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Legal Career In India

Law career in India
Pursuing law as a career offers the opportunity for a successful professional life and enables people to contribute to the well-being of society. After all, the law is the foundation of life and liberty! A law degree empowers a person on different legal aspects and makes them sensitive to the needs of their family, friends, and the wider community on a day-to-day basis. In fact, if you can have only three friends, one of them better be a lawyer!

Law as a career in India is in great demand and offers an innovative approach to dealing with life. Social and economic circumstances change rapidly in a developing country like India. This has brought in several regulations in every field and the demand for trained legal sciences degree holders has risen manifold. In other words, law as a career is both adventurous and exciting in India in the present scenario.

A law degree holder in India can counsel their clients on multiple aspects like pre legal documentation on different matters, preparation of wills and contracts, conducting negotiations on different legal matters and representing the clients in courts and during tribunal proceedings.

In India, law programs have been designed in such a manner that any student can specialise in any one of the following:
  • Criminal Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Taxation Law
  • Labour Law
  • Family Law
  • Administration Law
  • Patent Law
This law degree can be pursued at a university whose law courses have been approved by the Bar Council of India.

Criminal law definition refers to law that deals with crimes. In the United States, criminal law is created by both the federal government and the various state governments. People who break federal crimes are dealt with in federal court. Conversely, people who break state laws are dealt with in state courts.

The reason that criminal law exists is to protect society from actions that are harmful to individuals, groups, and social institutions. Crime is dealt with by the criminal justice system. This system includes many different people and agencies, including law enforcement officials, lawyers, judges, juries, probations officers, and prison officials. Criminal law also sometimes touches upon civil law, the body of law that deals with non-criminal issues (especially those involving money). Paying restitution to victims of crime, for example, is part of civil law rather than criminal law.

Corporate Law is one of the most popular law specialisations that is pursued by law aspirants these days. They can study Corporate Law as part of one of the core subjects at the undergraduate level and as a specialisation for the postgraduate level. For those who are fascinated by Corporate Law Lawyers, this page explains everything that an aspirant should know to make this career choice. Corporate Law includes the rules, practices, and regulations that govern the formation as well as operation of corporate firms. Thus, in simple words

Corporate Laws deal with forming, owning, operating, and managing a corporation. In the law specialization typically candidates learn about how corporations, investors, employees, shareholders, directors, creditors and other stakeholders like the community, consumers, and the environment interact with one another.

Tax law is a government document, numbering thousands of pages that detail the rules for individuals and businesses. Usually, the tax laws will be implemented through respective acts, rules & regulations, procedures, circulars, and orders. They must follow the law and be responsible for remitting a percentage of their income to the government.

Labour law also known as employment law is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees. In other words, Labour law defines the rights and obligations as workers.

Family law, body of law regulating family relationships, including marriage and divorce the treatment of children, and related economic matters. In the past, family law was closely connected with the law of property and succession judging from the records available, it must have originated principally in the economic and property questions created by the transfer of a femalefrom her father's family to the power and guardianship of her husband.

Even with regard to the relationship between parent and child legal concepts such as guardianship, custody, and legitimacy were associated with family power structures and family economic interests. Family law also traditionally has to do with matters of personal status—for example, the question of whether a person is to be considered married or single, legitimate or illegitimate—though the incidents and importance of these distinctions often derive from the law of property.

Administration law, is the management of an estate by a person, other than the legal owner, appointed or supervised by a court. The term is most often used to describe the management of a decedent's estate by an administrator or executor, a ward's estate by a guardian, the estate of a person deemed mentally incompetent by a conservator or committee, a bankrupt estate by a trustee, and, generally, of a trust fund by a trustee. Every such fiduciary is held to a high standard of care and is strictly accountable for the estate's management. Ordinarily a fee is charged for such services. Fiduciary management is to a large extent carried on by professional trustees, especially trust companies.

Patent, a government grant to an inventor of the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention, usually for a limited period. Patents are granted for new and useful machines, manufactured products, and industrial processes and for significant improvements of existing ones. Patents also are granted for new chemical compounds, foods, and medicinal products, as well as for the processes used to produce them. In some countries patents can be granted even for new forms of plant or animal life developed through genetic engineering

The legal industry has become one of the biggest industries in India. Law is one of India's most sought-after career paths, with a wide range of opportunities to pursue. It is an area of study that offers immense potential for personal and professional growth.

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