Surrogacy is a method or agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy
for another person or persons, who will become the newborn child's parent(s)
after birth. Intended parents may seek a surrogacy arrangement when either
pregnancy is medically impossible, pregnancy risks present an unacceptable
danger to the mother's health or is a same sex couple's preferred method of
having children.[1]
India is called the
world capital of surrogacy. Surrogacy generates 2 Billion
dollars annually in India. Despite India being a hub of surrogacy, there are no
laws to regulate it.[2] However, The Supreme Court of India formally legalized
commercial surrogacy in the landmark case
Baby Manaji Yamanda v. Union of
India.[3] . In this case of Baby Manji, a surrogacy agreement was entered into
between the biological father and biological mother on one side and the
surrogate mother on the other side. But subsequently in this case there were
issues raised on the legality of the surrogacy agreement but the court allowed
the same.
In this case the Court held:
Commercial surrogacy as a form of surrogacy in which a gestational carrier is
paid to carry a child to maturity in her womb and the related aspects as
surrogacy agreement, the stakeholders or parties who may enter, and directed for
enactment of a statutory law on the same. The supreme court admitted not only
the void in law but also the irregularities taking place in the absence of law
by calling surrogacy as money making racket.
In another case
Jan Balaz v. Anand Municipality[4], the Gujarat High Court
reiterated the apex court judgment legalizing commercial surrogacy in India and
further elucidated that commercial surrogacy was held legal in India as there
was no law prohibiting womb lending or surrogacy agreements. Both these
judgments directed for the enactment of law on surrogacy in India.
To address this issue the ICMR drafted the National Guidelines for
Accreditation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics in India in 2005[5].
Later, the draft Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill (the ART Bill) was
formulated in 2008, reviewed and redrafted in 2010 and 2014 but was never passed
as law. Consequently, a lot of notifications were passed in order to curb and
address the issues arising due to lack of provisions regulating surrogacy.
Law Commission recognized the fact that it is imperative to formulate such law
in order to safeguard the interest of both the mother and the child and also to
put a check on ART Clinics.
The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016 (the 2016 Bill) was introduced in Lok
Sabha on 21st November, 2016 and referred to the Department-related
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare (the Standing
Committee) by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha in consultation with the Speaker, Lok
Sabha on the 12th January, 2017 for examination and report. The Standing
Committee gave several recommendations broadly on:
- Commercial surrogacy v. altruistic surrogacy.
- Implications of surrogate being a close relative.
- Inclusions of provision for gamete donations.
- Regulation of abortion.
However, the 2016 Bill lapsed due to the dissolution of Lok Sabha and The
Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 (the Bill) is introduced to replace 2016
Bill. The Bill was passed in August 2019 in Lok Sabha.
The Statement of Objects
and Reasons to the Bill reads as follows:
India has emerged as a surrogacy hub for couples from different countries for
past few years. There have been reported incidents of unethical practices,
exploitation of surrogate mothers, abandonment of children born out of surrogacy
and import of human embryos and gametes. Widespread condemnation of commercial
surrogacy in India has been regularly reflected in different print and
electronic media for last few years.
The Law Commission of India has, in its
228th Report, also recommended for prohibition of commercial surrogacy by
enacting a suitable legislation. Due to lack of legislation to regulate
surrogacy, the practice of surrogacy has been misused by the surrogacy clinics,
which leads to rampant of commercial surrogacy and unethical practices in the
said area of surrogacy.
In the light of the same, it had become necessary to enact a legislation to
regulate surrogacy services in the country, to prohibit the potential
exploitation of surrogate mothers and to protect the rights of children born
through surrogacy.
The Bill proposes to regulate surrogacy in India by establishing National
Surrogacy Board at Central Level, State Surrogacy Boards and Appropriate
Authority in States and Union Territories[6]. More or less, the proposed
legislation guarantees effective regulation of surrogacy, prohibit commercial
surrogacy and allow ethical surrogacy to the needy infertile Indian couples.
However, there are certain clauses in the Bill which are arbitrary and
unreasonable while considering the changes in present society also it fails to
include recommendations given by the Standing Committee on 2016 Bill.
Clause By Clause Analysis Of The BillClause 2 (b) and Clause 2 (f) - Definition of Altruistic Surrogacy and
Commercial Surrogacy.
