Marital rape, defined as non-consensual sexual activity occurring during a
relationship that is legally recognized as being married, is still a major
problem in modern culture. In order to clarify the notion of marital rape, this
research study will examine its prevalence, societal perceptions, and the
extensive damage it does to the victims' relationships with their intimate
In this study, mixed approaches are used to combine qualitative and quantitative
data. In order to ascertain the prevalence and frequency of marital rape, the
quantitative component analyses recent national surveys and reports on sexual
violence. Qualitative interviews and survivor narratives are also used to create
a thorough understanding of the lived experiences of victims, looking at the
psychological, emotional, and physical effects they endure.
According to the statistics, marital rape is frighteningly common and affects
people from a variety of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. This type of
abuse is greatly aided and abetted by the social standards, cultural
perspectives, and legal systems that are now in place. Victims deal with
complicated issues including self-blame, remorse, and society denial, which
worsen their suffering and prevent them from getting the justice and help they
This study places a strong emphasis on the necessity of busting widespread myths
and misconceptions about marital rape. The urgent necessity for legal changes to
make sure that marital rape is categorically criminalized and that survivors are
given the required legal remedy are made clear by this. The report also
highlights the value of extensive support networks, such as counselling
services, helplines, and shelters, to aid victims on their journey towards
recovery and empowerment.
The term "marital rape" refers to any non-consensual sexual activity or other
sexual assault committed by one spouse against the other during a validly
recognized marriage. It happens when one partner uses physical force, threats,
intimidation, emotional manipulation, or preying on the victim's gullibility to
force or coerce the other into performing sexual acts without their consent.
Marital rape is a serious problem that has long gone unrecognized by society and
the legal system. It entails the violation of a person's sexual and bodily
autonomy as well as their right to personal agency, highlighting the unequal
distribution of power and authority in intimate partner relationships. Marital
rape continues to harm people all over the world, with terrible repercussions
for victims and their relationships, despite rising understanding of the value
of consent and the elimination of gender-based violence.
A person's autonomy, physical integrity, and sexual rights are violated during
marital rape. It is crucial to remember that the key distinction between
consenting sexual activity between spouses and marital rape is the absence of
Marital rape can have serious effects on a victim's physical, mental health, and
emotional state. Physical harm, STDs, unintended pregnancies, post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), sadness, anxiety, low self-esteem, and a deterioration
in trust in intimate relationships are a few examples of this.
Due to previous societal norms and judicial systems that viewed marriage as
meaning continued agreement to sexual activity, historically, marital rape was
mostly disregarded or not explicitly criminalized. But in recent years, a lot of
progress has been made to refute these ideas and deal with the problem. Many
nations have made marital rape a crime as a result of a global shift in legal
attitudes that recognized that permission must be freely provided, regardless of
marital status.
In order to advance gender equality, defend people's rights to physical autonomy
and sexual self-determination, and develop healthy and respectful relationships,
the issue of marital rape must be addressed. To ensure responsibility and
justice for people impacted by this type of sexual assault, actions are required
to increase awareness, confront societal norms and attitudes that encourage
marital rape, offer support and resources to survivors, and lobby for legal
Marital Rape: Should Be Criminalized?
The criminalization of marital rape is a contentious issue that differs
depending on the jurisdiction. It is significant to note that opinions on this
matter may vary based on the cultural, legal, and societal circumstances.
Marital rape should be regarded the same as any other kind of sexual violence,
according to those who favour criminalizing it. They contend that consent should
be the cornerstone of all sexual contacts, including those that take place in
marriages, and that spousal immunity or exemption from prosecution creates a
climate of impunity by denying victims of sexual assault access to the judicial
Marital rape criminalization could interfere with the private arena of marital
relationships, according to opponents of criminalization who frequently assert
that marriage should be respected for its sanctity and privacy. Some contend
that the protection offered by the current laws against sexual assault and
domestic violence is more than adequate, and that marital rape may be addressed
by non-legal means such as education and counselling.
It is important to note that most nations have made progress recently in
criminalizing marital rape. The prohibition of marital rape as a breach of
women's rights is supported by numerous international human rights agreements,
including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW). The definition of marital rape in some jurisdictions has
now been expanded to encompass victims of any gender.
The decision to criminalize marital rape is ultimately a complicated and nuanced
one. Consent, human rights, gender equality, cultural norms, and legal
frameworks are all taken into account. The way that society views this issue, as
well as its awareness of it and support for survivors of marital rape, are key
Impacts Of Marital Rapes:
Marital rape has profound and long-lasting impacts on the victims, their
physical and mental well-being, and their intimate partner relationships. Here
are some of the common impacts associated with marital rape:
Consequences of Marital Rape:
- Physical Consequences: Marital rape can cause a variety of physical injuries, such as bruises, lacerations, fractures, and internal wounds. Additionally, victims may be more likely to experience unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs).
