It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside the
jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but
how it’s lowest ones-Nelson Mandela
Every person in the society is born with equality and they are endowed by their
creator with similar basic rights. These rights form the basis of every human
being that is the rights of life and liberty which have been recognised by
various Constitutions of the world, but in every society, there are some people
who don’t follow the ethics and standards of society then that person is
deprived of these rights with proper punishment. If there is a Society without
crime, it is a Utopian theory. The Indian struggle has played the most crucial
role in identifying the rights of prisoners.
If a person commits any crime he does not ceases to be a human being, thus all
fundamental rights are enforceable in reality, though they are restricted by the
fact of imprisonment or fine or with both. The main aim of the criminal justice
system is that if a person is ones a criminal, it does not mean that he is
always a criminal for his lifetime. There is a famous quote –
Hate the crime and not the Criminal -
-Mahatma Gandhi
According to the State list every state has to achieve the goal of protecting
the society from the convict and also to reform the offender. Thus, under
Constitution of India, the Supreme Court has interpreted various fundamental
rights for the benefits of prisoners such as- Article 14, 19, 21, 22, 32, 37,
39A, 226.
Literature Review
In India the status of women prisoners is a problematic situation as the women
in the prisoners are either under trial or convicted which leads to lots of
issues like- the Overcrowding of Prisons and due to lack of funds the women are
provided with proper sanitation facilities, as the number of prisoners are more
there is no adequate staff members in the prisoners which causes lots of trouble
in the prisons, rising to conflicts, poor management in the prisons, etc. There
are certain cases which reflected that due to poor security in the prison system
there has been the occurrence of custodial rapes.
Thus, the following are some of the problems which are faced by female
- Poor living Accommodations or Overcrowding of Prisons.
- Lacks with basic facilities of sanitation and hygiene.
- Poor spending on health care and welfare.
- Problem of Women Prisoners in India- custodial rape
This research paper seeks to study the conditions of women prisoners and
provides the area for improvement to resolve the same possible errors and it
also deals with the problems which are faced by the female prisoners and talk
about the rights of prisoners mentioned under the constitution of India were
through judicial interpretation these rights are recognised under the head of
Prisoners Rights.
This article also provides proper recommendations and
suggestions in improving the prison administration of the country with keeping
in mind that women prisoners should be handled with proper care and seeking that
there are no physical, psychological and emotional threats to them in the
Research Question
In International Scenario, there are several studies done by various great
authors which contributed their views in terms of understanding the female
criminality. The major contribution includes Lombroso in terms of understanding
the biological factors, Ferrero in understanding psychological factors, Thomas,
Pollak[1] who has greatly emphasized in understanding the female criminology.
Thomas William and Christoper have extensively analysed on the criminality of
women in sociological aspects.
In the Indian scenario, there is very less importance given to women and crime
in terms of understanding the female criminology as well as there is very less
focus given to specifically understand the problems of women prisoners. But
there are certain authors who took great efforts in understanding the female
criminality, the first attempt was done by Sharma who conducted the sociological
research on women offenders from Uttar Pradesh three decades ago, later on, the
various research was conducted by Sohoni Bhanot, Mishra, Singh who furnished the
statistical analysis to understand the nature, extents and patterns of women
Pachauri was the first who conducted the research in understanding
the status of women prisoners which reflected the training and treatment of
women prisoners in Indian Jails. Mridul Manyavar made an attempt in focussing to
understand the lifestyles of women criminals and suggested the therapeutic
approaches which were used as the tool for reformation in prisoners in India
which greatly impacted in developing the status of women prisoners.
There are very fewer articles and researches which focussed on the issues of
women prisoners. There are circumstances were under the classification of
prisoners are made in terms of under trial, convicted and where there are
situations when children are born or sometimes the women are imprisoned when
they have a very young child at home where there is a need that the children
with respect to certain age criteria should be kept with their mother for proper
care and for the normal growth and development of the child. These are certain
reformation which are taken into account in Prison Manual and which have
impacted a lot in the country.
