This research article throws lights on the "
Impact Of Media In Society" with
respect to provided provisions or rights for media in the Indian Constitution.
How media is helping citizens to access their right i.e., Right to information.
Although the rights are not absolute in nature, thus article will also discuss
the restrictions which has been given in the provisions but still there are some
shortcomings due to which media seems to act bias in favor of some people or
groups of people. This article is going to cover all the aspects of the rights,
restrictions and its impact over the citizens and to their society.
Personal liberty is the most important of all fundamental rights. Article 19-22
deals with the different aspects of the fundamental or basic right. These four
articles provide backbone of the chapter on fundamental rights.
The foremost among these are the six fundamental rights in the nature of
freedoms which are guaranteed to the citizens by Article 19 of the constitution.
The six freedoms - Article19(1) of the constitution guarantees to the citizens
of India the following six fundamental freedom:
- Freedom of speech and expression.
- Freedom of Assembly.
- Freedom to form associations or unions or Co-operative societies.
- Freedom of movement.
- Freedom to reside and to settle.
Freedom of profession, occupation, trade or business.
This article is based on the Article 19(1)(a) which provides that all citizens
have the rights of speech and expression. This article is subject to limitations
imposed under Article 19 (2) which empowers the State to put 'reasonable'
restrictions on the following grounds, e.g., security of the State, friendly
relations with foreign States, public order, decency and morality, contempt of
court, defamation, incitement to offence and integrity and sovereignty of India.
Freedom of speech and expression is indispensable during a democracy-based
country. In Romesh Thapper vs State of Madras (AIR 1950 SC 124) Justice
Patanjali sastri determined that 'Freedom of speech and of press too lay at the
inspiration of all democratic organisations, for while not free political
discussion no public education, thus essential for the right functioning of the
method of fashionable government is possible'.
Meaning and scope: - Freedom of Speech and expression means that the proper to
specific one's own convictions and opinions freely by words of mouth, writing,
printing, footage or the other mode. It therefore includes the expression of
one's concepts through any communicable medium or visible illustration, such as,
gesture, signs and therefore the like.
The expression connotes conjointly publication and therefore the liberty of the
press is enclosed during this class. Free propagation of concepts is that the
necessary objective and this might be done on the platform or through the press.
the liberty of propagation of concepts is secured by freedom of circulation.
Liberty of circulation is crucial thereto freedom because the liberty of
Indeed, while not circulation the publication would be of very little worth. the
liberty of speech and expression includes liberty to propagate not one's views
solely. It conjointly includes the proper to propagate or publish the views of
others, otherwise this freedom wouldn't embody the liberty of the press.
Freedom of expression has four broad special functions to serve:
- it helps a private, to realize self-fulfillment;
- it assists within the discovery of truth;
- it strengthens the capability of a private in collaborating in call making;
and (4) it provides a mechanism by that it might be doable to determine an
inexpensive balance between stability and social amendment. All members of
society ought to be able to kind their own beliefs and communicate them freely
to others.
In sum, the basic principle concerned here is that the people's right to
understand. Freedom of speech and expression ought to, therefore, receive
generous support from all those that believe the participation of individuals
within the administration. it's on account of this interest that society has
within the freedom of speech and expression that the approach of the govt ought
to be additional cautious whereas levying taxes on matters of regarding
newspaper trade than whereas levying taxes on different matters.
Prabhu Dutt v. Union of Asian nation, (AIR SC 6. Sheela barse vs State of
Maharashtra) the Supreme Court has command that the proper to understand news
and knowledge relating to administration of the govt is enclosed within the
freedom of press. however this right isn't absolute and restrictions may be
obligatory on that within the interest of society and therefore the individual
from that the press obtains the data. data may be wanted from a private once he
voluntarily agrees to administer such data.
In the instant case, the Court directed the Superintendent of the Tihar Jail to
allow the Chief newsperson of the geographic region Times Newspaper to
interview, Ranga and Billa, the 2 death sentence convicts, under Art. 19(1)(a)
as they were willing to be interviewed. The jail authorities had refused the
permission to the newspaper representative to interview the convicts.
Freedom of press
Freedom of the press can be operation of press on any form of communication
including, printing newspapers, magazines, journals, reports or in form of audio
radios, podcasts or video like news channels, OTT platforms like YouTube and
over other electronic mediums like news apps, social media feeds, etc.
The liberty of the press in the words of Lord Mansfield is, "consists of
printing without any license subject to the consequences of law". So, we can
understand that freedom of the press can be defined as having the freedom to
express what one likes with accurate facts.
