The concepts related to drug abuse and its
connection with the crimes, and this research paper also tells about the role
of family members and peer group in drug abuse .and it also tell us the behaviour of
the person towards society and family, and how can we control over drug abuse.
Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior ,when you
are addicted to drugs , you cannot resist the urge to use them , no matter how
much harm the drugs may cause.
Drug Addiction is not about heroin ,cocaine , or other illegal drugs .
you can get addicted to alcohol, nicotine painkillers and other legal
At first , you may choose to take a drug because you like the way it makes you
feel .you may think you can control how much and how often you use it m but
overtime, drugs change how your brain works m these physical changes can last a
long time .they make you lose self-control and can lead you to damaging
Addiction Vs. Abuse
Drug Abuse is when you use legal or illegal substances in ways you should not .you
might take more than the regular dose of pills or use someone else's prescription .you may abuse drugs to feel good , ease stress ,or avoid
reality . but usually , you are able to change your unhealthy habits or stop
using altogether.
Addiction is when you can not stop .not when it puts your health in danger
. not when it causes financial, emotional and other problems for you or your
loved ones.
Through the Indian report around 50% of death occur through the drugs ,drugs
leads to the depression and the anxiety serious abuse of drugs should be also
be seen in the person if a person is so addicted to drugs ,they can harm any
person like family member or friends or anyone.
It is so serious problem that someone face it ,it harms the society as a whole
and the coming generations also.
We can relate drugs with the crime because using of drugs is a criminal aspects
in India, there are certain changes in the behavior, if they do not have money
they indulged
themselves in different way to get money.
Drugs is that which control the human mind and behavior either the person
becomes severally depressed or may either go on trauma of drugs because drugs
have the direct connection with brain of the person and people enjoy the
pleasure of the drugs ,drugs have very harmful effect on the body .we can
directly see the side effect of it within a month or a week and the person
become habitual to it day by day ,they start behaving like a mad person and many
wrong or bad changes may come in the behavior.
There are approximately 40 lakhs drug addicts in the country and science says
when we consume drugs immediately 1lakh cells are killed in seconds which result
in memory loss.
What Types of Drugs Are There?
There are four main groups of drugs, which are divided according to their major
1. stimulants ,2 depressants ,3opium-related painkillers,4hallucinogens .
2. Stimulants – these make you feel-energetic, alert, talkative, active, very excited and these
types of drugs are very dangerous .even death can occur if taken at high dose.
3. depressants-these make you feel –relaxed ,chilled out, possible paradoxical
effects like anxiety, nightmares, aggression and it these are taken in excess .
4. opium-related painkillers-these drugs make you feel a rush of pleasure ,in a
dreamy ,even these type of drugs are harmful and are addictive.
5. hallucinogens –these drugs make you feel detached from your surroundings, mood swings
,hallucinations illusions and distortions of reality.
Commonly Drugs Used
1. Cocaine
cocaine is a type of drug which is very fast ,once you takes cocaine you think
fast ,do activities faster and the person feels extreme happy but once you
stop taking happiness will suddenly turn into anger .this drug comes in
different forms .a user can snort the powder type through their nose or inject
it into their bloodstream and this type of drug is made from the coca plant.
2. Heroin
heroin is a type of drug which contains opionid narcotics, person who takes
heroin for the first time, they enjoy the pleasure of it ,they gives you the
good feeling but day by day you suffer from serious problem like nausea .heroin
comes as a white or tan powder or a black sticky substances known as black tar
heroin users can inject, inhale, or smoke it .it is derived from the opium poppy
3. Marijuana
It is the most used illegal drug in US, it is most commonly known as ganja.
Article 47 of the constitution of India is one of the directive principles
which directs the state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of
living and to improves public health.
Recently, the Punjab cabinet has decided to recommend death penalty for drug
The minister of state Shri Hansraj said that Narco-terrorism and its funding is
a serious problem for the world and he recently enforced national conference on
drug ,the theme was listen first listening to children and youth is the first
step to held them grow healthy and safe 26th of July is considered as
international day against abuse.
Punishment– possession of illegal drugs upto 20 years of imprisonment .and for
repeat offenders 30years imprisonment which can extend to death penalty.
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