Now days after the imposing of governor rule in Jammu  and Kashmir, The issue of
Article 370 is again in controversy  I am totally in favour of the abolishment
of  Article 370ÂÂ
 Article 370 covers under the part  21 of Indian Constitution which gives
the  provision of special status  to the Jammu and KashmirÂÂ
 Main feature of Article 370 :-ÂÂ
 (1) Indian Parliament can not make any law without the consent of state
 (2) Jammu Kashmir has its own flag and constitutionÂÂ
 (3) President rule can not be proclaimed in  that state Only Governor rule
can be. ImposedÂÂ
 (4) Jammu Kashmir has its own  Criminal code which name is Ranbir penal
 code ÂÂ
 Jammu Kashmir is not only such state those have a status of special state
 . There are many state like Nagaland ,  Assom  , Manipur, Arunachal  pradesh
etc but in those  state . There is no such type of provision who separate them
from  India  .  Such type of special provision is totally against the unity and
integrity  of India which is already mentioned in Indian preamble and in the
year 1994  This resolution  have been passed by Indian Parliament that Kashmir
is a integral part of India.
 If Jammu Kashmir is a part of India than why Kashmir have its own
 and this rumour has been spreading by the anti nationalist forces that
Article 370 is a basic structure of our constitution  but it is absolutely false
Article 370 is a  temporary provisionÂÂ
 In Conclusion I would likely to says that special  status of Jammu and
Kashmir should be  abolished.
 And Clause  3 of Article 370 makes it clear that Article 370 can be
revoked if a new constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir is convened and
willing to recommend its  revocation ÂÂ
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