A. Introduction
The Indian criminal law has always recognized the principle of corporate
culpability. The primary reason for this can be attributed to the influence of
English common law which also recognises corporate criminality. A number of
statutes take into account the possibility of a criminal act being committed by
a legal person e.g. Essential Commodities Act, Indian Penal Code, Prevention of
Food Adulteration Act, Negotiable Instruments Act, Companies Act 1956 (which has
now been repealed) to name a few.[1]
In the report made by the Bankruptcy Law
Reforms Committee,[2]it has categorically provided for criminal charges in the
spheres of fraud and malpractice. Subsequently, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2016 (Code or IBC) was enacted by the Legislature, which was
introduced with an objective to consolidate and amend the laws relating to reorganisation of the insolvency resolution of corporate persons, partnership
firms and individuals in a time-bound manner for maximisation of value of assets
of such persons, to promote entrepreneurship, availability of credit and to
balance the interests of all stakeholders.[3]
Although the provisions of the
Code assume a civil nature, it is significant not to overlook provisions that
identify certain actions of persons viz. corporate debtor (CD), resolution
professionals etc. as criminal offences. It incorporated criminal liability
against the corporations for the offences, such as falsification of books,
furnishing false information, and concealment of property in Chapter VII of Part
II of the Code (Chapter VII).
This article attempts to make three principal contributions to the study of
penal provisions in the insolvency law in India. First, it analyses the Code and
shows that the essential ingredients of the provisions in the Code rest on
primary criminal law principles without much deviation, which is the essence of
corporate criminal liability. Second, it examines the provisions holistically to
identify the practical difficulties that arise or may arise in future due to the
text of the Code. Finally, it suggests possible amendments in the penal
B. Need for corporate criminal liability in the Code
Corporate criminal liability under environmental, antitrust, securities, and
other laws has grown rapidly over the last two decades all over the
world.[4]The corporations are not fictional entities and therefore, liability
can fall on the corporations in the event of commission of criminal offence. The
law has evolved from the position that a company cannot be prosecuted for
offences that require imposition of a mandatory imprisonment[5]to the position
that the mens rea of the
alter ego of the company (i.e. the person or group of
people that guide the business of the company) will be imputed to the
company[6]as laid down by the Supreme Court in Iridium case.[7],[8]
In the report of Dr. N. L. Mitra Committee on Legal Aspects of Bank Frauds,
2001,[9]the committee has found that imposition of criminal liability on
corporations can create confusion and the agencies enforcing criminal law is not
yet well-equipped to bring in effect criminal liability against corporations. It
In some cases, criminalizing through business law, say, Companies Act or by
Negotiable Instrument Act has backfired creating confusion in the administration
of Criminal law. Criminal law as a matter of fact, has to attain definitional
perfection and at the same time delimit the area of offence with proper care.
Police, prosecution, criminal courts and the prison are the ones to act in
unison to maximise the effect of criminal justice.
One decade later, the report of the Committee to Review Offences under Companies
Act, 2013[10]while recognizing the requirement of bringing corporations under
the ambit of criminal law, stated:
certain act/defaults are of serious nature which require the rigours of criminal
trial. Such act may affect larger public interest, shareholder's interest,
creditor's interest or it may affect the going concern nature of the company
itself. There may also be an element of deceit, an intent to siphon out funds
Standard Chartered Bank and Ors v. Directorate of Enforcement[11], Standard
Chartered Bank was being prosecuted for violation of certain provisions of the
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of 1973 ("FERA"). Indian Supreme Court held that
the corporation could be prosecuted and punished, with fines, regardless of the
mandatory punishment of imprisonment required under the respective statute. The
Court also referred to the recommendations made by the Law Commission.[12]
It is an established jurisprudence that the criminal liability constitutes two
essentials:actus reus(guilty act) andmens rea (guilty mind). To determine the
culpability of the corporation, an individual who has perpetrated the commission
of an offence on behalf of a company can be made an accused, along with the
However, to make an individual liable, there must be sufficient
evidence of his active role coupled with criminal intent and/or a provision must
be specifically incorporated into the statutory regime that attracts the
doctrine of vicarious liability.[14]
Therefore, the principle of corporate criminal liability, as a settled principle
of law, propounds that the liability rests with the directors in two ways:
- When the offence committed by the company involvesmens rea, it would
normally come down to the intent and action of the individual acting on behalf
of the company. Thus, an individual who has perpetrated an offence on behalf of
the company can be made an accused, along with the company, if there is
sufficient evidence of his active role coupled with criminal intent.
