Surrogacy And Its Impact On Surrogates

Surrogacy is an advance science and also a sign of unexpected development but every development leads to destruction if it is not used correctly or being misused. Surrogacy is a hope for the person who are unable to enjoy the happiness of being parents and parenthood but this surrogacy also used by the people to earn money and exploit women. This article focus on the illegal regulation of surrogacy which is affecting the economical, social, medical, conditions of surrogate women in India.

The rich career women or high class women who can be a biological mother, do not take risk of pregnancy, to avoid the risk of medical condition, pain bearing, body physics maintenance and so on they prefer to hire surrogates.

It also highlights the lacuna in present Laws. It also focuses on some reforms which can be taken in behalf of surrogacy which can help us to control all the criminal acts like illegal commercial surrogacy, organ trafficking, etc. The technique of surrogacy is basically a rented womb to the intended parents who raise the child as their own though it is their biological child but the birth is given by the surrogate mother and after given birth the child is given to the intended parents.

This process can be done only by legal agreement but there are many violative elements present in society. It is not a new process, in Indian mythology and history it can be traced but it was done only for having child not for the fulfilment of need and greed. However, many amendments were made in laws regarding surrogacy but there no actual implementation.

Surrogacy is an advance technology introduced by development in medical science, it is a miracle for the parents who wants to enjoy parenthood and unfortunately unable because of permanent incapability. Surrogacy is a substitute for permanent infertility in intended parents. This is a medical advancement which is like a boon to the parents who are incapable of procreating a biological child. In this process a woman carries a child on behalf of another couple and after delivery this child is considered as a biological child of these parent(s). The parents who want a child known as 'intended parents' and the woman who holds the child is known as surrogate mother.

This medical advancement is being used by people not for the procreation of child but for earning money, and running their businesses illegally. Though the commercial surrogacy is banned in India but the altruistic surrogacy is practicable and also being misused and the commercial surrogacy is also being performed side by side.

In Earlier time surrogacy used to performed to carry forward the Vansh or lineage in Indian society but in the present time despite of fulfilling this aim people are using this method to satisfy their greed.

Meaning And Definition:
The word surrogacy is derived from Latin term 'subrogate' which means to substitute or "to appointed to Act in behalf of". Thus the word surrogacy means that a women who is know as surrogate being pregnant on behalf of intended parents. Surrogate mother carries the baby of another couple till delivery and after delivery this child is taken from the surrogate mother and given to the intended parents. In this process surrogate mother is given all the legal and medical expenses by intended parents. But not any other monetary benefit.[1]

According to Merriam Webster dictionary "the practice by which a woman (called a surrogate mother) becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby in order to give it to someone who cannot have children". [2]

Thus, we can say that the surrogacy is the process by which a woman holds a baby of another person with her own eggs or both the egg and sperm of intended parents.

Surrogacy And Its Impact On Surrogates

These types are explained as follows:

  • On The Basis Of Genetical Relationship
    • Gestational Surrogacy: This type of surrogacy follows a process in which a surrogate mother carries an embryo of another person or couple. There is no genetic relation between the surrogate mother and the baby she carries.
    • Traditional Surrogacy: In this type of surrogacy, a surrogate carries a biological child, meaning she is biologically related to the baby.
  • On The Basis Of Payment Mode
    • Commercial Surrogacy: In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother charges a particular fee for carrying the embryo. In this surrogacy, the surrogate mother receives a fixed amount from intended parents beyond medical expenses.
    • Altruistic Surrogacy: In this type of surrogacy, only medical expenses or legal expenses are paid to the surrogate mother by intended parents instead of any other financial compensation.
  • On The Basis Of Place
    • Domestic Surrogacy: In this surrogacy, the surrogate mother and intended parents make an agreement, which keeps both parties in touch till the birth of the child. This process is completed in the same country, which is why it is known as domestic surrogacy.
    • International Surrogacy: In this surrogacy, intended parents go to another country for surrogacy. In simple words, the surrogate mother and intended parents belong to different countries.
  • On The Basis Of Work Done With
    • Surrogacy By Agency: In this type of surrogacy, intended parents and the surrogate mother are linked with an agency from the start of the surrogacy process until the delivery of the baby. The agency manages all the processes between the intended parents and surrogate mother.
    • Independent Surrogacy: There is no third party between intended parents and the surrogate mother. The intended parents and surrogate mother directly perform an agreement of surrogacy with each other until the delivery of the child, without any interference from a third party.

