Marital Rape: A Call for Change in India and Beyond
Marital rape, a form of sexual violence within marriage, remains a sensitive
and underreported issue despite growing awareness. This article explores the
prevalence, consequences, and legal aspects of marital rape, emphasizing the
need for societal awareness and legal reforms. Globally, marital rape transcends
cultural and economic boundaries, affecting individuals from all walks of life.
In India, the Indian Penal Code (IPC) historically included a marital rape
exception, rooted in colonial-era laws and outdated notions of implied consent.
This exception persists, leaving victims without criminal recourse.
While international bodies urge nations to criminalize marital rape, several
countries, including India, have yet to do so. Legal reforms are crucial to
address this gap and protect women's rights under Articles 14 and 21 of the
Constitution. Effective strategies include raising societal awareness,
education, and legislative changes to recognize and criminalize marital rape.
Comprehensive efforts are needed to dismantle harmful stereotypes, promote
consent education, and foster a culture rejecting all forms of violence within
relationships. Addressing marital rape involves overcoming societal norms and
cultural beliefs that view marriage as immune to legal intervention.
Marital rape is a form of sexual violence that occurs within the confines of a
marriage or intimate relationship, where one spouse forces the other to engage
in sexual acts without their consent. Despite growing awareness about sexual
violence, marital rape remains a highly sensitive and underreported
issue.Marital rape is a global issue that transcends cultural, social, and
economic boundaries. It occurs in both developed and developing countries,
affecting individuals from all walks of life. Unfortunately, due to the private
nature of marital relationships and the stigma associated with discussing sexual
violence, many cases go unreported.
Origin & Legal evolution in India
The Indian Penal Code (IPC) was enacted during British colonial rule in 1860,
and it included a marital rape exception from the outset. Initially, this
exception applied to women over the age of 10, which was later raised to 15 in
1940. The IPC is based on the 1847 draft by Lord Macaulay, the chairman of the
First Law Commission in colonial-era India. This draft decriminalized marital
rape without any age limit, rooted in the age-old notion of implied consent by
married women to protect the conjugal rights of husbands.
Influence of the Doctrine of Hale and the Doctrine of Coverture:
The concept of implied consent originates from the Doctrine of Hale, articulated
by British Chief Justice Matthew Hale in 1736. Hale asserted that a husband
could not be guilty of raping his wife, as their mutual matrimonial consent
implied ongoing consent for sexual relations. Additionally, the Doctrine of
Coverture, which emerged during the same era, held that a woman had no
individual legal identity after marriage. This doctrine was referenced in the
2018 Supreme Court of India ruling that struck down adultery as a criminal
offence, highlighting its violation of women's fundamental rights by negating
their legal identity and autonomy.
Global Perspective on Marital Rape:
Internationally, the United Nations has urged nations to close legal loopholes
that permit marital rape, emphasizing that the home remains one of the most
dangerous places for women. Countries like the United States, the United
Kingdom, South Africa, and Canada have criminalized marital rape, reflecting a
global trend towards recognizing and protecting women's rights within marriage.
Conversely, countries such as Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Lesotho, Nigeria,
Oman, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania have not expressly criminalized marital
A Call for Reform in India:
Indian law now recognizes husbands and wives as having separate and independent
legal identities, with modern jurisprudence increasingly focused on protecting
women's rights. It is imperative that the legislature addresses the legal gap by
eliminating Exception 2 of Section 375 of the IPC, thereby bringing marital rape
within the scope of rape laws. Laws need to clarify the boundaries of
interpersonal relationships and uphold constitutional ideals of equality,
dignity, and bodily autonomy, while also considering the practical challenges of
their enforcement.
A Different Approach
Different approach is needed to address the criminalisation of marital rape in
India. Two central questions frame this debate:
First, can the state compel a woman to have sexual intercourse with her husband?
Second, what role does the judiciary play in protecting the constitutional
rights of a woman under Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution?