The press has been considered as the fourth pillar of democracy and it plays a
pivotal role in a country's social, political, and international affairs. Thus,
it goes without saying that free press is a sine qua non for a democracy to
survive and thrive and preserve the ethos of good and transparent governance.
It is an absence of statutory and administrative control on dissemination of
information, ideas, knowledge and thoughts.
The freedom of the press is guarded by the First Amendment to the US
Constitution which lays down that this freedom be in no way abridge by the laws.
US First Amendment or of Jefferson's famous declaration when he said that "Were
it left me to decide whether we should have a government without newspaper or
newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the
Jawahar Lal Nehru said that "I would rather have a completely free press, with
all the dangers involved in the wrong use of that freedom, than a suppressed or
regulated press."
Voltair also once said, "I do not agree with a word you say but I defend to
death your right to say it."
History relation of freedom of press
Historically, the beginning of the concept of freedom of press takes place in
England. From early times, in the West, ill-treatment for the expression of
belief in matter related to science or philosophy was restored to by both the
Church and the State.
Such restraints, through licensing and censorship, came to be accentuated after
the invention of printing towards the latter part of the 15th Century, and the
beginning of newspaper in the 17th Century, - which depicted how powerful the
press is as a vehicle of expression. Meanwhile later the emergence, newspaper
became to takes up the cause of the Opposition used against monarchical
absolutism, which turns and led to different methods of suppression.
Requirement of Freedom of the Press?
As per
Indian newspaper vs Union of India, aim of the press is to provide
information related to the interest of public by printing and publishing the
facts in deficiency of such facts the citizens of the country cannot make well
informed rational judgments or decisions. Freedom of the press works as a point
of social and political inter-course. It's a duty of the judiciary to maintain
balance of exercising this right i.e., the freedom of the press and impose all
laws and actions which interfere, it as opposed to the constitutional
Press can be considered as a vehicle of getting information and sharing the
information of affairs, developments, growths, happenings of interest of the
nation to the whole nation and so operation of the press becomes the support of
civil society those are able to perform critical thinking and creates their
belief regarding nation and legislation, executive and judiciary while
evaluating the data related to the event diligently and properly.
Indian perspective in terms of Freedom of press
Right to Information Act, 2005:
The Right to Information Act, 2005 entitles
every citizen to have access to information controlled by public authorities.
Under the Act, it is obligatory upon authority to provide information and
maintain records consistent with its operational needs. These records would
ought to be punctually listed, indexed and revealed at such intervals as could
also be prescribed by the acceptable government or the competent authority.
The object of the Act is to push openness, transparency and answerableness in
A person avid of getting info shall create asking in writing or through
electronic means that to the involved Public info Officer specifying the
particulars of the data sought-after by him (Section 6).
The Act makes provision for appointment of Public info Officers (Section5). per
Section five, each public authority shall designate as several officers because
the Central Public info Officers or the State Public info Officers altogether
body units or offices thereunder as could also be necessary to supply info to
persons seeking info beneath this Act.
Every Public info Officer shall cope with requests for info and shall render
help to anyone seeking such info. once asking for info is received, the general
public info Officer shall, as with efficiency as doable, and in any case at
intervals thirty days either offer the data needed on payment of prescribed fee
or reject the request for any reasons per Sections eight and nine.
But wherever the data explore for considerations the life and liberty of an
individual, identical ought to be provided at intervals xlviii hours of the
receipt of the request. If the request is rejected the general public info
Officer shall communicate the person creating request reasons for such
rejection. Section eight provides for exemption from revelation of data
concerning sure matters. If an individual is aggrieved by a choice of the
general public info Officer, he will like AN charm to such authority as could
also be prescribed (Section 19).
Romesh Thapar v/s State of Madras, Patanjali Shastri CJ, determined that
"Freedom of speech & of the press lay at the muse of all democratic
organization, for while not free political discussion no public education, thus
essential for the correct functioning of the method of common government, is
In this case, entry and circulation of land journal "Cross Road", written and
revealed in Mumbai, was prohibited by the govt of Madras. identical was control
to be offensive of the liberty of speech and expression, as "without liberty of
circulation, publication would be of very little value".
The Hon'ble apex Court explicit that within the case Union of Republic of India
v/s Association for Democratic Reforms, "One-sided info, misinformation,
information and non-information, all equally produce AN unacquainted with people
that makes democracy a farce. Freedom of speech and expression includes right to
impart and receive info which has freedom to carry opinions".
