In Neelkamal Case[1], the petitioners contested the legality and
constitutionality of specific sections of the Real Estate (Regulation and
Development) Act, 2016 (RERA). They argued that these sections violated Articles
14, 19(1)(g), 20, and 300-A of the Indian Constitution. The petitioners sought a
declaration that the first proviso to Section 3(1), Section 3(2)(a) & (c),
Explanation to Section 3, Sections 4(2)(c) & 4(2)(d)(e)(f)(g)(k), Sections 4(2)(l)(C)
and 4(2)(l)(D), Sections 5(1)(b), 5(3), and the first proviso to Section 6 of
the RERA were unconstitutional, illegal, beyond their powers, and lacking legal
Implementation Of Certain Provisions
The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA) was established by the
Parliament as Act 16 of 2016. The implementation of certain sections of RERA
began on dates specified by the Central Government through notifications in the
official gazette, with different dates assigned to different sections.
Notification No. S.O. 1544(E), dated April 26, 2016, declared that some
provisions, specifically Sections 2, 20 to 39, 41 to 58, 71 to 78, and 81 to 92,
would take effect from May 1, 2016. Another notification, No. S.O. 1216, dated
April 19, 2017, brought additional provisions into effect from May 1, 2017,
including Sections 3 to 19, 40, 59 to 70, and 79, 80.
Statement Of Objects And Reasons
The real estate sector plays a crucial role in meeting the housing and
infrastructure demands of the country. Despite significant growth in recent
years, the sector remains largely unregulated, lacking professionalism,
standardization, and sufficient consumer protection. Although the Consumer
Protection Act of 1986 offers a platform for real estate buyers, it is primarily
remedial and insufficient to address all issues faced by buyers and developers
in this industry. The absence of standardization has hindered the industry's
healthy and orderly growth, highlighting the need for regulation, as discussed
in various forums.
Given the circumstances, there was a need for central legislation, specifically
the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2013. This legislation aims
to ensure effective consumer protection and standardize business practices and
transactions within the real estate sector. The proposed bill includes the
creation of the Real Estate Regulatory Authority, which will oversee and promote
the sector.
It will also ensure the transparent and efficient sale of plots,
apartments, and buildings, thereby safeguarding consumer interests.
Additionally, the bill proposes the establishment of the Real Estate Appellate
Tribunal to handle appeals against the decisions and orders issued by the
Authority. The proposed Bill will ensure greater accountability towards
consumers, and significantly reduce frauds and delays as also the current high
transaction costs. It attempts to balance the interests of consumers and
promoters by imposing certain responsibilities on both.
It seeks to establish
symmetry of information between the promoter and purchaser, transparency of
contractual conditions, set minimum standards of accountability and a fast-track
dispute resolution mechanism. The proposed Bill will induct professionalism and
standardization in the sector, thus paving the way for accelerated growth and
investments in the long run.
Objections By Petitioners
- The learned counsel argued that, the proviso to Section 3(1) should be
deemed illegal and unconstitutional because RERA has not established a reasonable,
fair, and transparent system to balance the rights and responsibilities of
promoters and allottees.
- In relation to Section 6, which deals with the extension of project
registration, the learned counsel argued that while promoters are allowed to
specify the expected completion period when registering the project, the
extension granted under Section 5 by the authority is limited to one year.
The counsel contended that this restriction is unreasonable and arbitrary,
as it does not account for unforeseen circumstances beyond the promoter's
control that may delay the project. According to Section 6, an extension can
be granted if the promoter applies due to force majeure circumstances, which include natural
calamities like war, floods, droughts, fires, cyclones, and earthquakes.
However, the counsel argued that the authority should have the discretion to
consider other legitimate reasons for delays, such as legal disputes resulting
in stays or injunctions, or shortages of essential materials like cement and
steel. The current provisions do not allow for extensions beyond one year for
reasons other than force majeure, which the counsel believes is unreasonable,
unconstitutional, and contrary to the principles of Articles 14, 19(1)(g), and
20 of the Constitution. Therefore, the counsel requested that the proviso to
Section 6 be declared invalid.
- Section 8 outlines the responsibilities of the authority when a
registration lapses or is revoked. Senior counsel Mr. Chinoy argued that this provision is
unreasonable and negatively impacts the rights of promoters. He contended that
it conflicts with the contractual rights formed between promoters and allottees
in agreements made before the project's registration under RERA. The provision,
according to him, is vague and unclear, potentially complicating the project's
completion, which would not benefit the allottees either.
- The learned counsel argued that Section 18(1)(a) is highly arbitrary and
retroactive, which adversely impacts the promoter's rights to conduct trade
and business, thereby violating Articles 14 and 19(1)(g). The counsel
highlighted that if an allottee does not withdraw from the project and the promoter's
registration is revoked or if the promoter is unable to deliver possession of an
apartment, the promoter must pay interest for each month of delay until
possession is handed over. This mandate, according to the counsel, is
unreasonable, arbitrary, and unconstitutional. Alternatively, the counsel
suggested that the promoter should only be required to pay interest from the
date of the project's registration, not from the date of the sale agreement
between the promoter and the allottee. The counsel further argued that Section
18's provisions are retroactive, affecting past transactions between the
promoter and allottee before the project's registration under RERA, and are
therefore unworkable.
