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Impact Of Legalising Cannabis Farming In The State Of Himachal Pradesh Upon Indian Territories

It is rightly stated by experts associated with various fields and by various sociologists who took birth on this globe that everything which is a boon for us, is sometimes bane in another manner or sort, which basically refers to the subject that a concept, thing or element which has certain sort of benefits, has certain demerits in another form or establishment. Recently, the State of Himachal Pradesh, in the year 2024, is under a thought process to legalise the subject of cannabis farming within the ambits of the territorial aspects of entire Himachal Pradesh, after looking at certain other states which had already legalised the same such as one of its neighbouring state, that is, Uttrakhand (UK).

The ultimate aim of legalising such farming is to boost the economy of the state, because Cannabis is a backbone to prepare certain medicines. But along with this boon, many people tries to make use of Cannabis by consuming its large amount through improper ways and they apply it on their body in the form of intoxication and this practice is usually common amongst youths, who are the ultimate nation builders. So, on the one hand, Cannabis is boosting our economy and on the other hand, it is dominating our nation by affecting youths.

The researcher in the present research is going to find an answer to the subject that whether, Cannabis farming is a boon or a bane and if it would be a boon or a bane, then what's the rationality behind it. The study will provide suggestions to prevent misuse of Cannabis as well.

According to the great sociologist, that is, Sir Aristotle, "Man is a social animal." A social animal is the one who always paves a way towards contributing something to the society. But it varies from person to person that what he or she is contributing to the society and what are its further consequences on the society at large. It is a question of fact that whether his or her contribution to the society is a boon or a bane.

The futuristic analysis of the same, will help to ascertain this issue. In a similar manner, the application to use Cannabis in a particular manner, will help to provide satisfactorily answer to the fact that whether it is going to be a boon or a bane for a particular society, state or Nation as well. If it is being used as a catalyst for the sake of preparing medicinal elements to safeguard the lives of people then at that spot of evaluation, it would be a boon and would help in boosting the economy of a Nation but on the other hand, if it is used by somebody to get intoxicated, then it would be a bane for that Nation's future.

So, now, it is understood that growing Cannabis is not a mal practice at all, but how it is to be applied by various people is a matter of great concern. Analysing various spiritual and holy books, like "Geeta", we came across the fact that life is precious and everyone gets it once. Furthermore, it is an obligation upon us to take care of all elements delivered to us by God, like our body as a human being, nature etc., and we should make a bona-fide use of all those things as well.

Meaning & Evaluation Of The Concept Of Cannabis & Cannabis Farming:

The subject of Cannabis is defined by the Cambridge dictionary, as the form of a drug, which is illegal in most of the nations which is furthermore prepared from the hemp plant. Cannabis farming, on the other hand, is the process of growing this crop. The subject of Cannabis farming is a matter of dispute and is a matter of great concern. Certain Nations have allowed and made it legal in their territories to grow Cannabis but some are purely against its growth.

The rationality to introduce this title of growing Cannabis as, being illegal is its pleasant feeling when it is smoked or being eaten. It is a sort of attraction towards many youths. It is a well-known fact that youths are the backbone of any Nation and if they would get indulged in a sort of ill-practices like smoking Cannabis then it will definitely effect the futuristic development of that nation and as a result of which many nations of this globe, had declared it as illegal to grow Cannabis as well.

Why Govt. Of Himachal Pradesh Is Under A Thought Process To Legalise Cannabis Farming In The Year, 2024

Though we have discussed earlier, that what are the rationalities behind introducing the title for Cannabis farming as legal or illegal and it is purely a question of fact as well. But though Cannabis farming has certain bad impacts on people but these bad impacts are to be faced by the person who is going to make an improper use of these drugs. Further, it is rightly stated that excess of everything is bad. Similarly, if any particular person performs a particular work continuously for a longer duration or eat a particular item in excess, then it is definitely going to effect his or her body in a worse manner.

Basically, the reason to declare Cannabis farming as illegal one is same, that is, most of the people used to make its improper use. Prima facie, the govt. of Himachal Pradesh is ready to declare Cannabis farming as legal one, because of its various medicinal benefits. Now the question arises that how govt. is going to tackle the ill-effects which will take birth after the legalisation of Cannabis farming, because legalising Cannabis farming is not only going to effect Himachal Pradesh, but instead it is going to effect the entire Nation.

