No country is left unaffected by the black market organ trade and
organ trafficking. However, some States are known more for having doctors that
will illegally transplant, while others are more known for citizens seeking out
illegal transplants. In one study of black market organ trades and
transplantation, people sought organ transplantation in China, Iran, the
Philippines, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Peru, Egypt, and Thailand. The prevalence
of black market organ trades in these countries stems from having doctors
willing to perform the transplants, brokers willing to set up the deals, and
citizens willing to sell their organs illegally.
The same study revealed the
standard demographics of these willing organ sellers: the average age of a
seller was 33.6 years old; the average income was $15.4 USD; they consistently
had large amounts of debt; 90% were illiterate; they averaged 5.5 dependents;
66% were bonded laborers. The combination of these factors drove these
individuals to perpetuate organ trafficking. The trade has grown such that
World Health Organization estimates 1 of every 5 kidney transplants is a black
market transplant.
The controversy over the black market organ trade, beyond its blatant
illegality, lies in the fact that precedence allows for the sale of other body
parts without legal implications. For example, women are permitted to sell
their eggs and be surrogates.
Additionally, the intersection of the black
market trade with human trafficking causes more controversy and categorizes this
topic under the jurisdiction of the UNODC. The trafficking of humans for the
ultimate use of their organs is internationally prohibited by the Protocol to
Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and
Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational
Organized Crime.
One of the first documented cases of the black market organ
trade was uncovered in 1993 when Bombay police discovered a black market kidney
ring. Since then, various attempts at legislation internationally and by
individual countries have sought out the elimination of organ
trafficking. Generally, though, the legislation for organ transplantation is on
a country-by-country basis with international law only having the jurisdiction
to curtail subsequent problems such as human trafficking for the organs and the
relationship to organized crime.
Iran is the only country that allows, to some extent, a paid system for organ
donors. All other countries have put into place some legal persecution for the
black market organ trade, though it thrives despite these legal
For example, Pakistan is one of the countries with the most
illegal transplantations, with recipients coming from around the world and
buying upwards of 2,000 organs per year. In Bangladesh, the brokerage of the
organs occurred through public newspapers. And despite the fact that India has a
system in place that requires hospitals to ensure that all organ donations are
made completely willingly rather than as part of a black market deal, there are
still illegal transplantations. It is obvious, then that despite best attempts
to eliminate organ trafficking in individual countries, it still thrives on a
In fact, just in 2013, a girl was found trafficked to the United Kingdom for the
harvest and sale of her organs. With regards to the actual functioning of the
organ trade, it is generally facilitated by brokers that tend to be involved in
organized crime rings and/or human trafficking.
The people behind the trade have been described as “a new international network
of body Mafia ranging from the sleazy (and sometimes armed and dangerous)
kidney hunters of Istanbul and Cesenau, Moldova to the
sophisticated but clandestine
medical tourism bureau of Tel Aviv and
Manila to the medical intermediaries posing as religious or charitable trusts
and patient's advocacy organizations' founded in downtown Philadelphia,
Brooklyn, and Chinatown New York City.
The brokers of the deals are guilty of numerous international crimes extending
beyond those previously mentioned, and including the forging of passports and
legal documents. The trade ultimately violates any number of international laws
with its existence.
Moving forward with the development of legal implications for participants in
organ trafficking on an international scale will have to account for both
national sovereignty and the necessity for global responses to the black market
organ trade. The intersection of organ trafficking with human trafficking and
organized crime requires additional international attention. Without the
cessation of organ trafficking, not only will there continue to be mass
international deaths from unsanitary procedures and the harvesting of organs,
but also it will completely undermine the system in place for those that await
organ transplantations legally.
Past International Action
The lack of access and availability are definitively the driving factors in the
criminal Organ Trafficking. Countries around the world struggle to find
efficient and ethical means of providing the sufficient number of organs to
suffering patients. Sometimes, initiatives that had a positive effect in one
realm of society also produced negative externality in another. In Australia, a
national road safety initiative greatly reduced the number of automobile
accidents, but this also dropped the number of organ donors from 14 pmp (per
million of population) in 1989 to 8-9 pmp in 2000. Most developed nations have
national agencies dedicated to the legal procurement of organs from organ
The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 contracted the United Network for
Organ Sharing in the United States, and, in efforts to buttress the already
existent European agencies, the European Commission created the Directive on the
Quality and Safety of Human Organs for Transplantation –a document that all EU
member states are required to implement by 2012. Most of these countries, as
well as many other developing nations, have passed legislation that also
criminalizes the illegal trade of organs.