- Psychological and Emotional Trauma: Victims of marital rape may have profound psychological and emotional trauma. They could display signs of despair, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among other mental health issues. Shame, remorse, self-blame, and a loss of self-esteem are common struggles for survivors.
- Sexual Dysfunction and Disinterest: Those who have been the victims of marital rape may develop sexual dysfunction, a decrease in libido, or a dislike of sexual engagement. Their enjoyment of intimate interactions as a whole as well as their sexual self-image and confidence may be affected by the trauma they have experienced.
- Relationship Distress and Trust Issues: Marital rape erodes trust and intimacy within the partnership and causes relationship distress. Relationships may become strained or even end because survivors may find it difficult to trust their partner or have consensual sexual activity. A relationship's other parts may also be affected by the collapse of trust if it goes beyond the sexual.
- Consequences for Reproductive Health: Unwanted pregnancies brought on by marital rape can have a serious impact on the victim's ability to have children and general wellbeing. Making decisions about whether to terminate a pregnancy or keep it going can be difficult emotionally.
- Social Isolation and Stigmatization: As societal conventions around marriage and privacy often deter victims of marital rape from coming out or seeking assistance, survivors frequently experience social isolation and stigmatization. They may be concerned about the opinions, disbelief, or blame of others, such as members of their family, friends, or community.
- Economic Dependence: If the victim is financially dependent on the rapist, this might make them more vulnerable and restrict their alternatives for fleeing the abusive situation or finding safety. Economic reliance can keep people in abusive circumstances for longer.
- Impact across Generations: Marital rape can have an impact across generations because children who grow up in homes where marital rape occurs may see or experience various forms of abuse and may internalize negative attitudes and behaviors about relationships and consent.
It is crucial to recognize that each victim of marital rape experiences it
differently and may display a variety of reactions and coping techniques. The
ability to traverse the healing process and reclaim control over one's life
depends on the availability of supportive tools such counselling, advocacy, and
legal support.
Marital Rape: Global View:
Numerous nations and areas have quite different perspectives on marital rape.
There are still a variety of attitudes and strategies in place, despite the
progress that has been achieved in identifying and combating marital rape as a
form of sexual violence.
Due to societal assumptions, cultural conventions, and legal frameworks that
presumed a wife's continual permission during marriage, marital rape has
historically not been recognized or formally criminalized in many areas of the
world. However, there has been a movement in understanding and awareness on a
worldwide scale, and it is now widely acknowledged how important consent, bodily
autonomy, and gender equality are in intimate partner relationships.
- United States: Marital rape is criminalized in all 50 states of the United States. However, specific laws and definitions may vary from state to state.
- United Kingdom: Marital rape has been criminalized in the United Kingdom since 1991. It is treated as a form of sexual assault under the Sexual Offences Act.
- Canada: Marital rape is criminalized in Canada under the Criminal Code. It was explicitly recognized as a crime in 1983.
- Australia: Marital rape is criminalized in all states and territories of Australia. It is treated as a form of sexual assault under various state legislation.
- South Africa: Marital rape has been criminalized in South Africa since 1993. It is treated as a form of sexual assault under the Sexual Offences Act.
- Sweden: Sweden was the first country to explicitly criminalize marital rape in 1965. It is treated as a form of rape under the Swedish Penal Code.
- France: Marital rape is criminalized in France. It was explicitly recognized as a crime in 1992 under the French Penal Code.
- Germany: Marital rape is criminalized in Germany. It is treated as a form of sexual assault under the German Criminal Code.
It is crucial to keep in mind that there are still certain nations where marital
rape is not expressly criminalized or where there are legal exceptions or
restrictions that may prevent effective prosecution. Social views, cultural
standards, and religious convictions can affect how marital rape is seen and
dealt with in various situations, resulting in substantial disparities in the
legal systems and support networks for survivors.
Marital Rape: Landmark Judgement Across Globe:
Keeping in mind that the legal field is always changing, here are a few
noteworthy examples:
South Africa: In the case of S v. R (1995)[1], the South African Constitutional Court ruled that the exemption for marital rape violated the rights to equality and dignity. The court held that the exemption was inconsistent with the post-apartheid constitution and struck it down, criminalizing marital rape in South Africa.
United Kingdom: The case of R v. R (1991)[2] in the House of Lords (now the Supreme Court) was a landmark decision that abolished the marital rape exemption in England and Wales. The court held that a husband could be prosecuted for raping his wife, recognizing that marriage did not provide an irrevocable consent to sexual activity.
Philippines: The case of People v. Genosa (1994)[3] in the Philippines was a landmark decision that recognized marital rape as a crime. The Supreme Court held that the constitutional provision protecting the dignity of every person applied equally to married and unmarried women, affirming that marital rape was a violation of a woman's rights.
