Domestic violence is a grave societal issue that warrants stringent legal
measures to protect victims and ensure justice.
Laws such as Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Domestic
Violence Act have been enacted with noble intentions to safeguard individuals,
primarily women, from abusive relationships and provide them with necessary
However, there is a growing concern regarding the misuse of these laws by some
individuals to exploit their spouses and harass their families without genuine
grounds of domestic violence.
Section 125 of the CrPC allows a wife, children, or parents who are unable to
maintain themselves to claim maintenance from their husband or children. While
the provision serves as a crucial safety net for individuals in need, it is
increasingly being manipulated by some individuals for financial gain. Instances
have been reported where wives, often in collusion with unscrupulous lawyers,
file false cases of domestic violence solely to extort money from their
Furthermore, the Domestic Violence Act, enacted in 2005, was a landmark
legislation aimed at providing legal protection to victims of domestic abuse.
However, its misuse has become a matter of concern. In some cases, aggrieved
parties, without genuine grounds of domestic violence, misuse the provisions of
the act to harass their spouses and their families.
False accusations of domestic violence are leveled to secure monetary
compensation or gain leverage in divorce proceedings, resulting in undue
hardship for the accused and their families.
One of the most alarming aspects of this trend is the impact it has on innocent
family members, particularly elderly parents and minor children. False
accusations of domestic violence not only tarnish the reputation of the accused
but also disrupt the lives of their entire family. Elderly parents are dragged
into legal battles, and children are exposed to acrimonious disputes, causing
psychological trauma and emotional distress.
The misuse of Section 125 CrPC and domestic violence laws not only undermines
the credibility of the legal system but also dilutes the efficacy of these laws
in protecting genuine victims of domestic abuse. It diverts the attention and
resources of law enforcement agencies away from cases that genuinely require
intervention, thereby hindering the cause of justice.
To address this concerning trend, there is a pressing need for greater scrutiny
of cases filed under Section 125 CrPC and the Domestic Violence Act. Legal
reforms should be considered to deter false accusations and ensure that the
provisions of these laws are not exploited for personal gain. Stricter penalties
for filing false cases and provisions for swift disposal of frivolous litigation
can serve as deterrents against misuse.
Moreover, there is a need for enhanced awareness and education regarding the
provisions of these laws to prevent their misuse. Legal literacy programs should
be conducted to educate individuals about their rights and responsibilities
under the law, as well as the consequences of filing false cases of domestic
In conclusion, while laws such as Section 125 CrPC and the Domestic Violence Act
play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights of individuals in abusive
relationships, their misuse poses a significant challenge to the administration
of justice. It is imperative for policymakers, legal authorities, and civil
society to collaborate in addressing this issue and ensuring that these laws
serve their intended purpose of protecting genuine victims of domestic violence
without being exploited for ulterior motives.
There are numbers of cases which prove that there is a misuse of the Domestic
Violence Act:
In the case of
Major Singh & Anr. v. Sarabjit Kaur, the wife filed a false
complaint against her husband because she was having an extramarital affair. She
tried to threaten her husband but her husband filed for divorce. The judgment
passed by the Punjab High Court was that Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act is being misused to terrorize the spouse, their families and
distant relatives and this phenomenon has now acquired the name of 'legal
In the case of
Smt. Geetanjali v. Sri B.B. Anantha, the wife filed a false
complaint against her husband to acquire property from him. The facts of the
case show that the wife was tortured by her husband she didn't get proper
treatment but after the investigation, it was found that the case is a false and
Metropolitan Magistrate, Bangalore passed the judgment by stating that, it is
noted that testimony of the complainant woman throws light on the conduct of the
complainant and the extent, to which she has falsified and concocted various
allegations and has suppressed important facts in order to harass her husband
and parents-in-law and had misused the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act 2005 as a tool to extort unjustified money from her husband for
unjustified for personal gain.
Similarly, in the case of Bawinder Singh v. Richa Sharma, the judgment was
passed by the Punjab High Court and it was held that it has been observed that
the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, suffers from inherent
flaws which tempt women to misuse their provisions and men to dread being
prosecuted under law without any rhyme or reason. The court observed that the
notable flaw in this law is that it lends itself to such lazy misuse that women
will find it hard to resist 8 of 9 the temptation to teach a lesson to their
male relatives and will file frivolous and false cases.
