India that is Bharat has broken the shackles of colonialism. A date (21 dec
2023) immortalized in India's Democratic Journey. India's Criminal justice
system witnesses biggest reform, as parliament of India passes three key bills.
Prime minister Narendra Modi lots the passage of Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha
sahinta,2023, Bhartiya Nyaya sahinta,2023 and Bhartiya sakshya adhiniyam,2023 by
Parliament and calls it historic moment in India's history.
He underlines that
these bills ensure enhanced protection for poor, marginalized and vulnerable
sections of the society while also coming down heavily on organized crime
terrorism and other such offenses. Changes have been made in the three laws
governing nearly 150 years old Criminal Justice System Indianness Indian
constitution and people of India.
India's criminal justice system is set for a complete overhaul parliament of
India has passed three key bills to replace colonial era codes with the
objective of speeding up trials by laying down: specific timelines, boosting
rates of conviction by improving the quality of evidence and providing relief
and protection to victims. In the old laws, instead of giving priority to
homicide and misbehavior with women priority was given to the protection of
Treasury, protection of railways and the safety of the British crown. A new era
begins with the laws centered on public service and Welfare.
So, what are the key provisions of these pathbreaking legislations, how will
they impact you.
India's criminal justice system has been predominantly shaped by laws and
regulations inherited from the British colonial era in the post:Independence
years these legal foundations underwent alterations and Amendments to align with
the evolving requirements of modern times. The experience of seven decades of
Indian democracy calls for comprehensive review of our criminal laws including
the code of criminal procedure and adopt them in accordance with the
Contemporary needs and aspirations of the people of India.
The pre:independence criminal laws were used by the British to protect their
colonial interests to rule the people and the country and to maintain their
Authority and Supremacy over India. There was a need for comprehensive review of
the criminal laws especially the Indian penal Court criminal procedure court and
The Indian Evidence Act and adapt them according to the present day needs and
aspirations. In 2019, prime minister of India advocated for the need to revamp
all the legislations enacted across all departments during the British era.
In accordance with the basic principles enshrined in the constitution of India
it was proposed to bring about fundamental comprehensive changes in the
framework of Indian criminal laws, with this objective the existing Indian Penal
Code 1860, the code of criminal procedure 1973, and the Indian Evidence Act of
1872 is now repealed and replaced by BNS 2023, BNSS 2023 and the BS Bill 2023
The main problems in present legal system are complex in nature there's huge
pendency of cases in the courts. there is low conviction rate and the amount of
fine prescribed in the laws is very less from 10 Rupees to 500 rupees. there's
also overcrowding of undertrial prisoners in prisons. there's very little use of
modern technology in the legal system. there's also delay in investigation and
delayed Justice due to inadequate use of forensic evidence.
These new bills seek to holistically address the problems in the criminal
justice system to strengthen Law and Order simplifying legal procedure providing
Speedy Justice and to adapt the criminal justice system with the technological
advancements, further all the outdated references have been deleted in these
All the provisions have been made in the laws to equip our judicial
system by imagining the possible technological innovations that may take place
in the coming 100 years, a good balance has been maintained between the rights
of the people and the citizens Provisions have been made in these laws to
increase the rate of punishment and to prevent cybercrimes. To reduce the burden
on jails community service is also being included as a punishment for the first
time and is being given legal status.
Priority has been given to crimes related to humans like rape, gang rape, crime
against children, murder, kidnapping and trafficking. The government has also
taken a historic decision and completely removed the section of sedition.
Sedition has been replaced with treason, home minister has said that no one can
speak against India and no one can harm its interests. He has also said that if
any one place with the flag borders and resources of India he or she will
definitely have to go to jail because the government's trust is that the
security of the country comes first.
A total of 3200 suggestions were received regarding these laws and the home
minister himself held 158 meetings to consider these three laws. On August 11,
2023 these bills were sent to the standing committee of parliament on home
This is 75th year of our independence now the sent features the BH n Sita number
of sections have been reduced from 511 to 356 and the chapters from 23 to 90
this is regarding bti Nita that is old Indian Penal Code we have used the word n
not a dund not a penal because this is a democracy, we are giving Justice not
dund not a penalty 24 sections have been deleted from old Indian penal Court 22
have been added and a large number of sections have been rearranged.
Parliament also saw rich debate on these key bills as members made meaningful
submissions. yeah, the bill also looks at rash suras for the first time we have
a general statute which defines terrorism and makes it punishable.
The law Commission of India in its various reports recommended several
amendments in the criminal laws. Let's take a look at the key provisions of
these three bills.
The BNS 2023 repeals the Indian penal code. key changes proposed in the bill
include: IPC defines sedition as bringing or attempting to bring hatred or
contempt or exciting disaffection towards the government... it is punishable
with imprisonment term between 3 years and life imprisonment and or fine.
bill removes this offense. It instead penalizes (i) exciting or attempting to
excite secession, armed Rebellion or subversive activities, encouraging feelings
of sapst activities or endangering sovereignty or unity and integrity of India
these offenses may involve exchange of words or signs electronic communication
or use of financial means.
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