Clause 2 (b) reads as:
altruistic surrogacy means the surrogacy in which no charges, expenses, fees,
remuneration or monetary incentive of whatever nature, except the medical
expenses incurred on surrogate mother and the insurance coverage for the
surrogate mother, are given to the surrogate mother or her dependents or her
representative[7], and;
Clause 2 (f) reads as:
commercial surrogacy means commercialization of surrogacy services or
procedures or its component services or component procedures including selling
or buying of human embryo or trading in the sale or purchase of human embryo or
gametes or selling or buying or trading the services of surrogate motherhood by
way of giving payment, reward, benefit, fees, remuneration or monetary incentive
in cash or kind, to the surrogate mother or her dependents or her
representative, except the medical expenses incurred on the surrogate mother and
the insurance coverage for the surrogate mother[8].
As it was previously mentioned by the Standing Committee that economic
opportunities available to surrogates through surrogacy services should not be
dismissed in a paternalistic manner. Permitting women to provide reproductive
labour for free to another person but preventing them from being paid for their
reproductive labour is grossly unfair and arbitrary. It is an observation that
if many impoverished women are able to provide their children with education,
construct home, start a small business, etc. by resorting to surrogacy, there is
no reason to take this away from them.
The Bill limits the circle of choosing a surrogate mother from within close
relatives.[9] Given the patriarchal familial structure and power equations
within families, not every member of a family has the ability to resist a demand
that she be a surrogate for another family member. A close relative of the
intending couple may be forced to become a surrogate which might become even
more exploitative than commercial surrogacy. Altruistic surrogacy only by close
relatives will always be because of compulsion and coercion and not because of
Also the Standing Committee in its report said[10] that:
The Committee is convinced that the altruistic surrogacy model as proposed in
the Bill is based more on moralistic assumptions than on any scientific criteria
and all kinds of value judgments have been injected into it in a paternalistic
manner. Altruistic surrogacy across the world means compensated surrogacy and a
range of monetary payments to surrogate mothers are permitted as reasonable
compensation. Even the Law Commission Report No. 228 of 2009 recommends
reimbursement of all reasonable expenses to the surrogate mother. The Committee,
therefore, recommends that the word altruistic in Clause 2 (b) of the Bill be
replaced with the word
compensated and appropriate modifications be
incorporated in the said Clause and other relevant Clauses of the Bill with a
view to harmonizing the Bill with the compensated surrogacy model.
This Bill overlooks childcare cost, traveling expenses, post-partum care
expenses as it includes insurance and medical expense only this leaves a lot of
burden on surrogate mother. It is unreasonable to expect such a thing from any
person as surrogacy is not a one day job, it requires a lot of mental, physical
and emotional strength. The proposed Bill has confined the expenses to
and insurance coverage to surrogate mother during the process of surrogacy which
has narrowed down the expenses incurred on the surrogate mother only. There is
no scope for the other reasonable expenses.
The medical expenses incurred on surrogate mother and the insurance coverage for
the surrogate mother are not the only expenses incurred during the surrogacy
pregnancy. For any woman who is going through surrogacy, there is a certain cost
and certain loss of health involved. Not only will she be absent from her work,
but will also be away from her husband and would not be able to look after her
own children.[11]
The Committee, therefore, recommends that surrogate mother
should be adequately and reasonably compensated. The quantum of compensation
should be fixed keeping in mind the surrogacy procedures and other necessary
expenses related to and arising out of surrogacy process. The compensation
should be commensurate with the lost wages for the duration of pregnancy,
medical screening and psychological counseling of surrogate, child care support
or psychological counseling for surrogate mother's own child/children, dietary
supplements and medication, maternity clothing and post-delivery care. [12]
Committee also recommends that:
In case the surrogate mother dies in the course of surrogate pregnancy or while
giving birth to the surrogate child, additional compensation should be given to
the kin of the surrogate mother.
The Bill rightly provides that no woman can become a surrogate more than once,
this clause prevents women who are opting surrogacy due to poverty which in turn
prevents it to become a profession.
Clause 2(g), Clause 2(p), and Clause 4 (iii) (c) - Definition of Couple,
Infertility, and Eligibility Certificate for Intending Couple
The Bill limits the option of surrogacy to legally married Indian couples.
Prohibiting widows, divorced women, live-in partners and LGBTQ from opting
surrogacy as an option. This proves that the Bill is not in consonance with the
present day modern social milieu that we live in and is too narrow in its
Now, even the Supreme Court has given legal sanctity to live in relationships in
its judgment
S. Khushboo vs Kanniammal & Anr[13] wherein the apex court put
reliance on its previous judgment Lata Singh vs. State of U.P.[14] and observed
that a live-in relationship between two consenting adults of heterogenic sex
does not amount to any offence even though it may be perceived as immoral. A
major girl is free to marry anyone she likes or
live with anyone she likes.