Honorable soex court of India also laid down.
Misuse of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Jan. 23, 2020 - Architi Batra
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act is a civil law that was
passed in 2005 and is directed towards providing relief to the aggrieved party;
under this act, the woman who faces violence at home. The origin of the Act is
Article 15 (2) of the Constitution of India, which states that "State can make
special provisions for women and children" towards realizing the right to
From a feminist's point of view, the law has traditionally woken from a
patriarchal approach and the law's treatment of women in relation to men has not
always been equal and fair. This Act was the first substantial attempt made to
draft the law from a new perspective within an old framework.
However, women have insufficient understanding of the law and lack of access to
the courts. Hence it is necessary to provide the necessary infrastructural tools
with which to access the law can be made accessible. In the Act, the mechanism
to breach this gap has been put in place by creating the office of the
Protection Officer and recognizing the role of the Service Providers.
have been imposed on the government to provide legal aid, medical facilities and
shelter homes in the hope that women in distress be given all these facilities.
The Act defines "Domestic Violence" under Section 3 for the first time in Indian
law. It is a comprehensive definition and is based on definitions in
international law such as the UN Declaration on Violence Against Women and a
Model Code.
Definition of domestic violence:
For the purposes of this Act, any act,
omission or commission or conduct of the respondent shall constitute domestic
violence in case it—
- harms or injures or endangers the health, safety, life, limb or well‑being, whether mental or physical, of the aggrieved person or tends to do so and includes causing physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, and economic abuse; or
- harasses, harms injures or endangers the aggrieved person with a view to coerce her or any other person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any dowry or other property or valuable security; or
- has the effect of threatening the aggrieved person or any person related to her by any conduct mentioned in clause (a) or clause (b); or
- otherwise injures or causes harm, whether physical or mental, to the aggrieved person.
The Act recognizes domestic violence as a human rights violation. It recognizes
a woman's right to live in a violence-free home. To realize this right, the Act
recognizes a woman's right to residence and her right to obtain protection
orders under the law. The relief provided in the Act is meant to provide
immediate relief in emergency situations. It also has certain crossovers from
civil to criminal law when an order has been violated. [1]
In a 2018 judgment, the High Court of Gujarat in the case of Bhartiben Bipinbhai
Tamboli v. State of Gujarat and Ors. while extensively discussing the provisions
under the Domestic Violence Act remarked that:
The domestic violence in this country is rampant and several women encounter
violence in some form or the other or almost every day. However, it is the least
reported form of cruel behavior. A woman resigns her fate to the neve ending
cycle of enduring violence and discrimination as a daughter, a sister, a wife, a
mother, a partner, a single woman in her lifetime.
This non-retaliation by women
coupled with the absence of laws addressing women's issues, ignorance of the
existing laws enacted for women and societal attitude make the women vulnerable.
The reason why most cases of domestic violence are never reported is due to the
social stigma of the society and the attitude of the women themselves, where
women are expected to be subservient, not just to their male counterparts but
also to the male relatives. [2]
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship
that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.
Domestic violence, under this act, can be in any form. The abuse can be in the
form of physical, mental, emotional or physiological actions of threats that are
used to discriminate against the other partner in the relationship. This is a
stellar step to protect women against domestic violence. However, the one place
where the act fails is not including the husband under the ambit of domestic
violence too.
According to the general perception which this Act takes upon, women are the
victims and men are the perpetrators. Because of this situation, some dishonest
women have started misusing the act of domestic violence to gain personal
benefits from their spouse and her in-laws. Men's organizations such as the Save
Indian Family Foundation have opposed the law, arguing that it might be misused
by women during disputes.[3]
Renuka Chowdhury, the former Indian Minister for Women and Child Development,
agreed in a Hindustan Times article that "an equal gender law would be ideal.
But there is simply too much physical evidence to prove that it is mainly the
women who suffer at the hands of man."[4]
Former Attorney General of India Soli Sorabjee has also criticized the broad
definition of verbal abuse in the act.