Historical Background Of Surrogacy In India

The principle of substitute is practiced since Biblical times and continues to medieval times and as well as modern era.

In fact surrogacy has been widely accepted in India now and there's hardly any stigma attached to it . it is not a new concept to Indian history. Hindu tradition always had NIYOGA PADDHATI (method)which practiced since the Vedas and Mahabharata. This method allowed a woman whose husband is incapable of procreation or dead which allows her to take help from man to bear a child .

NOTE: This method is not accepted but it has some certain specific clauses and rules to guide people in this regard.

The women who practice NIYOGA would have intercourse with that man as DHARMA not pleasure.

The man who is designated as surrogate can only be three time in his lifetime .

In this method of NIYOGA , foreplay, kissing and such intimate acts were forbidden and woman's upper body was used to covered.

The first recorded example of surrogacy can be seen back to HINDU mythology , wherein BHAGWAT PURANA , LORD VISHNU heard the prayer and had transferred an embryo from DEVAKI'S womb to the ROHINI'S who was the other wife of Vasudev. Rohini gave birth to BALARAMA , brother of KRISHNA . This give the witness that surrogacy lies in very roots of INDIA.

In MAHABHARATA ,Gandhari delivered a semi solid material on place of delivering a child . MAHARSHI VYAS divided the semi solid material into 100 pieces and planted them in different pans. From this process the 100 KAURVAS were born .

In Mahabharata when king VICHITRAVEERYA dies childless , then the queen mother SATYAVATI ask her son VYASA to Niyoga with widow of Vichitraveerya – AMBE , AMBIKA, AMBALIKA. And from that DHRITRASHTRA and PANDU were born . And from one maid Vidura was born .

In Book of GENESIS the story of SARAH and her husband ABRAHAM , the couple who doesn't have baby so they take the help of their maid HAGAR to carry Abraham's child . Abraham impregnated HAGAR , so they had their child .

In INDIA the practice of surrogacy is not new , it was previously uncontrolled due to lack of clear legislation .

In 1978 on 3rd October in Kolkata there was a successful delivery of the India's first and world's 2nd IVF child KANUPRIYA ALIAS DURGA happened . with the outcome of the efforts of dr. Subhash Mukherjee and his two mates .The birth of this baby was a tremendous controversy .

By tracing the history of surrogacy it can be seen that there is a rapid increasement in this method and surrogacy had developed a lot from thousands year back . Nowadays the speedily evolving drugs and technology had make it easier to complete the family. But with this achievement there are many drawback of this :

As INDIA is becoming the most popular Industry for surrogacy among the other countries of the world . The surrogacy is becoming a business in INDIA and this surrogacy industry is in demand in all over the world.

As women are not aware of their basic human rights and health and they are exploited by manipulating their minds or they are forced to practice such events.

Most of the Indian women are forced to practice surrogacy due to poverty . In most of the cases we have seen that women have taken surrogacy more than 10 times just to earn money and to run the livelihood of the family.

In earlier times surrogacy was practiced to bear a child to run the lineage and it was not practiced for the pleasure and for business purpose. But in today's scenario the concept of surrogacy is misused as now they are practicing as a business. As the business of surrogacy has adversely affected the actual concept of surrogacy and changed it's true meaning which is helpful for parties who wants to enjoy the feeling of parenthood.

Surrogacy: Social Impact

"Mother Hood Is A Fact And Father Hood Is A Presumption".
Surrogacy has become an increasingly common path to parenthood but it raises complex social and legal questions. Surrogacy distorts the concept of biological parentage and mother, Father, child relationship. The child might be related to only one parent or born a donor egg. This may create psychological impact on the child with regard to child, identity it entirely changes or transform the established sociological concept of motherhood. Accordingly it changes the universal old legal maxim that Motherhood is a fact and Fatherhood is a presumption as implied from the section 112 of Indian evidence Act. Surrogacy has rendered even motherhood a subject of legal presumption no longer as indisputable fact.

