If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. The activity of planning
a budget is considered as the central activity of financial management. Budget
not only gives an account of the year's housekeeping and of the year to come so
far as the state is concerned, but it is the basis of control of the financial
affairs of the state regarded as household.
Firstly, the article gives glimpses of union budget 2020-21and analyzes the
budget allocated to the Education Sector followed by analysis of the increment
in the budget provided to education sector this year. Further the article will
give an in depth information on programmes proposed in the education budget of
FY'21 and will appraise and critique the allocation of budget to education
Budget is basically a microeconomic concept that is estimation of Revenue and
Expenses that must be undertaken for a specified future period and is utilized
by governments. Legally, According to Article 112 of the Constitution of India,
the Union Budget of a year is an 'Annual financial statement' i.e. the estimated
receipts and disbursements of the government of the current fiscal year. This
emphasizes an obligation on the Indian parliament to assure that all the
revenue, expenditures and measures it authorizes, legally and constitutionally,
are economically sound, matches the needs and aspirations of the people with
equity, and symbolizes that it is we the people are the source of this budget.
The Union Budget 2020-21 has been structured on the overall theme of Ease of
Living. The central ideas of this year's Budget are - Aspirational India,
Economic development, A Caring Society.
The budget can be said as the nucleus of a cell round which the financial
activities of the Country oscillates. It is both the scale and the limit of all
the financial operations.
Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on 1 Feb 2020 unwrapped a series
of far-reaching reforms, aimed at boosting the Indian economy through a
combination of short-term, medium-term, and long term measures.
The Union Budget has been structured on the overall theme of Ease of Living.
The budget has emphasized around three prominent themes:
The three broad themes are held together by
Finance Minister's budget speech contained important proposals on income tax,
the welfare of SCs, OBCs and STs, infrastructure, education, agriculture and
much more. Legally, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental
right to the children between the ages of 6 and 14 under article 21(a)of the
Constitution of India as well as under article-45 DPSP which says to provide for
early childhood and education to children below age of six years.
According to studies, by the pace India's economy is growing, India is going to
have largest working population in the world. Moreover, they will need
vocational skills and quality education to be the global job demand. Hence for
India’s continued recognition as the talent pool for the world, requisite
investments in the education sector is the need of the hour.
The FM in the Union Budget 2020 (FY'21) proposed a new education policy and
along with it Rs 99,300 crore worth of funding for the Education sector in
2020-21, and about Rs 3,000 crore for skill development too. In comparison, an
allocation of Rs 94,800 crore in the Education sector was done in the previous
year's Union Budget. India has been witnessing a nominal increment in allocation
of education sector budget in past 3 years. Statically, from Rs.85000 crore in
year 2018 to Rs.94,500 crore in year 2019, this year around Rs. 99, 300cr
allocation is made to the budget of education sector. Moreover, for the matter
of skill development ministry and its various programmes, an allocation of Rs
3,002.21 crore has been proposed for FY21.
In FY'20 Rs 2,531.04 crore was allocated to the skill development ministry.
Budgetary allocation of Rs. 99,300 cr. is slightly up by approx. 5% from last
year in comparison to 10% rise in last year. Of this, the department of higher
education has been allocated Rs 39,466.52 crore while the school education and
literacy department has been given Rs 59,845 crore. In FY'20 the department of
higher education was allocated Rs 38317.01 crore while the school education and
literacy department was given Rs 56536.63 crore.
In the higher education sector in particular, the outlay for the improvement of
the salary scale of teachers has been hiked from Rs 1,800 crore in FY20 to Rs
1,900 crore in FY21, budget allocated to Indian Institutes of Technology has
been hiked from Rs 6559.95 crore in FY'20 to Rs 7332 crore in FY'21,but budget
allocated to Indian Institutes Of Management has been reduced from Rs 500.53
crore in FY'20 to Rs 476 crore in FY'21. With worst of overall economic crises
and downturn, one cannot expect better than this budget.
Following are the important highlights of allocation of budget to education sector in Union budget 2020-21:
Firstly, various industries demands individuals but the skills of the
individuals does not matches with the demand of employers. So, by government
proposing Rs 3,000 crore, skill development will be created which will be
available at affordable cost, focusing on five key components that are Visual,
Reading, Listening Speaking and Thinking among others are very important,
especially via the use of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence
Secondly, the government has planned degree-level full-fledged online education
programs that will be offered by institutes which come in top 100 in National
Institutional Ranking Framework for both the rural and urban sectors. This
budget of a New India attempts to make the country as one of the leading
destinations for higher studies in the world as well as the place for cutting
edge innovation.
Thirdly, emphasizing on Special bridge courses, apprenticeship embedded
degree/diploma courses, internship after graduation will provide a great
opportunity for the students and indubitably it will develop new age technology
skills in them. The budget is also very good for students from rural areas as
the online education programs will give them a opportunity to learn and develop
new skills. It’s a budget that would definitely inspire the youth to aspire.
Fourthly, as education is a state subject, it is good to see that the central
government is coordinating with each state to encourage the implementation of
the New Education Policy at the grassroots.
Fifthly, the budget recognizes the urgent need to bridge India’s skill gap by
encouraging the education sector. Allowing foreign investments and external
corporate borrowings by educational institutions will provide much needed new
funding sources to facilitate their growth. Further, offering full degree
programmes online will enable those who cannot access regular colleges to avail
of the qualifications they need to gain full employment.
The government had tried to come up with Extraordinary global parameters to
enhance our education sector by Providing Online degree courses, World class
infrastructure, Teacher's training program, IND-SAT program, implementation of
NEP 2019 and many more but if we look forward to the allocation of budget, there
is slight increase of about 5% from last year.
Furthermore, these increases are inadequately less as economists have always
emphasized and reiterated the need to spend huge portion to education and human
skills in order to flourish and keep our Young India moving faster.
Also many times the policies remain a data only on paper because of its bad
implementation. So a few measures are suggested to curb this blemish-Use of
modern tools that are available to aid conceptual learning in students; updating
the course and the curriculum to reflect current market requirements; improving
facilities in institutions across all levels; and counseling, as a key
requirement for guiding the students in pursuit of higher education or
vocational education as per their abilities.
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