The year of the case is 1954. Here two appeals from the judgment and decision of the High Court of judicature of Hyderabad answering
questions referred at the instance of the appellants by the Commissioner of
Excess profits Tax, Hyderabad in regard to the amounts received by them as
remuneration from the Dewan Bahadur Ramgopal Mills Company Ltd. as its agents.
The Mills Company was registered on 14th February, 1920, at Hyderabad in the
territories of His Exalted Highness the Nizam. The appellants were registered as
a private limited company in Bombay on 1st March 1920. On 20th April, 1920, an
Agency agreement was entered into between the appellants and the Mills Company.
The appellants were also appointed agents of the company for a period of 30
years on certain terms and conditions therein recorded. The appellants
functioned as agents of the Company throughout but in the Fasli years 1351 and
1352 they received their remuneration under the terms of the agency agreement.
As per a notice issued under Section 13 of the Hyderabad Excess Profits Tax
Regulation, the appellants were to pay the amount of taxes appertaining to these
two accounting years at Rs 8957 and Rs 83768 respectively. The appellants
contended on the ground that they were agents of the Company and the
remuneration received by them was not taxable as this was not income, profits or
gains from the business and fell outside the pale of Excess Profits Tax
Regulation. On 24th April, 1944, the Excess Profits Regulation Officer negative
the contention by stating that the assessment was absolutely correct.
An appeal
was taken to the Deputy Commissioner of Excess Profits but it was once again
disallowed. An application under Section 48(2) of the Excess Profits Regulation
to the High Court was rejected by the Commissioner and the appellants filed a
petition under Section 48(3) to the High Court to compel the Commissioner to
state the case. The High Court issued an order directing the Commissioner to
provide statement of the case and the same was done on 26th February 1946[1].
Four questions were raised by the Commissioner to the High Court:
The questions were of considerable importance and were referred for decision to
the full bench of High Court. The full bench of the High Court delivered their
judgement, the majority deciding on the questions (2) and (3) which were the
only questions considered determinative of the reference against the Appellants.
The Appellants appealed to the Judicial Committee. But before the Judicial
Committee heard the appeals there was a merger with the territories of Hyderabad
with India. The appeals finally came for hearing before the Supreme Court Bench
at Hyderabad on 12th December, 1950 when an order was passed to transfer the
appeal to Supreme Court in Delhi.
Procedural History
After the appeals contending the payment of taxes of Excess Profit were made
negative by the Excess Profits Officer and the Deputy Commissioner, the appeals
went to the High Court of the judicature of Hyderabad under Section 48(3) of the
Excess Profits Tax Regulation. The High Court issued an order directing the
Commissioner to state the case. Questions (1) and (4) were not pressed with much
effect before the High Court. Hence rendered important, Questions (2) and (3)
required determination.
The questions required determination as to whether the
appellants were working as agents or servants of the Mills Company and the
remuneration received by them were by way of income, profits, gains or any other
taxable amount. Now under Article 115 Clause (6) of the Memorandum of
Association of the Mills Company, the following was observed - The Appellants
were registered as a private limited company having their registered office in
Bombay and the objects for which they were incorporated were the following:[2]
The duration stated for the same was 30 years which means that the appellant
firm were to perform as agents of the Mills Company for 30 years. Along with it,
Article 116 provided that the general management of the business of the Company
subject to the control and supervision of the Directors, was to be in the hands
of the Agents of the Company, who were to have the power and authority on behalf
of the Company, subject to such control and supervision, to enter into all
contracts and to do all other things usual, necessary and desirable in the
management of the affairs of the Company or in carrying out its objects and were
to have power to appoint and employ in or for the purposes of the transaction
and management of the affairs and business of the Company, or otherwise for the
purposes then of, and from time to time to remove or suspend such managers,
agents, clerks and other employees as they thought proper with such powers and
duties and upon such terms as to duration of employment, remuneration or
otherwise as they thought fit and were also to have powers to exercise all
rights and liberties reserved and granted to them by the said agreement referred
to in Clause 6 of the Company's Memorandum of Association including the rights
and liberties contained in Clause 4 of the agreement.
Adding to that Article 115
even spoke that the remuneration of the Appellants as such Agents was to be a
commission of 21/2 per cent on the amount of sale proceeds of all yarn cloth and
other produce of the Company (including cotton grown) which commission was to be
exclusive of any remuneration or wages payable to the bankers, solicitors,
engineers, etc., who may be employed by the Appellants for or on behalf of the
Company or for carrying on and conducting the business of the Company.[3]
The appellants were also vested with certain residuary powers as per Article 118
of the Memorandum of Association: “ authorised the agents to sub-delegate all or
any of the powers, authorities and discretions for the time being vested in them
and in particular from time to time to provide by the appointment of an attorney
or attorneys, for the management and transaction of the affairs of the Company
in any specified locality, in such manner as they thought fit.â€
After receiving an unfavourable judgement from the High Court, the case was
appealed to the Supreme Court Bench in Hyderabad. But around this time,
Hyderabad merged with the territories of India and the case had to be shifted to
the seat of the Supreme Court in Delhi.[4]
As the matter is taken up by the Supreme Court, it tends to stress on all four
questions put up before the High Court. For questions (1) and (4), the
Honourable Bench opines that when a partnership firm comes into existence it can
be predicted of it that it carries on a business because partnership according
to Section 14 of the Indian Partnership Act is the relation between persons who
have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them
acting for all.[5]
In the cited case Inderchand Hari Ram v. Commissioner of
Income Tax UP and CP[6], the meaning and functions of a partnership firm were
clearly delineated from any other firm by Bhargava J. But when a Company is
incorporated it may not necessarily come into existence for the purpose of
carrying on a business.