Another matter of concern is that surrogacy particularly became the matter of concern with rise of celebrity or social surrogacy where individuals or couples choose surrogacy not due to medical infertility but for personal reasons such as career commitment celebrities from Hindi or south Indian film industries have increasingly turned into surrogacy[5]. FOR EXAMPLE : Bollywood Actor Shahrukh khan and Gauri became parents to their third child in 2013 through surrogacy [6]And IN 2014 Lakshmi Manchu became one of the first Tollywood actor to use surrogacy to have a daughter named Vidhya nirvana[7].

This trend influences societal views promoting the idea that surrogacy is purely or personal choice however it is essential to note that ICMR guideline (2005) and THE ART BILL2010 permit surrogacy only when infertility is medically diagnosed through specified test. Although surrogacy may seem like a solution for those unable to conceive it but it raises serious ethical and social concerns. It disrupt the natural process of motherhood challenges traditional family structure and can exploit vulnerable women .

These concerns make it crucial to examine key area where it creates risks for individuals families and society that are:
  • Changing the Meaning of Parenthood and Family
    Surrogacy has changed how we see families and parenthood. A child may have many people involved—like genetic parents, intended parents, and the surrogate mother. This raises questions like what makes someone a parent—biology, love, or legal agreements.
  • Impact on Children Born Through Surrogacy
    A child born via surrogacy may have questions about their identity, especially if they don't know the surrogate or donor parents. It's important to make sure these children get emotional support and feel accepted by society.
  • Religion and Cultural Views on Surrogacy
    Some religions and cultures do not accept surrogacy, seeing it as unnatural. These beliefs can make it harder to accept new forms of family and parenthood. Laws often reflect these cultural or religious ideas, limiting surrogacy in some places.
  • Challenges Faced by Surrogacy Mothers
    Many women who become surrogates face judgment from society and emotional difficulties after childbirth, making it an unfair process. It is a struggle for women to adjust back to normal life, often feeling left out or judged by others.

Medical Issues During Surrogacy

As we have discussed above, gestational surrogacy is quite common in India. In this surrogacy, the surrogate carries an embryo created through IVF. The surrogate has no genetic connection to the embryo, but carries it until delivery. There are many risks and complications she may face during surrogacy, including:
  1. Infection: There is a high risk of infection during the IVF process when the needle is inserted to place the embryo. This infection can occur due to negligence in following proper medical processes and hygiene.
  2. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS): OHSS can occur in a surrogate during injectable medication. The ovaries become swollen, which can introduce issues like blood clots, kidney infections, electrolyte imbalances, and more.
  3. Sepsis: Bacterial sepsis is a serious condition that occurs when the body's response to an infection harms its tissues and organs. It can lead to organ failure due to an unregulated immune response.
  4. Miscarriage: Miscarriage can take many forms, such as complete, incomplete, threatened, inevitable, missed, or habitual miscarriage. It can result in heavy bleeding and infection in the surrogate mother.
  5. Rh Incompatibility: This condition occurs when there is a difference in Rh blood types between the mother (Rh-) and the fetus (Rh+), causing the immune system to produce anti-D antibodies that may lead to sensitization.
  6. Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH): PPH occurs when blood loss exceeds 500ml within the first 24 hours after delivery.
  7. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): PID can occur in surrogate mothers, especially if they undergo procedures like embryo transfer. It can damage the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus, affecting fertility.
These are some of the major medical issues that affect the health of a surrogate mother, sometimes even leading to death. A slight negligence can drastically affect the surrogate's life.

Surrogacy: Economic Impact on Surrogate Mothers

The Surrogacy Regulation Bill 2021 introduced altruistic surrogacy, controlling the commercialization of surrogacy internationally. However, the ban on commercialization has not been entirely successful in curbing surrogacy exploitation at the local level. Though surrogates are required to be close friends or relatives of the intended parents, this has led to economic exploitation. Some of the impacts include:
  1. Women Treated as a Source of Livelihood: Despite the advancements in surrogacy, women are being exploited and treated as sources of income, selling their wombs to earn money.
  2. The Impact of Payment Bans: The Surrogacy Regulation Act 2021 only provides medical expenses, insurance, and limited compensation to surrogates, which may result in economic exploitation.
  3. Difficulty Finding Surrogates: Due to altruistic surrogacy requiring surrogates to be close relatives or friends, it becomes harder to find surrogates. This leads to illegal practices where women are exploited.
  4. Exploitation Risk: Despite regulations, poor women are still being exploited. Due to illegal agreements, surrogates often don't receive adequate compensation.
Before passing this act India was a hub for affordable surrogacy but at this time surrogacy is under exploiting tool for women in India over the name of altruistic surrogacy . On the other hand in USA higher cost is charged by surrogates it can be up to $ 100,000 . Ukraine and Russia are slightly cheaper than USA but not cheaper like INDIA.

