A proceeding under Section 13(1) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 cannot be
converted to be made under Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. A new
petition under Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 was required to be filed
before the District Court.
From perusal of the statements made by the appellant and the respondent before
the Family Court, it is apparent that the couple desire to get the marriage annulled and
they are also living separately since 13.7.2011. Their wish to get the marriage annulled is
further strengthened by the fact that the respondent did not choose to appear before this
court despite service of the notice to show cause and also for final hearing of the appeal.
In curtailing the statutory period of six months and granting a decree of divorce
by mutual consent, the Supreme Court has exercised power under Article 142 of
the Constitution of India. This power is not available to any other Court in the land,
including this Court.
In Anil Kumar Jain v. Maya Jain, the Supreme Court has clearly
held, in no uncertain terms, that the doctrine of irretrievable breakdown of marriage
is not available even to the High Courts which do not have powers similar to those
exercised by the Supreme Court under Article 142 of the Constitution of India.
can the High Court, nor the Civil Court, can pass orders before the period prescribed
under the relevant provisions of the Act, or on grounds not provided for in Section 13
and 13-B of the statute.
In such situation there is no option available with the appellants except to approach
the competent Court of law for dissolution of their marriage by mutual consent under
13B of Hindu Marriage Act. Since the marriage between the appellants legally subsists,
the petition under S. 13-B can be entertained by Family Court.
There appears no legal
impediment in entertaining the petition for divorce by mutual consent, filed by the
appellants. Both the appellants acting under the bonafide belief that their marriage has
come to an end on execution of Deed of Divorce remarried, no fruitful purpose could
be achieved by forcing the parties to wait for six months in passing of decree. In view
of re-marriage of appellants, there is no question of reconciliation, re-union between
the appellants. While enacting the provisions of Section 13B, the legislature never
contemplated such situation. In such situation Court may take recourse to its inherent
powers under S. 151 of the Civil Procedure Code to meet the ends of justice.
In the instant case, the parties have been living separately since 1996 for about
17 years, the comfort of marriage has become a mirage and it exists only in form-as
a legal tie. The possibility of reconciliation is non a existent and difficulty of making
a marriage work under the order of the court quite un-surmountable. In the meantime
the respondent wife has been making do with a pittance of Rs.600/- per month as
maintenance while the caravan of legal proceedings goes on.
In the circumstances
where the parties to a matrimonial dispute have reached a settlement and the
respondent wife reasonably provided for by way of permanent alimony of Rs 4,5
0,000/- vis-a-vis a monthly
maintenance of Rs 600/- per month and the parties under the settlement will be saved
from the harassment and cost of litigation in pending cases.
In the present case, facts are that petition for divorce at the instance of husband
was also filed and remained pending for more than two years, albeit before the court
of Additional District and Sessions Judge. That petition was allowed to be withdrawn
with liberty to the parties to move an application for obtaining decree of mutual divorce
by consent before the Family Court. The proceedings both, in earlier court and the
subsequent court were thus between the same parties have to be accepted in continuation.
The intention of the legislature in sub-section (2) of Section 13B in providing a
waiting period of six months is to give time to the parties to explore the possibilities of
rapprochement between them. Since in this case, parties have been living separately for
last 5 -7 years, waiting period of six months envisaged in sub-section (2) of Section 13B of
the Act, should be taken to have been satisfied as litigations between each other for decree
of divorce remained pending for last more than two years.
In the present case, immediately after the marriage, the parties could not adjust
due to different temperaments which led to strained relations between them. They lived
together as husband and wife for about three months only. Thereafter, the appellant went
to Canada. It is not possible for her to visit India time and again.
Both the parties are
of marriageable age. The matter has been mutually settled between them.
In view of
proviso to section 14(1) of the Act, condonation of the period of one year in the facts and
circumstances of the present case appears to be appropriate. The petition under Section
13-B of the Act was filed on 12.8.2013 when the statements of both the parties at first
motion were recorded. The statements of both the parties at second motion in terms of
Section 1313(2) of the Act were recorded on 17.2.2014. Therefore, the parties are granted
a decree of divorce by mutual consent under Section 13B of the Act.