Sweden: In 1965, Sweden became the first country in the world to explicitly criminalize marital rape. This decision was not a result of a specific landmark judgment but rather a legislative reform, making it a significant milestone in the recognition of marital rape as a crime.
Marital Rape: India:
Marital rape is not explicitly criminalized in India. However, sexual
intercourse without consent within a marriage may be considered a criminal
offense under other sections of the Indian Penal Code, such as rape or sexual
Under Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), sexual intercourse by a
husband with his wife, who is above the age of 15 (the legal age of consent for
marital relationships), is generally not considered rape. The exception is when
the wife is under 18 years of age, in which case it is considered rape, as the
age of consent for sexual intercourse outside of marriage is 18.
The absence of a specific criminal provision for marital rape has been a point
of concern for many activists and advocates for women's rights. They contend
that the exception robs married women of the same level of legal protection and
acknowledgement of their right to bodily autonomy and consent as unmarried
women. They argue that marital rape ought to be considered a kind of sexual
assault and stress the significance of survivors' rights to legal action and
It is significant to remember that various legal procedures within the Indian
legal system may be used in situations when non-consensual sexual behaviors
occur inside a marital partnership. For instance, the IPC's Section 498A, which
deals with "cruelty by husband or relatives of the husband," may be used to
punish cases of physical or psychological abuse within marriage. In addition,
women who endure various forms of violence, including sexual violence, within
marriages are given legal protection by the Protection of Women from Domestic
Violence Act, 2005.
The criminalization of marital rape has been a topic of discussion among
activists, organizations, and governments in India. They contend that by
refusing to recognize marital rape as a crime, it undermines women's fundamental
rights to bodily integrity, autonomy, and dignity. But there are many different
viewpoints that are taken into account in discussions over whether or not to
make marital rape a crime, including cultural, social, and legal issues.
The underreporting of marital rape and the lack of justice for victims can be
attributed to societal attitudes, cultural norms, and difficulties in reporting
and addressing the crime. In India, survivors of marital rape continue to get
support services while activists continue to advocate for legal reforms, raise
awareness, and do other related activities.
Marital Rape: Law In India:
The legal system and judicial discourse around marital rape in India have
undergone considerable changes. The legalization and acknowledgment of marital
rape have been called into question in a number of cases that have been
presented before Indian courts. The judiciary has emphasized how critical it is
to solve the problem and safeguard women's rights in marriage.
For instance, the Supreme Court of India stated at a hearing in 2017 that
non-consensual sexual activity within the context of a marriage may be viewed as
a breach of a woman's fundamental rights. The court acknowledged the need for a
more extensive social debate and the necessity to take legal reforms on the
matter into consideration, even though it did not explicitly remove the
exception for marital rape.
In addition, some High Courts in India have commented on the criminality of
marital rape and emphasized the necessity of legal change. These verdicts have
emphasized the value of consent, respect, and equality in marriage
As the legal landscape changes, it is crucial to keep abreast of the most recent
court decisions and developments. Future rulings may address the problem of
marital rape more specifically as a result of landmark decisions that can
influence how the law is interpreted and applied.
In conclusion, the problem of marital rape must be addressed and eliminated
because it is a serious breach of human rights and a type of gender-based
violence. To achieve justice, gender equality, and the defense of human
autonomy, marital rape must be recognized as a crime and made a criminal
The rights to bodily integrity, consent, and dignity are violated when a person
is raped during a marriage. It exacerbates problematic gender norms, maintains
power disparities, and weakens the basis of an enduring, respectful
relationship. Physical, psychological, and emotional trauma that marital rape
survivors frequently experience can have a long-lasting effect on their health.
To make it obvious that consent is essential and must be honored in all
relationships, including marriage, criminalizing marital rape is vital. It gives
victims of sexual assault legal justice, acts as a deterrent to potential
offenders, and helps society change its views on gender equality and respect for
human liberty.
But combating marital rape calls much more than just legal action. To empower
survivors, refute false assumptions, and advance healthy relationships based on
respect and consent, comprehensive initiatives should include awareness
campaigns, education, and support services. To build a society that forbids all
forms of violence, including marital rape, it is essential to engage the
community, reform policies, and involve many stakeholders, such as governments,
civil society organizations, and religious leaders.
It is essential that cultures around the world keep working to criminalize
marital rape, increase awareness, help survivors, and promote a culture that
values consent, equality, and the welfare of everyone. We can only attempt to
eradicate the evil of marital rape and build a safer, more just society for all
if we work together and with a firm commitment to human rights.
- [1995] 1 SACR 677
- [1991] 3 WLR 767
- [1994] PHSC 534
Written By: Aparna Srivastava