This Bill fails to recognize the rights of LGBTQ, their right to life and
personal liberty which is enshrined in Indian Constitution under Article 21,
this gives right to every individual to do all such thing within the ambit of
law. The Supreme Court in its land mark judgement of
Navtej Singh Johar & Ors. v.
Union of India thr. Secretary Ministry of Law and Justice[15] LGBT community is
entitled to equal citizenship and protection under law, without discrimination.
Hence, the Department should broad base the eligibility criteria in this regard
and widen the ambit of persons who can avail surrogacy services by including
live-in couples, divorced women, widows and LGBTQ. Appropriate alterations
accordingly be made in Clause 2(g) and 4(iii) (c) of the Bill.
With regards to the clause II of 4 (iii) (c), which reads:
An eligibility certificate for intending couple is issued separately by the
appropriate authority on fulfilment of the following conditions, namely:
(II) The intending couple are married for at least five years and are Indian
A lot of people are getting married in their 30's and 40's and the requirement
of five year wait would adversely affect the quality of their gametes and thus
impair their chances of attaining parenthood through surrogacy. Besides, this
time bar of five years plausibly violates the right to reproductive autonomy,
and an individual's right to exercise his choice.[16]
The definition of
infertility' in the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016 is
inconsistent with the definition given by WHO and also as in the ART
(Regulation) Bill, 2014 which describe infertility as the inability to conceive
after at least
one year of unprotected coitus. The Committee is of the view
that the fundamental right to reproduce to have a child is a part of a person's
personal domain and fixing a period of five years will only cause breach of
his/her reproductive rights and delayed or deferred parenthood. In India,
infertility is considered a social stigma and the infertile couples go through a
lot of agony and trauma due to infertility.
Since conception has many interplay
functions, a five year time bar would add to the misery of already distressed
intending couples. The five year waiting period is therefore arbitrary,
discriminatory and without any definable logic.[17]
Clause 2(zc)-Definition of surrogacy
Clause 2 (zc) of the Bill deals with the definition of surrogacy and reads as
Surrogacy means a practice whereby one woman bears and gives birth to a child
for an intending couple with the intention of handing over such child to the
intending couple after the birth;
This definition of the word surrogacy is inconsistent with the definition
given in ART Bill which reads as follows:
An arrangement in which a woman agrees to a pregnancy, achieved through
assisted reproductive technology, in which neither of gametes belong to her or
her husband, with the intention to carry it and hand over the child to the
commissioning couple for whom she is acting as a surrogate.
The definition of surrogacy should be precise, explicit and descriptive with no
scope of arbitrary interpretation. It does not mention pregnancy through the
assisted reproductive technology either which is essentially a medical procedure
by way of in-vitro fertilization or IVF. Also, there is no mention of origin
of gamete either from the intending couples or gamete donors. The definition of
surrogacy in the draft ART Bill is inclusive of all the relevant ingredients as
required to understand the surrogacy in its entirety. Therefore, the definition
given in clause 2 (zc) should be defined in consistence with ART Bill.
Clause 4 (iii) (b) (I), (II), (III) & (IV) which deals with the
conditions to be fulfilled to be surrogate:
Clause (II) of which clearly specifies the surrogate to be a close relative of
indenting couple. The Bill fails to define the word close relative' and hence
because of which it remains ambiguous and vague.[18] There is no criteria to
determine who is a close relative and one of the repercussions could be that the
parties can create face certificates of close relatives in order to get the
surgery done. Also, there are many socio- legal problematic issues with the
surrogate mother being the
close relative and genetically related
to Intending couples which are as follows[19]:
- In case of close family relative acting as surrogate mother, this may
give scope for familial disputes concerning inheritance and property issues.
There is also likelihood of custody disputes over the child.
- The surrogate and couples being close relatives sharing the same
ancestry, familial or kinship ties, there is greater likelihood of surrogate
mother developing emotional attachment to the surrogate child thereby
causing emotional wrangles surrounding the custody and parentage of child.
- Altruistic surrogacy through a close relative has the potential of
creating harsh psychological and emotional implications on child as well as
on the parents and surrogate relative as the child shall grow up within the
same family.
- Being a close relative is also no guarantee for non-commercial
surrogacy. By limiting surrogate mothers to close relatives', an attempt may be made to
force women to become surrogate mother for their relatives.
- Asking or coercing a close relative to be a surrogate mother will make
the relations more complex, shaking apart the very foundation of Indian
As it was rightly pointed out be the standing committee:
The stakeholders and various other organizations that one cannot guarantee that
the altruistic surrogate who is a
close relative is not coerces into
becoming a surrogate by just removing the commercial component of the practice.
