Restorative justice refers to "a process for resolving crime by focusing on
redressing the harm done to the victims, holding offenders accountable for their
actions and, often also, engaging the community in the resolution of that
conflict."[1] It is aimed at addressing the consequences of crime by encouraging
victims and offenders to communicate and deliberate on the damage caused by the
crime. Restorative justice is an approach used to address criminal behaviour by
finding a balance between the needs of the community, the victims, and the
The fundamental principles of restorative justice have been depicted
through the definition given by Tony F. Marshall: "Restorative justice is a
process whereby all the parties with a stake in a particular offence come
together to resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence
and its implications for the future"[2] Restorative justice aims to address the
consequences of crime and encourages dialogue between the victims of crime and
their offender(s). To give effect to the cause of restorative justice to restore
victims, various new initiatives programs, etc. have been launched globally.
Victims at the Core: Navigating the Dynamics of Restorative Justice
The concept of restorative justice has three primary goals. Firstly, it seeks to
grant decision-making power to those individuals who have been most impacted by
the crime. The second objective is to address and rectify the harm caused as a
result of the crime. Thirdly, the system aims to rehabilitate the offender.[3]
One distinguishing aspect of this theory is that it extends beyond just the
victim and includes all individuals who have been significantly affected by the
crime. "A restorative process is any process in which the victim and the offender
and, where appropriate, any other individuals or community members affected by a
crime participate together actively in the resolution of matters arising from
the crime, generally with the help of a facilitator." [4]
The restorative
justice process enables the victim, the offender, and the affected members of
the community to directly participate in responding to the crime. The different
aspects of restorative justice include community participation, interaction
between victim and offender, and reparative sanctions. Very frequently,
restorative justice is facilitated by direct and indirect negotiation between
victims and offenders.
The involvement of the parties plays a vital role in the
procedure, placing emphasis on fostering relationships, promoting
reconciliation, and reaching agreements regarding the desired outcome between
the individuals harmed and the individual responsible. The process is also
supported by the involvement of professionals such as social workers, police,
lawyers, judges, support groups, and the community. A victim is a central
participant in the restorative justice system and the restoration of harm caused
by the crime to the victim is the primary concern.
According to criminologists Retzinger and Scheff, there are two processes
occurring simultaneously in the restorative justice approach, namely, material
reparation and symbolic reparation. The process of material reparation
culminates in a final settlement between the victim and the offender consisting
of specific agreements pertaining to victim compensation, community service, and
so on. On the other hand, symbolic reparation comprises gestures and expressions
such as remorse, regret, courtesy, respect, pardon, etc.
It appears to be less
visible or tangible. Retzinger and Scheff opine that the offender's apology and
the victim's forgiveness is central to reconciliation, victim satisfaction, and
deterrence to further crimes.[5] The three fundamental essentials of restorative
justice are victim-offender encounters, repairing harm, and transformation of
Restorative justice aims to address the detrimental effects of crime on
individuals and communities by taking a comprehensive approach to repairing
harm.[6] Each party involved in a crime has distinct needs that must be met.
When individuals become victims of a crime, they not only lose control over
their lives but also suffer a loss of personal autonomy. The main focus for
these victims is to find healing, as they are the ones most affected by the
crime. Such instances of crime and wrongdoing can result in physical and
emotional damage, as well as loss of property for the victims.[7] The healing of
victims is a crucial aspect of this process, as they find solace through the
encounter and its outcomes.
On the other hand, offenders are the ones primarily
responsible for causing harm. Their main objective is to make amends,
particularly to the victims, in order to strive to regain trust within the
community and restore their standing within society. Moreover, restorative
justice recognizes the importance of fostering healthy relationships and
ensuring the safety of the community as a whole. By facilitating direct
encounters between victims and offenders, it empowers offenders to make amends
directly to those they have harmed, including potentially other members of the
Understanding How Restorative Justice Empowers Victims, Rehabilitates Offenders,
and Harmonises Communities
Restorative justice provides victims with the opportunity to regain control over
their lives, which have been disrupted as a result of the crime. It allows
victims to have a say in the process of justice, its outcomes and potentially
empowers them. While some victims may seek punishment as a means of making a
strong statement against the wrongdoing, true vindication is most powerful when
offenders acknowledge the harm caused, offer genuine apologies, and express a
sincere desire to make amends.