- The learned Senior Counsel argued that the RERA does not consider the
interests of the promoter. The provisions can be applied to penalize the
promoter for not completing a project, even when delays are due to circumstances
beyond their control. The requirements for the promoter to pay interest and
compensation to the allottee are seen as punitive, as they impact transactions
that occurred before the project's registration under Section 3 of the RERA.
Additionally, RERA lacks provisions for refunding the promoter's investment if
the promoter wishes to exit the project or if their registration is revoked.
Submissions By Respondent
- Section 3 provisions are reasonable:
The learned ASG argued that Section 3's provisions are reasonable and serve
the greater public interest. Regarding Sections 3 and 4(2)(l)(C)(D), the ASG
contended that if a promoter provides an account showing that 70% of the
funds received from allottees have been spent on the project, they are not
required to deposit 70% of the funds again during the RERA registration
process. The ASG referred to the Maharashtra Rules of 2017 and the National
Capital Territory of Delhi Real Estate (Regulation and Development)
(General) Rules, 2016, which mandate promoters to deposit 70% of the funds
received from allottees with the relevant authority. Considering the intent
and purpose of RERA, the ASG argued that the constitutional challenge to the
first proviso of Section 3(1) should be dismissed.
- The restriction is deemed necessary:
The ASG argued that the proviso to
Section 6 allows the authority to extend a project's registration period by up
to one year. This restriction is deemed necessary to ensure timely completion of
remaining development work. Without it, completion could be indefinitely delayed
due to various reasons. These provisions were carefully crafted with the
interests of allottees in mind, many of whom have been waiting years for
possession of their apartments or houses after paying substantial sums to the
promoter. Rejecting the petitioners' arguments aligns with the objective behind
Section 6, preventing the defeat of its purpose in mandating a specific
timeframe for completion.
- Empowering the authority under section 8:
The learned ASG argued that if a
promoter's registration lapses or is revoked, the authority can utilize its
powers under Section 8 to take necessary actions, including completing any
remaining development work. The authority may instruct the same promoter to
continue the outstanding development work under its supervision. Therefore,
concerns that a promoter would lose the right to carry out development work
after registration lapses are unfounded. RERA addresses such concerns by
empowering the authority to act under Section 8, ensuring that promoters are not
barred from continuing development work. The authority has extensive powers
under RERA aimed at completing pending development work and delivering
possession to allottees within specified timelines.
Submissions By The Learned Amicus Curiae:
- The counsel argued that when assessing the restrictions imposed by RERA under
Article 19(1)(g), their reasonableness must be evaluated based on established
principles. Economic legislation typically carries a presumption of
constitutionality, and the authority to regulate often includes the authority to
impose prohibitions. Individual rights, including those stemming from private
contracts, may need to yield to legislative actions undertaken in the public
interest. Understanding the true nature of the legislation requires considering
factors such as its history, purpose, surrounding circumstances, prevailing
issues, and intentions.
- Section 6 of RERA imposes a reasonable restriction when viewed in the context
of public interest. If a promoter genuinely faces hardship due to the expiration
of registration under Section 6, this hardship can be addressed by the Authority
when issuing an order under Section 8 or providing directions under Section 37
of RERA. The time limit set by Section 6 is reasonable and serves the public
interest. Alternatively, the learned Senior Counsel argued that although Section
6 allows for registration extension up to one year in total, it's possible to
deduct the time elapsed due to a court injunction using the principle of "Actus
Curiae Neminem Gravabit".[2]
- Whether section 18 is contrary to Article 20 of the Constitution:
The provisions of Section 18 were designed to serve as a strong deterrent
against practices deemed detrimental to the public interest by the
Legislature. The learned Senior Counsel proposed an alternative argument,
suggesting that if the court deems Section 18 to have a penal nature
impacting contractual rights established before its registration, then
Section 18 could be interpreted to require interest payment only for delays
occurring after registration under RERA,
rather than from the original agreement's deadline for handing over the flat.
This approach, according to the Senior Counsel, does not impose penalties
The Legislature holds the authority to enact laws with
retrospective effect. Even if RERA is considered to operate retrospectively, it
wouldn't be unconstitutional unless such retrospectivity is demonstrated to be
unduly severe, unfairly affecting substantial or vested rights. Mr. Khambata,
the Senior Counsel, argued that RERA is a corrective or remedial legislation,
emphasizing that public interest is a relevant consideration in assessing the
constitutional validity of retrospective laws, as affirmed by the Supreme Court.
Court Ruling
The court ruled that the constitutional challenges against various sections of
the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, including the first
proviso to Section 3(1), Section 3(2)(a), the explanation to Section 3, Section
4(2)(l)(C), Section 4(2)(l)(D), Section 5(3), the first proviso to Section 6,
Sections 7, 8, 18, 22, 38, 40, 59, 60, 61, 63, and 64, have been unsuccessful.
These provisions are deemed to be constitutional, valid, and legally sound.
- Neelkamal Realtors Suburban Pvt. Ltd. v. Union of India, 2017 SCC OnLine
Bom 9302.
- Raj Kumar Dey v. Tarapada Dey (1987) 4 SCC 398: AIR 1987 SC 2195.