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The Unheard Cries of Animals: A Call for Rights

They also have feelings; they shout, they cry, and they smile, but does that even matter in today's world and in the era where every other person promotes non-vegetarian food that contains more protein than normal food? But I want to ask if your taste buds are more important than someone's life. There will still be many arguments about this, but I think people aren't aware of the many brutalities that are still going on in our society, like a cinematic movie.

I am not only talking about those animals who are forced to be cut and shatter their lives for human food needs, but also those who are living as pets. This is not justified because we only see an overview of pet life. Yes, I am right. People have only one overview: that pets are treated kindly in a respectful way as they become family. No, that's not correct because we only see those things that are hyped on today's trending platforms: the love and care they show while putting videos up for views, but we don't even notice if it is really permanent or just for some attention.

Let's discuss some rights

Rights of animals

  1. Article 51A (g): It is the fundamental duty of every citizen of India to have compassion for all living creatures.
  2. IPC Sections 428 and 429: Killing any animal is a punishable offence.
  3. Section 11(1)(i): Abandoning any animal for any reason can land you in prison for up to three months.
  4. Rule No. 3 of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughterhouse) Rules, 2001: No animal (including chicken) can be slaughtered in any place other than a slaughterhouse.
  5. ABC Rules 2002: Stray dogs that have been operated for birth control cannot be captured or relocated by anybody, including any authority.
  6. Section 11(1)(h), PCA Act 1960: Neglecting an animal by denying sufficient food, water, shelter, and exercise or by keeping it chained for long hours is punishable by a fine or imprisonment up to three months or both.
  7. Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: Monkeys are protected and cannot be displayed.
  8. Section 22(ii), PCA Act 1960: Bears, monkeys, tigers, panthers, lions, and bulls are prohibited from being trained and used for entertainment purposes either in circuses or streets.
  9. Animal Sacrifice: Illegal in every part of the country according to Rule 3 of Slaughterhouse Rules 2001.
  10. Section 11(m)(1)(ii) and Section 11(1)(n), PCA Act 1960: Organizing any animal for fighting purposes is a cognizable offence.
  11. Rules 148-C and 135-B of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945: Testing cosmetics on animals and the import of cosmetics tested on animals is banned.
  12. Section 38J, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Teasing, feeding, or disturbing animals in a zoo and littering the zoo premises is an offence punishable by a fine of ₹25,000 or imprisonment up to three years.
  13. Section 9, Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: Capturing, trapping, poisoning, or baiting any wild animal or even attempting to do so is punishable by law with a fine of up to ₹25,000 or imprisonment up to seven years.
  14. Section 9, Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972: Destroying eggs or nests of birds and reptiles or chopping a tree with nests of such birds and reptiles constitutes hunting and attracts a punishment of a fine of up to ₹25,000 or imprisonment up to seven years or both.
  15. Section 11(1)(d), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Transport of Animals) Rules, 2001 and Motor Vehicles Act 1978: Conveying or carrying animals in any manner that causes discomfort, pain, or suffering is a punishable offence under two Central Acts.

How animals actually treated?

These rights which are mentioned above are just rights to say but meaningless for real for animals there is only one word meant that is 'humans' property', animals consider no rights but we consider, 'the owner of the property'
According to world data, around 380 million human consumptions of meat occur; this number is so large to even comprehend.
  • Around 900,000 cows are slaughtered every day.
  • To fulfill the needs, around 202 million meats are made, and for that, 140,000 chickens are slaughtered every minute.
These are not just numbers; they represent the emotions and feelings of living creatures who can feel, shout, cry in pain, have emotions, have families, and a will to live more, but nobody cares.

How Pets Are Living Their Lives With Human?

First of all, if we see in the human context, we are against slave system because they don't matter morally and it's against society so why the same, we are behaving with animals

In the real world, there is only one word for pets, which is tolerance. Let's get clear with some facts. We just see that the pets are enjoying their owners; yes, they are, but we cannot count all the positive results and avoid the negative. As we know, we are not always in a joyful mood, so every time pets are treated accordingly, there are many cases where it has been shown that owners treat pets according to their mood. As their temper levels rise, they start behaving accordingly, throwing their pets brutishly.

There are many videos you will get to see on Google of how people treat their pets according to their mood as pets become family, and family does not always get love and care but also includes lots of fights and anger. The same goes with pets. While humans can fight against each other's behaviour, how will pets defend themselves? How will they protect them when it comes to them? Animals should not pay the price of human failing.

There are many videos I have mentioned in the references where you can watch how people taking out their temper to an innocent one[iii]

I also want to highlight some pet stores whose treatment towards animals are recklessly can't bearable they show they're the most down behaviour by treating them like their property and force them to do their needy things.[iv]

Reality of factory farming

Factory farms have a tremendous impact on animals' lives. Animals are treated more like machines than the sensitive, emotional, and intelligent beings they are because they are legally regarded to be the property of the corporations to whom they "belong". Animals bear the brunt of cost-cutting efforts on factory farms. For the length of their limited lives, they are unable to engage in their natural behaviours; they are maimed and operated on without anaesthesia; and/or they are forcibly impregnated repeatedly, only to have their children ripped away from them.