In altruistic surrogacy surrogates are only paid medical expenses but these medical expenses cannot fulfil their future needs either medical, economical or for livelihood. [12]

Surrogacy: Legal Aspect
Since the beginning of advances in medical science at the end of 20th century commercial substitution has prevailed in India. The practice gathers popularity worldwide, is increasing quickly every day and becomes an industry in India, despite the social and legal complexities involved in the concept. As a business it is practiced in India on a large scale, and there is no such law to deal with substitution process or to control practices.

There are many legal difficulties attributed to India's lack of appropriate legislation. The main objection against surrogate motherhood is that a legal system does not protect its proportions. As the rights and obligations of all parties are established and upheld by law, the status of child or mother's life are at risk which is a great concerned. [13]
  • The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021
    • Section 3: Prohibition and Regulation of Surrogacy Clinics
      • No surrogacy clinics can conduct, or associate or help in conducting any activities relating to surrogacy procedure if not registered.
      • No surrogacy clinic, paediatrician, gynaecologist, embryologist registered medical practitioner shall conduct, offer, promote or avail of commercial surrogacy.
      • No surrogacy clinic shall employ such person who does not possess such qualification as prescribed.
      • No registered medical practitioner, gynaecologist, paediatrician, embryologist, shall conduct such surrogacy procedure at a place other than a registered place under this act.
      • No surrogacy clinic, registered medical practitioner, gynaecologist, paediatrician, embryologist shall promote, publish, canvass, propagate or advertise.
    • Section 10: Prohibition of Abortion
      • No person, organisation, surrogacy clinic, laboratory, or clinical establishment of any kind shall force the surrogate mother to abort.
    • Section 11: Registration of Surrogacy Clinics
      • No person shall establish any surrogacy clinic for surrogacy procedure unless it is not registered under this act.
      • Every surrogacy clinic conducting surrogacy procedure within a period of sixty five days from the date of appointment shall apply for registration.
    • Section 12: Certificate of Registration
      • The appropriate authority after having an enquiry, if satisfied that the rules and regulations of this act are followed, grants a certificate of registration to the surrogacy clinic.
      • Every certificate of registration is valid for a period of 3 years and shall be renewed in a manner as prescribed.
    • Section 38: Prohibition of Commercial Surrogacy, Exploitation of Surrogate Mothers and Children Born Through Surrogacy
      • No person, organisation, surrogacy clinic, laboratory, or clinical establishment of any kind shall:
        • Undertake commercial surrogacy or its related component procedures or services in any form or run a racket or select surrogate mother or use individual brokers or intermediaries to arrange for surrogate mothers at such clinics, laboratories or any other place.
        • Issue, publish, distribute, communicate any advertisement in any manner regarding commercial surrogacy.
        • Abandon or disown or exploit the child or children born through surrogacy.
        • Exploit the surrogate mother or the child born through surrogacy in any manner.

As there are many laws in our country for surrogacy to protect the child and mother from getting exploit but actually as these laws are not followed strictly in our country because there are some drawbacks in laws. As the commercial surrogacy is ban in our country and it is punishable with a jail term of 10 years and fine of upto rupees 10 lakhs but it is still practiced illegally as a business in country to earn an income.

Penalties For Surrogacy

Section 40: Punishment For Not Altruistic Surrogacy

Any intending couple or any person who seeks the aid of any surrogacy clinic, laboratory, or of a registered medical practitioner, gynaecologist, paediatrician, embryologist or any other person not following the altruistic surrogacy or conducting surrogacy procedures for commercial purpose shall be punishable with imprisonment for term extend to five year and fine of five lakh rupees for first offences and for subsequent with imprisonment of ten years and fine of rupees ten lakh. [14]

Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) Guidelines (2005)
Although not a court case, the ICMR issued guidelines in 2005, which laid down the rules for surrogacy in India. These guidelines included stipulations on the surrogate mother's health, the nature of the contract between the surrogate and intended parents, and the need for medical monitoring. However, they were not legally binding and were meant for ethical guidance.[15]

In India Ahmedabad is the most notorious city for surrogacy arrangements where women are undergoing the surrogacy procedure for foreign couples and earning amount in return.

