The land revenue system in India underwent a significant transformation during the British colonial rule, resulting in the establishment of the Zamindari system. This system introduced intermed...
Privileged communication of a witness refers to the right of a witness to withhold certain evidence in specific situations. The Indian Evidence Act[1] outlines circumstances where certain indiv...
Neurotechnology encompasses technologies that directly engage with the brain or nervous system, including brain imaging, stimulation, interfaces, and implants. Its potential applications in cri...
Article 265 of the Indian Constitution states that no tax shall be levied or collected except by authority of law[1]. The authority of law, Law to be valid, tax, levy and collection are the pri...
The land revenue system in India underwent a significant transformation during the British colo...
Article 265 of the Indian Constitution states that no tax shall be levied or collected except b...
Privileged communication of a witness refers to the right of a witness to withhold certain evid...
Neurotechnology encompasses technologies that directly engage with the brain or nervous system,...