The 1994 Transplantation of Human Organs Act in India, Pakistan's
Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Ordnance in 2007, and South Africa's
Human Tissue Act of 1982. Internationally, the United Nations and the World
Health Organization have spearheaded the creation of treaties and initiatives to
end the world organ trade. The United Nations passed the Protocol to Prevent,
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons in 2000.
Though it was primarily angled against human and sex trafficking, Article 3 of
the protocol notes that exploitation includes the “
removal of organsâ€.
The UN's Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children (2000) and the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child (1989) also recommend that the “sale of children for
the purpose of transferring their organs†should be criminalized by member
states. The WHO has arguably been even more vocal in its commitment in creating
a unified and international response.
It's Guiding Principles on Human Organ Transplantation (1991) explicitly advises
that organs be donated lawfully, with full consent from the donor, without
monetary payment or purchasing, done under clinical and professional medical
conditions, and donations should never come from a minor unless allowed by
national law. More recently, the World Health Assembly, the governing body of
the WHO, issued the Istanbul Declaration on Organ Trafficking and Transplant
Tourism (2004).
Transplant Tourism, much like medical tourism, is a means by which persons avoid
their own country's organ transplant regulation by pursuing medical treatment or
procuring organs in another country. This not only undermines waitlists and
safety regulations, but it often abuses marginalized and oppressed persons in
order to gain the necessary organs. The UNODC is the only United Nations office
focused on the criminal justice element of human trafficking.
Thus, resolution 55/25, which included the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and
Punish Human Trafficking as well as the Protocol against the Smuggling of
Migrants, is put into effect largely by the actions of the UNODC. Reaching into
every continent and with 20 field offices from which to operate, the UNODC
primarily achieves its goals by partnering with countries' federal agencies and
NGOs. Joint projects have also been conducted between the UNODC and INTERPOL,
the African Union, and EUROPOL. Unfortunately, the great vice of international
conventions and protocols is that they bear no power until their sentiments are
enacted within a state's own legislation. There have been stories of triumph
against the lucrative Organ Trade Rings.
India's Central Bureau of Investigation arrested Amit Kumar, the leader of one
of the world's largest kidney trading rings, in 2008. His apprehension, though,
simply illuminated for the world how large the network had grown. Clients
streamed in from Greece, Turkey, the Middle East and even the United States to
fulfill their organ needs. In South Africa, St. Augustine's Hospital was found
guilty of 102 counts of illegal kidney transplants, and members of the Mexican
Knight's Templar cartel have been prosecuted for the kidnapping and removing
organs from minors. But all of these cases make the reality of organ trafficking
clear — with legislation blatantly intended to snuff it out, the trade has
simply moved underground to evade prosecution.
Nepal is well known as one of the main hubs for illegal organ donors. Whole
towns have had their populations' kidneys swindled from them, most often by
Indian gangs who lure poor farmers into trading their kidneys for frugal
exchanges of rupee. Nepal passed a groundbreaking law in 2007 called the Human
Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act 2064 meant to not only punish the
criminals involved in the organ trafficking, but also provide rehabilitation and
compensation to those who fell victim to these traffickers. Sapana Pradhan, one
of the authors of this Act, has noted though that the toughest challenge is the
installment and enforcement of bilateral agreements between Nepal and its
neighbors to allow for joint investigations and legal assistance.
The topic of Organ Trafficking has come before the UNODC as a result of a
necessity for international action and legal implications. This committee will
need to address all of the sub-issues of the black market organ trade in order
to develop a comprehensive solution to this decades-old problem. Diplomacy
will become extremely important as this committee attempts to create coherent
propositions that address all aspects of the problem and do not violate any
individual nation's right to self-govern. The international community urges the
UNODC to combat organ trafficking head-on with strong solutions!
- UNA-USA MUN society, sample background guide
- WHO report, “the state of international organ tradeâ€,
Written by: Sayed Qudrat Hashimy - International Law Student
E-mail: Sayedqudrathashimy[at] , Mobile No.+91 900 8813333Â