In an interview with Indian express many women have accepted that they do not have any other choice to earn money.

As women are not fairly paid and as they are cheated by the parties who made them surrogate mother, as they refuse to accept the child then these surrogate mothers became helpless . They are given abortion pills to kill their embryo or fetus. From these pills they have to face other complications in their body as their pregnancy tissues left in there uterus, blood clots in uterus , bleeding, infection and so on .As they are not educated and they are not aware of these conditions which are harmful for them and life threatening.

The Baby Factory: Surrogacy the blooming business in GUJARAT.

Inside India's surrogacy nursery in Anand Gujrat where 500th surrogate mother delivers a baby girl. In Bylane off station road in ANAND where men are beneath the banyan tree and wait for their women to complete their business at an adjacent clinic .

India's cooperative milk capital is also engaged into surrogacy HubThe Sat Kaival Hospital and Akanksha Infertility clinic run by Dr. Nayana Patel (aged55years) and her husband Hitesh (age57years) churns out 30 babies on average every month .

Suman aged 32 years currently carrying 2 surrogate babies in her womb with her daughter Nidhi Nisha and Nirali , husband Mahendra and mother Sarithaben in Mehrau Village Gujrat , as she needs money and her husband earns only 100 Rs. a day as labour.

Suresh aged 29years , an Ahmedabad based auto rikshaw drives cooks rice for his wife Sital age of 26 years a surrogate mother every weekend . they had their own 2 children and they want to buy a house with Rupees 4 lakh from this surrogacy.

The number of babies delivered at Dr. Patel's clinic is 680 and counting.[16]

Dark Side Of Surrogacy Industry
Surrogacy Act was enacted to prevent the commercialization of surrogacy. The surrogacy rackets are operating with greater secrecy than organ trafficking.

In Gurugram a fertility clinic where commercial surrogacy is practiced and where women are presented according to the choice of the parties as on the basis of race, caste, religion, or so on. Where doctor charges a good amount up to Rupees 2 million and according to the status of parties for surrogacy. As they practice commercial surrogacy as a business and violates the laws.

Despite strict regulations such illegal operations are running and thriving in an organized manner from agents to doctors to large hospitals and everyone's role and fees are fixed.[17]

Surrogacy: In India And Other Countries
Surrogacy in many countries completely prohibited like Germani, Spain, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, etc. and in United States some states allowed the commercial surrogacy but some states are not permitted to perform such kind of activities to the people. Countries where surrogacy is regulated by legislations and still being performed legally have different kinds of basis of this performance. There is a tabular representation to represent the surrogacy in India and other country as follow:

Eligibility For Surrogate Mother
Basis India Netherlands United Kingdom Russia United States
Type of surrogacy Altruistic Altruistic Altruistic Commercial Altruistic
Marital status Married No No No No
Age 25 to 35 years <44 years <45 years 18 to 35 years 21 to 40 years
Compensation No No No Yes Yes
Surrogate's health Good physical & mental health Good health Good health Good health Good health
Surrogate's relationship to intended parents Close Non-relative Non-relative Non-relative Non-relative

Eligiblity For Intended Parent(S)
Marital status Married Whether married or unmarried Civil partner or living as partner Single female or heterosexual Not specific
Age Wife: 23–50 years
Husband: 26–55 years
Up to 43 years At least 18 years Not specified 21–55 years (combined age: 110 years)
Citizenship Indian citizen Dutch citizen British citizen Russian citizen American citizen
Medical condition Proven infertility Hysterectomy and any reason Not essential Gestation and birth of child is impossible Incapability

Legal Aspect
Guardian Indian couple Surrogate Surrogate (transfer through adoption) The surrogate mother if provided egg
intended parent(s) if surrogate not provided the egg
Intended parents' legal guardian
Penalty Minimum 10 years Maximum 1 year Maximum 3 months No provision Vary by states

