Electoral changes in Indian Democracy: Issues and Challenges
Indian Democracy
Indian Democracy is the widely accepted and the most popular Democracy with
people electing their representatives at different levels starting from Local
bodies & and Panchayats to the Parliament.
Our Country India has a parliamentary system of governance based on Britain's
Westminster model of Constitutional Democracy, where the powers are distributed
between the centre and the state, and where the President is the Nominal
Executive Head and the Prime Minister along with his council of Ministers is the
Real Executive Head.
When it comes to Elections, there are many layers to cover as before the
Independence Indian Electoral System was indeed in the hands of Britishers. The
principle of Elections was introduced for the very first time in the year 1909
through Indian Councils Act, which was commonly known as Morley-Minto reforms,
this act was an attempt to widen up the scope of legislative council's and to
increase Indians participation in governance. After India attained Independence
in August 1947, there was a need to conduct general elections as the population
was increasing day by day and there was no such law and order to govern the
Electoral Reforms In India
Electoral process in India has undergone multiple changes with every passing
year, as changes in the electoral system can only be proposed when the ruling
system sees any flaws in the existing system. This article deals with those
prominent changes that have happened so far.
After 1947's Independence, Indian citizens were acknowledged as an important
being and thus they were given choice to elect their representatives on the
basis of Universal Adult Suffrage also known as Universal Adult Franchise, which
gives the right to vote to all adult citizens regardless of wealth, gender,
caste, race, sex, income, status or any such restrictions. This principle was
adopted on the date of enactment of the Indian Constitution i.e. in 1946, which
was implemented on 26 January, 1950.
Later, in the year 1988, under 61st amendment act, the age limit for casting a
vote was lowered from 21 years to 18 years, under the leadership of Rajiv Gandhi
(congress government). Indian Constitution made election a free and fair
practice at different levels, for which the Election Commission was set up as an
independent constitutional authority which has high validity power to check upon
the election process and no other body, even the Judiciary, can intervene in the
electoral process. Article 324 of the constitution talks about election
procedure, and the first chief Election Commissioner shri Sukumar Sen was
appointed on March 21st, 1950.
In the first and second general elections held between 1951-1952 and 1957
respectively adopted the "Balloting system of voting", under which every
candidate was given a separate ballot box, at different polling booth, where the
voters were required to drop the ballot paper according to their choice of the
candidate, the papers were used to be centrally printed.
From the 3rd general elections some changes were made as in 1962 onwards,
"marking system" was adopted by the commission, under this system, centrally
printed papers contained the names and signs of all the contesting candidates
and upon which the voter has to make a cross arrow mark with the help of rubber
stamp and all the ballot papers were collected in the same ballot box.
This system of voting system was changed thereafter as it lead to several
attacks during the election hour including booth capturing crashing the free and
fair agenda of election process, and with this a new system came into existence
which is in force in the present time as well, that is, "Electronic Voting
Machine" (EVMs) which was for the first time used in Kerala in the year 1982 in
the Parur Assembly Constituency, on experimental process.
The extensive use of EVMs started in 1998.The EVMs were used at all polling
stations in the country in the 14th General Elections to the Lok Sabha in 2004
for the first time. Since then all elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative
Assemblies have been held using EVMs.
The problem does not come only at the time of election, but even after the
election, there are many problems, one of them is Political Defection, because
of certain chaos and inner stability in the political system, the members of the
legislature moves from one party to another to which they had supported at the
time of election. Thus, for which in the year 1985, to curb this situation the
52nd constitution amendment act on anti-defection was passed and the 10th
Schedule was added in the Indian Constitution.
The electoral reforms has gone through several Committees formation, some
major committees are:
Jai Prakash Narayan Committee: In the year 1974, this committee headed by
Jai Prakash Narayan recommended to change the election process of the election
commissioner and to elect three member election commission and to lower the age
of voting from 21 years to 18 years.
Dinesh Goswami Committee: In 1990, this committee recommended in their
report to give power to the Election Commission to appoint investigating
agencies and the constitution of special courts, along with this they submitted
in their report that no candidates should be allowed to contest election from
more than two constituencies and they favoured the use of Electronic Voting
Machines to put to an end on manipulation and tempering of the votes.
Vohra Committee Report: In 1993, this committee mainly recommended taking
a look at all the available information about the activities of mafia
organisations which were supported by the government and some political
personalities. This committee contributed in the coining of the phrase
"criminalization of the politics and politicization of criminals".
Several electoral reforms were made from time to time and besides the mentioned
committees many committees gave their recommendations, some of them were
incorporated and many of them were left ignored. The challenges with the rising
issues made the process of election somewhat blurred, let's take a look at the
Issues and Challenges:
Money Power
In every constituency, candidates need to spend crores of rupees for
campaigning, advertisements on T.V, radio, and pasting big hoardings on each and
every street for which the parties may at a time exceed the permissible limit of
the expenses. The candidates make every such effort which will increase their
chance of winning the election. Thus, the candidate which has enough money can
spend and advertise for their party whereas, the candidate who doesn't possess
that much of money remains unseen by the citizens.
Muscle power
In many areas which are at the outskirts of the state reported certain attacks,
intimidation and booth capturing at the time of election, which is done with an
intention to stop the election process or to refrain people from giving vote to
a certain party.
Criminalization of Politics and Politicization of Criminals
Criminals enter into politics with a view that they will surely win the election
with the muscle and money power, and the party gives tickets to these criminals
because they are happy to get a winnable candidate, and in return they give
protection to these criminals.
Misuse of Government Machinery
We often see that the party in power uses government machinery like government
vehicles, disbursements out of the discretionary funds, use of taxes given by
the common people to do campaigning and advertisements of their party at
government expenses to improve the chances of their candidates winning.
Non-serious Independent candidates
Serious candidates float non-serious candidates in elections to cut a good
portion of the votes that would otherwise have gone to rival candidates.
This issue is the very oldest one, it can be traced from British era at the time
of Hindu-Muslims reforms, there are certain groups of people who are inclined
towards one particular political party. And Political parties use this very
funda to please such groups in every possible way to get votes from them.
Earlier communities were formed to protect one another from the humiliation of
other communities who are in majority, but now this is used as a vote gaining
agenda as communal polarization has its roots from many years which cannot be
shredded in present time.
Lack of moral values in Politics
Political corruption is not a new thing, it is not hidden from anyone that many
people come to politics only for power and money, so that they can earn money in
a wrong way. There are only a few people who join politics to serve for the
nation and to bring positive change in the society.
Electoral reforms are made with a view to make the election process free and
fair, and the problems relating to which should be solved at the grassroot
level. The election defects take years to be solved when the power is vested in
wrong hands, Election process should be free and reasonable in all senses as it
gives immense power to a single person to serve and handle the whole nation.
The representative of a nation or a state has to be elected through valid and
non-corruptive reforms thus changes to which are normal. We have seen long
procedural changes in the electoral reforms which reflect that Change is a must
as the society grows in all aspects. The Election Commission of India needs to
be stricter regarding the implementation of the election reforms. And the
election practice should be free, clean and citizen-friendly, so that we can see
a healthy development of democracy in the country.
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