Not every member of a family is able to resist such demand. And hence, in such
environment it can become even more exploitative. The Committee is convinced
that limiting the practice of surrogacy to close relatives is not only
non-pragmatic and unworkable but also has no connect with the object to stop
exploitation of surrogates envisaged in the proposed legislation.
The Committee, therefore, recommends that this Clause of
close relative
should be removed to widen the scope of getting surrogate mothers from outside
the close confines of the family of intending couple. In fact, both related and
unrelated women should be permitted to become a surrogate.
Hence, it is impertinent to remove the word close relative' so as to widen the
ambit of eligibility criteria. It was highly ignorant of the legislature to
draft such Bill with similar redundancy as that of the 2016 Bill. [20]
Clause 3(vi): Abortion during the period of surrogacy
This clause reads as follows:
(vi) No surrogacy clinic, registered medical practitioner, gynecologist,
pediatrician, embryologist, intending couple or any other person shall conduct
or cause abortion during the period of surrogacy without the written consent of
the surrogate mother and on authorization of the same by the appropriate
authority concerned:
Provided that the authorization of the appropriate authority shall be subject
to, and in compliance with, the provisions of the Medical Termination of
Pregnancy Act, 1971;
This clause makes is mandatory to take additional permission from appropriate
authority, if the surrogate mother wishes to opt for abortion. The Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act and Indian Penal Code provides safeguard for women
seeking abortion i.e.
right to seek abortion or medical termination of
pregnancy is a statutory right of every Indian woman as per the Medical
Termination of Pregnancy Act. It was therefore unreasonable to put a condition
of authorization for same from appropriate authority before performing
Therefore, there is no need to take an additional approval from
authority, this requirement is unreasonable and arbitrary. This Bill fails to
recognize or acknowledge the stake, insurance and repercussions on the intending
couple in the event of an abortion.
Clause 35: Prohibition of commercial surrogacy, exploitation of
surrogate mothers and children born through surrogacy
The Bill prohibits and penalizes the exploitation of surrogate mother but the
term exploitation of surrogate mother is not defined in the Bill, it remains
ambiguous and vague. Hence, the Bill should include all such possible means of
exploitation which are being declared as punishable offense.
Surrogacy industry in India is growing at a rapid pace. Hence, it is very
important to regulate the same and make stringent laws in order to protect the
rights of stakeholders. This Bill aims to safeguard the interest of the
surrogate mother, child and intending couple. It also constitutes National
Surrogacy Board, State Surrogacy Board and regulate the appointment of
appropriate authorities.
However, there are some loopholes in the Bill which
shall be addressed to make it more practical, for example the Bill overlooks the
Insurance coverage for unborn child, including unforeseen contingencies and
hence in my opinion the Bill is not comprehensive.
The department while making the law should refer ART Bill in order to make laws
in congruence to the same because ART Bill is much more comprehensive and deals
with the surrogacy procedures in a technical way which is more effective,
logical and in conformity with the changes in society.
- One Hundred Second Report on The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016,
Department-Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family
Welfare, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, August, 2017.
- ibid
- (2008) 13 SCC 518.
- AIR 2010 Guj 21.
- National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision & Regulation of ART
Clinics in India, Indian Council of Medical Research, 2005,
- The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019.
- Clause 2 (b), The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019.
- Clause 2 (f), The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019.
- The Wire, Surrogacy Bill Should Be Broadened, Include Compensation, Says
Parliamentary Panel, 11 Aug, 2017.
- Supra Note 4.
- The Wire, Surrogacy Bill Should Be Broadened, Include Compensation, Says
Parliamentary Panel, 11 Aug, 2017.
- Ibid.
- MANU/SC/0310/2010
- (2006) 5 SCC 475.
- Navtej Singh Johar&Ors. v. Union of India thr. Secretary Ministry of Law
and Justice, W. P. (Crl.) No. 76 of 2016 (Supreme Court of India).
- The Times of India, 5-year wait for surrogacy too long for those who
marry late: Parl panel, 13 Aug, 2017.
- Ibid.
- Supra Note 13.
- Supra Note 4.
- The Wire, Surrogacy Bill Should Be Broadened, Include Compensation, Says
Parliamentary Panel, 11 Aug, 2017.
- Dr J Srinivas Rao, Dr. Matin Ahmad Khan, Surrogacy in India: Current
Perspectives, 3, International Journal of Medical and Health Research, 5,
85-88, May 2017.