Chickens raised on factory farms are mutilated from birth. Chicks are sent to a debeaking machine when they are only a few hours old, and sections of their upper and lower beaks are removed. Debeaking is meant to keep birds from pecking each other. Pecking injures and sometimes kills other birds. However, these behaviours are only widespread on factory farms. They are thought to be caused in part by the persistent stress associated with these illnesses. Aside from the initial discomfort produced by debeaking, data suggests that chickens experience chronic pain even after the treatment is completed.[v]

Putting them in confinement
A long period of confinement is unpleasant and difficult for any animal to tolerate. On factory farms, however, confinement is taken to the extreme. Cows that will become beef are allowed to roam outside for a portion of their short lives. Even still, they are crammed tightly into feedlots and forced to stand in their own faeces.

Other species are not as fortunate. Many people spend their entire lives indoors. Layer hens used for egg production are frequently confined to battery cages. These little wire cages are approximately 15 inches high and provide each bird with the same amount of floor space as a piece of printer paper.

Solution against cruelty
VEGANISM: Going vegan is projected to save one animal per day (many of which are smaller animals like fish). If that's the difference a vegan makes in one day, consider how many animals are spared each month, year, or lifetime simply by following a vegan diet.

That's around 30 creatures every month, 365 animals per year, and thousands of animals in a single human lifetime.

Not only that, but being vegan would save you an average of 273 kg of CO2 emissions, 84 square metres of forest, and 125,000 gallons of water in only one month.

You may not be able to see the immediate influence of your dietary choices, but the figures make it apparent. By being vegan, you can save the lives of thousands of animals simply by eating plant-based rather than meat.

Focusing on state and local cruelty laws:
Animal cruelty laws differ by country, state or province, and local authority. Read your federal, regional, and local laws on cruelty.
Such legislation is frequently accessed online by browsing a central government database. If you can't find any such laws or regulations, contact a local legal hotline for advice on where to find animal-related policies.
Report any instances of abuse- If you feel an animal in your region is being abused, immediately notify your local animal control or humane society offices. If you can't find the direct number, phone your local city offices or, if you're in the United States, 311.
Keep a record of your observations. Make a list of the behaviours or symptoms you believe are part of the abuse. If possible, offer to submit a photo or video with your report.
Prepare to testify once you call in an abuse inquiry.

Teach children to respect animals- If you have children or work with youngsters, teach them to appreciate living things. Helping to promote a more aware future is one of the best long-term solutions to animal mistreatment.
  1. Teach youngsters by example. Instead of asking your pets and other animals to "shut up," use friendly tones and sympathetic phrases.
  2. When small creatures, such as insects or rats, enter your home, treat them gently. Relocate them without killing or severely injuring them.
  3. Bring your youngster with you to help at local shelters.
  4. Include books and films in your child's entertainment that demonstrate kindness and positivity towards animals.
There are many more ways to generate kindness towards animals which we can apply wherever we see such cruelty.

As we all are facing one or the other issues in our life but we got mouth we got ability to fight against wrong happening with us so why can't we fight against the creatures who are allowed to live. In the world but like property like food for someone like needs so this should be stopped Animal abuse is a serious problem that requires prompt notice and action. It is a reflection of both animal rights and society wellness. We can create a more compassionate society that respects and protects all of its members by enhancing legal sanctions, raising public awareness, and promoting empathy for animals. The struggle against animal maltreatment is one for a better[vii]

A line said by Moria joy Chace that:
"Every living thing experiences life, and hence feels pain. We are foolish to believe that animals don't. Only if the world understood that animals feel the same way people do would the issue of animal rights never have been such a hot topic"

"As life is a life either it's a cat, dog or a man"

  1. Humane Society International (India), '15 Animal Rights in India That You Probably Don't Know About. But You Should.' (The Better India, 19 February 2016) accessed 12 July 2024. URL:
  2. Max Roser, 'How Many Animals Get Slaughtered Every Day?' [2024] Our World in Data accessed 12 July 2024. URL:
  3. When Humans Have Temper Tantrums & Outbursts, Dogs Can Suffer (Directed by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), 2021) accessed 13 July 2024. URL:
  4. Mistreatment at NYC Pet Store (Directed by The Humane Society of the United States, 2017) accessed 13 July 2024. URL:
  5. THL, 'How Are Factory Farms Cruel to Animals?' (The Humane League, 5 January 2021) accessed 12 July 2024. URL:
  6. '3 Ways to Take Action to Stop Animal Abuse - wikiHow Life' accessed 12 July 2024. URL:
  7. 'Essay on Animal Abuse for Students' (AspiringYouths, 18 February 2024) accessed 13 July 2024. URL:

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