When a crime occurs, the immediate concern for
the victim is their safety. They need assurance that they are protected from any
ongoing or future harm. Crime has a profound impact on victims, affecting their
physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Fear, anxiety, and irrationality are
natural consequences of crime, resulting in sleepless nights and loss of
appetite. Victims may require emotional support, counselling, or therapy to
process their trauma and begin healing from its effects.
Offenders must actively engage in actions to rectify their wrongs directly with
the victims and, potentially, the community at large. The primary objective of
restorative encounters is to empower offenders to make reparations. Restorative
justice centers around creating safe spaces where offenders can take positive
and constructive steps to heal, repair the harm caused, and reconcile
relationships. By atoning for their misdeeds, offenders redeem themselves and
establish a sound connection with the community, including the victims.
Offenders can regain their standing in the community by committing to inner
transformation and personal growth, openly acknowledging their wrongdoing,
taking responsibility for their actions, and making amends to those they have
In victim-offender mediations, the primary participants are the victim and the
offender and a facilitator conducts individual meetings with each party to
prepare them for the dialogue. Once both parties are ready and willing to
proceed, they come together in a secure and controlled environment for the
mediation.[8] While family members and other community members may be present,
their role is primarily that of observers or providing support. During the
encounter, the offender takes responsibility for their actions, addresses the
victim's questions, and listens to how the victim has been affected. The parties
engage in discussions about the needs and harms resulting from the wrongdoing.
The mediation session may conclude with an agreement delineating the steps the
offender will take to make amends, which may include restitution or community
service. The facilitator continues to monitor the progress of both parties,
particularly the offender, in fulfilling the terms of the agreement.
Restorative Justice in India: A Viable Option or a Far-Fetched Dream?
Justice Krishna Iyer in the case of
Ratan Singh v State of Punjab opined that:
"It is the weakness of our jurisprudence that victims of crime and the distress
of the dependents of the victim do not attract the attention of law. In fact,
the victim reparation is still the vanishing point of our criminal law. This is
a deficiency in the system which must be rectified by the Legislature. We can
only draw attention to this matter." [9] India's criminal justice system fails
to prioritize the rights of victims, lacking a specific legislation that grants
them a voice in court proceedings.
The concepts of compensation, restitution,
and restoration are not widely practiced in India. Not all cases can be
addressed through the process of restorative justice, as it must coexist with
the traditional criminal justice system.[10] Therefore, it is necessary to have
proper legislation to determine the criteria for distinguishing cases.
Babu Singh v. State of UP,[11] a suggestion to introduce measures of
restorative justice such as community service, meditation exercises, etc. in
order to assist in the rehabilitation of the offender was put forth by the
Supreme Court. As a result of a change in viewpoint, victimology, rights of
victims, and restorative justice are gradually gaining ground within the
criminal justice system in India. Restorative justice is based on therapeutic,
corrective, and preventive theories of punishment. Restorative justice offers
numerous advantages such as speedy resolution, cost-effectiveness, preservation
of positive relationships, and the potential for ongoing connections.
Restorative justice has been implemented within the criminal justice system
through methods like plea bargaining, victim-offender mediation, and
out-of-court settlements. The success of these approaches in other jurisdictions
has influenced our legislature to adopt them within the Indian Criminal Justice
System. As a result, plea bargaining[12] has emerged as a part of our criminal
procedure as provided in Section 265A of the Code of Criminal Procedure Code
1973 (CrPC), incorporating different processes.[13]
Section 320 of the CrPC has been introduced with the aim of incorporating
restorative justice principles into the legal system by allowing to reach a
resolution between the victim and the offender. Compounding of offences[14] is a
recognized method for pursuing restorative justice, which involves a process
where both the offender and victim agree not to pursue litigation. Section 320
allows for the compounding of certain offenses without the need for court
consent, and in some cases, even court approval.
These offenses typically affect
specific individuals rather than society as a whole. Sections 357-58 of the Code
of Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (CrPC) provide for compensation of victims.
