The skills,practices or a knowledge about anything that are developed, sustained, and pass on from generation to generation within a community, culture is known as traditional knowledge. For ex...
India is a democratic country. Therefore, it gives the right to express, speech, equality, freedom, right against exploitation, cultural and educational right, constitutional remedies etc. ther...
A plaint is a legal document used by a plaintiff after filing a suit before a civil court. It is in written form and contains all the details of the suit to present his/her claim. It is the fir...
Development of patent law in IndiaIn India the first legislation in India, relating to patent was the act VI of 1856. The objective of this was to encourage new and useful invention and to indu...
A plaint is a legal document used by a plaintiff after filing a suit before a civil court. It i...
The skills,practices or a knowledge about anything that are developed, sustained, and pass on f...
India is a democratic country. Therefore, it gives the right to express, speech, equality, free...
Development of patent law in IndiaIn India the first legislation in India, relating to patent was...