Riggs v. Palmer is a landmark case in American jurisprudence that was
decided in 1889 by the New York Court of Appeals. The case involved a dispute
over the distribution of the estate of Francis B. Palmer, who had been murdered
by his grandson, William A. Palmer, in an effort to inherit his grandfather's
The central legal issue in the case was whether William A. Palmer could inherit
his grandfather's estate, given that he had killed him. The court ultimately
held that William A. Palmer was not entitled to inherit the estate under the
law, as he had forfeited his right to any benefits from the will by his unlawful
and morally reprehensible conduct.
The decision in Riggs v. Palmer is significant for several reasons. It
established the legal principle that a person who unlawfully kills another
individual cannot inherit that person's property. It also recognized the
importance of the moral principles underlying the law, and the need to ensure
that the law upholds justice and fairness in society. The case has since become
a cornerstone of American jurisprudence and has been cited in countless other
cases dealing with issues of inheritance and property law.
On August 13, 1880, Francis Palmer created a will dividing his estate among his
daughters, Mrs. Riggs and Mrs. Preston (plaintiffs), and his grandson, Elmer
Palmer (defendant). Elmer knew the terms of the will. In 1882, Elmer murdered
his grandfather by poisoning him. Elmer was convicted of murder and began
serving his sentence.
The plaintiffs brought suit to annul the parts of the will under which Elmer
inherited, alleging that Elmer's crime rendered his inheritance void. The trial
court dismissed the plaintiffs' suit. The plaintiffs appealed.
Procedural History
In 1885, Francis B. Palmer, a wealthy man from New York, executed a will that
left his entire estate to his granddaughter, Elsie Palmer. However, in 1886,
Palmer was killed by his grandson, William Riggs, who was motivated by a desire
to inherit the estate himself. William Riggs was subsequently indicted for
murder, and his trial began in 1887. During the trial, it was revealed that
Palmer had recently executed a new will that disinherited William and left his
estate to Elsie.
The prosecution argued that William had killed his grandfather to prevent the
new will from taking effect. The trial ended in a hung jury, and a mistrial was
declared. Before William could be retried, however, Elsie and her mother, who
was also a beneficiary under the new will, filed a civil suit to have the will
admitted to probate. The case went before the Surrogate's Court in Monroe
County, where the will was admitted to probate in November 1887.
William then appealed to the Supreme Court of New York, which affirmed the
decision of the lower court in January 1888. William then appealed to the New
York Court of Appeals, which heard the case in January 1889. The Court of
Appeals reversed the decision of the lower courts and held that the new will was
invalid because it was contrary to public policy to allow a murderer to profit
from his crime.
- Whether a person who murders a relative can inherit from the victim's
estate under a will.
- Whether the principle of testamentary freedom, which allows a person to
dispose of their property as they see fit through a will, can be limited by
public policy considerations.
- Whether the new will executed by Francis B. Palmer, which disinherited
his grandson William Riggs and left his estate to his granddaughter Elsie
Palmer, was valid and enforceable despite the fact that William had killed
his grandfather to prevent it from taking effect.
- Whether the lower court and appellate court were correct in admitting
the new will to probate and affirming its validity.
Party's Argument
- Petitioner
the petitioner argued that Elmer Palmer, who was accused of murdering his
grandfather, should not be entitled to his inheritance. The petitioner
argued that the law should prevent Elmer from profiting from his crime, as
it would go against the principles of justice and morality. Specifically,
the petitioner argued that the law should apply the doctrine of "no one
should be allowed to profit from his own wrong" or "clean hands" principle
to the case.
The petitioner argued that Elmer's actions in murdering his grandfather were
immoral and against the public policy, and therefore he should not be
allowed to receive his inheritance. The petitioner also argued that the
grandfather's will did not intend for Elmer to inherit anything if he was
involved in the death of his grandfather.
The petitioner claimed that the grandfather's will included an implied
condition that Elmer must not be involved in his death in order to inherit
his property. Overall, the petitioner's main argument was that Elmer should
not be allowed to inherit his grandfather's property as a result of his
wrongful conduct, and that the law should prevent such an unjust outcome.
- Defendant
The defense argued that Elmer Palmer should still be entitled to his
inheritance, despite being accused of murdering his grandfather. The main
argument was that the will of the grandfather, which included Elmer as a
beneficiary, was a legally binding document that could not be altered or
overridden by the court.
They argued that the will was clear in its intentions, and that there was no
mention of disinheriting Elmer in the event of his involvement in the
grandfather's death. Furthermore, the defense argued that the court should
not interfere with the clear language of the will, and that it was not the
place of the court to rewrite the will to suit the petitioner's notion of
The defense also claimed that the doctrine of "clean hands" was not
applicable to this case, as it was a criminal law principle and not a
principle of equity, which is the branch of law that governs wills and
trusts. In essence, the defense's position was that the will was a legally
valid document that should be respected by the court, and that the
petitioner's arguments about morality and justice were irrelevant to the
case. The defense argued that the law should be applied strictly and that
Elmer should receive the inheritance that he was entitled to under the will.
Case Analysis
The significance of morality in legal judgments should not be disregarded, for
it furnishes a fundamental structure of values that directs the law towards
rendering impartial and equitable decisions. The involvement of morality in
legal judgments guarantees that the law does not turn arbitrary and maintains
its basis in righteousness and rectitude.