- Where the statutory regime itself attracts the doctrine of vicarious
liability by specifically providing for such liability.[15]
The evolution of the concept of corporate criminal liability was of much
significance and its inclusion in the Code was imperative due to the nature of
the object it was trying to achieve. The offences listed down in the Chapter VII
require maximum deterrence for a smooth insolvency proceeding. Further, any
deviation from the established procedure amounts to fraud or malpractice that
will adversely affect the society, thereby, it amounts to public wrong. For
instance, furnishing false information at the time of application to initiate
insolvency proceeding has the power to cause dire injuries to the stakeholders.
Thus, it will be a detriment to the society, and the offence is clearly criminal
in nature. This was recognized by the Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee in its
report published in 2015, on whose foundation the Code was enacted.
C. Penal provisions in the Code
Chapter VII provides for offences that otherwise adversely affect the corporate
insolvency resolution process (CIRP).A comprehensive table to understand the
penal provisions contained in the Code is as below:
Sec. |
Offence |
Offender |
Relevant Time |
Penalties |
Excn. |
68 |
Concealment of property:
1) a. concealed any property or part of such property of the CD or
concealed any debt due
b. fraudulently removed any part of the property of the CD
c. concealed, destroyed, mutilated or falsified any book or paper wrt
property of CD
d. wilfully made false entry in any book or paper wrt property of CD
e. fraudulently parted with, altered or made any omission in any
document affecting or relating to the property of CD
f. wilfully created any security interest over, transferred or disposed
of any property of Corporate Debtor (CD) which has been obtained on
credit and has not been paid.
g. wilfully concealed the knowledge of the doing by others of any of the
acts mentioned in clauses c, d, e above |
Officer of CD |
within the twelve months before
insolvency commencement date (ICD) |
•Imprisonment-Min. 3
years Max.5 years
•Fine –Min. one lakh Max. one crore
•Both |
No intent |
2) Committed acts mentioned above a to g |
At the time of ICD |
3) Taken in pawn or pledge, or otherwise
received the property knowing it to be so secured, transferred or
disposed |
At any time after ICD |
69 |
Transactions defrauding creditors
a. made any gift or transfer of, or charge on, or has caused or connived
in the execution of a decree or order against, the property of CD
b. concealed or removed any part of the property of the CD |
Officer of CD or the CD |
a. Any time within or after 5 years from ICD.
b. Within two months before the date of any unsatisfied judgment, decree
or payment order |
•Imprisonment– Min. 3 years
Max.5 years
•Fine –Min. 1 lakh Max. 1 crore
•Both |
Acts in a. committed more than 5
years before insolvency commencement date |
70 |
Misconduct during CIRP
1) a. does not disclose to the RP all the details of property of CD and
the transactions
b. Does not deliver to the RP control or custody of property of CD
c. does not deliver to RP all books and papers belonging to CD
d. fails to inform RP that a debt has been falsely proved by any person
during CIRP
e. prevents production of any book or paper wrt property or affairs of
f. Accounts fictitious losses or expenses, or any attempt at a CoC
meeting within 12 months before ICD |
Officer of CD |
On or after the ICD |
•Imprisonment- Min. 3 Years
Max.5 Years
•fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 Crore
•Both |
No intent |
2) IP deliberately contravenes |
Insolvency Professional |
•Imprisonment- 6 months
•fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 5 lakhs
•Both |
71 |
Falsification of books of CD
Destroys, mutilates, alters or falsifies any books, papers or
securities, or makes or is in the knowledge of making of any false or
fraudulent entry in any register, books of account or document belonging
to CD |
Any person |
Any person |
On and after the ICD
•Imprisonment– Min. 3 Years Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 Crore
•Both |
No intent |
72 |
Wilful and material omissions from statements
wrt affairs of CD |
Officer of CD |
Any time |
•Imprisonment– Min. 3 Years
Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 Crore
•Both |
No intent |
73 |
False representations to creditors
1) a. a false representation or commits any fraud for the purpose of
obtaining the consent of the creditors of the corporate debtor or any of
them to an agreement with reference to the affairs of the corporate
debtor, during CIRP or Liquidation process.