Section 357A of the CrPC mandates that each State Government formulate a plan to
allocate funds specifically for compensating crime victims.[15] It plays a
crucial role in the rehabilitation process for victims of violence, such as
rape. However, the lengthy process of obtaining mandated compensation offers
little support to the victims who have suffered. Section 360 of the CrPC grants
the court the authority to grant probation to an offender upon displaying good
conduct or receiving punishment and being instructed to uphold good conduct.[16]
The Apex Court in Re Exploitation of Children in Orphanages in
State of Tamil v.
Union of India observed that:
"the importance of rehabilitation and social
re-integration clearly stands out if we appreciate the objective of the Juvenile
Justice Act which is to foster restorative justice. There cannot be any
meaningful rehabilitation, particularly of a child in conflict with law who is
also a child in need of care and protection unless the basic elements and
principles of restorative justice are recognized and practised."[17] The
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act of 2015 incorporates the principles
of restorative justice.
However, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the
application of these concepts in juvenile justice cases. Section 18 of the
Act[18] includes provisions that focus on restorative outcomes, although it does
not specifically mention restorative justice in cases involving juvenile
The process of restorative justice can prove effective in cases of domestic
violence wherein the offender is typically someone familiar, such as an
immediate family member or relative. In situations where the offender is known
to the victim, it becomes crucial to engage in dialogue to facilitate
understanding and resolution of the conflict resulting from the offense.
Restorative justice has been recognized for its ability to allow victims to
actively participate in determining an appropriate response to acts of violence.
Furthermore, it enables the establishment of new community standards and norms
based on the outcomes of restorative justice meetings. It is important to
acknowledge that in cases of domestic violence, victims may choose to pursue
both restorative justice and legal prosecution against the offender, depending
upon the grievousness of the crime.
In the adversarial criminal justice system prevalent in India, the victim or
their representative had little to no involvement beyond being a mere witness.
The main purpose of excluding the victim from the trial process was to prevent
the trial from becoming a vengeful confrontation and to treat them as private
However, it is highly undesirable to exclude the victim from the trial
proceedings and restorative processes. Nevertheless, there is a growing emphasis
on 'restorative justice in current discussions, aiming to address this issue,
albeit at a slow pace. Restorative justice is not only an idea being presented
in India, but it is also gaining rapid support globally. The government must recognise this vision and acknowledge the crucial importance of meeting the
needs of victims. This aligns with the principles of natural law jurisprudence,
which promotes morality and equity.
As a nation firmly rooted in the principles of non-violence and peace, India
should actively promote the implementation of restorative justice through
possible avenues. Given the flaws and drawbacks of the current criminal justice
system in India, as well as the benefits and long-term advantages of adopting a
restorative justice approach, it is crucial for the legal system to incorporate
this approach to the greatest extent possible. Adapting the legal system to keep
pace with our rapidly changing society and the advancements brought about by
technology and modernization is essential in ensuring that justice is served. It
is high time for India to embrace restorative justice and prioritise the
satisfaction of the needs of victims.
- Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, 2006) - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- John Braithwaite, 'Restorative Justice: Assessing Optimistic and Pessimistic Accounts' 1999 25 Crime and Justice - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- Jo-Anne Wemmers and Katie Cyr, 'Victims' Perspectives on Restorative Justice: How Much Involvement Are Victims Looking For?' (2004) 11(2) - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- 'Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes' (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, 2006) - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- Braithwaite (n 3).
- 'Three Core Elements of Restorative Justice' (Restorative Justice Exchange, 25 February 2022) - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- Jonathan Derby, 'Restorative Justice Principles and Practice' (Prison Fellowship International, March 2021) - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- ibid.
- Rattan Singh v State of Punjab, (1979) 4 SCC 719.
- Ajay George, 'Applicability of Restorative Justice in India: An Overview' (2022) 2(2) Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- Babu Singh v State of UP, 1978 AIR 527, 1978 SCR (2) 777.
- Code of Criminal Procedure 1973, s 265A.
- Surbhi Singh, 'Restorative Justice Under Criminal Law - A Study' (2021) SSRN - URL:
accessed 31 December 2023.
- Code of Criminal Procedure 1973, s 320.
- Code of Criminal Procedure 1973, s 357A.
- Code of Criminal Procedure 1973, s 360.
- Re Exploitation of Children in Orphanages in State of Tamil v Union of India, (2017) 1 SCC 653.
- Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015, s 18.
Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Debalina Roy

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