Research Objectives
This Research Paper aims at understanding the following points:
- What are the problems faced by women prisoners?
- What are the various constitutional rights to the prisoners in India?
- What are the improvements need to be done in the existing situation of
women prisoners?
Research Methodology
The research paper has been made in keeping mind the following research
- To identify the problems faced by the Female Prisoners in India.
- To understand various Rights of the Prisoners.
- To understand Judicial creativity in protecting the rights of prisoners.
The researcher has used the following tools and techniques for collecting
the data for research:
- Content Analysis- Researcher has referred various manuals and reports
regarding understanding prison functioning in terms of its environment,
Conditions of the prisoners, facilities provided to prisoners both male and
- Referred to some of the journals where there was the research conducted
on the Prisoners in terms of understanding the prison administration
- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports.
- Case Studies in understanding the judicial interpretation of prisoners’
rights, etc.
The study has further taken into account the usage of secondary data which is
shared by Ministry of Home Affairs, data published by the National Crime Records
Bureau, Bureau of Police Research and Development, National Human Rights
Commission, various central level committees set up to review prison conditions
as well as orders/judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Problems Faced By Female Prisoners
In 2016, over 3 Lakhs of women prisoners were arrested under the Indian Penal
Code and Special Laws, most of the female prisoners were between the age group
of 30-50 years which constituted the 50.5% of the proportion, followed by the
age of 18-30 years which constituted the 31.3% of the total of 1401 female
Though the topic of prison forms a very sensitive issue in all nations across
the world, the administration of prisons differs from nations to nations. In
every state, there is a manual in terms of dealing with the rights and duties of
prisoners which should be introduced to the prisoners at the time of their
admission in the prison.
This section deals with understanding the particular problems faced by women in
- Poor living Accommodations or Overcrowding of Prisons.
- Lacks with basic facilities of sanitation and hygiene.
- Poor spending on health care and welfare.
- Problem of Women Prisoners in India- custodial rape.
A. Poor Living Accommodations or Overcrowding of Prisons:
· This is one of the most severe problems faced in Indian prisons both to
the male and female prisoners. In prisons, a specified size for cells and
barracks is provided according to the guidelines of the National Prison Manual.
Barracks are ideally only for 20 prisoners and dormitories to house only four to
six prisoners each. Overcrowding has worsened hygiene conditions and health
problems with even minor infections spreading quickly. The disproportionately
low number of toilets and bathrooms exacerbate the situation. Overcrowding also
has severe psychological effects on prisoners forced to live in such close
quarters with one another.
- Although convicted and under trial, prisoners are to be housed
separately on conviction, this is usually not possible due to severe space
- Young offenders (18-21 years of age) must also be kept separately,
mostly they are found with the older women offenders leading to make them
the habitual offenders. Overcrowding in prisons also leads to children of
prisoners having to live in cramped and undesirable conditions.
B. Lacks basic facilities of sanitation and hygiene:
In India, most of the female prisoner’s age from the age group of 18-50 was a
large majority that is 81.8% female’s falls under the menstruating age group
where there is an increasing need to provide proper sanitation facilities as
well as access to adequate menstrual hygiene products. As they should be
provided with proper sanitary pads to maintain their hygiene but it is reported
that they charged for sanitary napkins in some prisons or are only provided a
set monthly number irrespective of need. Thus, this leads women to resort to
using unhygienic materials such as cloth, ash, pieces of old mattresses,
newspapers etc.
C. Poor spending on Health care and welfare:
In India, an average of Rs.10,800 per inmate per year was spent by prison
authorities during the year of 2005, distributed under the heads of food,
clothing, medical expenses, vocational & educational, welfare activities and
others (National Crime Records Bureau 2005)
This is in contrast to the US, where the average annual operating cost per state
inmate in 2001 was $ 22,650 (the latter presumably also includes salaries of
prison staff). The maximum expenditure is on food in Indian prisons.
