Patent is an exclusive right granted to the inventor for his invention which is either a process or a product. Receiving grant for an invention or possessing exclusive rights over an intellectual...
According to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention which is a product or process. To get a patent for an invention, drafting the p...
This article brief about the patent, what is patentable, what is not patentable, types of application for filing patents and step-wise procedure of filing patent in India and in foreign countries...
The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has its own economic value when it puts into any market place. IPR gives ownership rights to intellectual assets and are intangible in nature. IPR gives e...
The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has its own economic value when it puts into any market ...
Patent is an exclusive right granted to the inventor for his invention which is either a process...
According to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Patent is an exclusive right grant...
This article brief about the patent, what is patentable, what is not patentable, types of applic...