First used by Frenchman Paul Topinard[1] in 1889, the word 'criminology'
originates from the combination of two words - crimen, which signifies crime,
and logia, which means study. Therefore, it pertains to the scientific
examination of criminal behaviour, encompassing its nature, extent, causes, and
methods of control. Criminology refers to "the scientific study of the nonlegal
aspects of crime and delinquency, including its causes, correction, and
prevention, from the viewpoints of such diverse disciplines as anthropology,
biology, psychology and psychiatry, economics, sociology, and statistics."[2]
Throughout history, various criminologists have provided their perspectives on
the meaning of crime, criminals, and the factors contributing to criminal
behaviour paving the way for a divergence of opinions among criminologists,
which in turn led to the development of different theories regarding criminal
behaviour.[3] These theories are referred to as schools of criminology such as
the pre-classical school, classical school, neo-classical school and positivist
school of criminology, which offer scientific explanations for criminal conduct.
Before delving into the 'born criminal' concept of crime, it is important to the
different schools of criminology and their explanations into the causes of crime
and criminal behaviour.
Evolution of Criminological Thought: From Divine Influences to Rationality
The pre-classical school of criminology is profoundly influenced by the
teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, who emphasised the divine implications of
crime through theology and philosophy. Aquinas believed that crime not only
harmed the victims, but also had a negative impact on the rationality and
sensitivity of the individuals involved. He viewed humans as rational beings,
and argued that crime undermined their rationality. According to the
pre-classical school, individuals do not commit crimes solely based on their
free will, but rather due to external influences.
These external forces, often
referred to as a devil force lead individuals astray from righteous actions.
Formulated during the age of enlightenment by two renowned intellectuals, Cesare
Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham, the classical school of criminology views crime as
a conscious decision made by individuals exercising their free will. The
decision to engage in criminal behaviour is influenced by the pain-pleasure
principle,[4] where individuals strive to maximise pleasure and minimise pain.
The classical school firmly believed that human beings are inherently
hedonistic, always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. In order to prevent
crime, classicism advocates for deterrence through the fear of being caught and
Based on the idea that all criminal behaviour is situation is dynamic and
personally determined, the neo-classical school of criminology attributes
criminal behaviour to individual circumstances and rational thinking, removing
crime from the societal framework. It encourages scientific study and recognises
that the psychological aspects of offenders play a significant role in the
commission of a crime.[5]
It acknowledges that individuals lacking normal
intelligence or with mental incapacities cannot be held fully responsible for
their actions, as they may not have the understanding to differentiate between
criminal and non-criminal acts. The neo-classical school postulates that factors
such as personality, past history, character, and social and economic background
should be taken into account when assessing the guilt of an accused individual.
Biological Determinism: Contributions and Critiques of the Positivist School
The positivist school of criminology originated in the 1800s as a contrasting
concept to the classical school. It associates crime with external or internal
influences exerted on individuals and attributes the causes of criminal
behaviour to these factors.[6] Positivist criminologists also highlighted the
importance of employing scientific techniques for comprehending and deterring
criminal activity.
They advocated for utilizing data and empirical
investigations to formulate policies and interventions based on evidence. This
approach gave rise to the creation of novel research methodologies such as
surveys, experiments, and statistical analyses. Positivism contended that
criminal conduct was influenced by various factors that were outside of an
individual's sphere of control, including biological, psychological, and social
aspects. Accordingly, positivism has been categorised into biological or
individualistic positivism, psychological positivism, and sociological
Biological positivism centers on the anthropological and biological aspects of
an offender in relation to their involvement in a crime. This approach aims to
establish a mutually influential relationship between criminal behaviour and the
structure and functioning of the brain. Psychological positivism, on the other
hand, examines the mental dimension of crime, delving into determinants,
thoughts, reactions, and emotional intelligence.
Sigmund Freud introduced the
psychoanalytical model, which explores three interacting forces known as the Id,
Ego, and Superego, representing elements of human personality that shape behaviour. Social positivism takes into account the broader impact of crime on
society as a whole. August Comte was a prominent proponent of social positivism.
Thus, positivism emphasises the sociological definition of crime, focusing on
the biological factors that contribute to criminal behaviour.
