Proposal under the Indian contract act
Section 2 (a)—when one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to
abstain from doing anything with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to
such act or abstinence he is said to make a proposal.
In Chitty on Contracts the word proposal has been defined as:
An expression of willingness to contract made with an intention (actual or
apparent) that it is to become binding on the person making it as soon as it
accepted by the person to whom it is addressed.
The language of the definition in the act appears to confine the proposal to an
offer to be bound by a promise upon receiving the assent from the offeree or on
the offeree fulfilling or undertaking to fulfill certain conditions. (
Chandra v Ruknuddaula Shamsher Jung Nawab Sajjad Ali khan AIR 1951 all).
To have made a proposal a person must have:
- Signified to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing
- Has done so with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such
act or abstinence.
The objective test of intention
The test of a person’s intention in making a proposal is an objective one that
is as it would be reasonably construed by a person in the position of the
offeree. A person can be said to have made an offer though he did not
subjectively have the intention to make one or even if it has been made under a
mistake. (Ot Africa line ltd v Vickers pic). If A’s conduct is such as to induce
B to reasonably believe that A had intention.
It has been suggested that for reason of convenience and facility of proof of
agreement it should make no difference whether B’s state of mind amounts to
knowledge of or merely to indifference to the truth.
Proposal statement and invitation to treat
A proposal must be distinguished from a mere statement of intention which is not
intended to require acceptance the latter may be merely a statement of intention
or an invitation to make an offer or to do business if it is not intended to be
binding it is an invitation to treat.
The distinction between an offer and invitation to treat depends upon the
intention of the person making it the intention that he would be bound no sooner
the offeree signifies his assent to it. It must require nothing more to convert
it into a promise except acceptance. It manifests a final declaration of
readiness to undertake an obligation upon certain specified terms and conditions
leaving the offeree the option of acceptance or refusal. So long as one of the
parties to the transaction could back out of it at his choice there can be no
binding or concluded contract between the parties although they have an
agreement on material terms.
Where a person intends actually or objectively as stated above to be bound
without further negotiation by a simple acceptance of his terms his expression
will be an offer or proposal. An offer is distinct from statement shorts of
being an offer made during negotiations an expression of intention and an
invitation to treat stating the price in response to the request or inquiry is
not an offer. (
Harvey v facey).
Advertisement issued by a housing development authority offering a scheme is an
invitation to offer. (
Ghaziabad develop. Authority v Union of India).
A voluntary retirement scheme offered by an employer is not a proposal but
merely an invitation to treat the application made by employees constitutes the
proposal to be accepted by the employer. (
Bank of India v/s OP Swaranakar)
Advertisement and display of goods
Neither quotation of price nor a letter asking for quotation or terms are offers
they are invitations for offers. Where orders are invited a contract comes into
being only when the invitee places an order and the inviter acceptances
the same. Advertisement of goods for sale in the newspaper or in magazines are
not offer nor are display at the shop window of goods with market price or on
the the shelves of self-service shop.
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v/s Boots Cash Chemist Ltd 1953 QB).
Or an indication of the price of petrol at a petrol pump or advertisement
announcing schemes for the purchase of land plot or house or special offers in
catalogs or brochures as a general rule these are not offers but an invitation
for making offers.
All display and advertisement may not always be so. A notice at the entrance of
an automatic car park (the transaction being effected through a machine)
advertisement of reward for lost articles advertisement promising to pay money
to a person who used a product and caught influenza (carlill v carbolic smoke
ball company 1893). Have been held to be offers the test lies in the intention
of the maker the statement is an offer if the person making the statement shows
the intention to be bound immediately or acceptance.
An auctioneer’s request for bids is not an offer but an invitation to the
customers to bid the bid constitutes the offer which is acceptance by the
auctioneer in a customary manner usually by the fall of the hammer the bidder
may withdraw the bid until it is accepted. An advertisement announcing that an
auction will be held on a certain day is an invitation to treat and does not
bind the auctioneer to sell the goods nor does it make him liable on contract to
indemnify the persons who have incurred expense in order to attend the sale
(Harris v/s Nickerson).
An invitation for tender for the supply of goods or for execution of work is not
an offer. It is a mere attempt to ascertain whether an offer can be obtained
within such a margin as a employer is willing to adopt it is an offer to
negotiate an offer to recive an offers.
(SP Consolidated Engineering Co. Ltd
V Union of India1966).
Even where the receiver price is fixed. (
Anil Kumar Srivastava v/s State of
Uttar Pradesh). The mere fact that a person makes a highest tender cannot
entitle the tender to claim acceptance but if the person inviting the tender
states that the highest offer to buy is accepted the invitation to tender is
regarded as an offer or an invitation to submit offers with an undertaking to
accept the highest offer and the contract will be concluded as soon as the
highest offer to buy is communicated.
Tender and standing offer
A tender for supply of goods as may be required without the quantity being
specified is not an offer which may be accepted generally so as to form a
binding contract it is a continuing offer which is accepted from time to time
whenever an order is given for any of the goods specified in the tender. A
writing by which a agrees to supply coal to b at certain price and upto a stated
quantity or un any quantity which may be required for a period of 12 months is
not a contract unless b binds himself to take certain quantity but a mere
continuing offer which may be accepted by b from time to time by ordering goods
upon terms of the offer. In such a case each order given by b is acceptance of
the offer and a can withdraw the offer or to use the phraseology of the act
revoke the proposal at my time before its acceptance by an order from b.
Proposal must be certain
Since a contract is concluded by a mere acceptance of an offer the terms of the
intended or proposed agreement may be indicated with sufficient definiteness In
the offer itself. The terms of the offer must be therefore be definite and
certain. A proposal is certain if under the general rule of construction or
otherwise the intention of the parties can be ascertained and if it can be
rendered certain as by reference to something certain. (
pipraich sugar mills
lyd v pipraich sugar mills mazdoor union 1957 sc).
Proposal by whom
The proposal may be entered from a third person who suggests to the prospective
parties the terms of an agreement in such a case a contract is formed as soon as
both parties have acted on the agreement even though there has until that moment
been no direct communication between them. (
shankil pier ltd v detel products
ltd 1951).
The word signifies in the definition indicates that the offer must be
communicate to the person to whom it is made.
Intention to create legal relation.
In order that a proposal may be binding by acceptance it must be such as can be
reasonably regarded as having been made in contemplation of producing legal
consequences. An agreement is not a contract without an intention of creating
legal relation even though supported by consideration. (chitty on contracts).
In Balfour v Balfour a husband a husband staying in Ceylon promised to pay gbp
30 a month to his sick wife she was unable to enforce it inter alia because the
parties did not intend it to legally binding but this did not apply where the
husband an wife were separated or were about to do so.
Thus in
merritt v merritt an estranged husband promise to pay gbp 40 a
month to his wife and told her to pay out of it the outstanding mortgage debt on
the matrimonial house the relevant papers of which he handed over to her, he
agreed to transfer the house to her sole ownership after the mortgage was paid
off after the mortgage was paid off he reduced the monthly allowance and refused
to transfer the house the agreement was held binding in all these cases it was
observed that the court looks at the situation and asks itself whether the
arrangement was intended to be binding.`
- For more further reading see POLLOCK AND MULLA the Indian contract act
1972 14th edition LexisNexis