India is touted as one of the greatest democracies of the world. The supremacy
of the Constitution is fortified and protected by an independent judiciary.
Judicial institutions have always been the sentinel on qui vive especially the
constitutional courts to the rights of the people of India. In this paradigm,
what will happen if The Independent Judiciary becomes despotic? Rather than
guarding the rights of the people, it abridges them. This article aims at
answering this question.
Contempt of court is any action which aims at defying the authority of the
court, which hampers the regular working of court and interferes with the
process of imparting of justice. It may include any disrespect and disregard to
any judge, or judicial court, or both.
In India, it is the Constitution which provides power to courts, for
their administration of justice. Article 129, Supreme Court to be a court of
record-Â the Supreme Court shall be a court of record and shall have all the
powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of
itself. Article 215, High Court shall be a court of record-Every High Court
shall be a court of record and shall have the powers of such a court
including the power to punish for contempt of itself.
Article 142(2)-Â subject to
the provisions of any law made in this behalf by Parliament, the Supreme Court
shall, as respects the whole of the territory of India, have all and every power
to make any order for the purpose of securing the attendance of any person, the
discovery or production of any documents, or the investigation or punishment of
any contempt of itself.
The Contempt Of Court Act, 1971, defines two different types of contempt of
court, one is civil contempt defined under section, 2(b) as means willful
disobedience to any judgment, decree, direction, order, writ or other process of
a court or willful breach of an undertaking given to a court; and the other is
criminal contempt defined under section, 2(c) as means the publication (whether
by words, spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or
otherwise) of any matter or the doing of any other act whatsoever which:
- scandalizes, or tends to scandalize, or lowers or tends to lower the
authority of, any court; or
- prejudices, or interferes or tends to interfere with, the due course of
any judicial proceeding; or
- interferes or tends to interfere with, or obstructs or tends to
obstruct, the administration of justice in any other manner.
There is a limitation period for initiating contempt of court proceeding,
which is defined under section 20 of the Act that is within one year from the
date on which the contempt is alleged to have been committed. Section 12 defined
the punishment for contempt of court as, simple imprisonment for a term which
may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees,
or with both.
Main Purpose Of Contempt Of Court Provision
The major the objective of the provision of contempt of court in any country is
to provide a tool to the judiciary that can be used against such parties,
lawyers and those people who obstruct in the proceedings of court. It is a very
useful and important tool in the hands of judiciary, to ensure that the orders
given by court in exercise of the power vested in them shall be obeyed and
If such a provision would not be with courts then, it would be a situation of
right, without a mechanism to redress in case of breach of such right. Contempt
of court is, mechanism of last resort, it is the sword in the hands of
judiciary, to punish for noncompliance with its orders. There many been many
instances, when the integrity and honor of the court has been disdained, and
when the punishment for contempt of court was given by the judiciary.
Delhi Judicial Service Association vs. State of Gujarat[1], the Chief
Judicial Magistrate, Nadiad, Gujarat, N.L. Patel filed complaint against the
police officer of Nadiad, for delaying the process of judicial proceedings as he
was not co-operating with the court. The CJM was then Assaulted, arrested on
flimsy grounds, handcuffed, tied with rope, photographs taken and published by
Police Officers.
The Supreme Court took this matter very seriously as it involved the matter of
public importance and huge disregard to judiciary. Supreme Court awarded Police
officer with the imprisonment of 6 months and fine of 2000 rupees for criminal
contempt of court and ordered removal of the police officer and also issued some
guidelines while making an arrest of a judicial officer.
Even the speaker of the State Assembly may be ordered to be produced before the
court for contempt.[2]  Under section 12 of the Contempt Of Court Act, the
proviso states, the accused may be discharged or the punishment awarded may be
remitted on apology being made to the satisfaction of the court. It is upon the
satisfaction of the court whether to accept the apology or not.
 L.D. Jaikwal v. State of U.P[3], it has been observed that, We do not
think that merely because the appellant has tendered his apology we should set
aside the sentence and allow him to go unpunished. Otherwise, all that a person
wanting to intimidate a Judge by making the grossest imputations against him has
to do, is to go ahead and scandalize him, and later on tender a formal empty
apology which costs him practically nothing. If such an apology were to be
accepted, as a rule, and not as an exception, we would in fact be virtually
issuing a license to scandalize courts and commit contempt of court with
Exceeding The Contours Of Power Contempt Of Court
As ideal it sounds, the provision of contempt of court has been has been heavily
misused by
The Independent Judiciary. In a large democracy as India,
citizens should not only have the right to freely criticize government or the
Parliament but judiciary too.