In view of the lawful mutual agreement and compromise between the parties and
filing of an application for divorce by mutual consent and considering the prayer made
in the application and the fact that the parties have been remaining separately since
the month of September 2011 and also being satisfied that the marriage between the
parties has been broken down irretrievably and there is no chance of reunion and giving
our anxious consideration in the matter and the terms of settlement arrived at between
the parties and in furtherance of the settlement, the appellant-husband has already
deposited the entire amount of permanent alimony and returned all the articles which
the respondent-wife had brought at the time of marriage to her, for the ends of justice
we admit the compromise between the parties as we are satisfied that the compromise
have been lawfully entered into between the parties without any coercion and out of their
own volition and the mutual consent has not been obtained by force, fraud or undue
Increasingly Family Courts have been noticing that one of the parties is stationed
abroad. It may not be always possible for such parties to undertake trip to India, for variety
of good reasons. On the intended day of examination of a particular party, the proceedings
may not go on, or even get completed, possibly, sometimes, due to pre-occupation with
any other more pressing work in the Court. But, however, technology, particularly, in the
Information sector has improved by leaps and bounds. Courts in India are also making
efforts to put to use the technologies available. Skype is one such facility, which is easily
Therefore, the Family Courts are justified in seeking the assistance of any
practicing lawyer to provide the necessary skype facility in any particular case. For that
purpose, the parties can be permitted to be represented by a legal practitioner, who can
bring a mobile device. By using the skype technology, parties who are staying abroad
cannot only be identified by the Family Court, but also enquired about the free will and
consent of such party. This will enable the litigation costs to be reduced greatly and will
also save precious time of the Court. Further, the other party available in the Court can
also help the Court in not only identifying the other party, but would be able to ascertain
the required information.
Dispensation of justice entails speedy justice and justice rendered with least
inconvenience to the parties as well as to the witness. If a facility is available for recording
evidence through video-conferencing, avoids any delay or inconvenience to the parties
such facilities should be resorted to. There is no requirement that the witness must be
required to come to court and depose in the physical presence in the court.
Section 13B and the amendment in Section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act was
brought through the same amendment by the legislature in the year 1976. Before the
said amendment in Section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act, the bar was for a period
of three years in presentation of the petition under Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage
Act and through the said amendment the period was reduced from three years to one
year. Proviso to Section 14(1) of the Hindu Marriage Act provides an exception to the
effect that the petition can be presented even before the expiry of said period of one
year from the date of the marriage but the case should be of exceptional hardship to
the petitioner or of exceptional depravity on the part of the respondent. Section 13B
(1) of the Hindu Marriage Act on the other hand specify the grounds under which
the petition to seek dissolution of marriage by a mutual consent can be presented.
Once these three conditions are satisfied then only the court has the
jurisdiction to entertain the petition for divorce by mutual consent.
Under the proviso to Section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act, the parties can seek waiver of one year period
in presentation of the divorce petition on the ground of hardship or due to exceptional
depravity but the same cannot have the effect of diluting the mandate of Section 13B( 1)
of the Hindu Marriage Act, which clearly mandates separation of one year between the
parties before presentation of their joint divorce petition.
If the second motion is not made within the period of 18 months, then the Court
is not bound to pass a decree of divorce by mutual consent Besides from the lannguage of
the Section, as well as the settled law, it is clear that one of the parties may withdraw their
consent at any time before the passing of the decree.
The most important requirement for
a grant of a divorce by mutual consent is free consent of both the parties. In other words,
unless there is a complete agreement between husband and wife for the dissolution of the
marriage and unless the Court is completely satisfied, it cannot grant a decree for divorce
by mutual consent. Otherwise, in our view, the expression divorce by mutual consent
would be otiose.