The States
like- West Bengal, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi
reported relatively higher spending on medical expenses during that year, while
in Bihar, Karnataka and West Bengal reported relatively higher spending on
vocational and educational activities. Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Chhattisgarh
reported as it is relatively higher spending on welfare activities regarding
with the prison[3].
D. The problem of Women Prisoners in India- custodial rape:
In the case of
State of Maharashtra vs. C.K.Jain[4], there was rape in police
custody. Regarding evidence, the Supreme Court emphasized that in such cases
unless the testimony of the prosecution was unreliable, collaboration normally
should not be insisted upon. Secondly, the presumption is to be made that
ordinarily, no woman would make a false allegation of rape. Thirdly, delay in
the making of the complaint is not fatal and quite understandable reasons exist
for the delay on the part of the victim woman in making a complaint against the
police. As far as the sentence was concerned there was no room for leniency, the
punishment must be exemplary.
Analysis Of Judicial Interpretation
The Judiciary has interpreted various rights as the Rights of Prisoners which
are mentioned below-
Rights of Prisoners recognised under Constitution of India: A convicted prisoner
is not barred by his fundamental rights though he truly not enjoys all the
fundamental rights like other common men some of the fundamental rights are
recognised for the prisoners as a basis of human rights. Constitution of India
has not clearly mentioned the rights for prisoners but through judicial
interpretation, they are recognized through precedents, as in the leading case
T.V. Vatheeswaran v. State of Tamil Nadu[5], it was held that the Articles
14, 19 and 21 are available to the prisoners as well as to the common man.
Article 14 of the Constitution of India acts as a torchbearer for the prison
authorities and its administration to determine various segregations
of prisoners and their object of reformation.[6]
Article 19 of the Constitution of India guarantees six freedoms to all citizens
of India. There are certain rights which are not for the prisoners but among
those freedoms, the freedom of speech and expression[7]and freedom to become
a member of an association is there for the prisoners.
Article 21: Today, the judiciary, by its art of interpretation, has discovered a
variety of rights of suspects, accused persons and prisoners, who are in police
custody. The fundamental right of 'life and personal liberty' has been
interpreted by the Supreme Court of India in a broad spirit and various rights
have been included in the ambit of Article 21 of the Constitution.
Article 21 of the Constitution of India focuses on two crucial concepts i.e.,
right to life and principle of liberty. In the cases like- Maneka Gandhi, Sunil
Batra (I), M.H.Hoskot, the Supreme Court has taken the view that the provisions
of part III of Constitution of India there needs to be a widest possible
It was held that:
- Right to legal aid[8],
- Right to speedy trial[9],
- Right to have an interview with a friend, relative and lawyer[10],
- Right to live with human dignity,
- Right to livelihood,
- Right of inmates of protective homes[11], etc.
Though these rights are specifically not mentioned as fundamental rights under
article 21 of the constitution with the help of judicial creativity they are
recognised as the Rights of Prisoners.
Following are the rights which are guaranteed to the prisoners under the
Indian Constitution though Judicial Interpretation:
- Right to Free Legal Aid: It also means to provide Financial Aid
to a person in a matter of legal disputes. The Constitution 42nd Amendment
Act, 1976 has inserted Free Legal Aid as one of the Directive Principles of
State Policy under Article 39A in the Constitution. The Indian Constitution
does not expressly provide the Right to Legal Aid. But the judiciary has
shown its favour towards poor prisoners those who are not in a position to
engage the lawyers of their own choice because of their poverty.
In M.H. Hoskot v. State of Maharashtra[12] the Supreme Court laid down that
right to free legal aid at the cost to the state to an accused who could not
afford legal services for the reason of poverty, indigence situation was part of
fair, just and reasonable procedures implicit in Article 21. a three Judges
Bench (V.R.Krishna Iyer, D.A.Desai and O.Chinnappa Reddy, JJ) of the Supreme
Court reading Articles 21 and 39-A, along with Article 142 and Section 304 of
Cr.PC together declared that the Government is under a duty to provide legal
services to the accused persons.
