The murder of Jamal Khashoggi has become a part of worldwide news as the
murder takes into account the international law on diplomatic and consular
immunity. The insensate murder of Jamal Khashoggi blew the world not just
because it was too inhumane in its nature but also due to the place where Jamal
Khashoggi was murdered i.e. inside Saudi Consulate in Istanbul which enjoys
special protection under International Law. Relevant treaties which give special
protections to diplomats and consuls are Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations (VCDR) & Vienna Covention on Consular Relations (VCCR).
According to
media reports the Saudi agents were responsible for the murder of Khashoggi.
Saudi Arabia incurs State responsibility for commission of intentional wrongful
acts by the organs, such as intelligence and State security officials, even if
that act was committed ultra vires.[1] It is not at all debatable that Saudi
operation against Khashoggi was a violation of Turkeys sovereignty and of its
rights under diplomatic and consular law.
The research article focuses upon the
law of diplomatic and consular immunity with respect to Jamal Khashoggis murder
but also some refrence has also been given to human rights regarding the Killing
of Khashoggi. Under the Global Magnitsky Act[2], the United States sanctioned 18
Saudi individuals for serious human rights abuse resulting from their roles in
the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.
The research article would deal with the facts
of the case of Khashoggis killing and state obligations under diplomatic and
consular law, such as inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises, agents,
and means of transportation. Jamal Khashoggis muder also provides a normative
conflict between diplomatic and consular immunities.
Brief of The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi
Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi journalist residing in the United States,
where he was a columnist for the Washington Post, was murdered in the Saudi
Consulate in Istanbul on October 02, 2018. He visited the consulate to obtain a
certificate of divorce from his former wife, so that he could marry his Turkish
fiancée, Hatice Cenzig, who was waiting for him in a car outside the consulate.
According to the media reports, Khashoggi was murdered by Saudi agents and his
body was then dismembered with a bone saw; his remains are yet to be found.[3]
Saudi authorities first rejected the reports of Khashoggis death in the Turkish
press but acknowledged the killing after few weeks because of the presence of an
audio tape of the murder obtained by Turkish intelligence. The official line
given by Saudi government is that Khashoggis killing was a rogue operation
and a huge mistake which was not authorized by the countrys crown prince,
Mohammed Bin Salman.[4] US intelligence agencies have concluded that Khashoggis
killing was pre-mediated and almost certainly carried on the orders of crown
Khashoggis killing has been described as an arbitrary deprivation
of life in the State Departments country report on human rights in Saudi
Arabia. At the international level, the UN Special Rapporteur for extrajudicial,
summary or arbitrary executions, Agnes Callamard, has launched an investigation
into Kashoggis death as part of her mandate.
She has published a set of
preliminary observations and plans to submit a final report to the UN Human
Rights Council in June 2019. Her report, based inter alia on a field visit to
Turkey, concluded that the evidence demonstrates a prime facie case that Mr.
Khashoggi was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing, planned and
perpetrated by officials of the State of Saudi Arabia and others acting under
the direction of these State agents.
How Is VCCR & VCDR Is Connected To Mr. Jamal?
Jamal Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The treaty which
is significant in this case is Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. There
is a contrast between the immunities and privileges available to diplomats under
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations[6] and the immunities and privileges
available to consular under Vienna Convention on Consular relations. Saudi
Arabia (as the sending state).
Turkey (as the receiving state) and United States
(as a third state) are all parties to both VCDR and VCCR. The author will now
briefly examine some of the rules of diplomatic and consular law which are
important with reference to this case:
The inviolability of consular and diplomatic premises is provided for by
Article 31 VCCR and Article 22 VCDR respectively. The consular privilege is
weaker than the diplomatic privilege.
Thus, under Article 31(1) and (2) VCCR:
Consular premises shall be inviolable to the extent provided in this article.
The receiving state cannot enter the premises of consulate. He can only enter
the premises with the permission of the head of the consulate in case of natural
calamity or the situation which needs a protection of the receiving state.
The VCCR and VCDR differ in case of searching the residence of the consuls and
diplomats. VCCR does not give any kind of protection from searching of the
residence of the consular but at the same time the residence of a diplomat
enjoys the privilege that it cannot be searched by the receiving state in any
Now coming to the inviolability of the agents of the receiving state and
analysing it with respect as to what is given in VCCR & VCDR and also on which
kind of crime [7] can a receiving state enter the consulate.