Alternatives of Surrogacy

As surrogacy is an alternative for infertility, likewise, there are some alternatives also present for surrogacy. These alternatives can help in controlling the misuse of surrogacy and in helping the parents enjoy parenthood. These alternatives can be of the following:
  • Uterine Transplantation: Uterus transplantation is a surgical process that provides a cure for infertility in women who are unable to be pregnant or do not have a uterus. In this process, a uterus from a living or deceased donor is transplanted into the recipient. This process is preferable as it negates the need for gestational surrogacy by automatically legalizing the natural mother's pregnancy. Uterus transplantation surgery also helps women who do not have a uterus by birth or whose uterus was removed during a medical procedure.
  • Adoption: Adoption is one of the best alternatives to both surrogacy and uterine transplantation. It is a legal process in which a non-biological child is adopted by the intended couple as their own. In India, Hindu adoption is governed by the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956. There are also other laws that govern adoption.
The main aim of the surrogacy was to provide a child to the couple who actually want to parenting him/her as their own. It is an old pattern which is performing in India from the historical period and also reflects somewhere in mythology. But at the present time it is being used as a source of earning of money. The practices of these unethical event leads to the exploitation of surrogate mothers by selective breeding, abandoning of children etc. There are many laws in our country to deal with surrogacy but there are flaws in those laws as banning of commercial surrogacy in India is not the only solution of this problem but the transparency in applicability law can be a solution.

Here, this pie chart and responses shows that the majority of people of society are in support of practicing surrogacy. Surrogacy should be practice only for the parents who are unable to procreate a child from all the medical procedure, they can go for surrogacy.

No, according to majority support the true meaning of surrogacy is not still prevail in India. surrogacy is being practiced as a Business Hub for earning money and satisfying their personal needs.

Yes, here we can see that the majority of people are aware of commercial surrogacy but this is practiced as illegal business . According to the responses 80% of people are aware of it.

Yes as per the 94% affirmative support of society we can see that the adoption is one of the best substitute to the surrogacy. It can be used as substitute which will help to eradicate the illegal practicess of surrogacy.

No, there is no transparency in the implementation of law and society's 82.8% majority is demanding the proper implementation.

Yes, it is somehow affecting the biological parentage because by illegal practices parents who can have their own biological child, go for surrogacy to avoid pain, maintain body figure, and other future issues.

End Notes:
  1. Available at last seen 9/11/2024
  2. Available at /last seen 9/11/2024
  3. /google image/ last seen 06/11/2024
  4. last seen 09/11/2024
  5. Available at last seen 28/10/2024
  6. Available at seen 28/10/2024
  7. Shreyanka Mazumdar / May 12, 2024 08:52 IST Available at /last seen 28/10/2024
  8. Open AI (2024) Chat GPT (NOV 6 version 2024) [Large Language Model]
  9. Available at,once%20in%20every%206%2C000%20retrievals / last seen 27/10/2024
  10. Available at,facility%2C%20are%20a%20particular%20risk / last seen 30/10/24
  11. Source: Target High (One Nation One Book on Nursing Officer/Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam) /by Muthuvenkatachalam Sambili Venugopal / 5th Edition / pg. no. 658, 659, 661 / Edition 2019
  12. Available at 06/11/2024
  13. Controversy of Surrogacy in Indian Perspective – An Analytical Study / Megha Yadav / January 2022 / Chapter 5 / pg. no. 73-74 / KR Mangalam University, Haryana /, last seen 27/10/2024
  14. The Surrogacy Regulation Act 2021 / India Code: Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021, Last Seen 6/11/2024
  15. Open AI (2024) Chat GPT (November 6 Version) [Large Language Model]
  16. Available at, last seen 26/10/2024
  17. Available at, last seen 26/10/2024
  18. Available at last seen 29/10/2024
  19. Available at / last seen 11/11/2024
  20. Available at / last seen 11/11/2024
Written By:
  1. Mansi Rajvi, students of 7th semester of University college of Law , Mohanlal Sukhadia University , Udaipur (Rajasthan).
  2. Divya Kunwar Chouhan, students of 7th semester of University college of Law , Mohanlal Sukhadia University , Udaipur (Rajasthan).  and
  3. Anushka Sharma, students of 7th semester of University college of Law , Mohanlal Sukhadia University , Udaipur (Rajasthan).

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