- Right to have Interview with Friends, Relatives and Lawyers: In Sheela
Barse v. State of Maharashtra[13], the court held that interviews of the
prisoners become necessary as otherwise the correct information may not be
collected but such access has got to be controlled and regulated.
In Dharambir v. State of U.P[14] the court directed the State Government to
allow family members to visit the prisoners and for the prisoners, at least once
a year, to visit their families, under guarded conditions.
- Rights against Inhuman Treatment: Human Rights are part and parcel of
Human Dignity. The Supreme Court of India in several cases has taken a serious
note of the inhuman treatment on prisoners and has issued appropriate directions
to the concerned authorities for safeguarding the rights of the prisoners. The
Court observed that the treatment of a human being which offends human dignity,
imposes avoidable torture and reduces the man to the level of a beast would
certainly be arbitrary and can be questioned under Article 14.
In the case of
Christian Community Welfare Council of India vs. Government of
Maharashtra[15], it was held by the Bombay High Court that woman should not be
arrested after sunset and before sunrise and only in the presence of lady
constables. The Court directed the State Government to set up a Committee to
formulate a comprehensive scheme for police accountability to human rights abuse
and make special provisions for female detainees. This Right plays an important
role in protecting the female prisoners from any sexual harassment and
unforeseeable tortures.
Therefore, apart from these according to Mulla Committee following are also
the list of rights of prisoners which include:
- Right to human dignity,
- Right to basic minimum needs such as drinking water, hygiene, medical
care, clothing, bedding etc.,
- Right to communication with the outside world,
- Right to access to law, Right to meaningful and gainful employment and
so on.
A car needs four wheels to run, a human needs two legs to walk and a democratic
nation like
India needs three independent organs – legislative, executive and judiciary to
maintain the balance between distributions of powers. This not only helps to
divide the work for better Efficiency but also ensures a continuous process of
checks and balance. It is well known legal and management principle,
responsibility and accountability need to operate together for Better results.
This principle should also be applicable to the prison authorities.
The prison is supposed to be a place meant for a reformatory purpose. However,
the entire Purpose fails when the prisoners are denied the very rights that are
fundamental to their being a human being. A few decades ago, prisoners were
looked down upon and were considered to have forsaken all their rights. However,
modern society recognizes the rights of a prisoner. Hence, a conviction for a
crime does not reduce the person into a non-person, whose rights are subject to
the whim of the prison administration and authorities.
It is the need of the hour that we take positive steps to ensure that the basic
human rights of prisoners are not infringed and that they live with dignity
because human beings denying other human their basic rights does nothing but
taking us right back to the era of cannibalism and war. To improve prison status
it does not mean that prison life should be made easy, it means, it should be
made humane and sensible. The functioning of judiciary reveals that it has
exercised its powers in the most creative manner and devised new strategies to
ensure the protection of Human Rights of the prisoners.
Thus, mere words on a paper have never been enough. It is time that laws are
implemented and given the chance to fulfil its purpose– a peaceful society of
There are various committees which have given several recommendations were one
of National Expert Committee on Women Prisoners which runs under the
chairpersonship of Justice Krishna Iyer appraised the situation of women in
jails and made various recommendations.
Some of the important recommendations
- Women prisoners should be informed of their rights under the law.
- Only women constables should conduct searches on women prisoners.
- Women doctors should do a medical check-up of women prisoners as soon as
they are admitted to prison.
- Women prisoners should be allowed to contact their families and
communicate with their lawyers, social workers and voluntary organizations.
- Women prisoners should be allowed to keep their children with them with
a proper age restriction.
- Women should be provided with proper hygiene products like- sanitary
pads, more number of clothes such that their health is taken care of and
thus it would help to protect their health.
- Special prosecution officers should be available to present the case of
women prisoners.
Apart from the above-mentioned recommendation, there are some recommendations
which are highlighted in this research paper which is as follows:
- The prisoners should be allowed to meet their parents, relatives such
that this will help in his rehabilitation and after their release were they
can face the outside world courageously casting aside the stigma attached to
them on account of precognition. The periodical furlough granted to
prisoners in India under the Prisons Act and the rules framed thereunder are intended to achieve
this objective.