· According to Article 41(1) of VCCR, Consular office shall only be
violable in case of grave crime.
· According to Article 29 of VCDR, the diplomat will not be liable or
would not be arrested in the case of any kind of crime. He is immune to the next
· According to Article 44 of VCCR, a consular officer can be forced to
give evidence to the receiving state.
· According to Article 31(2) VCDR, a diplomat cannot be forced in any of
the condition to give the evidence.
Under both Article 55(1) VCCR and Article 41(1) VCDR: Without prejudice to
their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such
privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving
State. Note how any violation of this duty to respect domestic law does not
remove the privilege and immunities of consular or diplomatic agents, except as
otherwise provided for in the Conventions. Similarly, Article 55(2) VCCR and
Article 41(3) VCDR stipulate that consular and diplomatic premises shall not be
used in any manner incompatible with the exercise of consular or diplomatic
functions (which, obviously, do not include murder).
Whether The Murderers can be tried Under Turkish Law?
The murder took place in Saudi consulate and Saudi Arabia has state
responsibility because the acts were committed by the by consuls and the people
appointed by Saudi and the crime was committed under Saudi consulate which is
immune to the inviolability by the receiving state.
The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR) is part of customary
international law and is regarded as the most widely based multilateral regimes
in the field of international relations. Diplomatic relations govern the
friendly nature between the states. In Jamal Khashoggis murder case, Saudi
Arabia sent some of the people from Saudi to kill Jamal Khashoggi.
The persons
sent by Saudi were diplomats and come under the definition of VCDR as diplomats,
who are immune to the extent that they cannot be tried by the receiving
state.[8] Diplomats are immune from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving
state i.e. a diplomat cannot be tried by the receiving state. Since under VCCR &
VCDR, Turkey was under many restrictions so it could not provide any help to
Jamal Khashoggi and further after the death, the investigation became more
difficult because of VCDR & VCDR.
Saudi Arabia has used its diplomatic power in a wrong manner by sending its
people who are immune under VCDR to kill Jamal Khashoggi. Diplomacy should not
be used in a wrong manner and to do acts which are against human rights and
international norms. Immunity given to diplomats and consulars under VCDR and
VCCR should not be taken for granted and these immunities must not also be
confused with impunity.
However, Turkey has no right to enter Saudis Consulate
as it is absolutely inviolable under VCCR. In Hostages case, the same issue had
been discussed by International Court of Justice, that diplomat is free from the
jurisdiction of the receiving state. The facts of the case were that Iran was
trying the US diplomat under its criminal Jurisdiction.
So the ICJ held that
Iran violated VCCR & VCDR by truing that diplomat because he had diplomatic
immunity. A new point comes into picture where though a diplomat is free from
the jurisdiction of the receiving state (Turkey in this case) but is not free
from the jurisdiction of the sending state (Saudi Arabia in this case). It
implies that the accused can be tried by Saudi Arabia.[9] Hence the murderers
could not be tried under Turkish Law.
Whether Turkey Fulfilled Its Obligation To Investigate And Prosecute The
The position of Turkey being the receiving state is quite different. Turkish
authorities put forward their willingness to investigate into the matter. Turkey
had some restrictions due to VCCR and VCDR but despite those restrictions
Turkish police did investigate into the matters which include reviewing
thousands of hours of CCTV, following each and every step taken by the
The question that comes into our mind is that whether Turkey fulfilled its
obligation. There are four conditions that come to the mind of author that
Turkey could have avoided but it did not. First condition being that Turkey
should not have allowed the Saudi hit team members to leave country. Second
condition being that it should not have allowed Saudi consul general to leave
Turkey. Third being that it should not have delayed in searching the consulate
and last but not the least that it should not have delayed in searching the
vehicles and residence of consul-general.
Allowing the Saudi agents to leave:
The first question that arises in mind is that did Turkey had knowledge of the
people when they were leaving Istanbul on two private jets at 7 and 11 pm on 2nd
October. There comes two situations that if Turkey did not have knowledge of who
these people were then there is no fault on part of Turkey but if Turkey knew
who they were and what purpose they had then atleast it could have prevented
their departure.
