In developing nations, the path to development and advancement is easily
carved by those who have access to an education. Yet in many countries
around the world, children are denied access to education for a host of
reason. The worst inequity that comes to mind is the lack of access to
education that girls have in countries like Afghanistan or Nigeria. However,
the problem extends to discrimination along ethnic lines and class divides.
Children in rural areas are far less likely to go to primary school and
significantly less likely to go to college. Minorities face prejudice and a
sometimes insurmountable achievement gap. Children with disabilities are
denied schooling altogether in cultures where their disability is poorly
understood. The UNHRC is mandated to address human rights abuses, and as a
right given under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, education and
addressing obstacles facing those who most need it, are under the purview of
the UNHRC.[1]
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Children living in conflict affected
areas left behind
The chances of children going to school in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo are heavily influenced by whether they live in a conflict zone, and
whether they are rich or poor. Almost all children aged 7-16 in the capital
city, Kinshasa, have been to school, whether male or female. In the
conflict-affected region of Katanga, the richest children have a similar
chance of going to school as those in Kinshasa. But one in three of the
poorest children have never been to school. The poorest girls in Katanga are
the worst off of all: 44% have never been to school, compared with 17% of
boys in the region.
India: Education inequalities leave a legacy of disadvantage for
young people in some states Vast differences in access to education between
different states in India in the mid-2000s are likely to have left large
numbers of young people lacking basic skills needed to find secure
employment and lead fulfilling lives. In 2005, over half of the poorest 7-
to 16-year-olds in Bihar state had never been to school. Gender disparities
for the poorest in Bihar were far wider than for the richest. The success in
Kerala state, by contrast, provides an encouraging signal of the
possibilities of narrowing inequalities: almost all had been to school,
whether rich or poor, or male or female.[2]
Education and girls:
Increasingly, adolescent girls also face economic and social demands that
further disrupt their education, spanning from household obligations and
child labour to child marriage, gender-based violence and female genital
cutting/mutilation. Recent estimates show that one-third of girls in the
developing world are married before age 18, and one-third of women in the
developing world give birth before age 20.
If all girls had secondary
education in sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia, child marriage
would fall by 64 per cent, from almost 2.9 million to just over 1 million.
Inadequate or discriminatory legislation and policies often inhibit girls’
equal access to quality education. In countries such as Afghanistan and
Pakistan, formal or written threats to close girls’ schools or end classes
for girls have fueled gender motivated attacks on schools.[3]
Despite overall progress in more children entering school over the past
decade, insufficient attention has been paid to eliminating inequalities in
education. Tackling inequality needs to be a central focus of goals being
set after 2015, with specific measures included to reach those disadvantaged
by factors such as gender, poverty, location, ethnicity or disability.
target is needed that tracks progress of the lowest-performing group in each
country to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, reaches
the goals by 2030. While administrative and household data each have their
strengths and weaknesses, improved household data will be essential
post-2015 to enable better monitoring of progress for the most disadvantaged
Written by: Sayed Qudrat Hashimy - International Law Student
E-mail: Sayedqudrathashimy[at] , Mobile No.+91 900 8813333