Section 50 Of PMLA Act, 2002
The Delhi High Court recently passed an important judgment regarding the
powers of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) under the Prevention of Money
Laundering Act (PMLA). The court stated that the ED's ability to summon an
individual under Section 50 of PMLA does not grant them the power to arrest.
Justice Anup Jairam Bhambhani, who presided over the case, noted that while
Section 50 of the PMLA does allow ED officers to arrest individuals that meet
certain requirements, it lacks the authority to arrest. This judgement brings
clarity to the distinction between the powers granted to ED officers under
section 50 and section 19 of the PMLA.
The court clarified that Section 50's power to issue summonses to individuals,
demand documents, and record statements is similar to that of a civil court.
This means that the ED can use these powers to conduct investigations and gather
evidence against individuals suspected of money laundering. However, it does not
give them the power to arrest.
On the other hand, Section 19 of the PMLA does grant designated officers of the
ED the authority to arrest someone, subject to certain requirements. This power
to arrest is separate from the powers granted under Section 50 and cannot be
assumed as a natural outcome of a summons under Section 50.
This judgement is significant as it clarifies the limits of the ED's powers
under the PMLA. It ensures that the agency does not overstep its boundaries and
violate the rights of individuals during investigations. At the same time, it
empowers the agency to conduct investigations effectively and efficiently. In
conclusion, the Delhi High Court's judgement is a welcome step towards ensuring
justice and fairness in the fight against money laundering and financial crimes.
The utilization of one power over the other could result in a complex legal
conundrum. If allowed, anyone summoned under section 50 of the Prevention of
Money Laundering Act (PMLA) to produce documents or make a statement under oath
could refuse to comply with the summons on the mere chance that the Enforcement
Directorate (ED) might use its powers under section 19 to arrest them. Such a
scenario would create a legal loophole and undermine the very purpose of the
PMLA, which is to combat money laundering and other financial crimes.
The court's rejection of Ashish Mittal's plea to nullify an Enforcement Case
Information Report (ECIR) filed by the ED in 2020 and to halt all related
proceedings was based on the fact that granting such relief would contradict the
legal system. Mittal had received a summons to appear before the ED on August 21
but refused to comply, citing fear of being unlawfully detained or used as a
scapegoat. He also claimed that he had not been given a copy of the ECIR.
Justice Bhambhani, however, noted that since the ECIR had not been presented to
the court and Mittal was not authorized by law to receive a copy of it, there
was no way to assess the grounds for the requested nullification. The court's
decision to reject Mittal's plea was based on the fact that he had failed to
provide any concrete evidence to support his claims.
The court's warning that Mittal might be forced to take action against his will
highlights the importance of complying with legal procedures and cooperating
with law enforcement agencies. Refusing to comply with a summons under the PMLA
could result in legal consequences, including arrest and prosecution. It is
crucial that individuals understand their legal rights and obligations and act
accordingly to prevent any legal complications or consequences. The court's
decision in this case serves as a reminder that the legal system must be
respected and followed to maintain the integrity of justice.
In India, if you want to challenge a decision of the government or any other
authority, you can file a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of
India. This provision empowers the High Court of a state to issue orders or
directions to any person, authority or government within its jurisdiction, to
enforce fundamental rights or legal obligations.
However, there has been a long-standing debate on whether a person who is not
formally accused in a scheduled offense or a prosecution arising from an
Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR), can approach the High Court under
Article 226. This issue was finally addressed by the court in a recent case,
where it clarified that the High Court can indeed consider a petition from
someone who is not formally accused in a scheduled offense or a prosecution
arising from an ECIR, under Article 226 of the Constitution.
The court's decision has far-reaching implications as it now provides a legal
recourse to individuals who may have been affected by the actions of the
government or any other authority, but were not directly involved in the
scheduled offense or the ECIR. This will ensure that the constitutional rights
of such individuals are protected and upheld by the judiciary.
It is important to note that the writ jurisdiction under Article 226 is
discretionary, which means that the High Court can refuse to entertain a
petition if it is satisfied that there is an alternative remedy available to the
petitioner. Additionally, the court may also refuse to entertain a petition if
it is satisfied that the petitioner has approached the court with a mala fide
intention or for an ulterior motive.
In conclusion, the court's clarification on the scope of Article 226 is a
welcome development as it ensures that the constitutional rights of all
individuals are protected and upheld, irrespective of their involvement in a
scheduled offense or an ECIR. This decision will go a long way in strengthening
the democratic fabric of the country and ensuring that justice is accessible to
The petitioner's counsel was Mr. Mohit Mathur, Senior Advocate, assisted by Mr.
Shikhar Sharma, Mr. Mayank Sharma, and Mr. Harsh Gautam, Advocates. The
respondents' counsel was Mr. Anupam S. Sharma, Special Counsel, along with Mr.
Prakarsh Airan, Ms. Harpreet Kalsi, Mr. Ripudaman Sharma, Mr. Abhishek Batra,
and Mr. Vashisht Rao, Advocates for Respondents/ED. The case was titled Ashish
Mittal v/s Directorate Of Enforcement & Anr.
Written By: Suraj Nihal
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