Turkey did not need to arrest them but simply all it had to do
was prohibit them from leaving. The reports claim that the Saudi agents had
diplomatic passports that is why their bags were not checked.[10]
Allowing the Saudi consul-general to leave:
The decision of the Turkish authority which was in question was that they
allowed the Saudi consul-general in Istanbul, Mohammad al-Otaibi, to leave the
country on 16th October, the day before his residence was to be searched by
Turkish authorities.
Turkey knew at this point that the consul was involved in
the operation. The Saudi Consul general was entitled to privileges and
immunities. But these immunities are not unqualified. While the protection of
the inviolability of a member of a diplomatic mission under Article 29 VCDR is
categorical, and they are exempted from any obligation to give evidence as a
witness under Article 31(2) VCDR, the same is not true for consular officers.
Article 41(1) VCCR permits the arrest or detention of a consular officer for
a grave crime, while Article 44 VCCR permits the receiving state to compel a
consular officer to give evidence on matters not connected with the exercise of
their functions, as murder obviously is not.
In short, nothing in consular law prevented Turkey from arresting the consular
general. He was not a diplomat. The immunities which he had were lesser and the
immunities available to the staff were also lesser in power.
Delay in searching the consulate:
The delay in searching the consulate was caused by Turkey waiting for Saudi
consent to enter the premises and there was the deliberate obstruction on
Saudis part in this regard. The threat to Khashoggis life could be treated as
the a disaster which needed a protective action.[11] The issue here is that what
more could Turkey had done? It already had put pressure on Saudi Arabias
government to provide consent for its entry.
Turkey on its part could have
notified Saudi Arabia to give consent for search immediately and if Saudi would
refuse it and then Turkey would have no option left than to break the consular
relations between the two states. If Turkey would have broken the consular
relations then the consequences would be like that Turkey would have terminated
the consular functions of all members of consular post and Second, per Article
27(1)(a) VCCR, the receiving state should protect the consular premises of the
sending state in case of any conflict.
The receiving states duty to respect the
inviolability of consular premises thus, becomes transformed into the duty to
respect and protect the consular premises. There is no doubt that this duty is
of a lesser order than the one to respect inviolability, and that position is
the same under diplomatic law. In particular, the duty to respect and protect
consular premises does not prohibit the law enforcement agents of the receiving
state from searching those premises as the scene of a crime.
The Turkish authorities have tried to find out what happened to Khashoggi but
the desire was dominated by political considerations.[12] Some decisions made by
Turkish authorities were not required by the need to respect consular privileges
and immunities and were, at least arguably, in violation of their duty to
effectively investigate the killing.
Reaction of International Communities
Saudi Arabia first denied the murder of Jamal Khashoggi but later on it accepted
that Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. After this news
there was so much of commotion and there came different reactions of the
International Community which are as follow:
- United Nations
Antonio Guterres, who is secretary general of the United Nations expressed his
grief when he came to know that Riyadh confirmed Khashoggis death. The UN chief
has asked for the immediate action to look that who all were behind this brutal
killing of Khashoggi inside the consulate. Antonio Guterres also extended his
condolences to the near and dear ones of Khashoggi.
- France
France also expressed the grief and extended condolences. France has also asked
for investigating the matter and to find out the ones who were responsible for
such a massive attack on humanity. Le Drian who is a French Foreign minister
said that when the actual people who are responsible behind this will come to
the knowledge then no deviation from international law would be followed in case
where humanity is abused in such a way.[13]
White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders said - We will continue to closely
follow the international investigations into this tragic incident and advocate
for justice that is timely, transparent, and in accordance with all due
process. We are saddened to hear confirmation of Mr Khashoggi's death, and we
offer our deepest condolences to his family, fiance, and friends.
The murder of Jamal Khashoggi is of great significance when it comes to
international law and especially to law of diplomatic and consular immunities.