The second motion was never made by both the parties as is a mandatory requirement
of the law, and as has been already stated, no Court can pass a decree of divorce in the
absence of that. The non-withdrawal of consent before the expiry of the said eighteen
months has no bearing. The eighteen months’ period was specified only to ensure quick
disposal of cases of divorce by mutual consent, and not to specify the time period for
withdrawal of consent, as canvassed by the appellant.
The parties to the matrimony have made out a case of waiver of waiting period
required under sub-section (2) of Section 13-B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The
trial court has erred in law in rejecting the applications 11-C and 13-C on the ground
that the same are not maintainable, as the provisions contained in sub-section (2) of
Section 13-B of the Act, are mandatory in nature.
The provision contained in sub-section
(2) of Section 13-B of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. is directory in nature, and decree of
divorce can be passed even before expiry of waiting period of six months, by waiving the period, if the circumstances so require.
The provision under Section 13B(2) is the respite period granted to such parties
to reconsider their decision to dissolve their marriage. The provision lays down what a
Judge is required to do if the Petition is not withdrawn before 6 months to 18 months
statutory period when it remains on the file of the Court. If a Petition under Section 13
has remained on the file of the Court for as long as 3 years as in this case, the parties
require no respite period to reconsider their decision to dissolve a broken marriage in
which various allegations based upon the grounds under Section 13 have been made and
later withdrawn upon seeing reason.
The learned judge has also rejected the petition by observing that the marriage
between the appellants already dissolved by virtue of Deed of Divorce i.e. as per custom
and usages prevailing in their caste and community and, therefore, the petition under S.
13-B of Hindu Marriage Act is not maintainable.
This conclusion to which the learned
judge has arrived are not sustainable, both on facts and in law. There is no provision
under the Hindu Marriage Act which provides for automatic dissolution of marriage.
The dissolution of marriage as per custom and usages is one of the mode of dissolution
of marriage recognized under the law. In general, the marriage can be dissolved only by
recourse to the provisions contained in the Hindu Marriage Act.
The parties before us have also stated that they are living separately for more than 18
months since 15.07.2012 and there is no possibility of them living together.
The proceedings continuing before the Family Court, can be completed in the
absence of the petitioners, in the presence of their counsel. Family Court need not insist
for appearance of the parties on 12.02.2014 or on any other dates. The Family Court shall
dispose of original petition within a period of one month from the date of receipt of copy
of this judgment.
The rival parities are staying separately from each other since about five years and
all efforts towards reconciliation have failed the marriage has broken down irretrievably
and the amount of rs 2,50,000/- as agreed upon by the rival parties has been paid in shape
of permanent alimony to the respondent-wife. As a necessary consequence, a decree
of divorce is granted to the appellant/husband and respondent-Wife by Way of consent
u/S.13-B of the Act. The marriage solemnized between the appellant/husband and the
respondent wife on 24.11.2008 stands dissolved.
The statutory period of six months provided under S. 13B(2) has been provided
with a specific intent that the possibility of last minute reconciliation can be worked
out in such matters. In dispensation of justice, the Courts are expected to do the justice
between the parties by overcoming the technical difficulties, coming in the way of
imparting justice. The waiver of statutory period of six months though not specifically
provided but same can be read in provisions as the main object of provision is to liberalize
The provision cannot be read in rigidity so as to make the provision ineffective
and meaningless. The period of six months is nothing but period provided with a view to
enable parties to reconsider their decision and instead of dissolving their marriage resolve
their differences. It was never the intention of the legislature that such period is to be
observed irrespective of the facts of the case wherein the marriage has been irretrievably
broken and there are no chances of reconciliation between the parties or it would be futile
exercise to wait for six months.
To File Mutual Consent Divorce in Delhi and NCR
Contact Adv.Tapan Choudhury at Ph no: 9650499965 (Available in Whatsapp)
To File Mutual Consent Divorce in Pune
Contact NirDita Law Firm at Ph no: 8851978611 (Available in Whatsapp)
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