It proposes that
the circumstances surrounding the crime must be address, placing less emphasis
on the severity of the offence. Biological determinism postulates that
individuals commit crimes due to biological defects and assumes that crime is a
result of biological or genetic abnormalities, and not a rational choice of an
Nature v. Nurture in Crime: Lombroso's 'Born Criminal' Theory
Cesare Lombroso, known as the father of modern criminology, was one of the key
contributors who played a significant role in the development of the positivist
school. He put forward the theory of 'born criminal'.[7] Lombroso's theory
emphasised that criminals are an inferior form of life, they are nearer to their
apelike ancestors than non-criminals in traits and dispositions. Lombroso
contended that individuals involved in criminal activities could be
distinguished by certain common traits that he classified as constituting a
criminal archetype.
Lombroso further asserted that physical attributes like a
low forehead, large ears, and a protruding jaw could be used to identify
criminals. His fundamental concept revolved around atavism, suggesting that he
viewed criminals as regressive remnants of earlier stages of human evolution,
inherently inferior to those who do not engage in criminal behaviour. Lombroso
held the belief that criminal behaviour stemmed from primitive and regressive
atavistic traits or characteristics, making criminals biologically distinct from
Lombroso classified the criminals into born criminals, insane criminals, and
criminoloids. Born criminals are labelled as the most dangerous ones and can be
identified through their distinctive characteristics. Whereas insane criminals
are not criminals from birth. They transform into criminal as a result of an
alteration in their brain which interferes with their ability to distinguish
between right and wrong. Criminoloids are habitual criminals and include
criminals by passion.
The 'born criminal' theory has faced criticism on account
of its deterministic perspective of criminal behaviour and its focus on
biological factors. This viewpoint disregards the influence of free will and
personal agency in criminal behaviour. They argue that it can result in the
stigmatization and discrimination of specific groups, including individuals with
mental illness or physical disabilities.
Lombroso's interpretation suggested that certain physical attributes were
responsible for criminal behaviour, although it could be debated that these
traits may have interacted with social influences. Robert Agnew in 'Foundation
for a General Strain Theory of Crime and Delinquency' proposed that possessing
these unfavourable physical characteristics could result in negative social
interactions,[9] leading to frustration and anger, ultimately leading to
criminal behaviour. Lombroso asserted that these physical characteristics were
innate, but it is possible that they were influenced by environmental factors.
Beyond Lombroso: Decoding Criminal Tendencies through Positivist Lenses
Enrico Ferri, a proponent of the positivist school of criminology, shared
Lombroso's view on the biological origins of criminal behaviour. However, Ferri
emphasised the significance of social, economic, and political factors in
determining crime. He argued that criminals should not be held morally
accountable since they did not deliberately choose to engage in criminal acts,
but rather were compelled by the circumstances of their lives.
Ferri opined that
mere biological reasons were not enough to account for criminality and other
factors such as emotional causes, social infirmity, or geographical conditions
also play a vital role in determining criminal tendencies. Ferri is recognised
as the founder of criminal sociology.
Ferri's 'law of criminal saturation' proposes that crime is the synthetic
product of three key factors, namely, physiological or geographical factors,
anthropological factors, and psychological or social factors. Ferri suggests
that criminal behaviour is influenced by multiple factors that collectively
impact an individual.
He believed that as society undergoes social change,
disharmony and cultural differences arise, leading to social disorganisation and
the breakdown of traditional methods of social control. These rapid changes
significantly increase the likelihood and frequency of crime. Ferri argues that
criminals should be viewed as products of the circumstances that shape their
lives, and the primary goal of crime prevention should be to eliminate the
conditions that push individuals towards criminal activities.
Another notable positivist criminologist was Rafael Garofalo who emphasised the
importance of conducting a more in-depth examination of the situations and
living circumstances experienced by individuals who commit crimes. According to
him, criminals are products of their own surroundings. Instead of attributing
criminal behaviour to physical characteristics, Garofalo connected it to
psychological abnormalities, which he referred to as moral deviations.
believed that natural crimes, which violate fundamental moral values of honesty
and religious devotion, are found in all human societies and no civilised
society can afford to disregard them. He was of the view that an individual who
has an organic deficiency in these moral sentiments has no moral constraints
against committing such crimes and hence could not be held accountable.
Other exponents of positivism, including William Sheldon and Earnest Hooton,
built upon Lombroso's research by placing greater emphasis on the consequence of
biological elements such as genetics and physique in relation to criminal
behaviour. However, they argued that criminal conduct was not solely shaped by
an individual's biology, but also affected by wider social and environmental
factors such as poverty, social inequality, and limited access to education.[10]
The positivist school played a major role in shaping the formulation of modern
It contributed to redirecting the attention of criminological
research from individual decision-making to encompass wider societal and
environmental influences. Despite the criticism it has received regarding its
emphasis on biological factors, the relevance of its approach to encompassing
social and environmental factors, as well as employing scientific methodologies
to comprehend and deter criminal activities, remains integral in the present
The greatest contribution to positivist school of criminology was the attention
of the criminologists to the criminal rather than the crime. The positivist
school is credited with giving rise to the emergence of the contemporary
sociological or clinical school, which views criminals as products of their
circumstances and life experiences.
