The Supreme Court of India, in the case of
Vidarbha Industries Power
Limited v. Axis Bank Limited, rendered a decision on July 12, 2022. The
court concluded that Section 7(5)(a) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
grants the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) the authority to exercise
discretion in admitting an insolvency application once the financial creditor
has established the occurrence of default.
This ruling signifies a notable deviation from prior Supreme Court judgements,
which have established that the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) should
confine its examination to two factors: (1) the presence of debt and (2)
non-payment of debt. On September 22, 2022, the Supreme Court declined to review
the petition pertaining to this judgement.
According to Section 7(5)(a) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), if the
Adjudicating Authority determines that a default has occurred and the
application submitted under sub-section (2) is comprehensive, and there are no
ongoing disciplinary proceedings against the proposed resolution professional,
it has the authority to admit the application through an order.
In the
Vidarbha Supreme Court case, the court applied the literal
interpretation test and determined that the inclusion of the word "may" grants
the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) the authority to exercise its
discretion in admitting an application once it is convinced of the presence of a
debt. Moreover, it is asserted that Section 9(5) of the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code (IBC) demonstrates a clear legislative intention to distinguish
between applications submitted by financial creditors and operational creditors,
as evidenced by the use of the term "shall" in relation to an application made
by an operational creditor.
In the review petition, reference was made to the Supreme Court's ruling in the
case of E S Krishnamurthy & Ors. v. Bharath Hi-tech Builders Pvt. Ltd.2, wherein
the Supreme Court determined that, with regard to Section 7(5) of the Insolvency
and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), the Adjudicating Authority is vested with the
authority to solely ascertain the occurrence or absence of a default.
The Adjudicating Authority is required to make a determination and subsequently
accept or decline an application based on its decision. The Adjudicating
Authority has only two available courses of action as outlined in Section
The Supreme Court, however, dismissed the review petition on the grounds that
the question of whether the power under Section 7(5) was mandatory or directory
was not raised in the judgements presented before the court.
The objectives of the International Business Corporation (IBC) are as
Before the implementation of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), the
insolvency and bankruptcy laws in India were regulated by multiple legislations.
These included the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act 1909, the Provincial
Insolvency Act 1920, Companies Act 2013, the Recovery of Debt Due to Banks and
Financial Institutions Act 1993, Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002, and notably, the Sick
Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act 1985 (SICA).
The Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee (BLRC) emphasised in its report dated
November 4, 2015 (the BLRC Report) that the existing legislations have
complicated the insolvency process and led to a dearth of clarity and
jurisdiction. Moreover, the inclusion of authorities in evaluating the merits of
the dispute and the debtor's solvency has resulted in extended periods of delay
and increased uncertainty regarding the final outcomes.
Prior to the implementation of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), the
duration required to address insolvency cases in India exceeded the average
timeframe observed in numerous other nations. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
(IBC) was implemented with the objective of fostering a unified, transparent,
reliable, and effective insolvency legislation in India.
Analysis of Section 7
The International Bankruptcy Commission (IBC) advocates for a party-driven
approach to resolving insolvency. According to Section 7 of the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code (IBC), a financial creditor has the authority to commence an
insolvency resolution process against a corporate debtor upon demonstrating a
default in the debt owed by the corporate debtor. In the case of
Industries Limited v. ICICI Bank3 ("Innoventive"), the Supreme Court ruled
that the primary objective of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is to
initiate the insolvency resolution process promptly upon the occurrence of a
The Supreme Court has ruled that once the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
is satisfied that a default has taken place, the application must be accepted
for further consideration.
Moreover, in the case of Swiss Ribbons Private Limited v. Union of India4
("Swiss Ribbons"), the Supreme Court elaborated on the ruling established in
Innoventive and determined that the triggering event under the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is the failure to pay outstanding debts to creditors.
It was further determined that the legislative policy in India has transitioned
from the notion of "inability to pay debts" to the "determination of default".
This shift allows the financial creditor to commence the insolvency resolution
process as soon as there is evidence of a default.
The shift mentioned in the BLRC Report5 is emphasised, as the committee
expressed opposition to the implementation of a solvency test under Section 7 of
the IBC. The rationale for adopting this approach stems from the absence of a
universally accepted and incontrovertible method for determining insolvency.
The International Bankruptcy Code (IBC) operates under the assumption that
creditors typically resort to filing an application for insolvency only after
unsuccessful attempts to resolve conflicts through negotiation. In this
particular context, the Business Law Reforms Committee (BLRC) has specified that
the initiation of the insolvency resolution process is contingent upon the
presence of evidence indicating a default.