According to the former President of India, Pratibha Devisingh Patil, "Another
disquieting trend has been that women themselves have not been innocent of
abusing women. At times women have played an unsavory, catalytic role in
perpetrating violence whether against the daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law or
female domestic help. Instances exist whereby protective legal provisions for
the benefit of women have been subjected to distortion and misuse to wreak petty
vengeance and to settle scores. Some surveys have concluded that 6 to 10 percent
of dowry complaints are false and were registered primarily to settle scores.
is unfortunate if laws meant to protect women get abused as instruments of
oppression. The bottom-line, therefore, is the fair invocation of legal
provisions and their objective and honest implementation." [5]
There are numbers of cases which prove that there is a misuse of the Domestic
Violence Act:
In the case of
Major Singh & Anr. v. Sarabjit Kaur, the wife filed a false
complaint against her husband because she was having an extramarital affair. She
tried to threaten her husband but her husband filed for divorce. The judgment
passed by the Punjab High Court was that Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act is being misused to terrorize the spouse, their families and
distant relatives and this phenomenon has now acquired the name of 'legal
In the case of
Smt. Geetanjali v. Sri B.B. Anantha, the wife filed a false
complaint against her husband to acquire property from him. The facts of the
case show that the wife was tortured by her husband she didn't get proper
treatment but after the investigation, it was found that the case is a false and
Metropolitan Magistrate, Bangalore passed the judgment by stating that, it is
noted that testimony of the complainant woman throws light on the conduct of the
complainant and the extent, to which she has falsified and concocted various
allegations and has suppressed important facts in order to harass her husband
and parents-in-law and had misused the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act 2005 as a tool to extort unjustified money from her husband for
unjustified for personal gain.
Similarly, in the case of
Bawinder Singh v. Richa Sharma, the judgment was
passed by the Punjab High Court and it was held that it has been observed that
the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, suffers from inherent
flaws which tempt women to misuse their provisions and men to dread being
prosecuted under law without any rhyme or reason. The court observed that the
notable flaw in this law is that it lends itself to such lazy misuse that women
will find it hard to resist 8 of 9 the temptation to teach a lesson to their
male relatives and will file frivolous and false cases.
The shortcomings of the Domestic Violence Act should not, however, undermine its
necessity in the Indian context. It is worth noting that cases of dowry death,
dowry prohibition and torture/cruelty by husband and other relatives
collectively constituted 48.54% of registered crimes against women in the
country in 2008. This implies that women in India, irrespective of
socio-cultural differences, continue to be exploited, harassed and tortured in
the domestic sphere. Hence the 'female bias' of the recent act or its potential
for being misused should not be exaggerated, even though it is necessary to be
careful about such deviations.[6]
In the case of
Krishna Bhattacharjee v. Sarathi Choudhury and Another, the Apex
Court while elucidating on the duty of courts while deciding complaints under
the Domestic Violence Act stated that:
- It is the duty of the Court to scrutinize the facts from all angles whether a plea advanced by the respondent to nullify the grievance of the aggrieved person is really legally sound and correct.
- The principle "justice to the cause is equivalent to the salt of the ocean" should be kept in mind. The Court of Law is bound to uphold the truth which sparkles when justice is done.
- Before throwing a petition at the threshold, it is obligatory to see that the person aggrieved under such a legislation is not faced with a situation of non-adjudication, for the 2005 Act as we have stated is a beneficial as well as assertively affirmative enactment for the realization of the constitutional rights of women and to ensure that they do not become victims of any kind of domestic violence.
The government told the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday that "some times" provisions of
the Domestic Violence and Anti-Dowry Acts were misused and several NGOs had also
given reports supporting it.
Answering a question on cases of domestic violence in the country, MoS (Home)
Kiren Rijiju said that only 13 persons were convicted out of the 639 charge
sheeted in 2014 under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005.
National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) started collecting data on the Act only
since 2014.
And as per information 426 cases were registered under the Act in 2014, of which
charge sheet was filed in 312 cases. Conviction happened in just nine cases.
Trial was completed in 19.1 per cent cases. Of the 693 persons arrested in these
cases, 639 were charge-sheeted. Only 13 were convicted.