The purpose of this article is to find out what exactly are Blockchain
Technology (BT) and Smart Contracts; and whether this technology can improve or
reinforce other areas of law in the future. This technology is a hot topic
around the world these days,[1] with multiple industries exploring their
possibilities[2] and new blockchain use cases emerging almost every day.[3] This
article aims to contribute to the body of knowledge of smart contracts within
blockchain technology.
Disruptive technologies such as Blockchain and the Internet of Things will have
a profound impact in the way we live and work. They will require rapid
adaptation in our workplaces- Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India[4]
The first major use of BT occurred with the creation of Bitcoin, which is the
digital crypto-currency[5] proposed by a mysterious programmer or a group of
programmers,[6] using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto.[7] Satoshi articulated his
notion of the world's first decentralized digital currency [8] without any
interference of trusted third party.[9]
His model was based on BT instead of a
trusted third party. Following the widespread awareness that the Bitcoin
currency was built on an absolute and secure technology, the possible
applications of BT began to be developed by various other fields of
law.[10]Despite the social, legal, regulatory and technological tasks faced by
this unique technology, the promise of an automatic, decentralized trust-worthy,
effective and efficient IP protection, and management system deliver a
substantial incentive to overcome such tasks and make the integration of BT into
these fields a reality.[11]
Blockchain and Smart Contracts- A Two Way relationship
What is Blockchain Technology and How Does it Work?
It is significant to distinguish cryptocurrency from blockchain, which is the
fundamental technology that makes cryptocurrency possible.[12] The term
‘Blockchain’ can be described as a decentralized, encrypted, immutable, and an
open ledger’ of information that facilitates the process of recording and
tracking transactions, and which is exchanged and verified on a peer-to-peer
In its literal sense, the term can be understood as a chain of
blocks, where every block in the chain contains the information related to a
different number of transactions.[14] The most distinctive feature of BT is that
it does not require the involvement of a trusted third party (for example,
banks, financial intermediary, middleman, etc.) for transfers of value because
the BT provides the transacting parties with a cryptographic proof of
authenticity and assures them with the validity and security of the
Whereas in a traditional database, transactions are often
centralized and controlled by the third-party organization, but with blockchain
BT, every
node in the system has the ability to cryptographically check and
authenticate any transaction. Instead of having to trust the centralized
authority, relying on the blockchain, BT is more beneficial because they are
able to create and uphold trust by relying on cryptographical proof in a
consensus method.
This feature removes the want for the involvement of a trusted
third party in such transactions and is the main point of difference from (and
improvement on) systems using traditional databases. This unique facet of BT
eradicates the security-related issues, which are associated with traditional
central databases or ledgers.[16] The technological developments offered by blockchain promise wide ranges of use in a variety of segments and legal areas,
including Intellectual Property (IP) law.
What are Smart Contracts?
Smart contracts... guarantee a very, very specific set of outcomes. There’s never
any confusion and there’s never any need for litigation.- Jeff Garzik, owner of blockchain services Bloq[17]
In layman terms, one can describe Smart contracts that help you exchange money,
property, shares, or anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while
avoiding the services of a middleman a decentralized system). The best way to
describe smart contracts is to compare the technology to a vending machine.
Usually, you would go to a lawyer or notary, pay them and wait while you get the
With smart contracts, you simply deposit a bitcoin in the ATM (i.e.
the general ledger) and your escrow, driver's license or whatever falls into
your account. More so, smart contracts not only define the rules and penalties
around an agreement in the same way as a traditional contract but they also
automatically enforce those obligations. If you are looking for a more detailed
procedure for smart contracts, please check out our blockchain courses on smart
contracts. An appealing feature of blockchain technology is smart contracts.
A smart contract is basically a computer protocol intended to digitally
facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of
a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions
without third parties.
It considers developments in smart contracts that run on
the Blockchain (or Distributed Ledger Technology) to understand how BT can make
smart contracts more useful to businesses and society, and what the challenges
and limitations ahead are.[18]Smart contracts permitted through BT will be
extremely useful for the licensing of IPRs and related contractual
covenants;[19] as these contracts can help with self-monitoring terms, real-time
payment and keeping immutable evidence of their execution, etc.[20] The
management of IPRs will be streamlined since the information about the
right-holders and the potential users will be available on a verifiable basis in
There are a number of blockchain platforms that are already
showing their outlooks and perspectives for managing IPR’s. For instance,
companies like UJO (a decentralized music system) that creates a transparent and
distributed ledger of rights using BT and automates expenses using smart
contracts. Such Companies like these allow their users to use BT to validate the
existence and exclusivity of their creation while giving them the opportunity to
enter into smart contracts in order to authorize their creations.[22]
In today’s time, one of the most contentious innovations is Blockchain,
substituting trust with math-based security to a large extent. It is described
as an open distributed ledger of information, which is not backed by any central
authority. It is famous and has gained much attention due to its decentralized,
distributed and immutable features. BT is a newly emerging tool that has great
potential in a real-time that could change the functioning of the world,
including its application to cater to the needs of Smart Contracts around the
world, without the involvement of any trusted third party.
Since 2009, with Bitcoin relying on BT, a number of Blockchain-based solutions have
evolved.[23] Though Blockchain has enormous potential to offer, there are some
drawbacks in terms of data security and privacy, network size, speed, growth and
transaction rates. With the advent of blockchain, smart contracts have become
one of the most sought-after technologies because of the high customizability
they add to transactions. Smart contracts are gaining increasing popularity in
both public and private domains as they enable peer-to-peer operation on public
blockchains and have the potential to improve efficiency and transparency in
business collaborations.
However, the current form of smart contracts is still
limited in their ability to full ï¬ll all expectations. We believe the future
development should mainly focus on improving the semantics of smart contracts,
their integration with existing procedures, as well as their usability,
acceptance, and legality. If smart contracts can be made to work with enhanced
security, legality and flexibility, we can foresee a wider adoption of smart
It can be concluded that BT has reached mass awareness if not mass
acceptance. The innovation of every technology comes with few legal and
regulatory issues, therefore, it is very important to comprehend the new
technology in the well-timed and suitable regulatory framework is established so
that the entire world does not miss out on a gigantic opportunity’.[24]
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