Paid Menstrual Leave: Boon Or A Bane?
"I have chosen to no longer be apologetic for my femaleness and my feminity
and I want to be respected in all my femaleness because I deserve to be." by
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Women have always been the source of all political debates, the most talked of
topic for centuries what may differ is the connotation of the debates, but the
topic has always been the same. Stimulation of sensitive issues such as caste
and women is the most efficient propaganda that politicians have been using ever
since and have seen some successful game changing power plays.
A similar kind of incident is sparking controversy all around the country
however, the core issue that is paid menstrual leave is not a contemporary
topic. Questions on the same have been leveled up but have not been acquainted
with until now. in the winter session of parliament when the demand to pass the
bill to provide menstrual leave took place. Minister of Women and Child
development Smriti Irani in the course of countering said a statement which
stirred debate about this age-old topic yet again.
"Paid menstrual leave" is not an easy topic to deal with firstly because it is
related to women which in itself is a sensitive topic and the other being there
are several constitutional provisions tied with it which people on both sides
who are supporting it and who are not are using. herein, this article will give
you an insight into the whole background of the topic and also probe all the
provisions involved within this context.
We do talk about gender equality and equal treatment to be given to both male
and female neglecting any bias but there is a physical inherent difference
between the two which cannot be denied . Menstruation is the normal monthly
bleeding that occurs in women, which causes certain dizziness, stomach cramps
which range from normal to severe . Thus demand for breaks or leave during
menstruation has been put forward several times . The demand has gained momentum
with several attempts made in the parliament to introduce a legislation such
that it would address the same .
In this context the adage " One size does not fit all" resonates, the impact of
menstruation on women varies. certain women are significantly affected rendering
them unable to efficiently perform their tasks, while others do not encounter
significant health impediments thus can manage their work without substantial
disruption. Which leads to the confusion whether do we need legislation which
will impact fewer number of individual or a nuanced approach should be indulged
so as to accommodate diverse needs within the legal framework.
India is not the only country where demand for paid menstrual leave has arisen,
numerous countries have witnessed similar petitions which have become successful
too and legislations had to be drafted. Japan is considered to be one of the
pioneers, as provision for paid leave has been in effect for 70 years . Though
Japan is one of the first country where this provision of period leave came into
effect, but it does not imply gender neutrality or absence of gender inequality.
On the contrary Japan has a notable disparity in the work front, women
constitute the smallest portion in the industrial workforce holding fewer
managerial positions. This compels contemplation on whether providing period
leave would be a boon for women or it could further reinforce the existing
gender disparities, casting women as less capable than their male counterparts.
Women have come a long way, Today in the professional landscape they have carved
out a significant space for themselves amidst the challenges and adversities
that they have faced. What they seek today is rightful treatment alongside their
male counterparts rather than special or differential treatment. However,
introduction of paid menstrual leave would harbor inequality in the workplace
all over again.
Sanctioning leaves solely based on menstruation would discourage employers to
hire women , potentially hindering the goal of increasing women participation in
the corporate houses, factory floors etc . This concern would also extend to
matters of promotion or giving equal opportunities to women, with them perceived
as incapacitated. Jeopardizing the overarching objective of workplace gender
equality and equitable representation and participation of women.
The challenges associated with implementing menstrual leave becomes grave in
certain professional domains, such as women engaged in civil services for
instance - if a woman hold the position of an IPS officer and does not
experience painful periods, she might be inadvertently denied of crucial
opportunities like leading a mission. This is primarily due to the potential
stigmatization resulting from this leave policy, leading to questions being put
on a women's capability.
Within the realm of education, which comprises women as a significant
constituent of the workforce, the proposal to grant period leaves to teachers
raises questions about the functioning of the school and hindrance to the
academic curriculum of a student.
Similarly, the idea of exempting female students from internal school
examinations is still conceivable but can this be extended to critical
examinations like matriculation or intermediate exams? The pertinent answer is
Even in the context of national level competitive exams, proposal of exempting a
female candidate due to menstruation is not a plausible option, because it could
lead to disruption of the entire examination process. Thus, attempting to
generalize all women that they are less efficient during periods is an untenable
argument to make given the achievements who have consistently secured top
positions in various exams.
On concluding I would like to highlight that a blanket approach fails to address
the diverse needs and experiences of a menstruating individuals. Thus, rather
than imposing a uniform mandate from a centralized authority, communities and
institutions at the ground level should be empowered to tailor suitable
solutions according to respective circumstances as it is evident from past
experiences that a decentralized approach has consistently proven to be more
beneficial . By doing so, we acknowledge the inherent diversity among women and
ensure that policies are responsive to the varied challenges they face.
While menstrual leave bill represents a step towards recognizing the needs of
menstruating individuals but keeping a uniform approach towards the same is
undermining the capabilities of women. It pulls them back from the heights they
have managed to achieve amidst numerous challenges and hardships thus its
success hinges upon the adoption of flexible and inclusive measures that
prioritize the well being and agency of all women.
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