- The women prisoners should be treated more freely and allowed to meet
their children frequently. Particularly, the women who fall prey to sex
offence should be treated with sympathy and their illegitimate children
should be assured an upright life in the society. In the case of Francis Coralie Mullin v.
The Administrator, Union Territory Delhi[16] it was held that the women
prisoners should also be allowed to meet their sons and daughters more
frequently, particularly the attitude in this regard should be more liberal in
case of under trial prisoners[17].
- Women offenders should be handled only by women police or prison
officials. The idea of setting up separate women jails exclusively for women
prisoners, however, does not seem to be compatible keeping in view the huge
expenditure involved in the process.
In the case of R.D. Upadhyaya v. State of Andra Pardesh and others,[18] the
child born out of prisoner mothers their birthplace should not be recorded as
‘prison’ on their Birth Certificate.
- The undertrials, minors, recidivists and first offenders should be kept
separated from each other. Similarly, political offenders who are not guilty of
violence should also be kept separate and not be housed in the same premises in
which other criminals are lodged. It is inhuman and unreasonable to throw young
boys to sex-starved prisoners or to run mental jobs for hardened and affluent
prisoners. The young prisoners should be separated from adults.
- There is a need for the scientific classification of prisoners based on
nature of the crime committed, age, sex, character and properties of the
offender including his educational level and likely response to prison
- The prison legislation should make provision for the remedy of
compensation to prison who are wrongfully detained or suffer injuries due to
callous or negligent acts of the prison personnel. It is gratifying to note
that in recent decades the Supreme Court has shown deep concerns for
prisoner’s right to justice and fair treatment and requires prison officials
to initiate measures so that prisoner’s basic rights are not violated and
they are not subjected to harassment[20] and inhuman conditions of living.
Primary Sources:
- Constitution of India.
- Prison Manual,
- Criminology and Penology with Victimology, Prof. N.V. Paranjape, Sixteen
Edition, Central Law Publications
- Datir RN. Prison as a Social System, with special reference to
Maharashtra State, Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1978.
- Ewing AC. The Morality of Punishment, London: Kegan Paul. Government of
India (2010) Prison Statistics in India, New Delhi: NSBR, 1929.
- Furqan Ahmad. Protective Judiciary in Aid of Human Rights in India,
Indian Journal of International Law. 2003, 1929.
- Criminality of Women Publisher- A.S. Barnes (1961)
- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports.
- National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)
- State of Maharashtra vs. C.K.Jain, AIR 1990 SC 658
- T.V. Vatheeswaran v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 1983 SC 361 : (1983) 2 SCC
- Chowdhury Roy Nitai, Indian Prison Laws and Correction of Prisoners,
Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2002, p.75.
- Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India.
- M.H. Hoskot v. State of Maharashtra, (1978) 3 SCC 544
- Rattiram v. State of M.P., (2012) 4 SCC 516.
- Jagmohan Singh v. State of U.P., AIR 1973 SC 947.
- Upendra Baxi v. State of U.P., (1983) 2 SCC 308
- M.H. Hoskot v. State of Maharashtra, (1978) 3 SCC 544
- Sheela Barse v. State of Maharashtra,1983 2 SCC 96
- Dharambir v. State of U.P, 2010 5 SCC 344
- Christian Community Welfare Council of India vs. Government of
Maharashtra,1996(1) BOM CR 70
- Francis Coralie Mullin v. The Administrator, Union Territory Delhi,1981 AIR
746, 1981 SCR (2) 516
- Francis Coralie Mullin v. Union Territory Delhi, AIR 1981 SC 746
- R.D. Upadhyaya v. State of Andra Pardesh and others, AIR 2006 SC 1946
- Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration, AIR 1978 SC 1675
- Sanjay Suri v. Delhi Administration 988, Cr LJ 705 (SC)