This is a vital aspect of legal judgments since it establishes a groundwork for
ethical decision-making. The law is contrived to shield the privileges of
individuals and guarantee that justice is dispensed. Nevertheless, the absence
of a moral guide can readily distort the law, producing unfair outcomes. For
instance, a law that criminalizes a specific conduct might be grounded on moral
principles that prohibit that conduct. The moral principles underpinning the law
safeguard its impartiality and equitability, while serving a larger societal
In addition, morality provides a basis for resolving conflicts in the legal
system. Legal judgments often involve conflicting interests and values. For
example, a legal case may involve the conflict between an individual's right to
privacy and the government's need for surveillance in the interest of national
security. In such cases, morality provides a framework for resolving conflicts
by guiding judges to consider the greater good and weigh the competing interests
at stake.
Upon revisiting the subject matter, one can perceive that the Majority ruling
delivered by the court in the landmark case of
Riggs v. Palmer stems from
the philosophical framework of Natural Law Theory, as the verdict deemed the
legislation in question as an "Unjust Law" and ultimately sided with the
underlying Morality and Purpose of said legislation.
The Natural Law theory posits that there is an essential link between Morality
and Law, such that adherence to morality constitutes the creation of Legality of
the rule. It holds that any law that contravenes natural law or Morality is
deemed "
Unjust Law".
In the
Riggs v. Palmer case, although the legal provisions governing the
will were unambiguous, there existed no necessary correlation between the law
and morality, as it allowed the perpetrator of a heinous crime to profit from
his act. Consequently, the Majority decision relied on the "fundamental maxims"
of the law or morality of the law.
The decision's central thesis is that if the law were rigidly followed, it would
contravene the law's purpose. Therefore, a "Rational Interpretation" was
necessary since the law maker would not have intended such an outcome, and the
court ruled against the murderer.
On the other hand, Positivist interpretation of the dissenting judge is
consistent with his argument though the case. His argument of "rigid rules of
Law" is consistent with the separation thesis which argues for distinction
between legality and morality. Though the dissenting judge has some validity to
his argument, majority decision is consistent with the reality of the society.
Separation of Judicial system and process is important in our society.
Yet, important decisions such as this case, should not be so disconnected with
the reality of social norm. Strict interpretation laws are needed in most cases
in our society, yet when laws conflict with basic fundamental moral norms such
as in this case, the courts need to be flexible as court and Judicial system do
not exist in a vacuum but in a society that has given validity to its process
and decisions.
One of the more interesting points was when the Majority judges ruled in favour
of the plaintiffs, in supporting their decision they also raised and answered
two key questions that proved to be the most convincing:
If one seeks advise from the writers of the statutes, would they say that they
intended for a testator to endow his personal property to his murderer if the
sole purpose of the murder was the passing of property if Mr. Francis B. Palmer,
instead, has survived an attempted murder, would he still grant Elmer E. Palmer
rights to his bequest
The purpose of the statutes authorizing the effect of wills is to honour the
final wishes of a man upon his death, and legally transfer his property
according to these wishes. The law-makers would never have intended to provide
reason for a crime to be committed, or for the life of the testator to be taken
by the legatee, for immediate transfer of his legacy.
That being said, I rightly believe the original judgement was definitely the
right decision to take. The Majority judges pointed to legal maxims throughout
the writing of their opinion; one of the most compelling one being "
Haeret In Litera, Haeret In Cortice", meaning "he who clings to the letter,
clings to the rind" (Ballentine's Law Dictionary), that is, in limiting one's
self to the confines of the rigid letters of the law, and taking them to only
mean as they are exactly written, one may be depriving one's self of fulfilling
the true purpose of the law.
According to Ronald Dworkin's works on the interpretivist theory of law, "A
judge is obligated to interpret the law according to its purpose and to
exemplify justice, fairness and integrity". Safe to say Judge Earl definitely
took the role of the aforementioned judge.
The dissenting judge, as a legal positivist, focused on the written rules. To an
extent, rules must be unyielding, and judges are obligated to apply them as they
are, as long as they portray an element of morality and are not contradictory to
common reason. It is an expectation that written laws operate to protect the
rights of individuals, but in this contemporary society where they are operated,
it is also a reasonable expectation that the legal authority use their power to
divest a rightsholder when he has deliberately presented himself unworthy of his
The indispensability of morality as a critical constituent of legal judgments is
evidenced in its capacity to provide a bedrock for ethical decision-making,
shape legal judgments, guide the legal system, and serve as a basis for conflict
resolution. The second issue of this case concerned the allocation of the legacy
in the event of the invalidation of the testator's last will and testament.
While the court granted the plaintiffs the entitlement to their rightful
inheritance, the basis upon which this verdict was reached was not fully
expounded upon. In the pursuit of upholding justice and equity in this matter,
did the judges thoroughly deliberate on the underlying motivation of the
plaintiffs' appeal?
Was it to seek redress for their father's untimely demise or was it conceivable
that the two daughters had harboured the hope that such a scenario would arise
to enable them to lay claim to a more substantial portion of their father's
bequest than what was originally allocated to them? In the event that the latter
is true, the court would have failed to accord Mr. Palmer's death the justice it
deserves, thereby misrepresenting his final wishes.