b. made any false representation, or committed any fraud |
Officer of CD |
a. on or after the ICD
b. Prior to ICD |
•Imprisonment- Min. 3 Years
Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 Crore
•Both |
74 |
Contravention of moratorium or
the resolution plan
1) knowingly or wilfully committed or authorised or permitted violation
the provisions of section 14 |
CD or its officer |
During CIRP |
•Imprisonment– Min. 3 Years
Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 3 Lakh
•Both |
No intent |
2) knowingly or wilfully committed or authorised or permitted violation
the provisions of section 14 |
Any creditor |
•Imprisonment– Min. 1 Year
Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 crore
•Both |
No intent |
3) knowingly and wilfully contravenes any of the terms of such
resolution plan or abets such contravention |
CD or its officer or
Creditor or any person (on whom RP binding) |
After approval of Resolution
•Imprisonment– Min. 1 Year
Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 crore
•Both |
No intent |
75 |
False information furnished or material
information omitted in application u/s 7 knowingly. |
Any person |
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 crore |
No intent |
76 |
a. wilfully or knowingly concealed in an
application under section 9 the fact that the corporate debtor had
notified him of a dispute in respect of the unpaid operational debt or
the full and final payment of the unpaid operational debt
b. knowingly and wilfully authorised or permitted such abovementioned
concealment |
a. Operational
b. Any person |
•Imprisonment– Min. 1 Year Max.5
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 crore
•Both |
No intent/ knowledge |
77 |
a. provides information in the application
under section 10 which is false in material particulars
b. knowingly and wilfully authorised or permitted the furnishing of such
information. |
a. Operational Creditor
b. Any person |
•Imprisonment- Min. 3 Years
Max.5 Years
•Fine –Min. 1 Lakh Max. 1 Crore
•Both |
No intent/ knowledge |
In a nutshell, it is observed that sections 68 to 77 explicitly layout
punishments for certain actions like concealment of property of CD (section 68),
transactions defrauding creditors (section 69), for any misconduct in course of
CIRP (section 70) as well as for falsification of books of CD (section 71).
Nevertheless, any wilful and material omission from statements related to
affairs of CD (section 72) and false representation to creditors (section 73)
are also treated as offence sunder this Chapter.
Besides, a contravention of
moratorium or the resolution plan would constitute an offence (section 74) as in
the case of furnishing false information in an application (section 75 and 77).
Also, any non-disclosure of dispute or payment of debt by operational creditors
(OC) is also considered as an offence (section 76) under the Code.
Apart from the aforementioned provisions, there is a residuary provision
inserted by Amendment[16]to penalise contravention of any provision of the Code
whose penalty is not already provided in Section 235A of the Code. Such
violations are punishable with fine which shall not be less than one lakh rupees
but which may extend to two crore rupees.
It is provided in Section 236 that the trial of offences will be undertaken by
Special Court. The provision starts with anon-obstante clause-Special Court
has powers to try the offences under IBC. It further states that no court can
take cognizance, except by a complaint made by the Board, Central Government, or
any person authorized by Central Government. The trial at the Special Court will
be as per the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
The Special
Courts are established under Chapter XXVIII of the Companies Act, 2013[17]
The foremost recommendations with respect to Special Courts was made by Dr. J.
J. Irani in its Committee Report on Company Law.[18]These recommendations were
approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and found its way to the
Fifty-Seventh Report of the Standing Committee on Finance. Finally, the
provision for establishment of Special Courts was introduced into the Companies
Bill, 2009. The major objective behind creation of Special Courts, under the Act
of 2013 was to ensure speedy disposal of cases, so that the usual long-time gap
between the commission of fraudulent activities and final hearing of the cases
is done away with. This idea was rightly imported for dealing with the aforesaid
offences in the Code as well.[19]
D. Issues Identified
The following issues have been experienced in cases that aresub-judiceand
therefore, the case details have been kept confidential. However, it is
pertinent to highlight the practical difficulties that may be evident from a
detailed examination and analysis of the provisions.
