Pornography may be defined as "movies, pictures, magazines, etc., that show
or describe naked people or sex in a very open and direct way to cause sexual
excitement" [1].
With the advent of modern times and the meteoric rise in internet accessibility,
we are more exposed to such media than ever, it's no more, a source of misguided
discovery but rather a sense of commonness is developed around it. Data[2]
suggests, as of May 2021, porn sites received more website traffic in the U.S.
Than Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Pinterest, and LinkedIn combined; reflecting
on such astonishing numbers, it is imperative to believe that mainstream
pornography has taken a normative order in the minds of the masses. The wide
availability has a troubling downside, as it may affect the preferences[3] of
the viewers in an almost exploitative manner which may further lead to a path of
utter degeneracy.
The easy exposure to such obscenity and suggestive content can be blamed for
leaving a confused impression in the minds of the viewer, as the concept of
what's right and what's not is left greatly conflicted. A study[4] concludes
that "of the 304 scenes analyzed, 88.2% contained physical aggression,
principally spanking, gagging, and slapping, while 48.7% of scenes contained
verbal aggression, primarily name-calling.
Perpetrators of aggression were usually male, whereas targets of aggression were
overwhelmingly female. Targets most often showed pleasure or responded neutrally
to the aggression. the enrooting the thought of acceptability in the mind of the
viewer"; such data clearly shows how the short-term gratification could lead to
long term detriments.
The rise of the 'incel' subculture acts as a perfect example, as pornography has
perpetuated their "extreme feelings of misogyny and hatred"[5]. As such media
leaves the viewer virtually desensitized, it does the dangerous job of setting
skewed standards, giving birth to destructive and violent thoughts.
The keyword such as "teen"[6], "aggressive"[7] and "child"[8] are being used on
popular adult websites; fueling the perverse curiosity, it is to be understood
that such extremely suggestive material doesn't reflect on the righteousness of
the act, they merely act as a catalyst to viewer's twisted pleasures.
Sexual violence can be defined as "any act of gender-based violence that results
in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or
suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary
deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life"[9].
According to a study[10], the consumption of pornography is closely associated
with an increase in sexual aggression, verbal and physical, as it encourages
wrongful behavior and sets unreal expectations. The 2020 reporting of the "
Locker Room" showcases the common usage of rape culture language within a
group of schoolboys; this brings forth the fact that heinous actions such as
'rape' are being normalized by objectifying women and pornography has a great
role to play to set such false beliefs and practices in the minds of the
There have been multiple cases in India, where the rape accused admitted
to the adverse influence of pornography that led them to commit the offense, for
instance, in the
Nirbhaya Case[11], the accused admitted to committing
the crime after watching violent pornographic content, similarly, when a youth
from Gujarat was arrested after raping his mother, he admitted the provocation
was a result of consuming lewd content on the same lines.
The act of simply browsing through such suggestive content also produce adverse
effects on the minds given the exploitative scripting which can be in the form
of titles, thumbnails, or description; according to a study[12] that seeks to
establish a link between sexual violence and such scripting, "01 out of every 08
porn titles shown to first-time users on porn home pages describe acts of sexual
A healthy sexual culture is the need of the hour. We need to start working
towards reasonable regulations and invest more in research studies, to explore
the behavioral effects of pornography use. Academic institutions need to take
the topic of sexual education head-on and should not be shy about the same, an
avenue for students to address their doubts would help out in the long run.
The concept of warning labels on all suggestive content can be an impactful
suggestion as it can help produce a sense of caution in the mind of viewers;
such labels can attempt to acknowledge the nature of the act. The age
verification protocol demands an upgrade to regulate the consumers and cater to
a matured audience. It's about time that we raise some critical questions about
pornography to better understand its significance of the same on society.
- Pornography Definition & Meaning (Merriam-Webster) accessed May 10, 2022
- Top 100: The Most Visited Websites in the US [2021 Top Websites Edition]
(Semrush Blog) accessed May 10, 2022
- Wéry A and Billieux J, Online Sexual Activities: An Exploratory Study of
Problematic and Non-Problematic Usage Patterns in a Sample of Men (2016) 56
Computers in Human Behavior 257
- Bridges AJ and others, Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Best-Selling
Pornography Videos: A Content Analysis Update (2010) 16 Violence Against
Women 1065
- Why Incels Are a 'Real and Present Threat' for Canadians | CBC News (CBC
News, January 27, 2019) accessed May 10, 2022
- Walker A, Makin DA and Morczek AL, Finding Lolita: A Comparative
Analysis of Interest in Youth-Oriented Pornography (2016) 20 Sexuality &
Culture 657
- Wéry A and Billieux J, "Online Sexual Activities: An Exploratory Study
of Problematic and Non-Problematic Usage Patterns in a Sample of Men" (2016)
56 Computers in Human Behavior 257
- Keller MH and X GJ, The Internet Is Overrun with Images of Child Sexual
Abuse. What Went Wrong? (The New York Times, September 29, 2019) accessed
May 10, 2022
- International Expert Group Meeting on the Theme 'Combating Violence
against Indigenous Women and Girls: Article 22 of the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' (2012: New York)
(DHLAUTH)841508,, Combating violence against indigenous women and girls:
Article 22 of the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous
peoples: Report (Nairobi 2012)
- Wright PJ, Tokunaga RS, and Kraus A, A Meta-Analysis of Pornography
Consumption and Actual Acts of Sexual Aggression in General Population
Studies (2015) 66 Journal of Communication 183
- Mukesh & Anr v. State for NCT of Delhi & Ors (2017) 6 SCC 1
- Vera-Gray F and others, "Sexual Violence as a Sexual Script in
Mainstream Online Pornography" (2021) 61 The British Journal of Criminology
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