One of the key feature of this case is using consular premises as the place of
murder. Diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities were used wrongfully
and ultra vires in this case. Khashoggis murder when viewed from international
point of view revolves around the human right to life and the rules of
diplomatic and consular law. Saudi Arabia used the powers of diplomats and
consulars in a wrong manner to give success to its plan i.e. murder of Jamal
Turkey was in the obligation to protect the life of Khashoggi if it
would have known about the murder of the journalist. Turkey under Article 2
ECHR and Article 6 ICCPR could have entered consulate if it was clear to it that
entering was the only way to save the life of Jamal Khashoggi. Khashoggis
killing is a significant potential for norm conflicts between human rights and
consular privileges and immunities.
Khashoggis life could have been saved by
Turkish authorities if they would have entered the consulate without the delay
and could have plead that it was a necessity to enter the consulate because of
grave crime which was being committed in consulate. If the murder would have
taken place in diplomat mission then Turkey could have entered the consulate
after the permission but could not have investigated in a way it did in the
present case because the immunities under VCDR are greater than those under VCCR.[14]
In conclusion Saudi Arabia does not have reputation of a state particularly
mindful of the sanctity of immunities under international law.
Saudi Arabia
violated immunities given to it and hence the murderers should not be granted
any kind of immunities under VCDR and VCCR because the crime they committed
inside the consulate cannot be regarded as a function of consulate and secondly
the crime was a prima facie grave violation of human right which is taking
shelter under diplomatic and consular immunities and privileges.
- Articles
Jonathan Brown, Diplomatic Immunity: State Practice under the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 37 Intl & Comp. L.Q. 53 (1988).
· International Commission of Jurists, The Arab Court of Human
Rights: a Flawed Statute for an Ineffective Court, 2015.
- Books
· Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law,7th Edition Reprint 2015,
Published by Cambridge University Press.
· Mark A. Sammut, The Law of Consular Relations, 5th Edition Reprint
2012, Published by XPL publications.
- Journal Article
· Marko Milanovic, The murder of Jamal Khashoggi: Immunites,
Inviolability and the Human Right to Life, HARV. BUS. REV., Jan-Feb 2019, at
- Newsarticle Articles
· Mark Mazzetti, Year before killing, Saudi Prince told he would
aide a bullet on Jamal Khashoggi, N.Y. TIMES, Feb 7, 2019 at A1.
· Mark Mazetti, Killing of critic was on radar of Saudi Royal, N.Y.
TIMES, Feb 8, 2019 at A1.
- Internet
· Marko Milanovic, The Legal Framework: Human Rights and Diplomatic
and consular law, EJILTalk( July 3, 2019, 10:05 PM),
· Marko Milanovic, Turkish positive obligation to potect life of
Jamal Khashoggi, EJILTalk( July 4, 2019, 11:23 PM), Turkish
positive obligation to potect life of Jamal Khashoggi /
- Art. 7 of the International Law Commissions Articles on State
- The Act provides for the imposition of sanctions on individuals
responsible for extrajudicial killings, torture, or other gross violations
of internationally recognized human rights committed against individuals in
any foreign country seeking to expose illegal activity carried out by
government officials, or to obtain, exercise, or promote human rights and
- Jamal Khashoggi killing: what we know and what will happen next, The
Guardian, 09 July 2019, at
- White House declines to submit report to Congress on Khashoggi
killing, Washington Post, 09 July 2019, at
(quoting Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs).
- Ibid.
- Art. 31(1), VCDR, 1964
- Foakes and Denza, The Appointment and Functions of Consuls, in I.
Roberts (ed.), Satows Diplomatic Practice (OUP, 7th ed., 2017) 120, para.
8.31 et seq.
- International Commission of Jurists, The Arab Court of Human Rights: a
Flawed Statute for an Ineffective Court, 2015.
- Jonathan Brown, Diplomatic Immunity: State Practice under the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 37 Intl & Comp. L.Q. 53 (1988).
- Mark Mazetti, Killing of critic was on radar of Saudi Royal, N.Y. TIMES,
Feb 8, 2019 at A1.
- Mark Mazzetti, Year before killing, Saudi Prince told he would aide a
bullet on Jamal Khashoggi, N.Y. TIMES, Feb 7, 2019 at A1.
- Mark Mazetti, Killing of critic was on radar of Saudi Royal, N.Y. TIMES,
Feb 8, 2019 at A1
- International Commission of Jurists, The Arab Court of Human Rights: a
Flawed Statute for an Ineffective Court, 2015.