Absence of Preferential Transactions in Chapter VII
PUFE transactions, or preferential, undervalued, fraudulent and extortionate
transactions are not covered in the transactions defrauding creditors
punishable under Section 69 of the Code.
In preferential transactions, given under section 43, preference is said to
be given by the CD if the transfer of property happens for the benefit of
creditor / surety / guarantor; and such transfer puts the creditor in
beneficial position than what he would have been obtained, in the event of
distribution of assets.
There are certain transactions that are excluded, they are:
- transfer made in the ordinary course of the business or financial
affairs of the corporate debtor or the transferee;
- any transfer creating a security interest in property acquired by the
corporate debtor to the extent that:
- such security interest secures new value and was given at the time of or
after the signing of a security agreement that contains a description of
such property as security interest, and was used by corporate debtor to
acquire such property; and
- such transfer was registered with an information utility on or before
thirty days after the corporate debtor receives possession of such property:
Provided that any transfer made in pursuance of the order of a court shall
not, preclude such transfer to be deemed as giving of preference by the
corporate debtor.
Section 43(4) provides the relevant time for when the transaction will be
deemed to be a preference transaction. The legislature decided to
distinguish between related party and other people; for related party, the
relevant time is period of two years preceding the insolvency commencement
date; and for others, it is the period of one year preceding the insolvency
commencement date.
Further, the Adjudicating Authority has been conferred the power to pass
orders in case of a preferential transaction, which included, interalia, transfer
the property to CD, pay sums in respect of benefits received, release
security interests, unless such a preference was undertaken in good faith.
Similarly, the Code provides for undervalued transaction in Section 45, and
defines it as a gift given; or transfer of the asset for consideration which
is significantly less than the consideration provided by the CD, which is
not in ordinary course of business. The relevant time provided is the same
as for preferential transactions, two years preceding the insolvency
commencement date for transaction with a related party, or one year for
other parties. The order of the Adjudicating Authority on undervalued
transaction is give under section 48.
Section 50 defines extortionate transactions as a credit transaction
involving the receipt of financial or operational debt. Regulation 5 of CIRP
Regulations provides that a transaction shall be considered extortionate
under section 50(2) where the terms:
i. require the corporate debtor to make exorbitant payments in
respect of the credit provided; or
ii. are unconscionable under the principles of law relating to
The relevant time provided is two years preceding the date of commencement
of insolvency for a transaction with any party. it is clarified that any
debt extended by any person providing financial services which is in
compliance with any law for the time being in force in relation to such debt
shall in no event be considered as an extortionate credit transaction. The
order against such a transaction can be made by the adjudicating authority
under section 51.
Fraudulent transactions are the transaction to defraud the creditors during
CIRP as stated in section 66. The relevant period is during the course of
CIRP. Section 67 provides in detail the civil remedies that can be availed
and how the adjudicating authority can grant relief, without making the
transaction under the category of criminal offences.
The punishment for section 49 and section 69 are provided separately,
thereby, leaving it on the judicial application of mind of the adjudicating
authority and special court. If such a transaction has been identified to be
criminally liable, it is only natural to identify transaction resulting in
the same injuries and provided harsher punishment for them and their
Lack of lookback period in Section 71
Section 71 provides for punishment for falsification of books by CD –
On and after the insolvency commencement date, where any person destroys,
mutilates, alters or falsifies any books, papers or securities, or makes or
is in the knowledge of making of any false or fraudulent entry in any
register, books of account or document belonging to the corporate debtor
with intent to defraud or deceive any person, he shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years, but which
may extend to five years, and with fine which shall not be less than one
lakh rupees, but may extend to one crore rupees, or with both.
Section 5(12) defines insolvency commencement date as the date of
admission of an application for initiating corporate insolvency resolution
process by the Adjudicating Authority under sections 7, 9 or section 10, as
the case may be. In this respect, the Section 71 provides for a very narrow
window of time period, i.e., on and after the insolvency commencement date
for a wide range of people on whom the liability may fall, i.e. any
person.This becomes problematic when read in conjunction with other
provisions in Chapter VII because certain offences by certain class of
people can be booked for criminal trial under this provision, however, due
to the narrow time window.