The Supreme Court has recently established a novel approach to the admission of
claims in the Vidarbha region. The NCLT has been instructed to carefully
consider relevant factors and ensure that solvent companies, who may have
temporarily defaulted on their financial debts, are not unjustly penalised
through the insolvency resolution process. From our perspective, we find this
approach to be unsound.
There appears to be a conflict with an established rule of law.
The Supreme Court in the Vidarbha region failed to sufficiently distinguish the
application of this new test from the previously established tests. The twin
criteria of "debt" and "default" outlined in the Innoventive case endorse a
binary methodology that solely considers the presence of a debt when evaluating
an application. The Supreme Court has ruled that in Vidarbha, the National
Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) is obligated to consider pertinent contextual
factors related to the case.
It has been determined that in cases where the corporate debtor's realisable
dues exceed the payable dues, the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) should
exercise its discretion to refrain from admitting the petition. The Supreme
Court, however, has not provided a comprehensive explanation regarding the
extent of discretion that can be exercised by the National Company Law Tribunal
(NCLT), other than emphasising that it should not be arbitrary.
This approach is not in alignment with the Innoventive judgement and is also
inconsistent with the recommendations put forth by the BLRC. According to the
interim report of the BLRC dated February 10, 2015, the committee made the
following recommendations:
The guidelines pertaining to the operationalization of the National Company Law
Tribunal (NCLT) should clearly state that when a company is granted the chance
to submit a response prior to the admission of a petition, the NCLT should
refrain from deliberating on the substantive aspects of the case during that
particular stage.
According to the final BLRC Report released in November 2015, the committee
emphasised that, given the unreliable nature of the solvency test in India, it
is recommended that the insolvency resolution process be initiated when a
default occurs. The aforementioned approach was referenced in the
Ribbons case, wherein it was determined that there has been a shift in
legislative policy from the notion of "inability to pay debts" to the concept of
"determination of default". The aforementioned shift allows the financial
creditor to establish, through substantial documentary evidence, the existence
of a debt obligation and the debtor's failure to fulfil said obligation.
Contrary to the intended goals of the IBC.
The Supreme Court in the Vidarbha case determined that the primary purpose of
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) is not to impose penalties on
financially viable companies that experience temporary defaults in repaying
their debts, through the initiation of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP).
While there is no disagreement on this matter, it is also a fact that the IBC
was specifically created to facilitate the resolution of insolvency disputes in
a manner that is both transparent and predictable.
One of the key factors contributing to the failure of SICA was the substantial
level of court intervention in the rescue process.6 The Business Law Reform
Commission (BLRC) has observed that, under previous legislations, the revival of
a sick industrial company typically required a period of five to seven years.
This extended timeline was primarily attributed to the routine challenges faced
by appellate courts regarding the merits of insolvency in the process.
Consequently, the International Business Council (IBC) has consistently
advocated for an approach that minimises judicial intervention. Based on the
findings of the BLRC Report and the referenced Supreme Court rulings, it is
apparent that the NCLT should refrain from examining the substantive aspects of
the case and instead focus its assessment solely on the presence of default.
The "hands-off" approach extends beyond the admission stage. In the case of
Committee of Creditors of Essar Steel India Limited v. Satish Kumar Gupta,
the Supreme Court ruled that the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) should
refrain from scrutinising the business judgement of the committee of creditors.
Instead, the NCLT's role should be limited to verifying compliance with the
procedural requirements outlined in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC).
The dilution of the authority of the committee of creditors
The committee of creditors has the authority to submit an application for
withdrawal, thereby concluding the resolution process in accordance with Section
12A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). The provision mandating a 90%
voting share approval can be viewed as a safeguard within the IBC, aimed at
preventing potential misuse of the insolvency process. The final determination
of this decision rests with the committee of creditors, based on their
commercial judgement, rather than being within the purview of the NCLT.
The Union Government is expected to give significant weight to the decision of
the Supreme Court, as it contemplates implementing a new series of reforms to
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) in 2022. Currently, this judgement is
in clear opposition to the BLRC Reports and the prior judgements of the Supreme
Court in Innoventive and Swiss Ribbons.
The authors argue that the Vidarbha judgement does not provide any persuasive
rationale for deviating from the test established in Innoventive or for
disregarding the guidance provided by the BLRC. Without prompt intervention in
the form of a legislative amendment or reconsideration by the Supreme Court in a
suitable case, this judgement exposes the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC)
to the potential risk of encountering the same fate as the previous insolvency
regime in India.
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