Though somehow it is the responsibility of govt. to tackle the issues and concerns relating to the subject of Cannabis, but it is not the sole responsibility of govt. to tackle this issue. But instead, it is the responsibility of every prudent citizen of India, that to create awareness amongst masses at large, that how Cannabis is to be utilised in a proper and bona-fide manner as well. Looking at the step of legalising Cannabis farming by the govt. of Himachal Pradesh, the author found that it is a welcome step which is going to be carried forward by the state govt. of Himachal Pradesh. This is so because it is not going to benefit the medicinal path way of Indian State, but instead it will also help to build up the revenue of our nation.

But how the govt. is going to control the ill-effects of Cannabis farming is a question of fact, right now, because every coin has two faces and in a similar way, the subject of Cannabis is a boon at its one face and is a bane at its another one.

Attraction Of Youths Towards Cannabis- A Matter Of Great Concern

Scientifically, it has been proved that once a person who inhales or eat Cannabis will face a situation, which will take him towards the need of inhaling Cannabis again and again and this practice will make him habitual to undertake the same drug, which will affect his health in a worse manner. It is also an established and proved fact of science, that inhaling Cannabis gives a wonderful feeling to the inhaler which makes him habitual to undertake the drug again and again.

Youths, especially, teenagers are not in a capable position to understand the question of fact that what is right or what is wrong for them and as a result of which most of the teenagers gets attracted towards these sort of drugs, easily. This is a matter of great concern because ultimately, the involvements of youths in such kind of ill practices in directly or indirectly, going to affect our nation. •

Suggestions To Tackle The Mal-Practices Relating To Utilisation Of Cannabis

It is not the sole responsibility of State to keep an eye on each and every individual that whether he or she is making an illegal use of Cannabis or not, but it is the sole and individual responsibility of each and every prudent citizen of India to check that whether any other person is performing any such kind of illegal act relating to Cannabis or not and furthermore, he or she is also obliged to refer such kind of mal or ill-practice to particular public servant tackling such sort of complaints as well.

But now the question arises that what are the factors which will help to bring all those persons into their normal life, who are already indulged in such sort of drug abuse. For that, prima facie, there is a need to target all those individuals and then, thereafter, they are to be sent at proper rehabilitation centres for the sake. India is a country with wide geographical territory and it is not possible for govt. of India to reach person to person and in such a wide nation, the question furthermore, arises that who is going to create awareness amongst masses that intake of Cannabis in improper manner is not good for their health. By providing answer to this issue, it is to be taken into consideration that various Non-governmental organisations, Research Scholars, Lawyers, Doctors, Scientists, Prudent citizens cum social activists are working presently on their part to create as much awareness in respect of this concern and will keep on assisting the upcoming youth in respect of this issue as well.

Conclusive Proofs
The subject of Cannabis farming is not statutorily defined under the major statutory laws of Indian State because just like law, the meaning and definition of Cannabis farming as per its quantitative aspect keeps on changing with the change in place, time, manner, perspective etc. But still the subject of Cannabis farming is an important framework of study, because the subject is going to help and create awareness that what is good and what is bad for people and how they have to utilise the Cannabis in a proper manner.

Just like a studenty is to a teacher, in a similar manner Cannabis is to its applicability. This is so because, it is the teacher who guides its students to perform well in their examination and furthermore, it is the teacher who determine, define and introduce the path for its student to become a good human in his entire futuristic life to come and in a similar manner, it is the applicability and use of the Cannabis which will determine the impact of the subject of Cannabis that whether it is going to act as a boon or a bane!

Its applicability as a boon will help India-that is, The Great Bharata to become "Sone Ki Chidiya", again and its applicability as a bane will impact not only the health of citizens of our State but instead will have a worse impact on our revenue as well. Thus, various practices to live a disciplined life were laid down in various books when we look at various ethnic and historical books and instead of focusing on utilizing Cannabis in an improper manner, one should focus on living a bona-fide life full of ethics which would be beneficial not only for that particular person or to his family members, but instead which would be a beneficial sort for entire nation or State as well.

  • Chaudhuri Dr. Mrinmaya. Languishing for justice, 4th publication.
  • Justice M. Rama Jois, Legal and Constitutional History of India, Seventh Edition, Universal Law Publications Co., New Delhi, 2010.
  • Kulshreshtha VD., Landmarks in Indian Legal and Constitutional History. 4-6.
  • Kumar Dr. Surendra, Manu Smriti, Published by Arsh Sahitya Prachar Trust, New Delhi, 6-7.
Written By:
  • Vipul R.R. Malhotra, Advocate & Research Scholar At Rgnul Punjab
    Ph no: 90152-04521, Email: [email protected]
  • Dr. Basant Singh, Assistant Prof. At Rgnul Punjab.

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