All Articles by Vanshika Goswami

Will Advertisement Constitute The Use Of Trademark?


There is no precise definition of trademark use provided by the Trademark Act, 1999 of India. According to Section 9 (proviso), a trademark registration cannot be denied if, prior to the applic...

The Use Of Trademark Has To Be Substantial And Not Sporadic/Minimal To Establ...


Trademark Act, Section 34 provides the right of prior use. In reference to goods or services that the owner or registered user of a registered trademark has continuously used since a previous dat...

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Will Advertisement Constitute The Use Of...


There is no precise definition of trademark use provided by the Trademark Act, 1999 of India. A...

The Use Of Trademark Has To Be Substanti...


Trademark Act, Section 34 provides the right of prior use. In reference to goods or services tha...

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