For instance, in a case where any person' destroys or mutilates the books
of CD [after the application has been filed, but] before admission by
Adjudicating Authority, no liability can be on such person. This example is
not rare, and may happen frequently under the apprehension of potential
insolvency proceeding of the CD. In Educomp case,[20]EISML (CD) has been
transferring its franchisee business to another company MEMPL, established
by original promotor and director's former employees for few years before
insolvency commencement date.
Ambiguity in the time for filing a criminal complaint in Sections 75,
76 and 77
The Code does not mention the relevant time for the offences mentioned under
Sections 75, 76 and 77. They simply provide for the offences, such as
furnishing of false information by any person in application under section 7
or 10 (section 75 or 77, respectively), or concealing the notification of
dispute by the Operational Creditor in the application under Section 9
(section 76).
Here, the legislature needs to clarify at what stage of the application can
a criminal complaint be filed. It is of concern, because there is a time gap
between the time of the application and the time of admission by
Adjudicating Authority, and the corporate insolvency resolution process
begins only after the application gets admitted. Thus, if the material
information has been omitted or false information is furnished in an
application under section 7 by an officer of the financial creditor, it is
unclear whether the complaint can be filed before the admission of the
application and whether it will be valid in the eyes of law, as the
insolvency proceeding had not commenced then.
In addition, it is worth noting that simultaneous civil and criminal
proceedings are permitted, especially in the cases of economic offences, and
neither has any bearing on the other or the decision in either of them
cannot bind the other.[21]It was held in State of Rajasthan vs. B.K.Meena,[22]thatthe
standard of proof, the mode of enquiry and the rules governing the enquiry
and trial in both the cases are entirely distinct and different. Thus, the
law on the issue stands crystallized to the effect that the findings of fact
recorded by the Civil Court do not have any bearing so far as the criminal
case is concerned and vice-versa.[23]
Leniency of Section 235A
Section 235A provides for punishment where no specific penalty or punishment
is provided and states:
If any person contravenes any of the provisions of this Code or the rules or
regulations made thereunder for which no penalty or punishment is provided
in this Code, such person shall be punishable with fine which shall not be
less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to two crore rupees.
It is acatchall'provision and includes any contravention of any provision
of the code by any person. Despite being so wide in coverage of offences and
violations, it is observed that the punishment is not proportional to the
gravity of the offence.
The penalty is purely monetary in nature, which may
be insufficient to prevent an interested party from thwarting the insolvency
resolution process. The offences such as collusion between stakeholders,
non-cooperation by the stakeholders with resolution professional and PUFE
transactions, are grave injustices to the economy and thereby, the public,
and the corresponding punishment cannot be purely monetary.
E. Recommendations
Identification of issues will be as worthless as non-identification, if it
is not backed by possible solutions to address them. The solutions, with
respect to the issues raised in the paper, are all directed to the
legislature and corporate policy analysts.
The first issue identified in this article can be addressed by including
preferential and other transactions or PUFE transactions in Chapter VII.
Akin to Section 68, Section 69 can have a more elaborate list of
transactions that merit criminal trial. Inclusion of preferential,
fraudulent and extortionate transactions may be added under section 69, or
as a separate provision.
The second issue can be addressed by inserting a reasonable look-back
period of two years in section 71, by way of an amendment. Inclusion of such
a time period will contribute in deterring the people to commit offences
that have grave repercussions. The objective of adopting criminal laws in
economic offences is to deter the wrongdoers and offenders from defeating
the purposes of civil processes.
The third issue needs to be addressed by the legislature by clarifying the
timeframe of filing a criminal complaint. It can do so by inserting the
relevant time in the sections 75, 76 and 77, or way of releasing guidelines,
rules on the same. The requirement of order from the Adjudicating Authority
is not required to determine its parallel criminal case. However, it may be
made mandatory that a criminal complaint can be filed only upon admission of
application under section 7, 9 or 10 by the Adjudicating Authority.
The final issue can be addressed by making the punishment provided under
section 235A more rigorous by including a term of imprisonment. The term of
imprisonment can be similar to the other provisions and possibly be, minimum
of six months and maximum of three years, along with the fine already
prescribed, or both, depending on the gravity of the offence. This confers
wide powers on the judge of Special Court to use its judicial conscience
while sentencing on a case by case basis. This may act as an alternative or
complement the solution suggested for the first issue.