Positive criminologists propose that there
are certain mitigating factors that could drive an individual to engage in
criminal behaviour. Deviating from the notion that criminals are 'born
criminals' who cannot be deterred from committing crimes, whether due to mental
or physical disability and cannot learn to control themselves, contemporary
theories of criminology emphasise on biosocial causes rather than strictly
natural ones.[11]
Understanding the Sociological Roots of Crime Causation
The sociological school of criminology aims to find the causation of crime in
the offender's social environment and attempts social determination of criminal
behaviour. Adolphe Quetelet made a significant discovery regarding the
behavioural patterns of groups within a society. He found that there is a
consistent and predictable occurrence of various behaviours among these groups.
Gabriel Tarde, an influential sociological criminologist, argued that the social
environment has the most profound impact on criminal behaviour, while biological
and physical factors only play a causal role.
Sociological criminologists propose that social factors such as culture,
mobility, religion, economy, political ideologies, population density, and
employment status directly influence the prevalence of crime in a society. For
instance, Marxism offers an explanation for crime by attributing it to the
criminogenic characteristics of a capitalist society. According to this
perspective, individuals engage in criminal behaviour due to the influence of
values such as ownership, materialism, and greed, which are fostered by
In 1947, American sociologist Edwin Sutherland offered a groundbreaking
perspective of a micro-level learning theory about criminal behaviour, which he
called Differential Association Theory. Placing reliance on the multiple social
factors such as age, sex, income, culture, religion, social status, etc. and
their effect on crime, Sutherland sought to explain various processes through
which a person becomes a criminal.
The Differential Association Theory proposed
that human personality and culture are directly related and a person becomes a
criminal mainly by the chain of circumstances in which he associates or moves.
The sociological school of criminology has been referred to as the rational
school of criminology recommending the application of humanitarian methods for
treatment of criminals. It suggests that criminals should be corrected through
persuasive methods as opposed to punitive measures.
Structural Functionalism posits that criminal behaviour plays a beneficial role
in society by uniting different segments of the population within a given
society. This is because deviance helps delineate boundaries for acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour, thereby reinforcing cultural values and norms.
Social Strain Theory suggests that criminal behaviour can be categorised based
on a person's motivations or commitment to cultural goals, as well as their
beliefs regarding how to achieve those objectives. The primary types of social
deviance include ritualism, innovation, rebellion, retreatism, and conformity.
This theory also proposes that individuals may engage in deviant behaviour while
pursuing accepted social values and goals.
Social Conflict Theory views deviant behaviour as a consequence of material
inequality between different socio-political groups, which may be delineated by
factors such as gender, religion, race, class, and so forth. From this
perspective, individuals often act in defiance of social norms as a means to
express grievances.[12]
Multiple Factor Theory, on the other hand, while explaining causation of crime
contemplates that crime is a product of a great variety of factors which cannot
be reduced into general propositions. The central idea of this theory is that no
specific theory of criminal behaviour is ever possible since crimes are
committed due to the combination of several factors or circumstances.
Multiple Factor Theory has been criticised on the ground that the theory
confuses 'factors' with 'causes' of crime. It is erroneous to find causes of
crime in the factors because the latter can be readily eliminated without
changing the social environment.
Modern criminology deems the distinction between criminals and non-criminals as
put forward by the traditional schools of criminology is the result of an
erroneous belief that certain offenders can be classified as 'criminal types'.
Contemporary criminologists, on the other hand, associate criminality with a
specific social category that has experienced significant disparities in terms
of social classes, personal wealth, private property, social influence, and
opportunities in life. The attribution of criminal behaviour to social deviance
has been widely acknowledged in modern criminology.
There has been a paradigm shift 'born criminal' concept of crime causation to
acknowledging the impact of social, cultural and various other factors as cause
of crime. Much emphasis is laid on Multiple Causation Theory as crime is
considered a social phenomenon. Efforts are being made to restructure the
existing social arrangements and eradicate the social anomalies so as to
eliminate crime from society. The criminal justice system is now in favour of
the reformative approach that aims at transformation of the offender, providing
them an opportunity to make amends and repair his relationship and social
standing within the society.
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Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Debalina Roy

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