The Future Of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)
The combination of technology and alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
procedures is known as online dispute resolution (ODR), which provides creative
ways to settle conflicts quickly and affordably. As an extension of ADR, ODR
uses digital platforms, AI, and secure communication technologies to mediate,
negotiate, and arbitrate disputes ranging from multinational business issues to
consumer disputes.
Its inception dates back to the late 1990s, when eBay and other e-commerce
behemoths invented online dispute resolution processes to quickly address
consumer complaints. Since then, ODR has spread to other industries, handling
conflicts in cross-border commerce, intellectual property, finance, and
ODR has enormous potential to democratize dispute resolution by increasing its
scalability and inclusivity. The way disputes are resolved might be completely
changed by emerging trends like machine learning-driven settlement projections
and virtual reality-mediated discussions.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how ODR has revolutionized conventional
legal systems, highlighting how it has increased access to justice, decreased
backlogs in litigation, and promoted international cooperation. It looks at how
developments in data analytics, blockchain technology, and artificial
intelligence are raising the legitimacy and openness of ODR procedures. It also
assesses the moral and legal issues related to digital literacy, award
enforcement, and secrecy, which continue to be major obstacles to its broad use.
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