In Republic of Indian categorical Newspapers v/s Union of Republic of India,
it's been control that the press plays an awfully important role within the
democratic machinery. The courts have duty to uphold the liberty of press and
invalidate all laws and body actions that cut that freedom. Freedom of press has
3 essential parts. They are:
- Freedom of access to any or all sources of data,
- Freedom of publication, and
- Freedom of circulation.
There are several instances once the liberty of press has been suppressed by the
law-makers. In Sakal Papers v/s Union of Republic of India, the Daily Newspapers
(Price and Page) Order, 1960, that fastened the quantity of pages and size that
a newspaper may publish at a value was control to be offensive of freedom of
press and not an affordable restriction beneath the Article 19(2).
Likewise, in case of
Bennett Coleman and Co. v/s Union of India, the validity of
the paper management Order, that fastened the utmost variety of pages, was
affected down by the Court holding it to be offensive of provision of Article
19(1)(a) and to not be cheap restriction beneath Article 19(2). The Court
additionally rejected the plea of the govt that it might facilitate tiny
newspapers to grow
Reasonable Limitations of Press' Freedom:
We know that unrestricted freedom, that is, liberty with none affordable
restrictions thereon continuously hampers the terribly purpose of granting that
freedom within the initial place, that's to empower the people because it
backfires and makes the rights of individual collapse with each other. As
freedom of press derives its powers from Article 19(1)(a), it's additionally
subject to the affordable limitations obligatory on A.19(1)(a) beneath A19(2)
that ar explained as follow:
Sovereignty and integrity of the state:
It was inserted by Associate in Nursing change to manage the acute reactions of
the folks, UN agency were complaining for separate entities of the various
regions of Asian country. Any variety of speech or any expression that hampers
the sovereignty or integrity of the state would be lined beneath this
restriction. the correct of freedom to speech and expression can't be allowed to
be used as a weapon against the sovereignty or integrity of the state.
At this juncture, it's essential to require thought of the very fact that
'sedition' is not any ground to impose affordable restrictions as envisaged
beneath Article 19(2) of the Constitution.
Security of the state:
The freedom of expression cannot be exercised in an exceedingly means so it
becomes a threat to the protection of the state in any manner. Any communication
that incites the folks to cause social unrest, rebels, violence, riots, etc.,
against the state and its subjects would be lined beneath this restriction.
In State of Bihar v Shailabala Hindu deity, SC command that the speeches created
by a person (citizen or non-citizen) that encourage the folks to commit offences
like dakoity, murder, robbery, etc., is while not a doubt a threat to the
protection of the state. thence such a speech are thought-about as a prejudice
towards the sovereignty or integrity of the state, and also the order to prevent
or curtail such communication is roofed beneath affordable restrictions of
Public Order:
This term was inserted by the Constitutional (First Amendment) Act, 1951. This
clause was another to curtail the consequences of Romesh Thappar v State of
Madras wherever the SC had command that the correct to circulation is Associate
in Nursing intrinsic organ of Right to freedom of expression.
The term "public order" incorporates a broad which means and covers a large
number of actions which can endanger the protection of the state. In Madhu
Limaye v Sub Divisional jurist Monghyr SC command that the term "public order"
may be construed as "no insurrections or riots or disturbance to public peace."
Decency or morality:
For protective the decency or morality within the country, the state has the
authority to limit the liberty of speech and expression of a personal.
additional elaboration of this ground is mirrored in Sections 292 to 294 of the
IPC. The mentioned sections list downs some acts as crime like mercantilism
obscene publications to young people, creating indecent gestures publicly places
Ranjit Udeshi v State of geographic area SC command that the S. 292 of IPC is
constitutional because it prohibits obscenity publicly places and promulgates
public decency and morality. it had been additional supplemented in Chandrakant
Kalyandas Kakodkar v State of geographic area by SC that whereas attempt the
question of decency and morality, the court must think about the proposition on
whether or not or not the indecent or immoral acts were enough to foul the mind
of the young people or is there a break that their minds would become depraved.
Contempt of Court:
There is little doubt that freedom of speech and expression is extremely crucial
for social group development, however on the opposite hand, providing and
maintaining justice and equity is additionally equally substantial. Though, the
liberty of speech and expression reckons however it can't be wielded to
eliminate courts' actions of justice.
The SC beneath Article 129 & the HCs beneath Article 215 of the constitution is
authorized to require penal actions for contempt of court. it had been
additional command in C.K. Daphtary v O.P. Gupta it had been command that the
S.228 of IPC and A.129 of the constitution ar valid and ar lined at intervals
the reach of affordable restrictions enshrined in Article 19(2) of the
constitution. Thus, we are able to infer from the on top of discussion that the
liberty of speech and expression is vulnerable to Articles 19(2), 129, and 215
of the constitution.