The judiciary traditionally encourages a vertical approach to women's rights
against marital rape by maintaining a strict public-private divide. This
perspective has become the default over time, viewing constitutional rights
primarily as safeguards against the stateāa product of the contract between the
state and its citizens.
Despite the judiciary's hesitancy to extend constitutional rights into the
private sphere in cases of marital rape, there are instances of selective state
intervention. For example, Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1956, allows the
court to mandate restitution of conjugal rights. This section permits the court
to grant a decree of restitution if a husband and wife do not live together
"without reasonable excuse," often depriving women by forcing them to resume
conjugal relations with their husbands.
A horizontal approach to constitutional safeguards provides valuable insights.
Scholars like Van der Walt, Jean Thomas, and Gautam Bhatia suggest that the
institutions and structures embedded in our society constitute a set of norms,
conventions, and patterns of conduct. These norms assign roles, functions, and
power to individuals, often hierarchically. Reframing the issue from this
perspective highlights the need to recognize and address the systemic and
institutional forces at play in the context of marital rape.
Indian Law on Marital Rape
Mostly india does not have exact definition of Marital rape not specifics
punishment but still this matter do covered under:
Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC):
Section 375 of the IPC defines acts that constitute rape by a man. However, it
includes two exceptions. In addition to decriminalizing marital rape, it states
that medical procedures or interventions do not constitute rape. Exception 2 of
Section 375 specifies that "sexual intercourse by a man with his wife, if the
wife is not under fifteen years of age, is not rape." In October 2017, the
Supreme Court of India raised the age limit to 18 years.
Domestic Violence Act, 2005:
This act hints at marital rape by addressing any form of sexual abuse within a
live-in or marital relationship. However, it only offers civil remedies,
providing no legal avenue for marital rape victims in India to initiate criminal
proceedings against their perpetrators.
The consequences of marital rape are profound and multifaceted. Victims often
experience physical, emotional, and psychological trauma. Long-term effects may
include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a
breakdown in the marital relationship. The pervasive silence surrounding marital
rape exacerbates these consequences, as survivors may face isolation and lack of
Legal Perspectives:
The legal response to marital rape varies widely across jurisdictions. In some
places, marital rape is explicitly criminalized, while in others, it may not be
recognized as a separate offense. In countries where laws exist, enforcement and
prosecution can be challenging due to societal attitudes, legal loopholes, and a
lack of awareness. Advocacy for legal reforms that criminalize and effectively
address marital rape is essential to provide survivors with the protection they
One of the major issue faced in term of marital rape is the indian law system or
we can say our own judiciary system who is not ready to criminilse marital rape
as criminal offence like othere kind of rape. Adding to that one of the
judiciary decision regarding the case of marital rape is that as indian believe
marriage is not only a paper work or contract between 2 parties but also a
sacred institution.
Challenges in Addressing Marital Rape:
Addressing marital rape involves overcoming various challenges, including
societal norms, cultural beliefs, and the perception of marriage as an
institution immune to legal intervention. Efforts to combat marital rape require
a comprehensive approach, including education, awareness campaigns, and support
systems for survivors.
Societal Awareness and Education:
Raising awareness about marital rape is crucial in dismantling the culture of
silence surrounding this issue. Education programs should focus on challenging
harmful stereotypes, promoting consent education, and fostering a culture that
rejects all forms of violence within relationships. Open conversations can help
break down the barriers that perpetuate the cycle of abuse.
Marital rape is a deeply entrenched issue that demands urgent attention from
society, policymakers, and law enforcement. Breaking the silence surrounding
marital rape requires a collective effort to challenge cultural norms, enact and
enforce protective legislation, and provide support for survivors. By
acknowledging and addressing this form of violence, societies can work towards
fostering healthier relationships and ensuring the safety and well-being of all
individuals within marriages.
Written By: Rana Saman, 4th Year Law Student At Al-Ameen College Of Law.
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