Understanding the Legality of AFSPA: Naga People Movement Of Human Rights v/s UOI, 1998
The Supreme Court held that the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) is
constitutionally valid. Parliament is competent to enact this Act in view of
Entry 1 of the State List and Article 248 read with Entry 97 and Entry 2A of the
Union List.
In this case, questions relating to the validity of the Armed Forces (Special
Powers) Act, 1958 (as amended), enacted by Parliament, and the Assam Disturbed
Areas Act, 1955, enacted by the State Legislature of Assam, were raised before a
constitutional bench of five judges. The court upheld the constitutionality of
both the AFSPA and the Assam Act.
The AFSPA was enacted (and later amended) to enable certain special powers to be
conferred upon the members of the armed forces in disturbed areas in certain
states. It now extends to Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and
allows the Government of the State or the Central Government to declare the
whole or any part of such a state as a disturbed area if it is considered
necessary in their opinion.
In the areas declared as disturbed, certain officers in the Armed Forces have
been conferred special powers in respect of matters specified in clauses (a) to
(d) of the said section. These powers include the authority to open fire and
even kill, as well as to arrest without a warrant and to destroy arms dumps.
Section 6 confers protection to persons acting under the Act and provides that
no prosecution, suit, or other legal proceedings shall be instituted, except
with the previous sanction of the Central Government, against any person in
respect of anything done or purported to be done in the exercise of the powers
conferred by the Act.
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