Article 19(1)(a) in no manner provides a license to cause harm to the name of
someone within the name of freedom of speech and expression. inflicting harm to
Associate in Nursing individual's name is taken into account as defamation and
may be a rigorous limitation to the correct of freedom of speech and expression.
No one is allowed to show someone to hate, ridicule or contempt by means that of
any expression, signs or gestures. Defamation is taken into account as a awfully
rigorous act and thus it's prohibited by the Civil Laws of Torts. Also, it's
Associate in Nursing offence beneath S. 499 of the IPC. As one thing is
enshrined as wrong beneath 2 statutes, it's obvious that it's a defence beneath
affordable restrictions of Article 19(2) of the Constitution.
Friendly relations with foreign states:
Just like with the term "public order", this ground was additionally inserted in
Article 19(2) of the Constitution via Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951.
This main objective of incorporating this restriction was to counter the
antagonistic and bone fide info against any foreign country which can have
friendly connections with the Republic of Asian country.
Such activities will jeopardize the government's efforts to promulgate and
maintain friendly relations with foreign nations and convey moneymaking results
out of these results for Asian country. In Jagan Nath v Union of Asian country,
SC command that each one commonwealth countries are foreign countries for the
aim of Article nineteen (2). However, another reality to require cognizance of
is that, members of the commonwealth countries as well as Pakistan aren't the
members of foreign states for the aim of the Indian constitution.
Incitement to an offence:
As per the criminal jurisprudence, the act of incitement or abetment to an
offence is a distinct and independent offence per se. Exercising the freedom of
speech and expression to incite an offence would be considered as a threat to
the public order.
Just like the terms "public order" and "friendly relations with foreign states",
this ground of reasonable restriction was incorporated in the constitution via
the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1951. In
State of Bihar v Shailabala
Devi, it was held by SC that any communication which leads to incitement of any
criminal act can be restricted and any order for such ban will fall within the
purview of reasonable restrictions envisaged in Article 19(2) of constitution.
Unfavorable aspects of the press freedom
Although there has been some progress from the time once 'freedom of the media'
may be calculable, matters these days isn't excellent. There are innumerable
cases of hate crimes, false accusations, trials because of wrongful portrayal,
fake news, etc., within the recent years.
Let's take a glance at the following:
- Fake News: we've all fallen victim to faux news that is therefore wide circulated that we have a tendency to believe it to be the reality.
- Paid News: because of journalism and news-reporting being a low-paying job, some professionals usually publish false news in exchange for payment.
- Biased Media: High-paying criminals and politicians usually pay media firms to cover 'good' and charitable moments of themselves. This leaves the audience biased, particularly when it involves elections.
- Crimes against journalism: As of 2021, 6 journalists are killed due to their work. Asian country is among the highest four countries with the highest number of deaths on record. Whether it's on the job or off the job, they have been targeted and attacked because of their work.
Over the course of the last 5 years (2017-2021), 138 cases of assault and
attacks against journalists were recorded. In province alone, twelve were
killed, forty eight were attacked and sixty six were set-aside below numerous
charges and cases.
Several cases of crimes have surfaced over the years. a number of the foremost
outstanding cases are listed here:
Daniel Pearl:
Daniel Pearl was AN yankee Israelite WHO was operating in Mumbai, Asian country
because the South Asia Bureau Chief of The Wall Street Journal. He visited West
Pakistan to analyze the links between British subject Richard Reid (i.e. shoe
bomber) and Qaedat-al Jihad. He was kidnapped on Jan twenty three, 2002, and was
found dead on February one, 2002. His body, however, was discovered solely on
could sixteen, 2002.
Subhash Kumar Mahto:
On May 20, 2022, Subhash Kumar Mahto was getting back from a family dinner in a
very little state district once he was shot within the head by four men WHO fled
the scene. Saurabh Kumar, a stringer at a national channel and general secretary
of Begusarai District Journalists Association, told The Wire, "In the election
of a ward member, Mahto had supported a candidate which candidate won. except
for this, he was endlessly reportage against the liquor mafia similarly because
the sand mafias. These may be the explanations behind his murder."
Gauri Lankesh:
On Sep five, 2017, journalist and activist Gauri Lankesh, the editor of a weekly
Kanarese tabloid Gauri Lankesh Patrike, was shot dead ahead of her residence in
south Bengaluru. The then Congress government in Mysore had accepted a Special
Investigation Team (SIT) to analyze the murder.
