Initial steps in the trialInitially, a Magistrate takes cognizance of an offence and thereafter as per Section 209, he will commit the case to the Court of Sessions. A Magistrate is empowered u...
Fundamental rights are the rights having a noble pedigree. They are the natural rights which are in the nature of external conditions necessary for the greatest possible unfolding of the capaci...
Intellectual property rights are those that arises on the creation of a product out of one's intellectual work. The word intellectual connotes only one idea, which is, mental work, viz ima...
Fundamental rights are the rights having a noble pedigree. They are the natural rights which ar...
Initial steps in the trialInitially, a Magistrate takes cognizance of an offence and thereafter a...
Intellectual property rights are those that arises on the creation of a product out of one's in...