligations and cannot be read
Right to strike has also been recognised by the conventions of the International
Labour Organization (ILO). By virtue of being a member of the ILO, India is
under obligation to satisfy at least the fundamental rights promoted by the
Conventions, irrespective of it having ratified them or not. Further, India is
not an ordinary member of the ILO, but one of the founding members of the
View of SC on right to strike:
Even as early as 1961, the Supreme Court had held in Kameshwar Prasad v. State
of Bihar (1962) that even a very liberal interpretation of article 19 (1) (c)
could not lead to the conclusion that the trade unions have a guaranteed
fundamental right to strike. In All India Bank Employees Association v.
National Industrial Tribunal (1962) also the SC held that right to strike cannot
said to be a part of Article 19(1)(c) of the Constitution.
It was a culmination of the ratios of the Kameshwar Prasad and
the A.I.B.E. cases that resulted in the decision in the highly
contentious Rangarajan case. In T.K. Rangarajan v. Government of Tamilnadu and
Others (2003) the SC opined that not only there existed no fundamental right to
strike but also stated that the Government employees have no "legal, moral or
equitable right".
Taking the facts into consideration of the Rangarajan case, the action of the
Tamil Nadu government terminating the services of all the employees who have
resorted to strike for their demands was challenged before the Honble High
court of Madras, by writ petitions under Articles 226/227 of the constitution.
On behalf of the government employees, writ petitions were filed challenging the
validity of the Tamil Nadu Essential Services Maintainance Act (TESMA), 2002 and
also the Tamil Nadu Ordinance 2 of 2003. The division bench of the court set
aside the interim order, and pronounced that the writ petitions were not
maintainable as the Administrative Tribunal was not approached. The division
bench judgment was challenged before the Supreme Court.
The Rangarajan case relies on a number of case laws dating back to the 1960s
(Kameshwar Prasad & AIBE Association). The only recent judgments that the Court
relied upon - namely, Harish Uppal vs, UOI (2003) and Bharat Kr. Palicha vs.
State of Kerela (1998) - to demonstrate that there is no right to strike seem to
have been misapplied, contrary to their letter and spirit. In Harish Uppal the
court held that advocates have no right to strike. However the court also opined:
"in the rarest of rare cases where the dignity, integrity and independence of
the Bar and/or the Bench are at stake, Courts may ignore (turn a blind eye) to a
protest abstention from work for not more than one day".
The court, therefore,
acknowledges that the right to strike exists and which can be exercised if a
rare situation demands so. The apex court has only tried to restrict the right
to strike of advocates with regards to the significant role they play in the
administration of justice. For all others this sacred right holds good force.
In Bharat Kr. Palicha vs. State of Kerela the apex court has held bundhs to be
unconstitutional. The same is relied upon in the Rangarajan case. However
the court failed to notice that the judgment does not keep a bundh and a general
strike on the same pedestal. Where, on the one hand, a bundh is
unconstitutional, a hartal or a general strike is very much legal.
The Rangarajan case suffers from an illegality insofar as it attempts to place a
blanket ban on all kinds of strikes irrespective of whether they are hartals
or bundhs.
The Rangarajan case simply ignores statutory provisions in the Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947 and the Trade Unions Act, 1926, and an equal number of case
laws laid down by larger benches that have recognized the right to strike. It
also fails to consider International Covenants that pave the way for this right
as a basic tenet of international labour standards.
In B.R. Singh v. Union of India (1990), SC opined that:
"The Trade Unions with
sufficient membership strength are able to bargain more effectively with the
management than individual workmen. The bargaining strength would be
considerably reduced if it is not permitted to demonstrate by adopting agitational
methods such as work to rule, go-slow, absenteeism, sit-down
strike, and strike. This has been recognized by almost all democratic
In Gujarat Steel Tubes v. Its Mazdoor Sabha (1980) also the right to
strike has been recognised by the SC. Gujarat Steel Tubes is a three-judge bench
decision and cannot be overruled by the division bench decision of Rangarajan.
In the Rangarajan case the court had no authority to wash out completely the
legal right evolved by judicial legislation.
Strike: A weapon of last resort
While on the one hand it has to be remembered that a strike is a legitimate and
sometime unavoidable weapon in the hands of labour, it is equally important that
indiscriminate and hasty use of this weapon should not be encouraged. It will
not be right for labour to think that any kind of demand for a strike can be
commenced with impunity without exhausting the reasonable avenues for peaceful
achievement of the objects.
There may be cases where the demand is of such an
urgent and serious nature that it would not be reasonable to expect the labour
to wait after asking the government to make a reference. In such cases the
strike, even before such a request has been made, may very well be justified.
Thus, initially, employees must resort to dispute settlement by alternative
mechanisms. Only under extreme situations when the alternative mechanisms have
totally failed to provide any amicable settlement, can they resort to a strike
as a last resort.
Though the Apex Court has not recognised the right to strike as a fundamental
right however time and again the Court has also settled that the right to strike
is a legal right, one that is recognized by most democratic countries of the
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