Contempt of court is a power with judiciary to
protect certain interest, but in recent times it has been used by judiciary to
curtail the right and more specifically
voice of people. Article
19(1)(a)Â provides right to freedom of speech and expression to all citizens, it
is not absolute right, under Article 19(2) reasonable restriction includes
contempt of court.
This tool of contempt of court is unjustly used by the judiciary to curb the
freedom of speech and expression of citizens. Although section 5 of the Contempt
Of Court Act, 1971 provides for Fair Criticism of judicial act not contempt but,
in reality how far such
Fair Criticism can be considered as contempt or
not, is in hands of judiciary itself, and no person gives away their own
interest. At the end judges are also individuals, and are not free from personal
feelings and bias, even every judgment differs from different judge to judge,
while using a tool especially carved for them, their feelings intervene. There
have been many cases wherein, judges just to avenge their own personal
dissatisfaction, applies contempt of court.
P.N. Duda vs. V. P. Shiv Shankar & Others[4], the Supreme Court
observed that the provision of contempt of court should not be used by judges to
uphold their own dignity. In a free democracy, as India, ideas, criticisms about
the judicial system or the judges should be welcomed, so long as criticisms do
not impair or hamper the administration of justice. Disapproving of the tendency
among judges to treat even technical violations or unintended acts as contempt,
a bench headed by Justice R V Raveendran said:
It is possible that it is done to uphold the majesty of courts, and to command
respect. But judges, like everyone else, will have to earn respect. They cannot
demand respect by demonstration of
power (of contempt).[5]
The power of contempt of court is not to avenge, vengeance is justice gone wild.
Supreme Court Bar Association v. Union of India[6], In an earlier case
the Supreme Court found Vinay Chandra Mishra, an Advocate, guilty of committing
criminal contempt of court for having interfered with and obstructing the course
of justice by trying to threaten, overawe and overbear the court by using
insulting, disrespectful and threatening language. The Supreme Court invoked its
power under article 129 read with article 142 of the Constitution and awarded
the condemner a suspended sentence of imprisonment together with suspension of
his practice as an advocate.
The punishment awarded, suspension of license of the advocate was not valid
punishment as of contempt of court. The Supreme Court cannot in exercise of its
jurisdiction under article 142 read with article 129 of the Constitution, while
punishing a condemner for committing contempt of court, also impose a punishment
of suspending his license to practice, where the condemner happens to be an
Court exceeded its power under contempt of court, which is not
Activism rather
Judicial Overreach. The line between judicial
activism and judicial overreach is very thin, and contempt of court is a grey
area where this line is easily crossed by judges.
It is an area of thought for the judiciary, whether contempt of court as a law
should be used a frequently as it is used now and should it be used a revenge
mechanism by judges or a tool protection court’s authority. To quote US Supreme
Court Chief Justice John Marshall, who had warned two centuries ago that the
power of Judiciary lies, not in deciding cases, nor in imposing sentences, nor
in punishing for contempt, but in the trust, confidence and faith of the common
- Judicial Service Association v. State of Gujarat AIR 1991 SC 2176, 406
- I. Manilal Singh v. H. Borobabu Singh, Supp (1) SCC 718: AIR 1994 SC,
505 (1994)
- L.D. Jaikwal v. State of U.PÂ Â AIR 1374, SCR, 833 (1984)
- P.N. Duda vs. V. P. Shiv Shankar & Others AIR 1208, SCR (3) 547 (1988)
- Satya Prakash, Don’t Misuse Contempt Law, say SC, The Hindustan Times
(Jun 11, 2007),
- Supreme Court Bar Association v. Union of India AIR 1998 SC 1895: 1998
(2) SCALE 745: (1998) 4 SCC 409: (1998) 2 SCR 795
By: Divyanshi Maheshwari: B.A. LLB Specialization in Energy Laws, Third year
: University Of Petroleum And Energy Studies, Dehradun (UPES)