- M Srinivas,The Dynamics of Corporate Criminal Liability in India, IUP
Law Review, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p52-58. 7p, 2018
- The report of the Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee Volume I: Rationale
and Design, Nov 2015, available at:https://ibbi.gov.in/BLRCReportVol1_04112015.pdf
- Preamble of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Act No. 31 of
- Richard S. Gruner, Corporate Crime And Sentencing § 1.9.2, at 52-55
(1994) (discussing the increase in corporate sanctions and the relatively
high rate of prosecution of corporate offenses); John C. Coffee, Jr.,
Emerging Issues in Corporate Criminal Policy, Foreword to GRUNER. supra, at
xix-xxi (discussing Europe's move toward more expansive corporate criminal
liability): Harvey L. Pitt & Karl A. Groskaufmanis, Minimizing Corporate
Civil and Criminal Liability: A Second Look at Corporate Codes of Conduct,
78 GEO. L.J. 1559, 1563, 1570, 1573-74 (1990) (noting the growth in criminal
prosecutions of and sanctions against corporations as well as the growth in
corporate criminal liability).
- Asstt. Commr. V. Velliappa Textiles Ltd. (2003) 11 SCC 405
- Doctrine of Attribution– The doctrine of attribution implies that the
criminal intent of the alter ego of the company / body corporate, i.e.,
the person or group of person that guide the business of the company, would
be imputed to the corporation. Mens rea is attributed to the company on the
basis of the alter ego of the company.
- Iridium India Telecom v. Motorola Incorporated and Others (2011) 1 SCC
74. Also see Standard Chartered Bank v. Directorate of Enforcement (2005) 4
SCC 530, Lee Kun Hee, President. Samsung Corpn., South Korea vs. State of
U.P. (2012) 2 SCC 132 and Aneeta Hada vs. Godfather Travels and Tours (P)
Ltd. (2012) 5 SCC 661
- Bharat Vasani & Umang Pathak, Corporate Criminal Liability – #DirectorToo,
July 10, 2019, available at:https://corporate.cyrilamarchandblogs.com/2019/07/corporate-criminal-liability-directortoo/
- Dr. N. L. Mitra Committee on Legal Aspects of Bank Frauds, 2001
available at:
- Report of the Committee to Review Offences under Companies Act ,2013.
Available at:
- (2005) 4 SCC 530
- The Law Commission recommended the following provision to be inserted in
the Penal Code:
(1) In every case in which the offense is punishable with imprisonment only
or with imprisonment and fine, and the offender is a corporation, it shall
be competent to the court to sentence such offender to fine only.
(2) In every case in which the offense is punishable with imprisonment and
any other punishment not being fine, and the offender is a corporation, it
shall be competent to the court to sentence such offender to fine.
(3) In this section, "corporation" means an incorporated company or other
body corporate, and includes a firm and other association of individuals
- Sunil Bharti Mittal v. Central Bureau of Investigation ((2015) 4 SCC
- Doctrine of Vicarious Liability- This doctrine implies that the
officials of the company shall be held responsible for the acts of the
company by virtue of their position in the company.
- Supranote 8.
- Act 8 of 2018, sec. 8 (w.r.e.f. 23-11-2017)
- Section 435 of the Companies Act, 2013 (Act No. 18 of 2013), 29 August,
- Report on Company Law, Dr. J. J. Irani Expert Committee on Company Law,
(May 31, 2005).
- Criminal jurisprudence and the IBC Code, 9 October, 2019, available
- M/s Educomp Infrastructure & School Management Limited v. Mr. Ashwini
Mehra, CA No.335/2018 in CP (IB) No.10/Chd/Hry/2018 (NCLT Chandigarh)
- Iqbal Singh Marwah & Anr. Vs. Meenakshi Marwah & Anr., (2005) 4 SCC 370.
- State of Rajasthan vs. B.K.Meena & Others, (1996) 6 SCC 417.
- Kishan Singh vs.Gurpal Singh, (2010) 8 SCC 775.
Written By:
Deboleena Dutta - Author is a final-year law student at University of Delhi. The research was
conducted and the article was written in the course of her internship with the
Prosecution & Adjudication team of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India
(Board) in the month of January of 2020. The article incorporates the
discussions and suggestions made by the Board during the presentation of the
article, in the presence of the Chairperson of the Board, dated 28 January,