According to Section 5 of the Indian Companies Act any
seven or more persons (or, where the company to be formed will by a private
company, any two or more persons) associated for any lawful purpose may, by
subscribing their names to a memorandum of association may form an incorporated
company, and the lawful purpose for which the persons become associated might
not necessarily be the carrying on of business. When a company is incorporated
for carrying out certain activities it would be relevant to enquire what are the
objects for which it has been incorporated[7].
It was observed by Lord Stendale
J. in Commissioners of Inland Revenue Korean Syndicate Ltd[8], that “If you
once get the individual and the company spending exactly on the same basis then
there would be no difference between them at all. But the fact that the limited
company comes into existence in a different way is a matter to be considered. An
individual comes into existence for many purposes, or perhaps sometimes for
none, whereas a limited company comes into existence for some particular
purpose, and if it comes into existence for the particular purpose of carrying
out a transaction by getting possession of concessions and turning them to
account, then that is a matter to be considered when you come to decide doing
that is carrying on a business or not.â€
Now as far as the questions (2) and (3) were concerned the Court was of the
observation that the objects of an incorporated company as laid down in the
Memorandum of Association were certainly not conclusive of the question whether
the activities of the company amounted to carrying on or business. But they are
relevant for the purpose of determining the nature and scope of such activities.
The same kind of a dilemma arose in a landmark case East India Prospecting
Syndicate Calcutta, v. Commissioner. of Excess Profits Tax, Calcutta[9]. Here
the court tried to made a clear demarcation between the activities of a
Clearly, the objects of the appellants in this case 'inter alia' were to act as
agents for Governments or Authorities or for any bankers, manufacturers,
merchants shippers, joint stock companies and others and carry on all kinds of
agency business.
The situation thus stands that the appellants stand as agents
of the business and constitute the work which they did by way of general
management of the business of the company an agency business. Jagannadhadas J.
concluded “The words ‘carry on all kinds of agency business’ occurring at the
end of the object as therein set out were capable of including within their
general description the work which the appellants would do as agents for
Governments or Authorities or for any bankers, manufacturers, merchants,
shippers and others when they acted as agents of the company which were
manufacturers 'inter alia' of cotton piece goods they would be carrying on
agency business within the meaning of this object.â€[10] Apart however from this
there is the further fact that there was a continuity of operations which
constituted the activities of the Appellants in the general management of the
company a business.
The whole work of management which the appellants did for
the Company within the powers conferred upon them under Article 116 of the
Articles of Association and Clause 3 of the Agency Agreement consisted of
numerous and continuous operations and comprised of various services which were
rendered by the appellants as the agents of the Company.
There was nothing in
the agency agreement to prevent the appellants from acting as the agents of
other manufacturers. Joint Stock Companies etc., and the appellants could have
as well acted as the agents of other concerns besides the Company. All these
factors taken into consideration along with the fixity of tenure the nature of
remuneration and the assignability of their rights, were sufficient for the
Bench to come to the conclusion that the activities of the appellants as the
agents of the Company constituted a business and the remuneration which the
appellants received from the Company under the terms of the agency agreement was
income profits or gains from business. Hence the final decree to pay the
stipulated taxes was to prevail as ordered by the Supreme Court.
Analysis Of The Researcher
A case built up on certain similar grounds was Ram Pershad v. Commissioner Of
Income-Tax, New Delhi[11]. In this case involving a couple, the husband a
professional received remuneration from a business for the services provided by
He claimed to be an agent of the said business and contended that the taxes
applicable were invalid. In this case also the court held the remuneration
payable to him is salary. In this view, the other questions need not be
considered, and the appeal is dismissed with costs, which means that the income
as salary is taxable. In the main judgement by the Supreme Court the cases
cited Inderchand Hari Ram v. Commissioner of Income Tax UP and CP[12] and
India Prospecting Syndicate Calcutta, v. Commissioner. of Excess Profits Tax,
Calcutta[13] are certain cases the merit of which have been decided on somewhat
similar questions of law such as determination and distinction between a
partnership firm and a business firm, a very important question that has been a
part of the case. And the other questions pertained to whether the remuneration
received was taxable.
In the cited cases the remuneration received was always
perceived to be income, profits or gains from business hence in all the judgements the trends have been the same, i.e., in all of them the remuneration
has been taxable. From these decisions emanates a very important distinction
between agent and a servant. In the Ramgopal case, the appellants were deemed to
be servants of the Mills Company and not agents as their income was taxable
within the ambit of the Excess Profits Regulation.
In the case, an important distinction between agent and servant has been
established as:[14]
Hence it is evident that Lakshminarayan Ram Gopal and Sons v. Government of
Hyderabad has wide scale ramifications in Contract Law as this accurate judgement has taken shape of a landmark case which determines agency agreements
and nature of business contracts. This forms the core of certain sections such
as Section 182 and Section 184 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
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