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Rethinking Secularism: Distorting India's Secular Identity

The term secularism is a cornerstone of modern politics, yet not well understood. The term denotes a state that does not have an official religion and a belief system that rejects religion to be a part of the affairs of the state. However, in many contexts, the concept has been twisted into a tool for political gain, a phenomenon often termed as 'pseudo-secularism'

Pseudo-Secularism: A Distorted Ideal

While secularism, in its purest form, is a progressive and inclusive principle, its misapplication has given rise to a phenomenon known as pseudo-secularism. Pseudo-secularism can find itself in various forms, including but not limited to:

Selective Condemnation and Appeasement

One of the most pernicious manifestations of pseudo-secularism is the selective condemnation of certain religions while overtly appeasing others. It can usually be seen to pejoratively describe policies and decisions considered to appease the minority. The term simply implies that those who claim to be secular are actually not so, but are rather anti-majority.

Selective condemnations of religion X while continuous appeasement of religion Y, is a very dangerous political game. This approach, often driven by political expediency, undermines the very essence of secularism by creating a hierarchy of religions. Such discriminatory practices not only exacerbate communal tensions but also erode public trust in the political system.

The Education System: A Missed Opportunity

Our education system often fails to distinguish religious instruction and religious education. The institution of education plays a crucial role in shaping societal attitudes and values. Unfortunately, in many contexts, it has failed to impart a comprehensive understanding of different religions and their contributions to human civilization. No publicly funded school or college can provide religious instructions, but a well-rounded education should encompass elementary knowledge of diverse religious traditions.[1][2]

An in-depth understanding of these traditions would enable the students to discern their strengths and weaknesses and identify with their identity. Regrettably, the policy makers usually tend to overlook the importance of cultivating these values in the students, thus failing to foster this essential competency. This lack of critical religious education creates fertile ground for prejudice and misinformation, contributing to the prevalence of pseudo-secularism.

The Myth of Secularism as opposed to Religion

Another fallacious belief regarding secularism is that it means to be trendy or modern. While secularism may correlate with these qualities, it is essential to recognize that they are not synonymous. The sad reality is, in today's world, the advocates of pseudo-secularism, believe that religions do more harm to the society than good, focusing on the negative aspects of religions and ideologies, inadvertently hurting the sentiments of different communities.

The architects of the modern India, favoured secularism to preserve the diverse culture of India and for fostering advancements in the country. Little did they know that it will take the ugly turn of vote bank politics and change the course of India's culture, morals, values and history, forever.

Secularism is not just about empowering the minorities but to equally protect all the communities from their own orthodoxies and extremisms. It is important for people to stop and reflect the disservice they are doing to this nation, with their fleeting ignorance and blind ideological leaning.

In this contemporary era, India stands at a crossroads. The noble ideal of secularism has been subverted by a cynical politics of appeasement and division. The distortion in the true idea of secularism has not only eroded the trust in governance but has also fueled religious extremism and has jeopardized India's pluralistic identity.

To reclaim its secular ethos, India must embark on a journey of introspection and reform. A genuine commitment to justice, equality, an affirmation of all religious identities, rejection of communalism, defense of legitimate minority rights accompanied by rejection of minority extremism, prevention of religion-based violence, oppression and discrimination, respecting the religious sentiments of all citizens, Perhaps, this is what is expected from genuine secularism.

End Notes:
  1. Rajeev Bhargava, How to rescue genuine secularism, The Hindu, May 27, 2019, (last visited Jul 30, 2024).

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