In pre-Islamic Arabia, the term "nikah" referred to a variety of sexual
partnerships between a man and woman that were created under specific
conditions. Marriage is seen as a civil transaction in Islamic law, and after
marriage, a woman retains her identity. She continues to be a unique member of
the community; her marriage does not grant anyone additional authority over her
person or property beyond what is permitted by law.
Even after marriage, women
retain complete ownership of their rights and are free to alienate or transfer
their property as they see fit without the husband's interference. She is free
to make legally binding agreements with her spouse and, if required, to take
legal action against him. The Quran's prohibitions allow women to hold this role
with no outside influence over their husbands.
Definition Of Marriage
The Arabic word for marriage, nikah, also refers to the union of the sexes in
law. Marriage is described in Baillie's summary as "a contract to legalize
sexual activity and childbearing." It is described as "nikah in its primitive
sense, which means carnal conjunction" in Hedaya.
Objects Of Marriage
Five goals of marriage were outlined in a dictionary on tarmizi:
- stifling sexual arousal;
- organizing domestic life;
- growing the family;
- enforcing the goals of the family in the care and duty of wife and children;
- raising moral offspring.
Hedaya describes cohabitation, society, and equal friendship as three ways that marriage ends.
Nature Of Muslim Marriage
Regarding the characteristics of Muslim marriages, there are differences of
view. Some jurists consider Muslim marriage as a religious sacrament, while
others just see it as a legal arrangement. To better comprehend the nature of
Muslim marriage, it would be useful to consider it in a variety of settings.
Muslim marriage is simply seen as a legal arrangement by some text writers and
jurists, not as a sacred institution. This statement seems to be reinforced by
the fact that marriage, by Islamic law, has certain similarities to contracts.
For illustration
- Similar to marriage, beginning a relationship requires a proposal (hijab) from one side and an acceptance (qubool) from the other. A marriage cannot be formally entered into without the permission of both parties, and this consent should not be obtained via force, dishonesty, or any other unethical methods.
- A marriage contract under Muslim law can be revoked by a juvenile upon reaching puberty, just as it can in the case of a contract signed by a guardian upon reaching the majority.
- The spouses of a Muslim marriage may agree to an ante-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement as long as it is appropriate and does not violate Islamic law. Contracts function similarly.
- The provisions of a marriage contract may also be changed within the bounds of the law to take into account specific circumstances.
- Although it is forbidden by the holy Quran and hadith, the marriage contract has a provision for breaching it, just like any other contract.
- It has certain similarities to a contract in terms of Islamic law.
Kinds Of Marriage According To Validity-On The Basis Of The Validity A Marriage May Be Of Four Kinds, Namely
- Valid marriage (sahib or true)
- Irregular marriage (fasid)
- Void marriage (batil)
- Muta marriage
Essentials And Formal Requirements Of Marriages
Even while some social obligations and ceremonial procedures are fulfilled at
marriage in Muslim communities, these obligations or norms are not required by
law. Adherence to specific paperwork and procedures is necessary for the
solemnization of marriage. They are known as the requirements for a legal
marriage. Any of these conditions must be met for the marriage to be valid or
irregular, as the case may be.
These requirements include a proposal from one of
the parties to the marriage or on their behalf, and an acceptance of the
proposal from the other party or on their behalf, both in the presence and in
the hearing of two males or one male and two female witnesses, all of whom must
be adult Muslims.
At the same meeting, the proposal and acceptance must be made.
Marriage is not legally recognized if a proposal is made at one meeting and
accepted at another. Both writing and religious rituals are not necessary. A
Muslim couple can get married without a priest if they so want.
In summary, the following are the essentials:
- Proposal and acceptance:
Hijab-o-Qaboos, which means proclamation and
acceptance, constitutes marriage just like any other form of interaction. A
marriage offers, or ijab must be made by one party to the union. A marriage must
be offered by one of the parties or on their behalf and accepted by the other
party or on their behalf in front of and in the presence of two male or one male
and two female witnesses who must both be adult Muslims for the marriage to be
considered legitimate.
The proposal and acceptance cannot be made in the same
meeting; a marriage cannot be legally consummated by writing or by any religious
ceremony if the proposal and acceptance are made in different meetings.
The words expressing proposal and acceptance must be said in the presence of the
opposite party or the presence of their vakil representatives. The parties
should hear the words if they are spoken in front of each other.
One Meeting
Another prerequisite for legal marriage is that everything must be done in one
sitting. Marriage is not legally recognized if a proposal is made at one meeting
and accepted at another.
The exchange of an offer and an acceptance must be reciprocal. Acceptance cannot
be subject to conditions. There is no reciprocity between the offer and
acceptance when B accepts a proposal to marry her for RS 2000 as a dower and RS
4000 should be paid to her as a dower. As a result, there is no marriage.
The proposal and acceptance must be made in front of three Muslim witnesses who
are all of legal age, sane mind, and gender by Sunni law. The marriage is not
invalidated by the lack of a witness, although it is unusual.
Free Will And Consent
The permission of the parties to a marriage must be given of their own free
choice and without coercion, fraud, or undue influence.
- Competent parties
- Age of Marriage:
The ability to enter into a contract is a requirement for
getting married. In other words, they need to be capable of getting married.
Muslims who have reached puberty and are of sound mind are permitted to engage
in a marriage contract.
- Puberty:
When a person reaches puberty, they are ready to engage in sexual
activity and start having children. In Muslim law, puberty, and the majority are
- Marriage of minors and guardianship in marriage- It should be mentioned
that unless it is approved after the achievement of the majority, a minor's
marriage without the guardian's approval is void.
- No legal disability
Legal incapacity refers to the existence of certain
conditions that prohibit marriage.
These restrictions have been divided into the
following four categories:
- Complete inability
- Comparative inability
- Obstructive inability
- Directory inability
Nikah by phone video conference and internet
Since the nikah incorporates a component of ibadat and calls for two witnesses,
it is more complicated than a simple deed. As a result, a direct proposal of
marriage and proclamation of consent via the phone, internet, or video
conferencing is unreliable. However, the nikah will be legitimate if a lawyer is
assigned for a nikah procedure conducted via these electronic media, and the two
parties present their offers and give their witness their assent while acting on
the lawyer's behalf.
When the proposal and consent were made, the witness should
have been aware of the person named as an attorney or that his name was
mentioned together with the names of his father and residence address.
To make things more convenient, the rights and obligations of a husband and
wife under a legitimate marriage may be divided into the following three
- reciprocal rights and obligations;
- the rights and responsibilities of the wife and the husband;
- the responsibilities of the husband and the duties of the woman.
According to legal opinion, we may simply conclude that marriage is nothing more
than a civil transaction under Muslim law. All contract criteria, such as those
for proposal and approval, free consent, and consideration, are met by this.
However, marriage in Islam is viewed from a religious standpoint as a devotional
There are moral and religious rules that govern marriage. It has both a secular
aspect and components of a pure soul connection between two people for spiritual
reasons. Husbands and wives are commanded to honour and love one another in the
Quran and Hadith. It has been established that having fun and showing one
another love and affection are honourable deeds. Marriage is a sacrament by
Islamic customs and the teachings of the Quran.
- Vakil Search ( (Last Visited on 24th June)
- Legal Readings ( (Last Visited on 24th June)
- Jus Corpus ( (Last Visited on 24th June)
- Law Bhoomi ( (Last Visited on 24th June)