
The e in e governance stands for electronic Governance refers to lawful rules for management, control and administration. E governance is a public sector, use of information and communication technologies with aim of improving information and service delivery encouraging the citizen to participate in decision making process and making the government more accountable, transparent and effective.

E governance generally considered as a wider concept than E government, since it bring change in the way of citizen, relate to government and to each other. E governance can bring the concept of citizenship. It's objectives is to enable, engage and empower the citizen.

E governance means application of electronic means in the interaction between:

  • Government and citizen
  • Citizen and government
  • Government and business
  • Business and government
  • Internal government operation

Objectives of E governance:

E governance is not only providing information about the various activities and organisations of the government but it involves citizens to communicate with government and participate in decisions-making process.
  1. Putting government rules and regulations online.
  2. Putting information relating to government plans, budget, expenditures and performances online.
  3. Putting online key judicial decision like environment decision etc, which is important for citizen and create precedence for future actions.
  4. Making available contact addresses of local, regional, national and international officials online.
  5. Filing of grievances and recieving feedback from the citizens.
  6. Making available the reports of enquiry committees or commission online.

How E governance is different from E government?

E governance is a broader concept that deals with the whole spectrum of the relationship and network within the government regarding the usage and application of ICT(Information and communication technologies).

E government is a narrower discipline dealing with the development of online government services to the citizen and buisnesses such as E tax, E transportation, E participation amongst others.
E governance under IT Act, 2000: Electronic governance dealt under sections 4 to 10A of the IT act, 2000.
  1. Legal recognition of record (section 4):

    where any law requires that any information should be in the typewritten or printed form then such requirement shall be deemed to be satisfied if it is an electronic form. Therefore, section 4 confers validity on electronic record.
  2. Legal recognition of electronic signatures ( section 5):/

    Where any law provides that only information or other matters shall be authenicated by affixing the signature or any document shall be signed or bear the signature of any person, then such information or matter is authenicated by means of electronic signature affixed in such manner as may be prescribed by the central government.
  3. Use of electronic records and electronic signature in government and it's agencies (section 6):

    The filling of any form, application or other documents, creation, retention or perseverance of record, issue or grant of any license or permit or payment in government offices and it's agencies may be done through the means of electronic form.
  4. Delivery of services by service provider (section 6A):

    For the purpose of E governance and for efficient delivery of services to public through electronic means the appropriate government may, by notification in the official gazette authorize any service provider to set up, maintain and perform such other services as as it may specify.
  5. Retention of electronic records (section 7):

    The documents, records or information which to be retained for any specified period shall be deemed to have been retained if the same is retained in the electronic form provided the following conditions are satisfied:
    • The information remains accessible so as to be usable subsequently.
    • The electronic records is retained in its original format which accurately represent the information contained.
    • The detail which will facilitate the identification of the orgin, destination, dates and time of receipt of such electronic records are available there in.
  6. Audit of documents etc. Maintained in electronic form (section 7A):

    where any law for time being in force contains provision for audit of documents, record or information, then such provision shall also be applicable for audit of documents, records or information processed and maintain in electronic records.
  7. Publication of rule, regulation etc in electronic gazette (section 8):

    Where any law provides that any rule, regulation, order, bye law, notification or any other matter shall be published in official gazette, then such requirements shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, bye law , notification or any other matter is published in official gazette or electronic gazette.
  8. No right to insist government office etc to interact in electronic form (section 9):

    No right is conferred upon any person to insist any ministry or department of central government or state government or any authority under any law or controlled or funded by central or state government should accept, issue, create, retain and preserve any documents in the form of electronic records or effect any monetary transaction in the electronic form.
  9. Power to make rules by central government in respect of electronic signature (section 10):

    The central government may prescribe:
    1. The type of electronic signature.
    2. The manner and format in which electronic signature should be affixed.
    3. The manner which facilitates identification of the person affixing the electronic signature.
    4. Control processes and procedure to ensures adequate integrity, security and confidential of electronic records or payment.
    5. Any other matter which is necessary to give legal effect to electronic signatures.

Some E Governance Projects In India:

In India, the main thrust for E governance was provided by the launching of NICNET in 1987- The National Satellite Based computer Network. This was followed by the launch of district information system of national informatics centre programme to computerized all district offices to the sate government.

Parliament of Indian website:
Website of indian parliament carries information of the parliament, the constitution of India, various budgets, resume of work, parliamentary debates, committee and members of the house and links to other central and state government website.

E governance centre at haryana secretariat:
The haryana govt has set up E governance centre at the secretariat to effectively monitor information technology in the state. /=

This project was started by the state of karnatka which involves computerization of more than 200 treasuries all over the state and it was mainly for computerization of land record system.

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