The SIT has explicit within the court continuing that Gauri Lankesh was targeted
for vehemently opposing Hindutva in her writings and speeches. SIT within the
rap sheet submitted by them had named eighteen folks as suspect within the
murder. Yet, the case has not nevertheless come back to a conclusion.
Impact of press on the society:
Impact of press has an effect on so many sides of people life, it might be
involving casting vote in a certain way, opinions and beliefs, or it can
misguide humans' knowledge of a particular subject because of promoting
inaccurate information.
The impact of press has increased quickly in meanwhile, it'll continue in same
Press and press criticism evolves together - and grow in strength - with passage
of time the press changes with new form of journalism, new press formats, new
press markets, new methods of addressing press markets and new press
Positive Impact of media on Society:
- As per the situation, news channels help people in staying aware of the events of the world.
- Press helps in strengthening democracy as it is considered as a fourth pillar and, of course, also by ensuring transparency with the government. Those who hold power become more attentive because of the press, which also holds the responsibility to question them on behalf of the people.
- News channels make routine news look interesting. Until a few years ago, not many people were interested in watching news. But these days, news channels are as interesting as entertainment channels.
Negative Impact of media on Society:
- News channels or press exaggerate each and every news and project them as breaking news. They sensationalise everything just for TRP ratings. This is creating unnecessary panic among people.
- News channels concentrate mainly on negative news such as tragic incidents, crime etc. These impacts people negatively. What we consume has direct impact on our happiness levels.
- To earn more money, many news channels are opting for paid news and are manipulating people. This phenomenon is on the rise especially at the time of elections and this is resulting in a lack of trust on news channels.
- Some political parties have news channels of their own. This results in biased news to influence voters.
Psychological Effects of media on humans:
Both sensible and dangerous news is airy on the TV and from time to time looking
such terrible things incorporate wrongdoing, starvation, war, brutality,
political turmoil, and trauma, all of those will have an effect on your brain in
ways in which may have a heavy negative impact on your emotions.
Since we have a tendency to presently have 24-hour news inclusion, gone area
unit the times once a communicator or writer's job was simply to depict unbiased
incidence of the environment which of far places—as a results of satellite TV,
we've a much prompt visual record of what's occurring, throughout the globe.
So, the writer's activity will get one in all assessing the newspaper article,
and it's simply a bit advanced from assessing a story to sensationalizing it.
News notices likewise ought to affect amusement programs for his or her cluster
of spectators and their primetime TV house, and that they seem to try to to this
by accentuating important material, as an example, wrongdoing, war, or
starvation to the injury of progressively positive material.
No one is ideal during this world and then is that the media. Here we have a
tendency to don't seem to be degrading the media, rather we might say there's
still plenty of scope for improvement by that media will displace to the
aspirations of the individuals that it's meant. we have a tendency to cannot
consider a democracy while not active and neutral media.
The present media revolution has helped individuals in creating associate degree
privy choices and this has LED to starting of a brand-new era during a
Suggestions or recommendation
After the study of provisional and all other aspects of the freedom of press we
found out that freedom of speech and expression can be considered as the
inevitable part of the democratic territory but this also needs to be understood
that there are some aspects on which we need to be very much careful while
exercising this freedom as some of the restrictions are also there but there are
some points which are needed to be make it more strong to prevent the spreading
of the biased and fake news.
There are some points which needs to be considered:
- Judiciary must introduce some instant remedies to prevent the flow of fake news as it happened during demonetisation as well.
- Bias news was telecasted during the Chandigarh hostel case in which the girl's face was blurred and the boy's face remained unblurred.
- Judiciary must ensure a check and balance rule with media as it is also a fourth pillar of the democratic nation.
- Instant procedural action needs to be taken in case of such unhealthy spread of news.
No doubt the news/ information's are integral part of the human life, it helps
in being updated and should develop their critical analysis approach. It also
abridges between Govt and their citizen.
Its very important to remain or to keep the press pure and real to prevent its
efficiency and effectiveness in the society. Society at large got affected the
press publications and press also leaves impact on to the thought process of the
society, it forms their perspective in that manner only.
As one of the largest democracy, India has responsibility to make sure that the
press must have right to disseminate information and express idea or belief
without the fear of censorship. Unfortunately, in few years, this right seems to
be increasingly curbed. This oppression of the press is an alarming trend as it
does not allow for proper checks and balances on the government and its